Select Committee on Defence Third Report


Ministry of Defence
    Care for service recruits and trainees
Ev 232
    Current funding position of the training regime
Ev 235
    Recruiting criteria and screening methods used at recruitment
Ev 236
    Soldier recruiting convention 2004, Bovington
Ev 239
    Comparison of eligibility criteria for entry into the Armed Forces
Ev 239
    Non-Officer recruits: Input and output figures
Ev 243
    Officer recruits: Input and output figures
Ev 245
    Non-Officer recruitment targets: statistics
Ev 246
    Non-Officer recruits entering initial training establishments
Ev 247
    Exit numbers for non-officer recruits during initial training at Phase 1 and 2
Ev 249
    Officer recruits: Statistics
Ev 251
    SATT figures for Phase 2 recruits
Ev 254
    Letter from the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence
Ev 254
    Army cuts in basic education
Ev 255
    Analysis of socio-economic and educational background of non-officer recruits
Ev 255
    Defence Guidelines for remedial training for Phase 1 and 2 Training establishments
Ev 257
    Extract from Establishment Standing Orders
Ev 260
    MoD's understanding of its duty of care responsibilities
Ev 261
    Consideration of alternatives to current duty of care practice
Ev 262
    Commanding Officers: loco parentis
Ev 262
    Allocation of duty of care responsibilities: Recruit ratios
Ev 262
    Responsibilities, activities and presence of the Chain of Command, Chaplains, WRVS at initial training establishments
Ev 264
    Assessments of the work and effectiveness of empowered officers
Ev 267
    Carers Groups in HMS Sultan
Ev 267
    Proposed changes to the current care regime
Ev 268
    Development of policy implementation since 1988
Ev 269
    Instructor numbers
Ev 270
    CPL Instructor (Sect Comd) Army Foundation College Job Specification
Ev 271
    Vetting procedures for civilians who are employed to instruct recruits and trainees
Ev 272
    NCO trainer core competencies
Ev 272
    Duty of care instructor training and selection
Ev 273
    CO's knowledge of convictions/allegations
Ev 275
    Procedures relating to allegations against instructors
Ev 275
    Defence Systems Approach to Training (DSAT)
Ev 276
    Welfare provision for initial training establishments
Ev 276
    An overview of the structure that sets the policy and delegates delivery, showing lines of responsibility
Ev 278
    Tri-Service Policy: prevention and management of suicide and deliberate self-harm
Ev 279
    Ensuring recruits are aware of support systems
Ev 282
    Figures on the use of the Confidential Support line
Ev 283
    Training of Naval Chaplains
Ev 284
    Training of RAF Chaplains
Ev 284
    Training of Army Chaplains
Ev 286
    Armed Forces Chaplaincy arrangements
Ev 286
    Initial training exit surveys
Ev 287
    Cadet Forces
Ev 288
    Royal Marines disciplinary issues dealt with under the Army Act 1955
Ev 290
    Reserve Forces: Values and training regime
Ev 290
    The TA training regimes, and CGT&E relationship with the TA
Ev 291
    Policy and provision of physical health issues
Ev 291
    Policy and provision of welfare and mental health issues
Ev 291
    Policy on bullying and harassment
Ev 291
    Policy implementation
Ev 292
    Description of complaints procedures; numbers made and outcomes
Ev 296
    Bullying and harassment complaints: Phase 1 and Phase 2 Army training
Ev 299
    Bullying and abuse complaint statistics: Phase 1 and 2 Tri-service training
Ev 300
    Complaint and record keeping standards and procedures
Ev 301
    Analysis of information in occurrence books
Ev 302
    Amended direction on the use of the daily occurrence book
Ev 302
    Mechanisms for ensuring that lessons are learnt and implemented from complaints/incidents
Ev 303
    ATRA discipline guidance
Ev 304
    Recruit punishment guidance
Ev 306
    Breakdown of charges: DACE Cosford
Ev 307
    Numbers of courts martial or other disciplinary or administrative procedures taken against instructors
Ev 308
    Court martial statistics: 1999-2003
Ev 309
    Summary dealing statistics: October 2000-03
Ev 310
    Army Suicide Prevention Working Group
