Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Written Evidence

Memorandum submitted by James Derounian (Appendix 6)

  I have worked with English rural communities for 25 years. In brief my observations are as follows:

  Page 8 (section 6): "The ultimate aim is to ensure that policies are making a real difference on the ground so that we build sustainable rural communities". A laudable aim, but nowhere, it would seem is there any definition of what "sustainable communities"/sustainability will mean in practice. Without agreement on this how can we work towards it? (See also heading p 5). Furthermore, how is (social economic and environmental) sustainability served (P5 S10) by increased powers to Regional Development Agencies with their narrow "focus on economic regeneration"?

  The "Integrated Agency" (Section 2 of the Bill itself) is a contradiction in terms: conserving the natural environment, landscapes, and encouraging recreational access. But not integrating social and economic development (pursued separately by Regional Development Agencies, local authorities etc.)

  Page 7 (S4): The new "Commission for Rural Communities will not be a delivery body". It is hard to see, therefore, how the CRC can "ensure the Government's policies do make a difference to people in rural areas" (P4 S3a) without the delivery capability (demonstrated by the Countryside Agency through programmes like "Vital Villages").

  Where is the evidence of the capability and interest of RDAs related to "achieving rural regeneration" (P5 S10)?

  Page 8 Section 5: I welcome action by the new CRC (continuing that of the Countryside Agency) in relation to "rural proofing"; but there needs to be a mechanism to ensure that suggestions for improvement are considered and acted on by Government Departments and other agencies. To ensure that CRC annual reports do make "a real difference on the ground".

  Page 22: I welcome the removal of "expenditure constraint on NPAs" activities in pursuit of their socio-economic duty'; and trust that government grant aid will give practical expression to this capability.

James Derounian

February 2005

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