House of Commons
Session 2003 - 04
Publications on the internet
Sessional Information Digest
Sessional Information Digest: 2003 - 04

Section C1

Departmental Select Committees: their work and reports

The following is a list of the select committees which are set up to examine the work of Government Departments, and which now constitute the main investigatory system by which the House oversees the exercise of Government responsibilities and the development of public policy and expenditure.

The listing of each departmental committee includes its membership as at Prorogation on 18 November 2004, the reports issued during the 2003-04 session and of Government observations received. Further information about Select Committees is available on the Parliamentary website -

Constitutional Affairs

Clerk: Mr Roger Phillips

Members (11)

Nominated 28 January 2003

Rt. Hon Alan Beith (LD) (Chairman)

Mr Peter Bottomley (Con)Mr James Clappison (Con)Mr Ross Cranston (Lab)
Mrs Ann Cryer (Lab)Mr Jim Cunningham (Lab)Mr Hilton Dawson (Lab)
Andrew Rosindell (Con)Mr Clive Soley (Lab)Mr Keith Vaz (Lab)
Dr Alan Whitehead (Lab)


Paper No
Govt reply
Judicial appointments and a Supreme Court
( court of final appeal )
HC 48
Asylum and Immigration Appeals
HC 211
Cm 6236; HC 868; HC 1136
Work of the Committee 2003
HC 410
Civil Legal Aid: adequacy of provision
HC 391
Cm 6367
Draft Criminal Defence Service Bill
HC 746

Special Reports

Paper No
1 sp
Protection of a witness - Privilege
HC 210
2 sp  
Government Response to the Fourth Report of 2002-03 on Immigration and Asylum: the Government's proposed changes to publicly funded immigration and asylum work
HC 299
3 sp
Further Government Response to the Second Report on Asylum and Immigration Appeals
HC 868
4 sp
Additional Government Response to the Second Report on Asylum and Immigration Appeals
HC 1136

Culture, Media and Sport

Clerk: Mr Fergus Reid

Members (11)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Rt Hon Sir Gerald Kaufman (Lab) (Chairman)

Mr Chris Bryant (Lab)Mr Frank Doran (Lab)Mr Michael Fabricant (Con)
Mr Adrian Flook (Con)Mr Nick Hawkins (Con)Mr Alan Keen (Lab/Co-op)
Ms Rosemary McKenna (Lab)Ms Debra Shipley (Lab)Mr John Thurso (LD)
Mr Derek Wyatt (Lab)


Paper No
Govt reply
Cultural objects: developments since 2000
HC 59
Cm 6149
DCMS Annual Report: Work of the Department in 2002-03
HC 74
Broadcasting in transition
HC 380
Work of the Department in 2003
HC 404
Cm 6242
Reform of the National Lottery
HC 196
Cm 6232
Arts Development: Dance
HC 587
Cm 6326
Drugs and role models in sport: making and setting examples
HC 499
Cm 6347

Special Reports

Paper No
1 sp
Privacy and media intrusion
Replies to the Committee's Fifth Report, 2002-03
HC 213
2 sp
Broadcasting in transition
Government and Ofcom Replies to the Committee's Third Report, 2003-04
HC 585


Clerk: Mr Mark Hutton

Members (11)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Rt. Hon. Bruce George (Lab) (Chairman)

Mr James Cran (Con)Mr David Crausby (Lab)Mr Mike Gapes (Lab)
Mr Mike Hancock (Lab)Mr Dai Havard (Lab)Mr Kevan Jones (Lab)
Mr Richard Ottaway (Con)Mr Frank Roy (Lab)Ms Rachel Squire (Lab)
Mr Peter Viggers (Con)


Paper No
Govt reply
Armed Forces Pensions and Compensation
HC 96
Annual Report for 2003
HC 293
Lessons of Iraq
HC 57
HC 635
Strategic Export Controls - Annual Report for 2002, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny (joint report)
HC 635
Defence White Paper 2003
HC 465
HC 1048
Defence Procurement
HC 572
Special Reports* 1 joint report
Paper No
1 sp
Lessons of Iraq: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2003-04
HC 635
2 sp
Defence White Paper 2003: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2003-04
HC 1048
1 jr
Strategic Export Controls - Annual Report for 2002, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny
HC 390

Education and Skills

Clerk: Mr David Lloyd

Members (11)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Mr Barry Sheerman MP (Lab) (Chairman)

