Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Written Evidence

Memorandum submitted by the Anglo Iberian Cropper Association

  I have read with interest the above draft and would like to make the following comments.

  The whole hobby of keeping pigeons of any sort is in serious decline. There are very few young people coming into our wonderful pasttime, this is due in part to the youngsters having better activities and the whole computer related world at their finger tips.

  We as a fancy are also suffering badly from restrictions on keeping pigeons in the gardens of the newly built houses, so no one can start back with pigeons even if they had them as a child with their father and have now left the family home, married and settled down and looking for a hobby which is a real crazy situation as any one can keep and breed German Shepherds, one stud dog and three brood bitches would give you 30/40 barking pups a year?

  The bill has some very good points but there must be some strict guidelines as some vindictive neighbours could waste the time of officials and put the livestock keeper under unjustified stress and heartache because they can see a way of getting rid of the livestock next door.

  If we are cleaning up the bill and making it easier to prosecute offenders, we need to clean up the feed suppliers operation? How would the law stand on a third party harming or putting at risk your stock? The reason being I had an ordeal with contaminated feed (rat droppings) from Charnwood Milling Company of Framlingham Suffolk a few years ago and lost a lot of stock with salmonellosis! paratyphoid. This has still not been rectified to my satisfaction as most of my life's work was destroyed due to someone else's failure to maintain strict quality control on animal feed stuff. As you are aware our poultry industry is also suffering badly with the same problem of salmonella as with BSE and foot and mouth. It is the feed that is the carrier in the first instance.

  I attended a meeting in Coventry held by the Parrot Society on the Draft and felt that more consultation should be considered to correct any fears that the fanciers like myself have as to where we fit into the grand scheme of things. From what has been said and from what I have read there is nothing that a responsible livestock breeder should have any real concern but, I keep a breed of pigeon called the Birmingham Roller which was developed in and around the black country in the west midlands. This delightful pigeon throws backward sommersaults in the air while flying. This is a trait that has been selectively bred for over the past 100 years or so and we hold flying competitions in the summer time around the country. These pigeons are not trained to do this wonderful display but we do select the best performer and pair them together in the hope that we get one better as with racehorses best to best. Where would these pigeons be put in the bill as they are not circus performers. Would we need to be on a register?

August 2004

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