| |
Group | Contribution (£)
| Company
Africa All-Party Parliamentary Group | 500
| GlaxoSmithKline |
All-Party Parliamentary Group on AIDS | 5000
| Merck Sharpe and Dohme |
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Asthma |
Reception | Novartis
Associate Parliamentary Health Group | 6000
| AstraZeneca |
Associate Parliamentary Health Group | 6000
| GlaxoSmithKline |
Associate Parliamentary Health Group | 6000
| Novartis |
Associate Parliamentary Health Group | 6000
| Pfizer |
Associate Parliamentary Health Group | 6000
| Sanofi-Synthelabo |
Associate Parliamentary Health Group | 6000
| Wyeth |
Associate Parliamentary Health Group | 6000
| Bristol-Meyers Squibb |
Associate Parliamentary Health Group | 6000
| NAPP |
Integrated and Complementary Healthcare |
1000 | Weleda (UK) Ltd.
Integrated and Complementary Healthcare |
1000 | Nelsonbach
Pharmaceutical Industry | Secretarial support
| ABPI |
Parliamentary and Scientific Committee |
664 | Amersham plc
Parliamentary and Scientific Committee |
614 | ABPI
Parliamentary and Scientific Committee |
622 | GlaxoSmithKline
Parliamentary and Scientific Committee |
516 | Globepharm Ltd
Parliamentary and Scientific Committee |
816 | Merck Sharpe & Dohme
Parliamentary and Scientific Committee |
960 | Novartis
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Skin | 750
| LEO Pharmaceuticals |
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Skin | 750
| Galderma UK Ltd |
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Skin | 750
| Roche Products Ltd |
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Skin | 750
| Serono Limited |
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Skin | 750
| Schering-Plough Ltd |
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Skin | 750
| Wyeth Pharmaceuticals |
Source: Compiled on 14 March 2005 from the House of Commons Register
of All Party Groups on the Parliamentary website: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm/cmparty/050211/memi01.htm.
The table shows direct contributions to all party groups from
pharmaceutical companies. Some groups may receive funding from
subject related charities who receive monies from pharmaceutical
companies - this information is not held on the register of interests.