Ev 310
    Army Suicide Prevention Policy
Ev 311
    A guide to identifying vulnerability to post service welfare difficulties
Ev 314
    Review of current risk assessment process for preventing suicide in the army: Medical management of vulnerable patients
Ev 315
    Investigation into suicide and attempted suicide
Ev 316
    Control and access to arms and ammunition
Ev 319
    Systems and procedures for guarding establishments
Ev 319
    Policy on access to firearms and other dangerous equipment
Ev 320
    Statistics on substance misuse in initial training establishments
Ev 320
    Numbers of suicide and open verdict deaths of non-officer recruits at initial training establishments since 1990
Ev 322
    Numbers of suicide and open verdict deaths of officer recruits at initial training establishments 1990-2002
Ev 325
    Suicide and open verdict deaths: conclusions
Ev 325
    Investigations by civilian police
Ev 326
    Defence Police Forces
Ev 326
    Defence Police Forces: Recent changes to jurisdiction
Ev 327
    An update on response to the recommendations made in the DOC appraisal of initial training
Ev 327
    Procedures for Family Liaison Officers who have contact with bereaved families
Ev 328
    Casualty procedures: Disposal of effects
Ev 330
    Casualty procedures amendment: Disposal of effects
Ev 330
    Instructions and guidance relation to the return of a deceased's effects
Ev 331
    DOC Appraisal of initial training & best practice working group (DOC IT and BP WG): Minutes of meeting on 9 March 2004
Ev 332
    DOC Appraisal of initial training: Departmental follow-up action plan-progress report March 2004
Ev 335
    DOC Appraisal of initial training & best practice working group (DOC IT and BP WG): Minutes of meeting on 8 June 2004
Ev 336
    DOC Appraisal of initial training: Departmental follow-up action plan-progress report June 2004
Ev 338
    Boards of Inquiry
Ev 339
    The DGT&E Action Plan: DOC 3 reappraisal of initial training
Ev 340
    DOC: Supervisory ratios
Ev 353
    Continued assessment and independent oversight
Ev 353
    Sharing best practice
Ev 354
    Army learning account (suicide, UD and DSH)
Ev 354
    Commander's report on DOC and ALI recommendations
Ev 364
    A possibility of a UK Military Ombudsman
Ev 368
    Additional information requested following Committee visit to Harrogate and ITC Catterick
Ev 368
    Fijian culture and tradition
Ev 371
    Letter from the Minister for the Armed Forces
Ev 376
Mr Geoff and Mrs Diane Gray
Ev 377
    Further Memorandum
Ev 377
Mr James, Mrs Helen and Mr Stuart Mckenna
Ev 381
Mrs Elaine Higgins
Ev 383
Centre for Hazard and Risk Management (CHaRM)
Ev 384
Mr James and Mrs Yvonne Collinson
Ev 385
PAPYRUS (Prevention of Suicides)
Ev 387
HM Inspectorate of Prisons
Ev 388
Mr Des and Mrs Doreen James
Ev 389
Mr Lembit Öpik, MP
Ev 391
Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)
Ev 392
    Further Memorandum
Ev 394
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Ev 397
Memorandum from SSAFA Forces Help
Ev 399
Independent Monitoring Boards' Secretariat
Ev 401
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Ev 402
Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI)
Ev 404
    Further Memorandum
Ev 405
Health and Safety Executive
Ev 406
    Further Memorandum
Ev 412
Lieutenant Colonel (Retd) Richard Haes OBE
Ev 419
Mrs Lynn Farr
Ev 423
Youth Justice Board
Ev 428
Metropolitan Police
Ev 438
Surrey Police
Ev 452
    Further memorandum
Ev 470
Air Cadet Organisation
Ev 472
Ev 475
    Further Memorandum
Ev 478
Commission for Social Care Inspection
Ev 479
Interactive College
Ev 483
Professor Margaret Cox
Ev 488
Professor Keith Hawton, Centre for Suicide Research
Ev 490
    Further Memorandum
Ev 490
Mr Kelsey John Tainsh MBE
Ev 491
Forces Helpline
Ev 492
A Naval recruit
Ev 492
Mother of a former member of the Armed Forces
Ev 492
A Deepcut recruit
Ev 498
A member of the Armed Forces
Ev 499
Mrs Norma Langford
Ev 499
Deepcut & Beyond Group
Ev 500
Further Memorandum from Ministry of Defence: Ministry of Defence Police and the Service Police
Ev 505

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