Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Written Evidence

Memorandum submitted by the IPC Media Avian Group

  I write on behalf of IPC Media's Avian Group, the weekly Cage & Aviary Birds, the monthly Bird Keeper and the committee that runs the avian equivalent of Crufts, the National Cage & Aviary Birds Exhibition, which together reach, educate and advise some 100,000 bird breeders and their supplier businesses, and through them, over 2 million pet bird keepers nationwide.

  1.  We welcome the proposals to remove the present ambiguity in the law surrounding pet fairs, and applaud plans to reaffirm their legal standing.

  2.  We welcome plans to lift the welfare standards at all commercial bird sales and auctions up to those of the best bird fairs, such as the National Exhibition.

  3.  We welcome the introduction of Codes of Conduct as a pro-active, progressive and thoroughly sensible way of approaching the welfare issue.

  4.  We welcome the new proposed minimum age at which children can buy pets and the proposal that sellers of such pets should provide care sheets on how to care for their pets.

  5.  We welcome the "duty of care" approach behind the Bill.

  6.  We are concerned that unless they are qualified or limited by regulation, some aspects of the proposals might prove welfare-unfriendly, for example, the application of the proposed ban on tail docking to working dogs, and the application of the proposed new Pet Fair Licenses to commercial, but non-viable shows and sales staged by small bird clubs.

  7.  We are very concerned about the prosecution powers granted the RSPCA, as we fear that on past performance the society will abuse them to pursue an agenda of its own, such as a ban on the import and ownership of "exotic" animals, a ban on keeping birds on their own or in cages, and the licensing of those whose animals have bred four or more times. We also have grave reservations about its proposed powers of entry under the Bill. This would transfer too much power to people that oppose many forms of animal keeping.

24 August 2004

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