House of Commons - Minutes of Proceedings
House of Commons
Session 2004 - 05
Publications on the internet

Minutes of Proceedings


Tuesday 30 November 2004

[Morning sitting]

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Michael Clapham
Mr Nigel Evans
Mr Lindsay Hoyle
Judy Mallaber
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Employment regulation: Ms Emmeline Owens, Principal Policy Adviser, Mr Lewis Sidnick, Employment Policy Adviser and Mr Francis Toye, Managing Director of Unilink Systems and Software, British Chambers of Commerce; Mr Mike Emmott, Adviser, Employment Relations and Ms Dianah Worman, Adviser, Diversity, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development; Mr Peter Schofield, Director of Employment and Legal Affairs, Mr Stephen Radley, Chief Economist and Mr David Yeandle, Deputy Director of Employment Affairs, Engineering Employers' Federation; and Mr Alan Tyrrell QC, Chairman, Employment Committee and Mr Stephen Alambritis, Head of Press and Parliamentary Affairs, Federation of Small Businesses, were examined.

[Adjourned till Today at half past Two o'clock.

Tuesday 30 November 2004

[Afternoon sitting]

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Roger Berry
Mr Richard Burden
Mr Michael Clapham
Mr Nigel Evans
Mr Lindsay Hoyle
Linda Perham
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Mr Berry and Mr Hoyle declared a non-pecuniary interest as members of the Amicus trade union.

Crown post offices: Mr Allan Leighton, Chairman, Royal Mail Group plc, Sir Michael Hodgkinson, Chairman, Mr David Mills, Chief Executive and Mr David Miller, Chief Operations Officer, Post Office Ltd, were examined.

Draft Report (The electricity distribution networks), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

(The Minutes of Proceedings relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the First Report from the Trade and Industry Committee, HC 89 (2004–05) p48).

[Adjourned till Wednesday 8 December at half past Nine o'clock.

Wednesday 8 December 2004

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Roger Berry
Mr Richard Burden
Mr Nigel Evans
Mr Lindsay Hoyle
Judy Mallaber
Linda Perham
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Draft Report (Pub companies), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

(The Minutes of Proceedings relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Second Report from the Trade and Industry Committee, HC 751-i (2004–05) p64).

Draft Special Report (Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2003–04), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read the first time and the second time and agreed to.

Resolved, That the Report be the First Special Report of the Committee to the House.

Ordered, That the Chairman do make the Report to the House.

Ordered, That the Government response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2003–04 be appended to the Report.—(The Chairman.)

[Adjourned till Monday 13 December at Five o'clock.

Monday 13 December 2004

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Michael Clapham
Nigel Evans
Linda Perham
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

[Adjourned till tomorrow at Nine o'clock.

Tuesday 14 December 2004

[Morning sitting]

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Roger Berry
Mr Richard Burden
Mr Michael Clapham
Mr Nigel Evans
Mr Lindsay Hoyle
Linda Perham
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

The Chairman, Mr Berry, Mr Burden and Mr Hoyle declared a non-pecuniary interest as members of the Amicus trade union.

The competitiveness of the UK aerospace industry: Mr Kevin Smith, President, Mr Colin Green, Vice President, and Dr Sally Howes, Director General, Society of British Aerospace Companies; Mr Iain Gray, Managing Director, Airbus UK; and Mr Alan Robson, National Officer for Aerospace, Amicus, were examined.

[Adjourned till Today at half-past Two o'clock.

Tuesday 14 December 2004

[Afternoon sitting]

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Richard Burden
Mr Michael Clapham
Mr Nigel Evans
Mr Lindsay Hoyle
Judy Mallaber
Linda Perham
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

The Chairman, Mr Burden and Mr Hoyle declared a non-pecuniary interest as members of Amicus trade union.

Crown Post Offices: Mr Gerry Sutcliffe MP, a Member of the House, Minister for Postal Services, and Mr Nigel Leese, Director, Postal Services Team (Post Office Networks), Department of Trade and Industry, were examined.

[Adjourned till tomorrow at half past Nine o'clock.

Wednesday 15 December 2004

Members present:

Mr Roger Berry
Mr Nigel Evans
Mr Martin O'Neill

The Following Members of other Committees were also present, pursuant to Standing Order No. 137A:

Defence Committee

   Mike Gapes, Mr Bruce George, Mr Peter Viggers.

Foreign Affairs Committee

   Mr Fabian Hamilton, Mr Bill Olner, Sir John Stanley.

