Index for Volume 432—continued

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Pregnant women

    Discrimination 73w

Prentice, Mr Gordon

                  Chamber Debates

    Absent voting (05.04.2005) 1282

    Oral question time intervention (17.03.2005) 388

    Training (22.03.2005) 738


    European fighter aircraft 11

    General elections 938w

    Health professions, Cumbria 717-8

    Intestacy, Duchy of Lancaster 118w

    Parking, Planning permission 957-8w

    Pendle, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1524-5w

    Pendle, Dept of Trade and Industry 1612w

    Public libraries, Internet 557w

    Rolls-Royce, Ministry of Defence 1210w

    Voting behaviour, Young people 595

Pre-school education

Prescoed Prison

Prescott, Rt Hon John, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Local Government and the Regions


    Burma Star Association, Crawley 873-4

    Cash dispensing, Fees and charges 876

    China, Arms trade 875

    Council tax, Pensioners 874

    Crime, Middlesbrough 874-5

    Crimes of violence, Stockton on Tees 882

    Economic situation 878

    Economic situation, Buckinghamshire 880-1

    General practitioners, Working hours 818w

    Higher education, Cumbria 879

    Housing, Bedfordshire 876

    Manufacturing industries, Derbyshire 881

    Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 873

    Regeneration, Greater Manchester 880

    Surrey Police, Finance 878-9

    Travelling people, Caravan sites 280w

    Water charges, South West region 881-2

Prescription drugs


    Fees and charges 434w

    Information technology 905w


    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1650w

    Dept of Trade and Industry 1613w

Press freedom

Press releases

    Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 698w

Pressure sores


    Unemployment 246

Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005

                  Written Statements


Prevention of Terrorism Bill 2004/05


Prevention of Terrorism (No 2) Bill 2004/05

                  Chamber Debates

    2R order read (18.03.2005) 572

Price, Adam

                  Chamber Debates

    Wales (04.04.2005) 1164


    Armed forces, Disciplinary proceedings 1751-2w

    Business questions 411

    Electricity generation, Grants 1473w

    Industrial diseases, Compensation 1637w

    Legal opinion, Attorney General 1223w

    Members, Correspondence 1726w

    National Offender Management Service, Contracts 58-9w

    Queen's Lancashire Regiment 1757w

    World Bank, Public appointments 1208w

Primarolo, Rt Hon Dawn, Paymaster General

                  Chamber Debates

    Finance Bill, 1R (22.03.2005) 852-3

                  Written Statements

    Budget March 2005 48ws

    Bureaux de change, Criminal investigation 81ws

    Valuation Office, Standards 38-9ws


    Capital allowances, Environment protection 1170-1w

    Excise duties, Tobacco 173w

    Income tax, Scotland 171w

    Income tax, Tax yields 705w

    Inheritance tax 79w

    Non-domestic rates 170w

    Older workers, Pensions 699w

    Public sector, Day care 180w

    Redundancy pay, Taxation 293w

    Stakeholder pensions 81-3w

    Tax allowances, Companies 170-1w

    Tax evasion, Surveillance 825w

    Taxation, Manufacturing industries 1172w

    Taxation, Overseas companies 170w

    Taxation, Venture capital 714w

    VAT, Combined heat and power 472w

    VAT, Electronic publishing 355-6w

    VAT, Higher education 714w

    VAT, London marathon 171w

    Welfare tax credits, Complaints 827w

    Welfare tax credits, Fraud 549w

    Welfare tax credits, Maladministration 1176w

    Welfare tax credits, Overpayments 711-2w

    Working families tax credit 828-9w

Primary care trusts

Primary education

    Northern Ireland 666w

Primary health care

Prime Minister

    Official hospitality 299w

Prince Andrew

Prince Charles

Princess of Wales's Regiment

Prisk, Mr Mark

                  Chamber Debates

    European Council, Brussels Summit (EC) (24.03.2005) 1025


    Property, Conferences 644w

Prison accommodation

Prison governors

Prison sentences

Prison Service

    Early retirement 585w

"Prison Service Business Plan, 2005/06"

Prison visitors

Prisoner escapes


Prisoners of war

Prisoners on remand

Prisoners' release

Prisoners' transfers


    Isle of Sheppey 61ws

    Mental health services 55w

    Trading standards 58w

Private education

Private finance initiative

Private Parking Enforcement (Regulation) Bill 2004/05

                  Chamber Debates

Private roads

    Housing estates 815w

Private sector

Private Security Industry Act 2001

                  Westminster Hall Debates


Probation boards

Probation officers

Procedures Relating to Soham Murders Inquiry

Proceeds of Crime (Compensation of Prosecution Costs) Bill 2004/05

                  Chamber Debates


    Armoured fighting vehicles 571w

    Joint strike fighter aircraft 834w

    National Offender Management Service 1825w

    Satellite communications 37ws

    Sea King helicopters 141ws

Procurement of Innovative Technologies and Research Bill 2004/05

                  Chamber Debates

    1R (22.03.2005) 753


    Small businesses 226w

Programme motions

    see Timetabling of bills


Proof of identity

    House of Commons 875w


Property Misdescriptions Act 1991


Proscribed organisations


    Racial violence 534w

Prosser, Mr Gwyn

                  Westminster Hall Debates

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