Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Ninth Report

List of written evidence

Professor Sir David King    

Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research    

Biosciences Federation    

BAA plc    

Association of Electricity Producers    

UK Business Council for Sustainable Energy    

Renewable Power Association    

Our World Foundation    

Friends of the Earth    

World Wildlife Fund    

Energy Saving Trust    

Local Government Association    

Professor Peter F Smith    

RWE npower    

National Society for Clean Air and Environmental Protection    

The Met Office    

UK Climate Impacts Programme    

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs    

Richard Swann    

E.ON UK    

The Woodland Trust    

Calor Gas Ltd    


Waste and Resources Action Programme    

South East Climate Change Partnership    

Joint Nature Conservation Committee    

British Cement Association    

Environment Agency    

Northwest Climate Group     

Environmental Services Association    

Association of British Insurers    

Institution of Civil Engineers    

Soil Association    

The Campaign for a Hydrogen Economy    

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds    

Climate Group    

Environmental Industries Commission    

Country Land & Business Association    

Research Councils UK    


Confederation of British Industry    

Scottish and Southern Energy    


The Prime Minister, Rt Hon Tony Blair MP    

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