International Development Committee

   Mr John Barrett, Mr John Bercow, Mr Tony Colman, Mr Quentin Davies.

Mr Roger Berry was called to the Chair, pursuant to Standing Order No.137A (1) (d).

The Committees deliberated, pursuant to Standing Order No.137A (1) (b).

Strategic export controls: Mr Andy McLean, Deputy Director, Saferworld, Mr Oliver Sprague, Oxfam, Mr Robert Parker, Campaign Manager, Arms and Security, Amnesty International, UK Working Group on Arms; Mr David Hayes, Export Controls Compliance Manager, Rolls-Royce plc, Mr Tim Otter, Vice President, Business Development, Smiths Detection, Mr Michael Bell, Export Controls Consultant, BAE Systems, Mr Brinley Salzmann, Exports Director, Defence Manufacturers' Association, British Defence Manufacturers' Export Licensing Group, were examined.

[Adjourned till Monday 20 December at Three o'clock.

Monday 20 December 2004

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Roger Berry
Mr Richard Burden
Mr Michael Clapham
Judy Mallaber
Linda Perham
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Employment regulation: Mr Paddy Lillis, Deputy General Secretary, Mr Graham Markall, Head of Research & Economics and Ms Ruth Stoney, Deputy Head of Research & Political Officer, Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers, were examined.

The Committee deliberated further.

Draft Report (Crown Post Offices), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

(The Minutes of Proceedings relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Third Report from the Trade and Industry Committee, HC 91-I (2004–05) p27).

Resolved, That the Committee do inquire into occupational segregation and the gender pay gap, and coal health compensation schemes.—(The Chairman.)

Ordered, That Professor Alex Kemp be appointed as a Specialist Adviser to assist the Committee in its inquiry into fuel prices.—(The Chairman.)

Ordered, That the Fuel Poverty Advisory Group have leave to publish the Memorandum submitted by them to the inquiry into Fuel Prices, in accordance with the provisions of Standing Orer No. 135(1).—(The Chairman.)

[Adjourned till Tuesday 11 January 2005 at half past Two o'clock.

Tuesday 11 January 2005

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Richard Burden
Mr Michael Clapham
Mr Lindsay Hoyle
Judy Mallaber
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Draft Report (The Work of the Committee in 2004), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

(The Minutes of Proceedings relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Fourth Report from the Trade and Industry Committee, HC 214 (2004–05) p18).

Draft Special Report (Government Response to the Committee's Tenth Report of Session 2003–04), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read the first time and the second time and agreed to.

Resolved, That the Report be the Second Special Report of the Committee to the House.

Ordered, That the Chairman do make the Report to the House.

Ordered, That the Government response to the Committee's Tenth Report of Session 2003–04 be appended to the Report.—(The Chairman.)

Resolved, That the Committee do inquire into Ofcom's strategic review of telecommunications.—(The Chairman.)

The competitiveness of the UK aerospace industry: Sir John Chisholm, Chief Executive, QinetiQ plc; Mr Ken Maciver, Chairman, ATSG, Mr Colin Smith, Director of Research and Technology, Rolls Royce, and Mr Lambert Dopping-Hepenstal, Technology Director, BAE Systems, Aerospace Technology Steering Group, were examined.

In the absence of the Chairman, Mr Richard Burden took the Chair.

Mr Ken Maciver, Mr Colin Smith, and Mr Lambert Dopping-Hepenstal, were further examined.

Mr Martin O'Neill took the Chair.

Mr Ken MacIver, Mr Colin Smith, and Mr Lambert Dopping-Hepenstal, were further examined; and Mr John Alty, Director Business Relations, Mr Malcolm Scott, Director Aerospace and Defence, and Mr David Way, Director, Aerospace and Defence Technology, and Mr Christopher Moir, Director of Industrial and Economic Statistics, Department of Trade and Industry, were examined.

[Adjourned till Wednesday 12 January at half past Nine o'clock

Wednesday 12 January 2005

Members present:

Mr Roger Berry
Mr Nigel Evans
Mr Martin O'Neill

The Following Members of other Committees were also present, pursuant to Standing Order No. 137A:

Defence Committee

   Mike Gapes, Mr Bruce George.

Foreign Affairs Committee

   Mr Donald Anderson, Mr Fabian Hamilton, Mr Bill Olner.

International Development Committee

   Mr Tony Baldry, Mr John Barrett, Mr John Bercow, Mr Tony Colman, Mr Quentin    Davies, Mr Piara S Khabra.

Mr Roger Berry was called to the Chair, pursuant to Standing Order No.137A (1) (d).

The Committees deliberated, pursuant to Standing Order No.137A (1) (b).

Strategic Export Controls: Rt Hon Jack Straw MP, a Member of the House, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Mr Edward Oakden, CMG, Director, Defence and Strategic Threats, and Mr David Landsman, Head, Counter-Proliferation Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, were examined.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 18 January at Nine o'clock.

Tuesday 18 January 2005

[Morning sitting]

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Roger Berry
Mr Richard Burden
Mr Michael Clapham
Julie Kirkbride
Judy Mallaber
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Resolved, That the Committee do take evidence on the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.—(The Chairman.)

UK employment regulation: Mr David Arkless, Senior Vice President, Manpower Ltd; and Mr Tony Dubbins, Deputy General Secretary, Mr Tony Burke, Assistant General Secretary, Mr Mike Griffiths, National Officer, Amicus-GPM and Professor Keith Ewing, King's College, University of London, were examined.

[Adjourned till Today at half past Two o'clock.

Tuesday 18 January 2005

[Afternoon sitting]

Members present:

Mr Roger Berry
Mr Richar d Burden
Mr Lindsay Hoyle
Judy Mallber
Sir Robert Smith

In the absence of the Chairman, Mr Roger Berry was called to the Chair.

The Committee deliberated.

Competitiveness of the UK aerospace industry: Sir Michael Jenkins, President, Boeing UK, Mr George Hibbard, Director, Industrial Participation Programs Boeing, and Mr Ford, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, were examined.

UK employment regulation: Mr Nick Isles, Associate Director, and Ms Alexandra Jones, Senior Researcher, The Work Foundation; and Mr Gerry Sutcliffe MP, a Member of the House, Under-Secretary of State for Employment Relations, Ms Janice Munday, Director of Employment Relations, and Dr Beatrice Parrish, Senior Economic Advisor, Employment Relations, Department of Trade and Industry, were examined.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 25 January at Nine o'clock.

Tuesday 25 January 2005

[Morning sitting]

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Michael Clapham
Judy Mallaber
Linda Perham
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Sir Robert Smith declared a pecuniary interest as a shareholder in Shell Transport and Trading Ltd and a non-pecuniary interest as Vice-Chair of the All-Party Group on the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry, in which capacity he had visited Stavanger, Norway, to attend the Offshore Northern Seas conference and exhibition in August 2004, sponsored by the UK Offshore Operators association, Statoil and Chevron Texaco.

Fuel prices: Mr Allan Asher, Chief Executive, and Ms Lesley Davies, Director of Policy, energywatch; Mr Peter Lehmann, Chairman, and Ms Gill Owen, Member, Fuel Poverty Advisory Group: Mr Kevin Farrell, Chairman, Mr Jeremy Nicholson, Director, and Mr Jim Robertson Chairman, Natural Gas and Oil Working Party, Energy Intensive Users Group; Mr David Porter, Chief Executive, Mrs Julie Cox, Head of Gas Markets and Dr Malcolm Taylor, Head of Electricity Markets, Association of Electricity Producers; Mr Malcolm Webb, Chief Executive, and Mr David Odling, Gas and Commercial Issues Manager, United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association; and Mr Steve Peacock, BP Exploration and Mr Alan Haywood, BP Oil Ltd, were examined.

[Adjourned till today at half past Two o'clock.

Tuesday 25 January 2005

[Afternoon sitting]

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Roger Berry
Mr Michael Clapham
Mr Lindsay Hoyle
Judy Mallaber
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Sir Robert Smith declared a pecuniary interest as a shareholder in Shell Transport and Trading Ltd and a non-pecuniary interest as Vice-Chair of the All-Party Group on the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry, in which capacity he had visited Stavanger, Norway, to attend the Offshore Northern Seas conference and exhibition in August 2004, sponsored by the UK Offshore Operators association, Statoil and Chevron Texaco.

Fuel prices: Ms Judith Hackitt, Chief Executive, Chemical Industries Association, Mr David Calder, CIBA Speciality Chemicals, and Mr Tom Crotty, Chief Executive, Ineos Chlor, Chemical Industries Association; Mr James Smith, Chairman, and Mr Kieron McFadyen, Director, Exploration and Production, Shell UK; and Mr Martin Temple, Director General, and Mr Stephen Radley, Chief Economist, Engineering Employers Federation and Mr Trevor Sikorski, Senior Principal Power Consultant, Global Insight, were examined.

[Adjourned till Wednesday 26 January at Nine o'clock.

Wednesday 26 January 2005

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Richard Burden
Mr Michael Clapham
Linda Perham
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Sir Robert Smith declared a pecuniary interest as a shareholder in Shell Transport and Trading Ltd and a non-pecuniary interest as Vice-Chair of the All-Party Group on the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry, in which capacity he had visited Stavanger, Norway, to attend the Offshore Northern Seas conference and exhibition in August 2004, sponsored by the UK Offshore Operators association, Statoil and Chevron Texaco.

Fuel prices: Dr Paul Golby, Chief Executive, E.On UK; Ms Ruth Thompson, Group Commercial Affairs Director, Mr Chris Murray, Commercial Director, UK Transmission, and Mr Tim Tutton, UK Director of Regulation, National Grid Transco; Mr Jake Ulrich, Managing Director, Centrica Energy plc and Mr Mark Clare, Managing Director, British Gas plc; and Mr Ian Marchant, Chief Executive and Mr Alistair Phillips-Davies, Energy Supply Director, Scottish and Southern Energy plc, were examined.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 1 February at Nine o'clock.

Tuesday 1 February 2005

[Morning Sitting]

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Roger Berry
Mr Richard Burden
Mr Lindsay Hoyle
Linda Perham
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Draft Report (Debt and Disconnection: Gas and electricity supply companies and their domestic customers), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

(The Minutes of Proceedings relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Fifth Report from the Trade and Industry Committee, HC 297-I (2004–05) p33).

The Committee deliberated.

[Adjourned till today at half-past two o'clock.

Tuesday 1 February 2005

[Afternoon Sitting]

Members present::

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Michael Clapham
Mr Lindsay Hoyle
Julie Kirkbride
Linda Perham
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Sir Robert Smith declared a pecuniary interest as a shareholder in Shell Transport and Trading Ltd and a non-pecuniary interest as Vice-Chair of the All-Party Group on the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry, in which capacity he had visited Stavanger, Norway, to attend the Offshore Northern Seas conference and exhibition in August 2004, sponsored by the UK Offshore Operators association, Statoil and Chevron Texaco.

Fuel prices: Mr Alastair Buchanan, Chief Executive, Mr Steve Smith, Managing Director – Markets, and Miss Maxine Frerk, Director, Enforcement, Consumer and Fuel Poverty Policy, Office of Gas and Electricity Markets; and Mr Mike O'Brien, MP, Minister for Energy and e-commerce, Ms Joan MacNaughton, Director General, Energy, and Ms Tera Allas, Economic Director, Energy Directorate, Department of Trade and Industry, were examined.

[Adjourned till tomorrow at Nine o'clock.

Wednesday 2 February 2005

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Roger Berry
Mr Michael Clapham
Judy Mallaber
Linda Perham
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Occupational segregation and the gender pay gap: Ms Caroline Slocock, Chief Executive, Ms Sheila Wilde, Director of Employment Policy, and Ms Anne Madden, Project Director, Occupational Segregation General Formal Investigation, Equal Opportunities Commission, were examined.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 22 February at half past Nine o'clock.

Tuesday 22 February 2005

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Richard Burden
Mr Michael Clapham
Mr Nigel Evans
Linda Perham
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Draft Report (Trade with South East Asia), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

(The Minutes of Proceedings relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Sixth Report from the Trade and Industry Committee, HC 368 (2004–05) p33).

The Committee deliberated.

Sir Robert Smith declared a pecuniary interest as a shareholder in Shell Transport and Trading Ltd and a non-pecuniary interest as Vice-Chair of the All-Party Group on the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry, in which capacity he had visited Stavanger, Norway, to attend the Offshore Northern Seas conference and exhibition in August 2004, sponsored by the UK Offshore Operators association, Statoil and Chevron Texaco.

Fuel prices: Mr Philip Lowe, Director-General, Directorate General for Competition, European Commission; and Mr Schmitt von Sydow, Director for Conventional Energies, Directorate General for Transport and Energy, European Commission, were examined.

[Adjourned till tomorrow at Nine o'clock.

Wednesday 23 February 2005

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Michael Clapham
Mr Nigel Evans
Judy Mallaber
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Export Credits Guarantee Department: Douglas Alexander MP, Minister for Trade and Investment, Mr John Weiss, Deputy Chief Executive, and Mr Nick Ridley, General Counsel, Export Credits Guarantee Department, were examined.

The Committee deliberated further.

