Index for Volume 432continued
A Al An As B Be Bi Bo Bu By C Ce Ci Co Cr Cy D De Dh Dr Dy E Ef Er Ey F Fl Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Kl L Le Li Lu M Ma Mc Me Mo My N Ni Nu O Oi Ou P Ph Pr Ps Q S Re Rh Ru S Se Sk Sn Sq Su T Th To Tu Ty U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Ladyman, Dr Stephen, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept of Health
Chamber Debates
Cholesterol, Health education (15.03.2005) 232-6
Hospitals, Cornwall (06.04.2005) 1548-54
Westminster Hall Debates
Ambulance services, Staffordshire (06.04.2005) 463-7wh
Hospitals, Eastbourne (06.04.2005) 505-10wh
Written Statements
Health services, Learning disability 18-20ws
Trade union recognition, Dept of Health 147-8ws
Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 128w
Ambulance services, Coventry 615-6w
Asthma, East Midlands 896w
Baby care units, Finance 433w
Baby care units, Manpower 906w
Baby care units, Standards 1449w
Birmingham, Dept of Health 123w
Broomfield Hospital, Cataracts 426-8w
Cancer, Health services 1429w
Care homes, Leicester 1073w
Care homes, Regulation 741w
Care homes, Shrewsbury 1056w
Care homes, Standards 1697w
Care homes, Worcestershire 248w
Commission for Social Care Inspection 1431w
Diabetes, Greater London 1437w
Doctors' list of patients, Greater London 429w
Food, Local authorities 1337w
General practitioners 619w
General practitioners, Camden 435w
General practitioners, Colchester 733w
Great Ormond Street Hospital, Finance 748w
Health services, Elderly 903w
Health services, Inspections 126w
Health services, Leicester 1054w
Health services, Merton 1064w
Health services, Paddington 246-7w
Healthcare Commission, Commission for Social Care Inspection 1548w
Healthcare Commission, Fees and charges 1548w
Heart diseases, Wimbledon 1244w
Hepatitis, Prisoners 272w
Hospital beds, Greater London 236-42w
Inflammatory bowel disease 1432w
Kent Autistic Trust, Finance 127w
Klinefelter syndrome 1703w
Long-Term Care Royal Commission 761w
Low birthweight babies 1058w
Medical treatments abroad, Coventry 903-4w
Mental health services, Leicester 1058-62w
Mental health services, Suffolk 904w
Mentally ill, Children 432w
Mentally ill, Elderly 432w
Mentally incapacitated, Social services 1713-4w
Mentally incapacitated, Wales 242-4w
Mount Vernon Hospital, Burns 246w
Multiple sclerosis, Drugs 904w
Multiple sclerosis, Health services 129-30w
Neurology, Hospital beds 733w
NHS Direct, Self-mutilation 437w
Oxford Radcliffe Hospital NHS Trust, Childbirth 623w
Personal care services 1069w
Pharmacy, Leicester 1070w
Pharmacy, Shrewsbury 902w
Poverty, Dept of Health 241-2w
Psychiatry, Leicester 1453w
Respite care, Greater London 247w
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 1547-8w
Social Care Institute for Excellence 427-8w
Social services, Elderly 234-5w
Social workers, Registration 624w
South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust 1074-5w
South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust, Finance 914w
Speech therapy, Manpower 736w
Springfield Hospital, Compulsorily detained mental patients 914-5w
Standards, Dept of Health 627-8w
Tamworth, Dept of Health 243-5w
Tooting, Mentally ill 767w
West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust, Finance 628w, 772w
West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust, Surgery 616-7w
West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust, Waiting lists 910-2w
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust 1078w
Lagan Valley
Laing, Mrs Eleanor
Chamber Debates
Females, Conditions of employment 1578
Lait, Mrs Jacqui
Chamber Debates
Equality Bill, 2R (05.04.2005) 1345-7
Lamb, Norman
Chamber Debates
Air Traffic Emissions Reduction Bill, 1R (22.03.2005) 753
Higher education, Admissions 1514-6w
Official engagements, Home Office 1802w
Official hospitality, Prime Minister 299w
Lammy, David, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Constitutional Affairs
