Index for Volume 432—continued

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    Antisocial behaviour 1464w

    Community support officers 1407

    Economic situation 1408

    Office for Civil Nuclear Security 1627w

    Social security benefits 1030w

    Unemployment 84w

Wales Office

    see Office of the Secretary of State for Wales

Walley, Ms Joan


    Digital broadcasting 1327w

    Land, Contamination 1642w

    Property Misdescriptions Act 1991, Prosecutions 1636w

    Turkey, Ceramics 93w

Walter, Mr Robert

                  Chamber Debates

    Budget March 2005 (22.03.2005) 770, 816-9

    Carlyle-Clarke, Giles (24.03.2005) 1095-8

    Council tax (23.03.2005) 889-90

    European Council, Brussels Summit (EC) (24.03.2005) 1024


    Police Service of Northern Ireland, Recruitment 866

Wanless, Derek

War crimes

    Immigration controls 1283w

War pensions

Wareing, Mr Robert N


    Liverpool Education Authority, Finance 15-6w

    Local government finance, Liverpool 147-8w

    Merseyside, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 143w

Warship Support Agency


    Joint rapid reaction force 1215w

    Repairs and maintenance 1762w

Warton airfield

Waste disposal

    Slaughterhouses 488w

Waste management


Water charges

Water Fluoridation (Consultation) (England) Regulations 2005

                  Chamber Debates

Water supply

Water Supply (Fluoridation Indemnities) (England) Regulations 2005

                  Chamber Debates

Waterson, Mr Nigel

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust, Surgery 735w

    Eastbourne Hospital, Hospital beds 728

    Pensions, Insolvency 603w


Watkinson, Angela

                  Chamber Debates

    Education Bill (HL), 2R (14.03.2005) 79


    Special educational needs, Schools 988-9

Watson, Mr Tom, An Assistant Whip

                  Chamber Debates

    Budget March 2005 (17.03.2005) 470

Watts, Mr Dave

                  Chamber Debates

    Business questions (24.03.2005) 1030

    Hospices, Children (23.03.2005) 969-70


    Armed forces, Uniforms 1209w

    Business questions 414

    Capital allowances, Environment protection 1170-1w

    Defence Procurement Agency 12-3

    Local broadcasting, North West region 371-2w

    Taxation, Environment protection 1309w

    Taxation, Manufacturing industries 1172w


    International cooperation 1093w

    Type 42 destroyers 185w

Weare Prison

    Repairs and maintenance 657w

Webb, Mr Steve

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Child Support Agency, Administrative delays 294w

    Child Support Agency, Manpower 1255-6w

    Child Support Agency, Statistics 878w

    Frenchay Hospital 126w

    Higher education, Applications 567w

    Hospital beds, Northavon 1416

    Jobcentre Plus, Manpower 880-1w

    North Bristol NHS Trust, Manpower 130-1w

    Pension credit, Eligibility 1380-1w

    Pensions, Expenditure 1689w

    Pensions, Financial assistance scheme 1034w, 1477w

    Social security benefits, Asylum 1028-9w

    Social security benefits, Fraud 420w

    Social security benefits, Payments 1261w

    Statistics, Dept for Work and Pensions 297-8w

    Welfare tax credits, Complaints 827w

Weight limits

Weir, Mr Mike


    Climate change, Health hazards 515-6w

Welfare tax credits

Welsh language

    European Constitution Treaty 174w

West Bank

West Midlands

    Special educational needs 1008w

West Midlands Development Agency

    see Advantage West Midlands

West Midlands Police

    Detection rates 314w

West Suffolk Hospital

West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

West Sussex

    Supporting people programme 844-5w

West Yorkshire

    Railway stations 348w

West Yorkshire Metropolitan Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Western Sahara

Westminster Foundation for Democracy

Westminster Hall sittings


    Dept of Trade and Industry 1612w


    Accident and emergency departments 1043w


    Social security benefits 100-1w

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