The coal health compensation schemes: Mr Andrew Tucker and Roger Maddocks (Irwin Mitchell), Mr Peter Evans and Mr Gareth Morgan (Hugh James), and Mr Lawrence Lumsden (Thompsons (Scotland)), Claimants' Solicitor's Group, were examined.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 1 March at Nine o'clock.

Tuesday 1 March 2005

[Morning sitting]

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Richard Burden
Mr Michael Clapham
Mr Nigel Evans
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Ofcom's strategic review of telecommunications: Lord Currie of Marylebone, a Member of the House of Lords, Chairman, Mr Stephen Carter, Chief Executive, and Mr Ed Richards, Senior Partner, Strategy and Market Development, Ofcom; Mr Francesco Ciao, Chief Executive, Cable & Wireless plc, Mr Ian El-Mokadem, Managing Director, Centrica Communications, and Mr David Rowe, Chief Executive, Easynet plc, the UK Competitive Telecommunications Association; Ms Mary Turner, Tiscali plc, Mr Richard Sharpe, Managing Director, AltoHiway, and Mr David Simpson, Manager of Regulatory Affairs, Easynet plc, the Internet Services Providers Association; Ms Karen Thompson, Chairman and Chief Executive, AOL UK; and Mr Eric Abensur, Chief Executive, and Mr Simon Persoff, Head of Regulatory Affairs, Wanadoo plc, were examined.

[Adjourned till today at half past Two o'clock.

Tuesday 1 March 2005

[Afternoon sitting]

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Roger Berry
Mr Michael Clapham
Judy Mallaber
Linda Perham
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

The coal health compensation schemes: Ms Sue Gibson  General Manager and Account Director, Occupational Health, Counselling and Screening Services, Atos Origin Medical Services, Mr Colin Wigley  Head of Service Delivery, Screening Services, Atos Origin Medical Services and Mr Simon Chipperfield,  Vice President Atos Origin Medical Services; Mr Martin Trainer, Chief Operations Officer, Claims Outsourcing, Ms Kate Roy, Operations Director, Mr Jeff Wilson, Technical Director and Mr John Tizard, Director, Capita-IRISC; and Nigel Griffiths MP, a Member of the House, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ms Ann Taylor, Director, Coal Litigation Unit, Mr Nick French, Head, Respiratory Disease Scheme and Ms Christine Chamberlain, Head, VWF Scheme, Department of Trade and Industry, were examined.

[Adjourned till tomorrow at a quarter to Ten o'clock.

Wednesday 2 March 2005

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Richard Burden
Mr Michael Clapham
Mr Nigel Evans
Judy Mallaber
Linda Perham
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Mr Evans declared a pecuniary interest as owner of a convenience store in Swansea.

Occupational segregation and the gender pay gap: Mr Tricia Dawson and Ms Linda McCulloch, Equalities Advisers, Amicus-UNIFI; Ms Anne Cantello, e-skills UK; Mr Tom Caple, Financial Services Skills Council; and Ms Annette Williams, Director, Ms Jane Butcher, Women Returners Manager, and Ms Ros Wall, Project Manager, UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology, were examined.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 8 March at 8.50 am.

Tuesday 8 March 2005

[Morning sitting]

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Linda Perham
Judy Mallaber
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Draft Special Report (Government Response to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2004–05), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read the first time and the second time and agreed to.

Resolved, That the Report be the Third Special Report of the Committee to the House.

Ordered, That the Chairman do make the Report to the House.

Ordered, That the Government response to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2004–05 be appended to the Report.—(The Chairman.)

Draft Special Report (Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2004–05), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read the first time and the second time and agreed to.

Resolved, That the Report be the Fourth Special Report of the Committee to the House.

Ordered, That the Chairman do make the Report to the House.

Ordered, That the Government response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2004–05 be appended to the Report.—(The Chairman.)

Ofcom's strategic review of telecommunications: Mr John Pluthero, Chief Executive Officer and Mr Andy May, Director, Regulatory and Public Affairs, Energis Telecommunications Ltd; and Mr Ben Verwaayen, Chief Executive Officer, Ms Anne Heal, Director of Regulatory Affairs and Mr Peter McCarthy-Ward, Director of Equivalence, BT, were examined.

Occupational segregation and the gender pay gap: Ms Kit Roberts, Director of Equality and Diversity and Ms Jaine Clarke, Director of Skills Strategy and Planning (Workforce Development), Learning and Skills Council, were examined.

