Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Third Report

List of written evidence

Mr Gabriel Partos, South-east Europe Analyst, BBC World Service   Ev 1

Dr Jonathan Eyal, Director of Studies, Royal United Services Institute for Defence

  Studies and Security Studies (RUSI)  Ev 3

Professor James Pettifer, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom  Ev 13

Dr David Chandler, Centre for the Study of Democracy  Ev 16

Dr Othon Anastasakis, St Antony's College, University of Oxford  Ev 39

Foreign and Commonwealth Office   Ev 57, Ev 94, Ev 98, Ev 100

Sir Peter Ricketts, KCMG UK Permanent Representation to NATO  Ev 116

UK Representation to the European Union   Ev 120

UK Delegation to the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)  Ev 122

Embassy of Albania  Ev 124

Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina   Ev 128

Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia  Ev 129

Ambassador of Serbia and Montenegro   Ev 131

Rinna Elina Kullaa, University of Oxford/ University of Maryland  Ev 134

Biljana Radonjic, Civilitas Research  Ev 138

BBC World Service  Ev 141

Amnesty International UK  Ev 145

Save the Children  Ev 150

Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)  Ev 158

Saferworld  Ev 160

British Council  Ev 164

Bosnian Institute   Ev 167

Per M. Norheim-Martinsen, Centre of International Studies, University of Cambridge  Ev 167

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