Mr David Chaytor (Lab) Ms Valerie Davey (Lab)Mr Jeff Ennis (Lab)
Mr Nick Gibb (Con)Mr Paul Holmes (LD)Mr Robert Jackson(Con)
Mrs Helen Jones (Lab)Mr Kerry Pollard (Lab)Mr Jonathan Shaw (Lab)
Mr Andrew Turner (Con)


Paper No
Govt reply
Public Expenditure: Schools' Funding
HC 112
HC 377
The Work of the Committee in 2003
HC 348
The Draft School Transport Bill
HC 509
Cm 6331
Secondary Education: School Admissions
HC 58
Cm 6349
Secondary Education: Teacher Retention and Recruitment
HC 1057
The Work of Ofsted
HC 426

Special Reports

Paper No
1 sp
Secondary Education: Pupil Achievement
HC 147
2 sp
Government Response to the Committee's First Report: Public Expenditure: Schools' Funding
HC 377

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Clerk: Mathew Hamlyn

Members (17)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Rt Hon Michael Jack (Con) (Chairman)

Ms Candy Atherton (Lab)Mr Colin Breed (LD)Mr David Burnside (UUP)
Mr David Drew (Lab)Mr Patrick Hall (Lab)Mr Mark Lazarowicz(Lab)
Mr David Lepper (Lab)Ian Liddell-Grainger (Con)MrAustin Mitchell(Lab)
Ms Diana Organ (Lab)Ms Joan Ruddock (Lab)Rt Hon Gillian Shephard (Con)
Mr Alan Simpson (Lab)Mr David Taylor (Lab)Mr Paddy Tipping (Lab)
Mr Bill Wiggin (Con)


Paper No
Govt reply
Water Pricing
HC 121
HC 420
The Annual Report of the Committee 2003
HC 225
HC 1037
Caught in the net: by-catch of dolphins and porpoises off the UK coast
HC 88
HC 540
End of Life Vehicles Directive and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive
HC 103
HC 557
The Food Standards Agency and Shellfish
HC 248
HC 601
Marine Environment
HC 76
HC 706
Implementation of CAP Reform in the UK
HC 226
HC 916
Gangmasters (follow up)
HC 455
HC 1035
Milk Pricing in the United Kingdom
HC 335
HC 1036
Marine Environment: Government Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 706
GM Planting Regime
HC 607
HC 1128
Reform of the Sugar Regime
HC 550
HC 1129
Bovine TB
HC 638
HC 1130
Sites of Special Scientific Interest: Conserving the Jewels of England's Natural Heritage
HC 475
HC 1255
The Departmental Annual Report 2004
HC 707
Climate Change, Water Security and Flooding
HC 558
Agriculture and EU Enlargement
HC 421
Dismantling Defunct Ships in the UK
HC 834
Water Pricing: Follow up
HC 1186

Special Reports

Paper No
1 sp
Gangmasters: Government Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 122
2 sp
New Covent Garden Market: a follow-up: Government Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 123
3 sp
Biofuels: Government Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 270
4 sp
Water Pricing: Government Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 420
5 sp
Conduct of the GM Public Debate: Government Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 443
6 sp
Conduct of the GM Public Debate: Food Standards Agency Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 483
7 sp
Caught in the net: by-catch of dolphins and porpoises off the UK coast Government Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 540
8 sp
End of Life Vehicles Directive and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive: Government Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 557
9 sp
The Food Standards Agency and Shellfish: Government Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 601
10 sp  
Implementation of CAP Reform in the UK: Government Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 916
11 sp
Vets and Veterinary Services: Government Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 974
12 sp
Gangmasters (follow up): Government Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 1035
13 sp
Milk Pricing in the United Kingdom: Replies from the Government and the Office of Fair Trading
HC 1036
14 sp
The Annual Report of the Committee 2003: Government Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 1037
15 sp
GM Planting Regime: Government Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 1128
16 sp
Reform of the Sugar Regime: Government Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 1129
17 sp
Bovine TB: Government Reply to the Committee's Report
HC 1130
18 sp
Sites of Special Scientific Interest: Conserving the Jewels of England's Natural Heritage: Government Reply to the Committee's Report

Foreign Affairs

Clerk: Mr Steve Priestley

Members (11)

Nominated 19 July 2001

Rt Hon Donald Anderson (Lab) (Chairman)