[Adjourned till today at Two o'clock

Tuesday 8 March 2005

[Afternoon sitting]

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Roger Berry
Mr Richard Burden
Judy Mallaber
Linda Perham
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Draft Report (Employment regulation), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

(The Minutes of Proceedings relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Seventh Report from the Trade and Industry Committee, HC 90-I (2004–05) p31).

Draft Report (The knowledge driven economy), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

(The Minutes of Proceedings relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Eighth Report from the Trade and Industry Committee, HC 432 (2004–05) p59).

In the absence of the Chairman, Mr Roger Berry was called to the Chair.

Draft Report (Implementation of ECGD's business principles), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

(The Minutes of Proceedings relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Ninth Report from the Trade and Industry Committee, HC 374-I (2004–05) p28).

Draft Report (Crown Post Offices: Responses to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2004-05), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

(The Minutes of Proceedings relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Tenth Report from the Trade and Industry Committee, HC 435 (2004–05) p5).

Occupational segregation and the gender pay gap: The Rt Hon Jacqui Smith MP, Minister of State, Deputy Minister for Women and Equality, Ms Tracey Vegro, Director, Women and Equality Unit and Ms Cathleen Pratt, Assistant Director, Women and Equality Unit, Department of Trade and Industry, were examined.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 15 March at half past Nine o'clock.

Tuesday 15 March 2005

[Morning sitting]

Members present:

Mr Roger Berry
Mr Nigel Evans
Mr Martin O'Neill

The Following Members of other Committees were also present, pursuant to Standing Order No. 137A:

Defence Committee

   Mike Gapes, Mr Bruce George, Rachel Squire, Mr Peter Viggers.

Foreign Affairs Committee

   Mr Fabian Hamilton, Mr John Maples, Mr Bill Olner, Mr Greg Pope, Sir john Stanley.

International Development Committee

   Mr John Battle, Mr John Bercow, Mr Tony Colman.

Mr Roger Berry was called to the Chair, pursuant to Standing Order No.137A (1) (d).

The Committees deliberated, pursuant to Standing Order No.137A (1) (b).

Draft Report (Strategic Export Controls: HMG's Annual report for 2003, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

(The Minutes of Proceedings relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Eleventh Report from the Trade and Industry Committee, HC 145 (2004–05) p59).

[Adjourned till today at half past two o'clock

Tuesday 15 March 2005

[Afternoon sitting]

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Roger Berry
Mr Nigel Evans
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

Draft report (Fuel Prices), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

(The Minutes of Proceedings relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Twelfth Report from the Trade and Industry Committee, HC 279-I (2004-05) p58).

[Adjourned till tomorrow at 8.50 am.

Wednesday 16 March 2005

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Nigel Evans
Mr Lindsay Hoyle
Sir Robert Smith

The Committee deliberated.

The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: Mr Dipesh Shah, Chief Executive Officer, and Mr Stephen White, Director of Business Strategy, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority; Mr Mike Parker, Chief Executive Officer, Mr Alvin Shuttleworth, Company Secretary and Group Legal Director, Mr David Bonser, Director ALFA Group HR and Spent Fuel Services, British Nuclear Fuels Limited; Mr Peter Waller, Head of Energy Industry Technology Unit, and Mr Andrew Layton, Director, Radioactive Waste Policy, Ms Serena Hardy, Legal Adviser, the Department of Trade and Industry; and Sir Anthony Cleaver, Chairman, Dr Ian Roxburgh, Chief Executive Officer, and Mr David Hayes, Strategy Director, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, were examined.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 22 March at half past Two o'clock.

Tuesday 22 March 2005

Members present:

Mr Martin O'Neill, in the Chair

Mr Roger Berry
Mr Richard Burden
Mr Michael Clapham
Mr Nigel Evans
Linda Perham

The Committee deliberated.

Draft Report (Ofcom's strategic review of telecommunications), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

(The Minutes of Proceedings relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Thirteenth Report from the Trade and Industry Committee, HC 407-I (2004–05) p19).

Draft Report (Coal health compensation schemes), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

(The Minutes of Proceedings relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Fourteenth Report from the Trade and Industry Committee, HC 375-I (2004–05) p32).

Draft Report (The UK aerospace industry), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

(The Minutes of Proceedings relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Fifteenth Report from the Trade and Industry Committee, HC 151-I (2004–05) p45).

Draft Report (Jobs for the girls: occupational segregation and the gender pay gap), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

(The Minutes of Proceedings relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Sixteenth Report from the Trade and Industry Committee, HC 300-I (2004–05) p33).

[Adjourned sine die.

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Prepared: 19 April 2005