Ministry of Defence |
Care for service recruits and trainees
| Ev 232 |
Current funding position of the training regime
| Ev 235 |
Recruiting criteria and screening methods used at recruitment
| Ev 236 |
Soldier recruiting convention 2004, Bovington
| Ev 239 |
Comparison of eligibility criteria for entry into the Armed Forces
| Ev 239 |
Non-Officer recruits: Input and output figures
| Ev 243 |
Officer recruits: Input and output figures
| Ev 245 |
Non-Officer recruitment targets: statistics
| Ev 246 |
Non-Officer recruits entering initial training establishments
| Ev 247 |
Exit numbers for non-officer recruits during initial training at Phase 1 and 2
| Ev 249 |
Officer recruits: Statistics
| Ev 251 |
SATT figures for Phase 2 recruits
| Ev 254 |
Letter from the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence
| Ev 254 |
Army cuts in basic education
| Ev 255 |
Analysis of socio-economic and educational background of non-officer recruits
| Ev 255 |
Defence Guidelines for remedial training for Phase 1 and 2 Training establishments
| Ev 257 |
Extract from Establishment Standing Orders
| Ev 260 |
MoD's understanding of its duty of care responsibilities
| Ev 261 |
Consideration of alternatives to current duty of care practice
| Ev 262 |
Commanding Officers: loco parentis
| Ev 262 |
Allocation of duty of care responsibilities: Recruit ratios
| Ev 262 |
Responsibilities, activities and presence of the Chain of Command, Chaplains, WRVS at initial training establishments
| Ev 264 |
Assessments of the work and effectiveness of empowered officers
| Ev 267 |
Carers Groups in HMS Sultan
| Ev 267 |
Proposed changes to the current care regime
| Ev 268 |
Development of policy implementation since 1988
| Ev 269 |
Instructor numbers |
Ev 270 |
CPL Instructor (Sect Comd) Army Foundation College Job Specification
| Ev 271 |
Vetting procedures for civilians who are employed to instruct recruits and trainees
| Ev 272 |
NCO trainer core competencies
| Ev 272 |
Duty of care instructor training and selection
| Ev 273 |
CO's knowledge of convictions/allegations
| Ev 275 |
Procedures relating to allegations against instructors
| Ev 275 |
Defence Systems Approach to Training (DSAT)
| Ev 276 |
Welfare provision for initial training establishments
| Ev 276 |
An overview of the structure that sets the policy and delegates delivery, showing lines of responsibility
| Ev 278 |
Tri-Service Policy: prevention and management of suicide and deliberate self-harm
| Ev 279 |
Ensuring recruits are aware of support systems
| Ev 282 |
Figures on the use of the Confidential Support line
| Ev 283 |
Training of Naval Chaplains
| Ev 284 |
Training of RAF Chaplains
| Ev 284 |
Training of Army Chaplains
| Ev 286 |
Armed Forces Chaplaincy arrangements
| Ev 286 |
Initial training exit surveys
| Ev 287 |
Cadet Forces | Ev 288
Royal Marines disciplinary issues dealt with under the Army Act 1955
| Ev 290 |
Reserve Forces: Values and training regime
| Ev 290 |
The TA training regimes, and CGT&E relationship with the TA
| Ev 291 |
Policy and provision of physical health issues
| Ev 291 |
Policy and provision of welfare and mental health issues
| Ev 291 |
Policy on bullying and harassment
| Ev 291 |
Policy implementation
| Ev 292 |
Description of complaints procedures; numbers made and outcomes
| Ev 296 |
Bullying and harassment complaints: Phase 1 and Phase 2 Army training
| Ev 299 |
Bullying and abuse complaint statistics: Phase 1 and 2 Tri-service training
| Ev 300 |
Complaint and record keeping standards and procedures
| Ev 301 |
Analysis of information in occurrence books
| Ev 302 |
Amended direction on the use of the daily occurrence book
| Ev 302 |
Mechanisms for ensuring that lessons are learnt and implemented from complaints/incidents
| Ev 303 |
ATRA discipline guidance
| Ev 304 |
Recruit punishment guidance
| Ev 306 |
Breakdown of charges: DACE Cosford
| Ev 307 |
Numbers of courts martial or other disciplinary or administrative procedures taken against instructors
| Ev 308 |
Court martial statistics: 1999-2003
| Ev 309 |
Summary dealing statistics: October 2000-03
| Ev 310 |
Army Suicide Prevention Working Group
| Ev 310 |
Army Suicide Prevention Policy
| Ev 311 |
A guide to identifying vulnerability to post service welfare difficulties
| Ev 314 |
Review of current risk assessment process for preventing suicide in the army: Medical management of vulnerable patients
| Ev 315 |
Investigation into suicide and attempted suicide
| Ev 316 |
Control and access to arms and ammunition
| Ev 319 |
Systems and procedures for guarding establishments
| Ev 319 |
Policy on access to firearms and other dangerous equipment
| Ev 320 |
Statistics on substance misuse in initial training establishments
| Ev 320 |
Numbers of suicide and open verdict deaths of non-officer recruits at initial training establishments since 1990
| Ev 322 |
Numbers of suicide and open verdict deaths of officer recruits at initial training establishments 1990-2002
| Ev 325 |
Suicide and open verdict deaths: conclusions
| Ev 325 |
Investigations by civilian police
| Ev 326 |
Defence Police Forces
| Ev 326 |
Defence Police Forces: Recent changes to jurisdiction
| Ev 327 |
An update on response to the recommendations made in the DOC appraisal of initial training
| Ev 327 |
Procedures for Family Liaison Officers who have contact with bereaved families
| Ev 328 |
Casualty procedures: Disposal of effects
| Ev 330 |
Casualty procedures amendment: Disposal of effects
| Ev 330 |
Instructions and guidance relation to the return of a deceased's effects
| Ev 331 |
DOC Appraisal of initial training & best practice working group (DOC IT and BP WG): Minutes of meeting on 9 March 2004
| Ev 332 |
DOC Appraisal of initial training: Departmental follow-up action plan-progress report March 2004
| Ev 335 |
DOC Appraisal of initial training & best practice working group (DOC IT and BP WG): Minutes of meeting on 8 June 2004
| Ev 336 |
DOC Appraisal of initial training: Departmental follow-up action plan-progress report June 2004
| Ev 338 |
Boards of Inquiry |
Ev 339 |
The DGT&E Action Plan: DOC 3 reappraisal of initial training
| Ev 340 |
DOC: Supervisory ratios
| Ev 353 |
Continued assessment and independent oversight
| Ev 353 |
Sharing best practice
| Ev 354 |
Army learning account (suicide, UD and DSH)
| Ev 354 |
Commander's report on DOC and ALI recommendations
| Ev 364 |
A possibility of a UK Military Ombudsman
| Ev 368 |
Additional information requested following Committee visit to Harrogate and ITC Catterick
| Ev 368 |
Fijian culture and tradition
| Ev 371 |
Letter from the Minister for the Armed Forces
| Ev 376 |
Mr Geoff and Mrs Diane Gray | Ev 377
Further Memorandum |
Ev 377 |
Mr James, Mrs Helen and Mr Stuart Mckenna |
Ev 381 |
Mrs Elaine Higgins | Ev 383
Centre for Hazard and Risk Management (CHaRM)
| Ev 384 |
Mr James and Mrs Yvonne Collinson | Ev 385
PAPYRUS (Prevention of Suicides) | Ev 387
HM Inspectorate of Prisons | Ev 388
Mr Des and Mrs Doreen James | Ev 389
Mr Lembit Öpik, MP | Ev 391
Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)
| Ev 392 |
Further Memorandum |
Ev 394 |
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
| Ev 397 |
Memorandum from SSAFA Forces Help | Ev 399
Independent Monitoring Boards' Secretariat |
Ev 401 |
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) |
Ev 402 |
Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI) | Ev 404
Further Memorandum |
Ev 405 |
Health and Safety Executive | Ev 406
Further Memorandum |
Ev 412 |
Lieutenant Colonel (Retd) Richard Haes OBE |
Ev 419 |
Mrs Lynn Farr | Ev 423
Youth Justice Board | Ev 428
Metropolitan Police | Ev 438
Surrey Police | Ev 452
Further memorandum |
Ev 470 |
Air Cadet Organisation | Ev 472
WRVS | Ev 475
Further Memorandum |
Ev 478 |
Commission for Social Care Inspection | Ev 479
Interactive College | Ev 483
Professor Margaret Cox | Ev 488
Professor Keith Hawton, Centre for Suicide Research
| Ev 490 |
Further Memorandum |
Ev 490 |
Mr Kelsey John Tainsh MBE | Ev 491
Forces Helpline | Ev 492
A Naval recruit | Ev 492
Mother of a former member of the Armed Forces
| Ev 492 |
A Deepcut recruit | Ev 498
A member of the Armed Forces | Ev 499
Mrs Norma Langford | Ev 499
Deepcut & Beyond Group | Ev 500
Further Memorandum from Ministry of Defence: Ministry of Defence Police and the Service Police
| Ev 505 |