Mr David Chidgey (LD)Mr Fabian Hamilton (Lab)Mr Eric Illsley (Lab)
Rt Hon Andrew Mackay (Con) Mr Andrew Mackinlay (Lab)Mr John Maples (Con)
Mr Bill Olner (Lab)Mr Greg Pope (Lab)Rt Hon Sir John Stanley (Con)
Ms Gisela Stuart (Lab)


Paper No
Govt reply
Foreign Affairs Committee Annual Report 2003
HC 220
Foreign Policy Aspects of the War against Terrorism
HC 81
Cm 6162
HC 80
Cm 6198
Human Rights Annual Report 2003
HC 389
Cm 6275
South Africa
HC 117
Cm 6283
Strategic Export Controls - Annual Report for 2002, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny (joint report)
HC 390
Foreign Policy Aspects of the War against Terrorism
HC 441
Cm 6340
Foreign and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2003-2004
HC 745
Special Reports1 joint report
Paper No
Implications for the Work of the House and its Committees of the Government's Lack of Co-operation with the Foreign Affairs Committee's Inquiry into The Decision to go to War in Iraq
HC 440
Strategic Export Controls - Annual Report for 2002, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny
HC 390


Clerk: Dr David Harrison

Members (11)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Mr David Hinchliffe (Lab) (Chairman)

Mr David Amess (Con)Mr John Austin (Lab)Rt Hon Keith Bradley (Lab)
Mr Simon Burns (Con)Mrs Patsy Calton (LD)Mr Jim Dowd (Lab)
Mr Jon Owen Jones Ms Siobhain McDonagh (Lab)Dr Doug Naysmith (Lab)
Dr Richard Taylor (Ind)


Paper No
Govt reply
The Work of the Health Committee, 2003
HC 239
Elder Abuse
HC 111
Cm 6270
HC 23
Palliative Care
HC 454
Cm 6327
GP Out-of-Hours Services
HC 697
Cm 6352
The Provision of Allergy Services
HC 696

Home Affairs

Clerk: Dr Robin James

Members (11)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Rt. Hon John Denham (Lab) (Chairman)

Ms Janet Anderson (Lab)Mr James Clappison (Con)Mrs Claire Curtis-Thomas (Lab)
Mrs Janet Dean (Lab)Mr Damian Green (Con) Mr Gwyn Prosser (Lab)
Mr Bob Russell (LD)Mr Marsha Singh (Lab)Mr John Taylor (Con)
Mr David Winnick (Lab)


Paper No
Govt reply
Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Bill
HC 109
Cm 6132
Asylum Applications
HC 218
Cm 6166
The Work of the Home Affairs Committee in 2003
HC 345
Identity Cards
HC 130
Cm 6359
Draft Sentencing Guidelines 1 and 2
HC 1207

International Development

Clerk: Mr Alistair Doherty

Members (11)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Mr Tony Baldry (Con) (Chairman)

Mr John Barrett (LD)Rt Hon John Battle (Lab)Mr Hugh Bayley (Lab)
Mr John Bercow (Con)Rt Hon Ann Clwyd (Lab)Mr Tony Colman (Lab)
Quentin Davies (Con)Mr Piara Khabra (Lab)Ms Chris McCafferty (Lab)
Mr Tony Worthington (Lab)


Paper No
Govt reply
Trade and Development at the WTO: Learning the lessons of Cancun to revive a genuine development round
HC 92
HC 452/HC 353
Development Assistance and the Occupied Palestinian Territories
HC 230
HC 487
Annual Report 2003
HC 312
Kenya: DFID's Country Assistance Plan 2004-07 and Progress Towards the Millennium Development Goals
HC 494
HC 857
Strategic Export Controls - Annual Report for 2002, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny
HC 390
Migration and Development: How to make migration work for poverty reduction
HC 79
DFID's Agriculture Policy
HC 602
HC 1273
DFID's Departmental Report 2004
HC 749
Special Reports1 joint report
Paper No
1 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2002-03:

Department for International Development: Departmental Report 2003

HC 231
2 sp
Government Response to the Committee's First Report:

Trade and Development at the WTO: Learning the lessons of Cancun to revive a genuine development round

HC 452/HC 353
3 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Second Report:

