Our conclusions
116. The existing
system of quota-based management within highly mixed fisheries
does not, by and large, work. It encourages non-compliant behaviour
amongst fishermen and has a detrimental impact on stocks. We therefore
support the Strategy Unit's recommendation that fisheries departments
should commission detailed analysis of the practicalities of introducing
effort-management systems in mixed fisheries and any concomitant
measures in respect of net-carrying rules which may be necessary.
We recommend that the Government commission such analysis as soon
as possible. This should include analysis of the potential disadvantages
of effort-based systems, such as excessive targeting of high value/vulnerable
species and the tendency for 'technical creep', whereby fishermen
continually increase the killing power of their vessels.
117. Effort-based
management may not be appropriate for all mixed fisheries of importance
to the UK. If
such a system were introduced for the North Sea, it could have
a severe impact on the whitefish fleet because catch limits would
be based on cod stockswhich are lowwhilst other
valuable fisheries, such as haddock, are relatively healthy.
We recommend that the Government undertake a case-by-case evaluation
of each mixed fishery of importance to the UK to establish which
fisheries are suited to an effort-based management system. Where
such a system is applied, we believe the administrative structure
of the system should be sufficiently flexible to enable a rapid
response to any short-term difficulties that may arise. Adequate
compensatory mechanisms should also be developed to assist those
fishermen who are negatively affected by the initial transition
to such a system. We also recommend that any effort-based system
should draw a distinction between steaming time and hauling time,
provided that a system can be put into place to monitor such a
distinction. The Government should investigate the technology
available to enable this distinction to be monitored and enforced.
We understand the Danish fishing fleet already uses such technology.
118. Whilst we acknowledge there
will be difficulties with applying such a system, these pale in
comparison to the appalling and wasteful practices resulting from
quota-managed mixed fisheries, such as the mass discard of marketable
fish. We
believe this phenomenon is largely a consequence of applying a
quota-based management system in a fishery where it is almost
impossible to restrict which specific species are caught. As such,
the system is flawed and serious consideration needs to be given
to other alternatives.