Tuesday 7 September 2004: am
Ben Bradshaw MP, John Bourne, Graham Thurlow and
Caroline Connell, Department for Environment, Food and Rural
Jackie Ballard, Michael Flower and Dr Arthur Lindley,
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Lord Soulsby of Swaffham Prior and Mike Radford,
Companion Animal Welfare Council, Caroline Kisko and Phil
Buckley, The Kennel Club and Lou Leather and Chris Laurence,
Pet Advisory Committee
Tuesday 7 September 2004: pm
Janet Nunn, Meriel France and Steve Zlotowitz, Pet
Care Trust and Steve Fairburn, Pets at Home
Dr Mike Allen and Chris Newman, Federation of
British Herpetologists and Ian Robinson and Corinne Evans,
International Fund for Animal Welfare
Clifford Warwick and Dr Roger Mugford BioVeterinary
Group; Elaine Toland, Animal Protection Agency and
Greg Glendell, BirdsFirst
Wednesday 8 September
Duncan Davidson, Mitcham Veterinary Clinic
and Andrew Constant, Animals in Mind
Ginette Elliott, and Lynne Smith, Council of Docked
Breeds, and Professor David B Morton, Clare O'Dempsey and
Pauline Baines, Anti-Docking Alliance
Thursday 9 September 2004
Dr Judy MacArthur Clark and Graham Godbold, Farm
Animal Welfare Council and Mike Attenborough and Derek Armstrong,
Meat and Livestock Commission
Tim Bennett, Barney Holbeche and Annette Jacobs,
National Farmers' Union
Nick Somerfield, Farmers' Union of Wales
John Thorley, National Sheep Association and
Lawrence Alderson, Rare Breeds Survival Trust
Monday 13 September 2004
John Best, British Wildlife Rehabilitation Council
Wesley Denton, Sea Fish Industry Authority;
David Bird and Dr Bruno Broughton, National Angling Alliance
and Julie Roxburgh and Simon Buckhaven, The Shellfish Network
Wednesday 15 September 2004
Charles Nodder, National Gamekeepers' Organisation
and Andrew Tyler, Animal Aid
Dr Miranda Stevenson, Federation of Zoological
Gardens, Daniel Turner, Born Free Foundation and Martin
Spray, Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust
David McDowell, National Equine Welfare Council;
John Smales and Keith Meldrum, International League for the
Protection of Horses and Nicolas de Brauwere, Redwings
Horse Sanctuary
Thursday 16 September 2004
Malcolm Clay, James Clubb and Martin Burton, Association
of Circus Proprietors of Great Britain and Rona Brown and
Peter Scott, Performing Animals Welfare Standards International
Lord David Lipsey and John Haynes, British Greyhound
Racing Board and Maureen Purvis and Dr Annette Crosbie, Greyhounds
James Pavey and Simon Murray, Society of Conservative
Tuesday 12 October 2004: am
Richard Brunstrom, Association of Chief Police
Officers; Andrew Griffiths and Peter Smith, Chartered Institute
of Environmental Health; Graham Capper and Abigail Mahony,
Local Government Association and Paula Williamson, Worcestershire
County Council
Tuesday 12 October 2004: pm
John Parker, Lynne Hill and Jill Nute, Royal College
of Veterinary Surgeons and Dr Bob McCracken and Chris Laurence,
British Veterinary Association
Mike Radford, Reader of Law, University of Aberdeen
Wednesday 13 October 2004
David Fursdon and Christopher Price, Country Land
and Business Association and John Jackson and Graham Downing,
Countryside Alliance
Peter Stevenson, Advocates for Animals and
Douglas Batcher, Mike Hobday and Rebecca Seden, League Against
Cruel Sports
Anne Kasica, Ernest Vine, David Arthur, Christopher
Day, Jonathan Cairns and Joan Jackson, Self-help group for
farmers, pet owners and others experiencing difficulties with
Thursday 14 October 2004
Tony Suckling, Michael Flower and David Bowles, Royal
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Wednesday 27 October 2004
Ben Bradshaw MP, John Bourne, Caroline Connell and
Henry Hoppe, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs