House of Commons - Minutes of Proceedings
House of Commons
Session 2004 - 05
Publications on the internet

Minutes of Proceedings


Tuesday 30 November 2004

Members present:

Mr David Tredinnick, in the Chair

Andrew Bennett
Mr Jeffery M Donaldson
Mr Eric Forth
Brian White

Mr Alan Preston, Counsel (Legislation), in attendance.

The Committee deliberated.

[Adjourned till a day and time to be fixed by the Chairman.


Tuesday 7 December 2004

Members present:

Andrew Bennett
Mr Eric Forth
Mr Chris Mole
Brian White

Mr Alan Preston, Counsel (Legislation), in attendance.

In the absence of the Chairman, Brian White was called to the Chair.

The Committee deliberated.

[Adjourned till a day and time to be fixed by the Chairman.


Tuesday 14 December 2004

Members present:

Mr David Tredinnick, in the Chair

Andrew BennettMr Eric Forth

Mr Alan Preston, Counsel (Legislation), in attendance.

The Committee deliberated.

[Adjourned till a day and time to be fixed by the Chairman.


Tuesday 11 January 2005

Members present:

Mr David Tredinnick, in the Chair

Mr Eric Forth
Mr Kevin Hughes
Mr Chris Mole
Brian White

Mr Alan Preston, Counsel (Legislation), in attendance.

The Committee deliberated.

Resolved, That the special attention of the House be drawn to the Individual Savings Account (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2004 (S.I. 2004/2996) on the ground that the instrument is defectively drafted.

Draft Report, proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

Resolved, That the Report be the First Report of the Committee to the House.

Ordered, That the Chairman do make the Report to the House.

The Committee deliberated.

[Adjourned till a day and time to be fixed by the Chairman.


Tuesday 18 January 2005

Members present:

Mr David Tredinnick, in the Chair

Andrew Bennett
Mr Eric Forth
Brian White

Mr Alan Preston, Counsel (Legislation), in attendance.

The Committee deliberated.

Ordered, That the formal minutes of each committee meeting be posted on the Committee's website about a week after the meeting to which they relate.— (The Chairman.)

[Adjourned till a day and time to be fixed by the Chairman.


Tuesday 25 January 2005

Members present:

Mr Eric Forth Brian White

Mr Alan Preston, Counsel (Legislation), in attendance.

In the absence of the Chairman, Brian White was called to the Chair.

The Committee deliberated.

Resolved, That the special attention of the House be drawn to the Stamp Duty Land Tax (Land Transaction Returns) Regulations 2004 (S.I. 2004/3208) on the ground that the instrument makes an unjustified breach of the 21-day rule.

Draft Report, proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

Resolved, That the Report be the Second Report of the Committee to the House.

Ordered, That the Chairman do make the Report to the House.

[Adjourned till a day and time to be fixed by the Chairman.


Tuesday 1 February 2005

Members present:

Mr David Tredinnick, in the Chair

Mr Jeffrey M DonaldsonBrian White

Mr Alan Preston, Counsel (Legislation), in attendance.

The Committee deliberated.

[Adjourned till a day and time to be fixed by the Chairman.


Tuesday 8 February 2005

Members present:

Andrew Bennett
Mr Jeffrey M Donaldson
Mr Eric Forth
Brian White

Mr Alan Preston, Counsel (Legislation), in attendance.

In the absence of the Chairman, Brian White was called to the Chair.

The Committee deliberated.

[Adjourned till a day and time to be fixed by the Chairman.


Tuesday 22 February 2005

Members present:

Andrew Bennett
Mr Eric Forth
Mr Chris Mole
Brian White

Mr Allan Preston, Counsel (Legislation), in attendance.

In the absence of the Chairman, Brian White was called to the Chair.

The Committee deliberated.

[Adjourned till a day and time to be fixed by the Chairman.


Tuesday 8 March 2005

Members present:

Mr David Tredinnick, in the Chair

Andrew Bennett
Mr Eric Forth
Mr Chris Mole
Brian White

Mr Alan Preston, Counsel (Legislation), in attendance.

The Committee deliberated.

[Adjourned till a day and time to be fixed by the Chairman.


Tuesday 15 March 2005

Members present:

Andrew Bennett
Mr Chris Mole
Brian White

Mr Alan Preston, Counsel (Legislation), in attendance.

In the absence of the Chairman, Brian White was called to the Chair.

The Committee deliberated.

[Adjourned till a day and time to be fixed by the Chairman.


Tuesday 22 March 2005

Members present:

Mr David Tredinnick, in the Chair

Andrew Bennett
Mr Jeffrey Donaldson
Mr Chris Mole
Brian White

Mr Alan Preston, Counsel (Legislation), in attendance.

The Committee deliberated.

[Adjourned till a day and time to be fixed by the Chairman.


Tuesday 5 April 2005

Members present:

Mr David Tredinnick (in the Chair)

Andrew Bennett
Mr Eric Forth
Mr Chris Mole
Brian White

Mr Alan Preston, Counsel (Legislation), in attendance.

The Committee deliberated.

Draft Report, proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

Resolved, That the Report be the Third Report of the Committee to the House.

Ordered, That the Chairman do make the Report to the House.

Resolved, That the Committee notes that the former Chairman Mr Andrew F Bennett is not standing at the forthcoming general election; and records its appreciation for his thirty years of service on the Committee.

[Adjourned till a day and time to be fixed by the Chairman.


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Prepared: 19 July 2005