Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Sixth Report


Tuesday 16 November 2004Page
Barrie Deas, National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations
Alex West and Hamish Morrison, Scottish Fishermen's Federation
Helen Davies and Andrew Lee, WWF
Tuesday 7 December 2004
Jim Portus, South Western Fish Producers' Organisation
Dr Euan Dunn, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Alan McCulla, Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers' Organisation
Wednesday 8 December 2004
Ben Bradshaw MP, Rodney Anderson and Chris Ryder, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Tuesday 14 December 2004
Richard Ferré and Malcolm Gilbert, National Federation of Sea Anglers, Leon Roskilly and Bob Cox, Sea Anglers' Conservation Network, and John Le Balleur, Bass Anglers' Sportsfishing Society
Bruce Bennett and Chris Venmore, South Devon and Channel Shellfishermen
Dr Andrew Palfreman
Monday 17 January 2005
Ross Finnie MSP, and David Wilson and Barbara Strathern, Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department
Sir David Smith, Professor Gavin McCrone, Professor Alasdair McIntyre, Professor Monty Priede and David Symes, Royal Society of Edinburgh
John Rutherford, Sea Fish Industry Authority
Tuesday 18 January 2005
Michael Park, Scottish White Fish Producers' Association
Linda Cross and Danny Couper, Scottish Seafood Processors' Federation
Tom Hay, Robert Mitchell and Roddy McColl, Fishermen's Association Ltd

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