Development Assistance and the Occupied Palestinian Territory

HC 487
4 sp
Kenya: DFID's Country Assistance Plan 2004-07 and progress towards the Millennium Development Goals: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report
HC 857
5 sp
DFID's Agriculture Policy: Government Response to the Committee's 7th Report.
HC 1273
1 jr
Strategic Export Controls - Annual Report for 2002, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny
HC 390

Northern Ireland Affairs

Clerk: Dr John Patterson

Members (11)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Mr Michael Mates (Con) (Chairman)

Mr Adrian Bailey (Lab)Roy Beggs (UU)Gregory Campbell (DU)
Mr Tony Clarke (Lab)Stephen Hepburn (Lab)Iain Luke (Lab)
Eddie McGrady (Lab)Stephen Pound (Lab)Reverend Martin Smyth (UU)
Hugo Swire (Con)Mark Tami (Lab)Bill Tynan (Lab)


Paper No
Govt reply
The Committee's work in 2003
HC 146
HC 510
The separation of paramilitary prisoners at HMP Maghaberry
HC 302-I
HC 583
Introduction of the Aggregates Levy in Northern Ireland: one year on
HC 395
HC 666
The Compensation Agency
HC 271
HC 955
'Hate Crime': the Draft Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
HC 615
HC 954
Social Housing Provision in Northern Ireland
HC 493-I

Special Reports

Paper No
1 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report on The Illegal Drugs Trade and Drug Culture in Northern Ireland Session 2002-2003
HC 180
2 sp
Work of the Committee in 2003: Government's Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2003-04
HC 510
3 sp
The Separation of Paramilitary Prisoners at HMP Maghaberry: Government's Response to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2003-04
HC 583
4 sp
Introduction of the Aggregates Levy in Northern Ireland: one year on. The Government's Response
HC 666
5 sp
'Hate Crime': the Draft Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2004 Government Response
HC 954
6 sp  
The Compensation Agency Government Response
HC 955

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions

Clerk: Miss Kate Emms

Members (11)

Nominated 22 July 2002

Mr Andrew Bennett MP (Lab) (Chairman)

Sir Paul Beresford (Con)Clive Betts (Lab)Mr Graham Brady (Con)
David Clelland (Lab)Mr John Cummings (Lab)Eleanor Laing (Con)
Chris Mole (Lab)Mr Bill O'Brien (Lab)Christine Russell (Lab)
Adrian Sanders (LD)


Paper No
Govt reply
ODPM Annual Report and Accounts 2003
HC 102
Cm 6141
Annual Report to the Liaison Committee 2003
HC 221
The Fire Service
HC 43
Cm 6154
Coalfield Communities
HC 44
Cm 6265
Decent Homes
HC 46
Cm 6266
Social Cohesion
HC 45
Cm 6284
Postal Voting
HC 400
HC 973
The Role and Effectiveness of the Housing Corporation
HC 401
Cm 6351
Local Government Revenue
HC 402
Cm 6321
Supporting Vulnerable and Older People: The Supporting People Programme
HC 504
Cm 6348
The Role of Historic Buildings in Urban Regeneration
HC 47
Draft Planning Policy Statement 6: Planning for Town Centres
HC 952
Gypsy and Traveller Sites
HC 633

Special Reports

Paper No
Government Response to and the Electoral Commission's Observations on the Committee's Seventh Report, Session 2003-04, Postal Voting
HC 973

Science and Technology

Clerk: Mr Chris Shaw

Members (11)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Dr Ian Gibson MP (Lab) (Chairman)

Paul Farrelly (Lab)Dr Evan Harris (LD)Kate Hoey (Lab)
Dr Brian Iddon (Lab)Mr Robert Key (Con)Mr Tony McWalter(Lab)
Dr Andrew Murrison (Con)Ms Geraldine Smith (Lab)Mr Bob Spink (Con)
Dr Desmond Turner (Lab)


Paper No
Govt reply
Annual Report 2003
HC 169
Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council: Introductory Hearing
HC 55
HC 629
The Work of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
HC 6
HC 526
The Office of Science and Technology: Scrutiny Report 2003
HC 316
HC 588
Too little too late? Government Investment in Nanotechnology
HC 56
HC 650
Within REACH: The EU's new chemicals strategy
HC 172
HC 895
Director General for Higher Education: Introductory Hearing
HC 461
HC 1015
The Work of the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils
HC 462
HC 1199
Director General of the Research Councils: Introductory Hearing
HC 577
HC 1059
Scientific Publications: Free for all?
HC 399
Research Assessment Exercise: a re-assessment
HC 586
Government support for Beagle 2
HC 711
The Use of Science in UK International Development Policy
HC 133
Responses to the Committee's Tenth Report, Session 2003-04, Scientific Publications: Free for all?
HC 1200

