Monday 14 June 2004
Mr Richard Kennedy, Centre for Reproductive Medicine, Walsgrave Hospital, Professor Neil McClure, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Queen's University Belfast, Dr Simon Thornton, The Park Hospital, Nottingham, Mrs Liz Corrigan, Centre for Reproductive Medicine, University of Bristol, British Fertility Society and Dr Sue Avery, Assisted Conception Unit, Birmingham Women's Hospital, Association of Clinical Embryologists
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Wednesday 23 June 2004
Ms Philippa Taylor, Reverend Christopher Johnson, and Mr John Ford
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Mr Tony Gilland, Dr David King, and Dr Calum McKellar
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Ms Alison Davis, Mr Patrick Mahon, and Dr Maureen McHugh
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Dr Neville Cobbe, Dr Richard Fleming and Dr Veronica van Heyningen
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Wednesday 30 June 2004
Mr Walter Merricks, Mr David Gollancz, Ms Becky Gardiner and Ms Michelle Snead, Donor Conception Network
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Mr Alan Masterton and Mrs Louise Masterton
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Ms Sheena Young, Ms Sharon Griffiths and Ms Tracey Sainsbury
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Ms Lisa Saffron, Ms Maria Hurley, and Ms Barbara Salter, Pink Parents
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Wednesday 21 July 2004
Professor Brian Toft, Research Director, Marsh Risk Consulting Practice, London
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Ms Angela McNab, Chief Executive, Ms Trish Davies, Director of Regulation, Mr Charles Lister, Head of Policy, and Dr Chris O'Toole, Head of Research Regulation, Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
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Wednesday 8 September 2004
Ms Linda Ball, nominated by Muscular Dystrophy Association, Mr Jayson Whitaker, father of child with Diamond Blackfan anaemia, Mr Peter Hingston and Mrs Fiona Hingston, nominated by Cystic Fibrosis Trust
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Dr Simon Fishel, Director, Centres for Assisted Reproduction, Professor Peter Braude, Head, Department of Women's Health, Guys, Kings and St Thomas' School of Medicine, and Professor Tom Baldwin, Deputy Chair and Chair, Ethics & Law Committee, Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, and Professor of Philosophy at the University of York
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Wednesday 15 September 2004
Rev Dr John I Fleming, Director, Southern Cross Bioethics Institute and Consultant to the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child, Rt Rev Dr Michael NazirAli, Bishop of Rochester, Church of England, Ms Josephine Quintavalle, Comment on Reproductive Ethics, and Dr Helen Watt, Director, Linacre Centre for Healthcare Ethics
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Wednesday 13 October 2004
Professor Robin Gill, Ramsey Professor of Modern Theology, University of Kent, Professor Julian Savulescu, Uehiro Professor of Practical Ethics, University of Ethics, and Professor Alastair Campbell, Professor of Ethics in Medicine, University of Bristol
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Wednesday 27 October 2004
Dr Michael Wilks, Chairman, Medical Ethics Committee, Dr Vivienne Nathanson, Director of Professional Activities, British Medical Association
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Professor Kenyon Mason, Professor (Emeritus) of Forensic Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Professor Margaret Brazier, School of Law, University of Manchester, Ms Sarah Ellison, Lecturer in Medical Law, University of Glasgow, and Mr James Lawford Davies, Solicitor, Bevan Ashford
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Wednesday 10 November 2004
Ms Marilyn Crawshaw, Lecturer in Social Work and Research Fellow, University of York, Ms Deborah Cullen, Legal Group Co-ordinator, British Association for Adoption and Fostering, Professor Eric Blyth, Professor of Social Work, University of Huddersfield, Dr Jim Monach, Acting Chair of BICA and Honorary Research Fellow, University of Sheffield, and Ms Sheila Pike, Past Chair of BICA and Counsellor, Centre for Reproductive Medicine and Fertility, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
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Professor Susan Golombok, Family and Child Psychology Research Centre, City University, Dr Sarah Parry, Centre for Social and Economics Research on Innovation on Genomics, University of Edinburgh, Dr Tom Shakespeare, Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences Research Institute, Newcastle University, and Professor Martin Richards, Centre for Family Research, Cambridge University
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Wednesday 24 November 2004
Professor Robert Edwards, IVF pioneer, Chief Editor of Reproductive BioMedicine Online, Professor Catherine Peckham, Chair of MRC/HFEA Working Group on Assisted Reproduction, Institute of Child Health, London, Professor Henry Leese, Department of Biology, University of York, Editor-in-chief of Human Fertility journal
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Professor Roger Pedersen, Director, Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, Professor Alison Murdoch, Consultant Gynaecologist, Head of Department, Newcastle Fertility Centre, Dr Robin Lovell-Badge, Head of Division of Developmental Genetics at the MRC's National Institute for Medical Research
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Wednesday 8 December 2004
Dr Richard Kennedy, Secretary, British Fertility Society, Professor Allan Templeton, President, and Professor Lesley Regan, former Member of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
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Wednesday 19 January 2005
Suzi Leather, Chair, Professor Neva Haites, Member and Professor of Medical Genetics, University of Aberdeen, Professor Emily Jackson, Member and Professor of Law, Queen Mary University of London, Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
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Miss Melanie Jackson MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Public Health, Ms Liz Woodeson, Divisional Head, Scientific Development and Bioethics Division, and Mr Ted Webb, Section Head, Assisted Reproduction: Services, Policy and Regulation, Department of Health
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