34. Memorandum submitted by NCH
NCH, the children's charity, is the largest
voluntary sector provider of services to children, young people
and families in the UK. We run more than 500 projects and work
with more than 100,000 people every year. NCH has extensive professional
experience of working to prevent and tackle anti-social behaviour
and we work with both the perpetrators and the victims. In partnership
with local authorities we run several innovative projects that
aim to address the underlying causes of anti-social behaviour.
Incidents of anti-social behaviour can cause
misery to families, estates and communities and it is right that
the Home Affairs Committee is conducting an inquiry into the effectiveness
of government policy to address this problem. While gaining media
headlines and being seen to be tough on anti-social behaviour
may be politically advantageous, what matters to NCH is the implementation
of effective policies that reduce anti-social behaviour.
We know that young people are more likely to
be the victims of anti-social behaviour than the perpetrators
and that many youngsters are worried about anti-social behaviour.
Indeed a recent Populus poll reflected this view which found that
two-thirds of young people were seriously concerned about anti-social
Anti-social behaviour is a very complex problem
and if the Government is to be successful in tackling such behaviour
a balanced package of both enforcement and preventative measures
is required. This view is supported in the Social Exclusion Unit's
report 8 on Anti-social Behaviour which stated in paragraph 7
". . . To be effective the problem of
anti-social behaviour needs to be addressed as a whole. Addressing
any part of the problem in isolation will not provide a long-term
solution. Tough enforcement action will not decrease anti-social
behaviour unless it is linked to effective prevention. Evictions
will only move the problem elsewhere unless perpetrators are made
to change their behaviour."[121]
In fact, there is a danger that over reliance
on enforcement could actually result in overlooking other problems
such as domestic violence. Getting this balance right is essential
and NCH is concerned that government policy in this area has been
dominated by enforcement measures with little attention on prevention.
In our view, if the Government continues in this direction it
will be greeted with very little success as the underlying causes
of anti-social behaviour are not being sufficiently addressed.
Below, we outline our observations on a number
of measures that the Government has introduced to tackle anti-social
NCH believes that, when appropriately delivered,
parenting support can be beneficial to parents. However, we question
whether such a measure would bring to an end to entrenched anti-social
behaviour by young people. We disagree with what we see as "spin"
put on the Youth Justice Board (YJB) research in 2002[122]
which generated headlines such as "Parent Classes Help Cut
Youth Offending: Upbeat Assessment of New Government Programme".
As well as the view of Lord Warner, the then chair of the YJB,
who commented that "Now there is real evidence [that] relatively
short parenting programmes . . . can cut offending by half among
youngsters who were already entrenched in their offending."[123]
In fact, closer analysis of the YJB's research
indicates that Parenting Orders are seen in some cases as an initial
barrier to engagement because of their enforced nature. The report
observes "it is far less clear from the research that the
programme had a positive impact on young people" and that
the improvements in young people's behaviour were more likely
to be because they were themselves on "change programmes"
run by Youth Offending Teams. Interestingly, the researchers conclude,
"parenting programmes are unlikely to provide a "quick
fix" for entrenched anti-social behaviour by young people,
though they may perhaps have the effect of applying the brakes
on what are often very fast downward trajectories in terms of
outcomes for this vulnerable group."
NCH questions the effectiveness of Parenting
Orders in tackling anti-social behaviour. Instead, we believe
that there should be an environment in which all parents can voluntarily
access support with numerous chances for parents and children
to opt in as part of a package of family support. In doing so
this would enable parents to seek support and advice in a non-stigmatised
way and crucially before anti-social behaviour becomes entrenched.
This would mean that such behaviour could be addressed at an early
stage with a better chance of successfully reversing anti-social
Initial government guidance stated that ASBOs
were to be an instrument of last resort and only issued when other
interventions have failed.[124]
However, this has now changed and current guidance states that
there is now no necessity to try other interventions prior to
the issuing an ASBO. NCH strongly opposes this change and believes
that it should be reversed. This is because issuing an ASBO in
isolation will not address the underlying causes of a person's
behaviour. It should be the last resort, not the first form of
If we are to successfully tackle anti-social
behaviour it is essential that provision is available to help
change and address the causes of such behaviour through engagement.
The importance of this kind of approach was highlighted in the
Home Office review of ASBOs which found in 60% of cases there
were mitigating factors involved in the offender's anti-social
behaviour such as drug and alcohol abuse, temporary or permanent
school exclusion, eviction or learning disability.[125]
Research by Norton and Nixon (2002) supports this view as they
found that more than two-thirds of defendants threatened with
eviction from social housing were described by housing offices
as having "particular vulnerabilities of special needs."[126]
We are of the view that people need to be given
the opportunity to change their behaviour before punitive punishment
is used. We do not believe that ASBOs achieve this, nor do we
think that Individual Support Orders issued in conjunction with
ASBOs will make a real difference. Instead, our experience points
to the need to tackle the underlying causes at the earliest possible
We are concerned that the number of ASBOs issued
to tackle anti-social behaviour has more than doubled since March
last year[127]
when there is no evidence to show that issuing ASBOs is an effective
method of reducing anti-social behaviour. NCH favours an independent
impact evaluation of ASBOs in order to establish their effectiveness
of reducing anti-social behaviour.
NCH is concerned about the increasing use of
the policy of naming and shaming young people who are subject
to ASBOs. There is clearly an inconsistency between the publicity
given to young people who have been issued an ASBO and the protection
from public identification of children convicted of more serious
crimes. Again, we question the impact that naming and shaming
has on changing a young person's behaviour. We believe there is
a danger that this measure will reduce the chances of young people
correcting their behaviour as well as running the risk of alienating
young people from their local community.
