Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Letter to the Clerk of the Committee from the High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus, 10 December 2004

  Further to your letter dated 26 December 2004, by which the Committee requested additional information on the concerns articulated by the Government of Cyprus regarding the Annan Plan, I enclose herewith the relevant documents conveyed by my Government to the Secretary General of the United Nations, during the course of negotiations and before the presentation of the final text of the plan to the parties on 31 March 2004.[1]

  I also enclose a Memo dated 20 April 2004, which was forwarded to all members of the UN Security Council, before the discussion on the Security Aspect of the Plan.

  It would be greatly appreciated if the enclosed documents were circulated to all members of the Committee.

  I remain at your disposal for any further information or clarifications that you may need.

HE Petros Eftychiou

High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus

10 December 2004

1   Footnote Enclosures no printed. Back

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