Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Fifth Report

Reports from the Committee since 2001

Session 2004-05
First ReportA public BBC HC 82
Second ReportWork of the Committee in 2004 HC 253
Third ReportPublic Libraries HC 81
Fourth ReportMaritime Heritage and Historic Ships HC 296

Session 2003-04
First ReportCultural Objects: developments since 2000 HC 59
First Special Report Privacy and media intrusion, replies to the Committee's Fifth Report, 2002-03 HC 213
Second ReportDCMS Annual Report: work of the Department in 2002-03 HC 74
Third ReportBroadcasting in transition HC 380
Fourth ReportWork of the Committee in 2003 HC 404
Fifth ReportReform of the National Lottery HC 196
Second Special Report Broadcasting in transition: replies to the Committee's Third Report, 2003-04 HC 585
Sixth ReportArts development: dance HC 587
Seventh ReportDrugs and role models in sport: making and setting examples HC 499

Session 2002-03
First ReportNational Museums and Galleries: funding and free admission HC 85
Second ReportThe work of the Committee in 2002 HC 148
Third ReportA London Olympic bid for 2012 HC 268
Fourth ReportThe structure and strategy for supporting tourism HC 65
Fifth ReportPrivacy and media intrusion HC 458
Sixth ReportThe British film industry HC 667

Session 2001-02
First ReportUnpicking the Lock: the World Athletics Championships in the UK HC 264
Second ReportTesting the waters: the sport of swimming HC 418
Third ReportArts development HC 489
Fourth ReportCommunications HC 539
Fifth ReportRevisiting the Manchester 2002 Commonwealth Games HC 842
Sixth ReportWembley National Stadium Project: Into Injury time HC 843
Seventh Report The Government's proposals for gambling: nothing to lose? HC 827

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Prepared 23 March 2005