Special Reports

Paper No
1 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report, Session 2002-03: Light Pollution and Astronomy
HC 127
2 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report, Session 2002-03: The Work of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
HC 171
3 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Third Report, Session 2003-04: The Work of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
HC 526
4 sp
Government's Response to the Committee's Fourth Report, Session 2003-04, The Office of Science and Technology: Scrutiny Report 2003
HC 588
5 sp
Government's Response to the Committee's Second Report, Session 2003-04, Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council: Introductory Hearing
HC 629
6 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report, Session 2003-04, Too little too late? Government Investment in Nanotechnology
HC 650
7 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report, Session 2003-04, Within REACH: the EU's new chemicals strategy
HC 895
8 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report, Session 2003-04: Director General for Higher Education: Introductory Hearing
HC 1015
9 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report, Session 2003-04: Director General of the Research Councils: Introductory Hearing
HC 1059
10 sp   
Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report, Session 2003/04, The Work of the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils
HC 1199

Scottish Affairs

Clerk: Mike Clark

Members (10)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Ms Irene Adams MP (Lab) (Chairman)

Mr Alistair Carmichael (LD)Mr Peter Duncan (Con)Mr David Hamilton (Lab)
Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger (Con)Mr John Lyons (Lab)John MacDougall (Lab)
Ms Ann McKechin (Lab)Mr John Robertson (Lab)Mr Mohammad Sarwar (Lab)


Paper No
Govt reply
Coincidence of Parliamentary Constituency Boundaries in Scotland and the Consequences of Change
HC 77
HC 514
Work of the Committee in 2003
HC 344
The Proposed Whisky Strip Stamp
HC 419
HC 822

Special Reports

Paper No
1 sp   
Response by the Government to the First Report (Session 2003-04) on the Coincidence of Parliamentary Constituency Boundaries in Scotland and the Consequences of Change
HC 514
2 sp
Response by the Government to the Third Report (Session 2003-04) on The Proposed Whisky Strip Stamp
HC 822

Trade and Industry

Clerk: Mrs Elisabeth Flood

Members (11)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Mr Martin O'Neill (Lab) (Chairman)

Dr Roger Berry (Lab)Mr Richard Burden (Lab)Mr Michael Clapham(lab)
Mr Jonathan Djanogly (Con)Nigel Evans (Con)Mr Lindsay Hoyle (Lab)
Julie Kirkbride (Con)Judy Mallaber (Lab)Ms Linda Perham (Lab)
Sir Robert Smith (LD)


Paper No
Govt reply
The Work of the Committee in 2003
HC 260
UK Broadband Market
HC 321
HC 596
Resilience of the National Electricity Network
HC 69
HC 630
Strategic Export Controls - Annual Report for 2002, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny (1st Joint Report)
HC 390
Support to Businesses from Regional Development Agencies
HC 118
HC 1042
The Work of the Export Credits Guarantee Department
HC 506
HC 1043
The Post Office Urban Network Reinvention Programme
HC 611
UK Automotive Industry in 2004
HC 437
Updating Company Law: the Government's consultation document on 'Company Law: Flexibility and Accessibility'
HC 1041
Post Office Urban Network Reinvention Revisited

Comments on Responses to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2003-04

HC 1204
Special Reports 1 joint report
Paper No
1 sp
Trade and Investment Opportunities with China and Taiwan:

Government Response to the Committee's Fourteenth Report of the Session 2002-03

HC 142
2 sp
The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

Government Response to the Committee's Seventeenth Report of Session 2002-03

HC 261
3 sp
Government Reply to the Committee's Sixteenth Report of Session 2002-03, on Rewards for Failure
HC 415
4 sp
UK Broadband Market

Responses to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2003-04

HC 596
5 sp
Resilience of the National Electricity Network

Responses to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2003-04

HC 630
6 sp
Support to businesses from Regional Agencies

Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2003-04

HC 1042
7 sp
The Work of the Export Credits Guarantee Department

Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2003-04

HC 1043
1 jr
Strategic Export Controls - Annual Report for 2002, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny
HC 390


