ANIFPO | Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers' Organisation
CFP | Common Fisheries Policy
EIA | Environmental Impact Assessment
FQA | Fixed Quota Allocation
ITQ | Individual Transferable Quota
MPA | Marine Protected Area
NFFO | National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations
NFSA | National Federation of Sea Anglers
PO | Producer organisation
RAC | Regional Advisory Council
RSPB | Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
RSE | Royal Society of Edinburgh
SACN | Sea Anglers' Conservation Network
SEA | Strategic Environmental Assessment
Seafish | Sea Fish Industry Authority
SEERAD | Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Development
SFC | Sea Fishery Committee
SFF | Scottish Fishermen's Federation
SFP | Sustainable Fisheries Programme
SU | Strategy Unit
SWFPA | Scottish White Fish Producers' Association
SWFPO | South Western Fish Producers' Organisation
TAC | Total Allowable Catch