Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Written Evidence

Memorandum submitted by J Pritchard


  I am writing to oppose the proposals to license pet markets ("fairs") in Annex B of the Animal Welfare Bill.

  I have attended two local bird markets recently and at both, what I understood to be conditions laid down by the local authority were openly flouted. When I contacted the relevant authorities, no one would attend to take enforcement action and afterwards no action was taken (as far as I am aware) although I had proof.

  Licensing just does not seem to work, as there are insufficient resources and/or a lack of interest in enforcement. Furthermore enforcement is very much more difficult where traders do not have fixed premises, but simply appear at the start of the sale and disappear again at the end.

  If you have ever attended bird fairs, especially the larger ones, you will have seen that some of the traders are well-meaning and responsible but others seem to have no interest in the welfare of the birds that they are selling. I believe that it is impossible in practice to ensure the welfare of any animals sold or shown at this type of event and that the Bill, while containing some very welcome provisions in other areas, is taking a retrogressive step here.

  In general enforcement of animal protection legislation does not seem to be taken very seriously. (I could give you many examples of this, especially where livestock markets are concerned.) That is why events such as pet fairs that rely on effective enforcement to ensure basic welfare requirements are likely to produce a great deal of suffering for animals.

1 September 2004

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