Clerk: Ms Eve Samson

Members (11)

Nominated 22 July 2002

Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody (Lab) (Chairman)

Mr Jeffrey M Donaldson (DU)Mr Brian Donohoe (Lab)Mr Clive Efford (Lab)
Mrs Louise Ellman (Lab/Co-op)Mr Ian Lucas (Lab)Miss A McIntosh (LD)
Paul Marsden (LD)Mr John Randall (Con)Mr George Stevenson(Lab)
Mr Graham Stringer (Lab)


Paper No
Govt reply
Traffic Management Bill
HC 144
Cm 6131
The Departmental Annual Report 2003
HC 249
Cm 6157
The Regulation of Taxis and Private Hire Vehicle Services in the UK
HC 251
Cm 6183
Transport Committee Annual Report 2002-03
HC 317
The Office of Fair Trading's Response to the Third Report of the Committee: The Regulation of Taxis and Private Hire Vehicle Services in the UK
HC 418
Disabled People's Access to Transport
HC 439
The Future of the Railway
HC 145
School Transport
HC 318
Cm 6254
Navigational Hazards and the Energy Bill
HC 555
The Work of the Vehicle Operating Services Agency and The Vehicle Certification Agency
HC 250
Cm 6307
National Rail Enquiry Service
HC 580
British Transport Police
HC 488
The Rail Regulator's Last Consultations
HC 805
The Work of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency
HC 500
Cm 6343
Financial Protection for Air Travellers
HC 806
Traffic Law and its Enforcement
HC 105
Cars of the Future
HC 319
HC 1210

Special Reports

Paper No
1 sp
Government Response to the Eleventh Report of the Committee: National Rail Enquiry Service
HC 1132
2 sp
Government Response to the Ninth Report of the Committee: Navigational Hazards and the Energy Bill
HC 1133
3 sp  
Government Response to the Twelfth Report of the Committee: British Transport Police
HC 1134
4 sp
Government, Health and Safety Commission and Executive, and Office of the Rail Regulator Responses to the Seventh Report from the Committee, on the Future of the Railway
HC 1209


Clerk: Mr Crispin Poyser

Members (11)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Mr John McFall MP (Lab) (Chairman)

Mr Nigel Beard (Lab)Mr Jim Cousins (Lab)Ms Angela Eagle (Lab)
Mr Michael Fallon (Con)Rt Hon David Heathcoat-Amory (Con)Mr Norman Lamb (LD)
Mr John Mann (Lab)Mr George Mudie (Lab)Mr James Plaskitt (Lab)
Mr Robert Walter (Con)


Paper No
Govt reply
Transparency of Credit Card Charges
HC 125
HC 431/HC761
Child Trust Funds
HC 86
HC 387
The 2003 Pre-Budget Report
HC 136
HC 478
Annual Report for 2003
HC 386
Restoring confidence in long-term savings: Endowment mortgages
HC 394
The 2004 Budget
HC 479
The Administrative Costs of Tax Compliance
HC 269
Restoring confidence in long-term savings
HC 71
The Merger of Customs & Excise and the Inland Revenue
HC 556

Special Reports

Paper No
Govt reply
1 sp  
Government Response to the Committee's Second Report on Child Trust Funds (HC 86)
HC 387
2 sp
Responses to the Committee's First Report: Transparency of Credit Card Charges (HC 125)
HC 431
3 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Third Report on The 2003 Pre-Budget Report (HC 136)
HC 478
4 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report on The 2004 Budget (HC 479)
HC 654
5 sp
Responses to the Committee's Fifth Report: Restoring confidence in long term savings: Endowment mortgages (HC 394)
HC 655
6 sp
Supplementary Government Response to the Committee's First Report: Transparency of Credit Card Charges (HC 125)
HC 761
7 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report: The Administrative Costs of Tax Compliance (HC 269)
HC 1054
8 sp
Responses to the Committee's Eighth Report: Restoring confidence in long-term savings (HC 71)
HC 1119

Welsh Affairs

Clerk: Mr James Davies

Members (11)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Mr Martyn Jones (Lab) (Chairman)