Chamber Debates
Inquiries Bill (HL), 2R (15.03.2005) 183, 212-8
Inquiries Bill (HL), 3R (06.04.2005) 1492-3
Law Society, Complaints (21.03.2005) 707-10
Mental Capacity Bill, Lords amendts (05.04.2005) 1379-81
Westminster Hall Debates
Industrial diseases, Compensation (22.03.2005) 233-7wh
Written Statements
Asylum and Immigration Tribunal 103ws
European Convention on Human Rights 129ws
General Election 2005 145ws
Land Registry, Standards 9-10ws
Legal profession, Regulation 48-9ws
Personal injury, Compensation 67-8ws
Accidents, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 890-1w
Antisocial behaviour orders, Sentencing 1570w
British Irish Council, Languages 610-1w
Civil servants, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 1570-1w
Consultants, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 163w, 789-90w
Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 1378w
Electoral register, Overseas residence 1573w
Freedom of information, Government departments 1226-7w
Human rights, Gibraltar 938w
Immigration, Appeals 1227w
Immigration Adjudicators, Training 610w
Immigration controls, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 613w
Legal aid, Cambridge 894w
Legal aid, Exservicemen 612w
Legal aid, Immigration 163w
Legal aid, Leicester 1227w
Legal aid, Planning permission 793-4w
Legal aid, Travelling people 139-40
Personal injury, Compensation 612w
Regional government, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 105w
Sikhs, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 613w
Standards, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 1459-60w
Tolls, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 609w
Antisocial behaviour 1779w
Mental health services 762w
Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 291w
Lancashire Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Democratic Republic of Congo 1203-4w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1644w
Land mines
Land Registry
Lansley, Mr Andrew
Accident and emergency departments 1042-3w
Accident and emergency departments, Admissions 1538-9w
Accident and emergency departments, Waiting lists 1236w, 1539w
Alzheimer's disease 1066w
Baby care units, Finance 433w
General practitioners 1451w
General practitioners, Working hours 1708-9w
Health professions, Cumbria 717
Health professions, Screening 1700w
Health professions, Standards 1439w
Hospitals, Infectious diseases 1701-2w
Hospitals, Telephones 1706w
Industrial health and safety 1438-9w
Influenza, Vaccination 1702w
Intensive care, Manpower 896-7w
Kidney patients, Research 821w
Mentally ill, Children 432w
Mentally ill, Elderly 432w
Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 762-3w, 1447w
NHS, Crimes of violence 121w
Ophthalmology, Manpower 765w
Passive smoking, Health education 1709w
Patients' forums , Resignations 1451w
Primary care trusts, Mergers 279w
Publications, Dept of Health 624-6w
Screening, Waiting lists 1453w
Tuberculosis, Disease control 1454-5w
Law centres
Law Officers Dept
Law Society
Complaints (21.03.2005) 703-10
Lawrence, Mrs Jackie
Preseli, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1650w
Preseli, Dept of Trade and Industry 1613w
Laws, Mr David
Chamber Debates
Disclosure of information, Points of order (16.03.2005) 351
Building regulations, Crown immunity 1192w
Building regulations, Energy 1192w
Consultants, Home Office 1784w
Early retirement, Home Office 864-6w
Members, Correspondence 352w
Public expenditure, Northern Ireland Office 1682w
School meals, Per capita costs 1012w
Laxton, Mr Bob
Alzheimer's disease, Medical treatments 1540w
Back pain, Health services 1237w
National Institute for Clinical Excellence 1546w
Lazarowicz, Mr Mark
Employment, Edinburgh 704w
Entry clearances, Overseas students 44-6w
New deal for lone parents, Edinburgh 881w
New Opportunities Fund, Edinburgh 500w
Parliament, Educational visits 142-3
Winter fuel payments, Edinburgh 608w