House of Commons |
Session 2004-05 Publications on the internet Health Committee Publications |
Health - First Report Here you can browse the report together with the Proceedings of the Committee. The published report was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 27 January 2005. Report Objective A: To examine and comment on the policy of the Department Task 3: To conduct scrutiny of any published draft bill within the Committee's responsibilities Task 4: To examine specific output from the department expressed in documents or other decisions Objective B: To examine the expenditure of the department Objective C: To examine the administration of the department Task 8: To scrutinise major appointments made by the department Task 9: To examine the implementation of legislation and major policy initiatives Objective D: To assist the House in debate and decision Innovations in working methods |
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© Parliamentary copyright 2005 | Prepared 7 February 2005 |