Mr Martin Caton (Lab)Mr Huw Edwards (Lab)Mr Nigel Evans (Con)
Dr Hywel Francis (Lab)Ms Julie Morgan (Lab)Mr Albert Owen (Lab)
Mr Mark Prisk (Con)Mrs Betty Williams (Lab)Mr Hywel Williams(PC)
Mr Roger Williams (LD)


Paper No
Govt reply
The Empowerment of Children and Young People in Wales
HC 177
HC 459
Work of the Committee in 2003
HC 178
The Provision of Rail Services in Wales
HC 458
Draft Transport (Wales) Bill
HC 759
HC 1252
The Powers of the Children's Commissioner for Wales
HC 538
HC 1126

Special Reports

Paper No
1 sp  
The Government Response to the Fifth Report of the Committee Session 2002-03: The Draft Audit (Wales) Bill
HC 87
2 sp
The Government Response to the First Report of the Committee Session 2003-04: The Empowerment of Children and Young People in Wales
HC 459
3 sp
The Provision of Rail Services in Wales: The Government Response
HC 708
4 sp
The Powers of the Children's Commissioner for Wales: The Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2003-04
HC 1126
5 sp
The Draft Transport (Wales) Bill: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2003-04
HC 1252

Work and Pensions

Clerk: Mr Philip Moon

Members (11)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Sir Archy Kirkwood (LD) (Chairman)

Ms Vera Baird QC (Lab)Miss Anne Begg (Lab)Ms Karen Buck (Lab)
Mr Andrew Dismore (Lab)Mr Paul Goodman (Con)Mr DavidHamilton(Lab)
Mrs Joan Humble (Lab)Mr Rob Marris (Lab) Mr Andrew Selous(Con)
Mr Nigel Waterson (Con)


Paper No
Govt reply
The Committee's Work in 2003
HC 227
Child Poverty in the UK
HC 85
Cm 6200
Department for Work and Pensions Management of Information Technology Projects: Making IT Deliver for DWP Customers
HC 311
HC 1125
The Work of the Health and Safety Commission and Executive
HC 456
HC 1137

Special Reports

Paper No
1 sp  
Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of 2002-03 into the European Social Fund
HC 228
2 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Third Report into the DWP's Management of Information Technology Projects
HC 1125
3 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report into the Work of the Health and Safety Commission and Executive
HC 1137

Section C2

Subject Listing of Reports of Departmental Select Committees

The following subject list to the reports of the Departmental Select Committees (excluding, therefore, the Public Accounts Committee) is in an abbreviated form. Special reports and Government observations are not included. Full details are given in Section C1.

Allergies - Health (6) HC 696 means that the subject is covered by the sixth report, 2003-04 of the Health Committee, published as House of Commons Paper HC 696 of the Session.

Aggregates levy - Northern Ireland Affairs (3) HC 395

Agriculture and EU enlargement - Environment (17) HC 421

Agriculture DfID's policy - (7) HC 602

Allergies - Health (6) HC 696

Armed Forces; Pensions - Defence (1) HC 96

Art Works; Cultural heritage - Culture (1) HC 59

Asylum; Immigration - Home Affairs (2) HC 218

Bovine tuberculosis - Environment (13) HC 638

British Transport Police - Transport (12) HC 488

Broadband - Trade (2) HC 321

Broadcasting - Culture (3) HC 380

Budget - Treasury (6) HC 479

Cetaceans - Environment (3) HC 88

Chemicals - Science and Technology (6) HC 172

Child Trust Fund - Treasury (2) HC 86

Children; Poverty - Work and Pensions (2) HC 85

Climate change; Flood Control - Environment (16) HC 558

Common Agricultural Policy - Environment (7) HC 226

Company Law - Trade (9) HC 1041

Constituencies - Scottish Affairs (1) HC 77

Credit cards - Treasury (1) HC 125

Crime - Northern Ireland Affairs (5) HC 615

Customs and Excise - Treasury (9) HC 556

Dance - Culture (6) HC 587

Defence - Defence (5) HC 465

Defence equipment - Defence (6) HC 572

Developing countries; overseas aid - Science and Technology (13) HC 133

Development aid - International Development (4) HC 494

Disabled - Transport (6) HC 439

Elderly - Health (2) HC 111

Endowment mortgages - Treasury (5) HC 394

Energy supply - Trade (3) HC 69

Gangmasters - Environment (8) HC 455

General practitioners; locums - Health (5) HC 697

Genetically modified organisms - Environment (11) HC 607

Holidays; air travel - Transport (15) HC 806

Human rights - Foreign Affairs (4) HC 389

Identity cards - Home Affairs (4) HC 130

Industrial health and safety - Work and Pensions (4) HC 456

Information technology; Department for Work and Pensions - Work and Pensions (3) HC 311

