Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Written Evidence

Supplementary memorandum submitted by the National Animal Sanctuary Alliance

  Animal sanctuaries provide such a valuable service to the community that there should not be a fee element to any licensing—as this treats them more like commercial profit making enterprises who do not give that community benefit.

  It would be worth noting that we do have one vocal member of NASA who does disagree with our stance who wishes for there to be no licensing whatsoever and fears that the RSPCA would be involved in drafting guidelines for the likes of wildlife rehabilitation. It is our understanding no one organisation would have this power and that the Bill does not cover such specific views, but that it would be for local authorities to administer any licence.

  If the Bill did add in criteria for wildlife rehabilitation, then we would need much more debate—many of our members are no kill sanctuaries and do feel if a wild animal cannot be rehabilitated, that there are occasions where a wild animal can be given a reasonable quality of life without being released. Most follow their own vet's advice on the issue as we do. The one member who does have these worries fears that such sanctuaries would be forced to euthanase every wild animal unable to be released without consideration to quality of life for the animal.

13 September 2004

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