Our conclusions
58. There may turn out to be some advantages
in the introduction of ITQ system. ITQs could clarify the current
confusion surrounding legal title and could ensure the trading
process is more transparentthe two main problems identified
by witnesses with the current FQA system. It is also possible
that ITQs could improve profitability, efficiency and self-policing
amongst the fleet and could improve the sustainability of stocks.
59. We are concerned, however, that the
benefits of an ITQ system may be outweighed by the potential disadvantages.
It is possible that an ITQ system would allow further significant
purchase of quota by foreign-owned vessels. It seems to us that,
under EU law, nothing could be done to prevent such purchases.
We are also concerned about the concentration of ownership of
quota that has occurred in other countries with ITQ systems.
60. At this stage, it would be wrong
to reach a final view on whether an Individual Transferable Quota
(ITQ) system should be adopted in the UK. There is still a lack
of detail about what model of ITQ system is proposed and how such
a system might operate. We understand that discussions are underway
within the Sustainable Fisheries Programme, with extensive involvement
of industry representatives, to develop a potential ITQ model
to be applied in the case of the UK. We believe such a model would
be acceptable to the industry only if there were to be some retention
of the current Fixed Quota Allocation structure. Until such a
model is proposed, the industry will no doubt continue to adopt
a cautious attitude.