As with ASBOs, it seems that little attention
is taken to mitigating circumstances when using this measure.
For example, in August 2004 a 12 year old boy with the mental
age of a four and a half year old having Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder and autism was issued with an ASBO and named in his local
We do not believe that is the best way to help this young person
or his family and some magistrates seem to share this view. It
is interesting to note recently magistrates in Cambridge refused
to lift restrictions preventing the identification of young people
issued with an ASBO because it was not in the interests of justice.[129]
In our experience of working with families the evidence shows
that engaging in tailored intensive support is more effective.
NCH does not agree that the eviction of tenants
for anti-social behaviour is an effective way of reducing the
problem. We believe that eviction will only result in anti-social
behaviour being displaced and not addresseda view also
supported in research carried out by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.[130]
In contrast, our experience working with families with a history
of anti-social behaviour suggests that addressing the causes of
anti-social behaviour is a more effective approach than eviction.
For example, NCH's Dundee Families Project which offers a wide
range of support services to the homeless and those facing eviction
as a result of anti-social behaviour has been judged a success
in tackling nuisance neighbours and anti-social tenants. Research
by the University of Glasgow found that two-thirds of the families
referred to the project have been successfully re-housed and put
back on secure tenancies.[131]
Interestingly, there is a cluster of characteristics
associated with those families referred to the project because
of anti-social behaviourcharacteristics that highlight
their vulnerability. The evaluation of the project found that:
two thirds of households were a one
parent structure;
nearly all the families were reliant
on state benefits;
70% of adults had drug or alcohol
over 50% of adults had criminal records;
there was evidence of neglect affecting
almost half the children; and
over half the women had suffered
from domestic violence.[132]
However, while our Dundee Families Project has
been judged a success, our experience points to a significant
shortfall in this kind of provision nationally. It is our view
that the necessary support and assistance is not available or
easily accessible in the majority of cases. In addition, limited
resources and the pressure on local authorities have resulted
in the adoption of short-term quick-fix solutions rather than
the development of long-term preventative strategies. We believe
that there needs to be greater resources targeted to addressing
the factors contributing to anti-social behaviour. We support
the creation of a single funding allocation to resource initiatives
to tackle the causes of anti-social behaviour.
Our work running a number of Children Fund programmes
reinforces the merits of support and prevention to reduce anti-social
behaviour by young people. For example, feedback sheets asking
46 young people about the benefits of activities offered to them
for four nights a week by their local Children Fund found 44 respondents
believed that these activities keep them out of trouble.[133]
One respondent commented: "Before Activate (an activity provided
by the Children's Fund) I hanged around the street and talk to
my mates but when I come now I learn more things" (Girl,
aged 12).[134]
The services provided by the Children's Fund
are, in many areas of the country, successfully reducing the likelihood
of young people behaving anti-socially. We also support the development
of complementary initiatives such as Splash and Summer Splash,
which have shown a positive impact in reducing anti-social behaviour.
However, NCH is of the view that there is still inadequate support
and facilities available for young people and this kind of provision
needs to be expanded and made available all year round. This view
was also supported in a survey carried out by the Prince's Trust,
which found that 92% of adults believed that local authorities
should provide more diversionary activities for young people to
help tackle anti-social behaviour.[135]
We hope that the forthcoming Green Paper on Youth Provision will
address the need to invest in youth services.
Our experience of working with families and
young people strongly suggests that addressing the underlying
causes of anti-social behaviour is a far more effective approach
than just punishing them through enforcement measures. While there
are some good examples of preventative initiatives to tackle anti-social
behaviour there is still a significant deficit in this kind of
provision. NCH believes that until such provision is widely accessible
the Government's success in reducing anti-social behaviour will
be severely limited.
15 September 2004
120 Young worried by antisocial crimes, Times
newspaper (9th September 2004). Back
Paragraph 7, A Report of PAT 8: Anti-social Behaviour, Social
Exclusion Unit (March 2000). Back
Ghate D and Ramella M, Positive Parenting: The National Evaluation
of the Youth Justice Board's Parenting Programme. Youth Justice
Board for England and Wales (2002). Back
Article in the Guardian newspaper by Woodward W., Education
Editor (10 July 2002). Back
Para 3.13, "A Consultation Draft: Anti-social Behaviour
Orders Guidance" Home Office (August 1998). Back
P 7, Tackling anti-social behaviour-what really works, Nacro
(September 2002). Back
P 8, Tackling anti-social behaviour-what really works, Nacro
(September 2002). Back
Record Year for ASBOs as Communities Fight Back, Home Office
Press Release (31 August 2004). Back
P 5 South Wales Argus newspaper (5th August 2004). Back
For example see "Court Refuses to Name `Complete
Nuisance', 12" Cambridge News (9 September 2004). Back
Neighbour nuisance, social landlords and the law, Hunter, Nixon
and Shayler, Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2000). Back
Evaluation of the Dundee Families Project, University of Glasgow
(2001). Back
Evaluation of the Dundee Families Project, University of Glasgow
(2001). Back
P 23, Interim Report, St Helen's Children's Fund Evaluation.
Helle Mittler, Prof Corinne May-Chahal University of Central Lancashire
(May 2004). Back
P 24, Interim Report, St Helen's Children's Fund Evaluation.
Helle Mittler, Prof Corinne May-Chahal University of Central Lancashire
(May 2004). Back
Budget gap will mean service cuts, Children Now (18 August
2004). Back