Iran - Foreign Affairs (3) HC 80

Iraq conflict - Defence (3) HC 57

Maghaberry Prison - Northern Ireland Affairs (2) HC 302

Mars; Space technology - Science and Technology (12) HC 711

Migration - International Development (6) HC 79

Milk - Environment (9) HC 335

Motor vehicles - Trade (8) HC 437

Motor vehicles - Transport (17) HC 319

Nanotechnology - Science and Technology (5) HC 56

National Lottery - Culture (5) HC 196

Obesity - Health (3) HC 23

Palestinians; overseas aid - International Development (2) HC 230

Post offices - Trade (7) HC 611 & (10) HC 1204

Powers; Children's Commissioner for Wales - Welsh Affairs (5) HC 538

Pre-Budget Report - Treasury (3) HC 136

Public expenditure; education - Education and Skills (1) HC 112

Railways; Rail regulator's consultations - Transport (13) HC 805

Railways; travel information - Transport (11) HC 580

Railways - Transport (7) HC 145

Railways; Wales - Welsh Affairs (3) HC 458

Research assessment - Science and Technology (11) HC 586

Road traffic; law - Transport (16) HC 105

Road traffic control - Transport (1) HC 144

Schools; School travel schemes - Transport (8) HC 318

Science; publishing - Science and Technology (10) HC 399 & (14) HC 1200

Seas and oceans - Environment (6) HC 76

Secondary education; teachers - Education and Skills (5) HC 1057

Secondary education; Admissions - Education and Skills (4) HC 58

Sentencing - Home Affairs (5) HC 1207

Shellfish - Environment (5) HC 248

Shipping - Environment (18) HC 834

Shipping; Wind power - Transport (9) HC 555

Sites of special scientific interest - Environment (14) HC 475

Small businesses - Trade (5) HC 118

South Africa - Foreign Affairs (5) HC 117

Space technology; Galileo project - Transport (18) HC 1210

Sports competitors; drugs - Culture (7) HC 499

Sugar - Environment (12) HC 550

Taxation - Treasury (7) HC 269

Taxis - Transport (3) HC 251

Terminal care - Health (4) HC 454

Terrorism; Iraq - Foreign Affairs (7) HC 441

Terrorism - Foreign Affairs (2) HC 81

Trade; World Trade Organisation - International Development (1) HC 92

Waste management - Environment (4) HC 103

Water; pricing - Environment (1) HC 121 & (19) HC 1186

Whisky - Scottish Affairs (3) HC 419

Young People - Welsh Affairs (1) HC 177

Section C3

Other Select Committees

This section lists Select Committees, other than those set up under Standing Order No 121 to monitor the work of Government Departments (see Section C1) and those connected with private legislation.

The reports of these Committees are given below. For those which publish numerous reports of a periodical nature, an indication of the numbers involved is given, but further details are available from the House of Commons Information Office if required. Membership shown is as at Prorogation on 18 November 2004.

Accommodation and Works

Clerk: Mr Tim Jarvis

Members (9)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Mr Derek Conway (Con) (Chairman)

Mr Tony Banks (Lab)Mr Harold Best (Lab)Mr Bob Ainsworth (Lab)
Mr Patrick McLoughlin (Con)Mr Albert Owen (Lab)Ms Anne Picking (Lab)
Sir Robert Smith (LD)Mr Stephen Hepburn (Lab)


Paper No
Visitor facilities: Access to Parliament (joint report)
HC 324


Clerk: Mr Tim Jarvis

Members (9)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Mrs Marion Roe (Con) (Chairman)

Mr Nick Ainger (Lab)Mrs Patsy Calton (LD)Ms Caroline Flint (Lab)
Mr Peter Luff (Con)Mr Martin Linton (Lab)Mr Iain Luke (Lab)
Mr John MacDougall (Lab)Ms Julie Morgan (Lab)


Paper No
Visitor facilities: Access to Parliament (joint report)
HC 324


Clerk: Ms Steven Mark

Members (10)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Mr David Lepper (Lab/Co-op) (Chairman)

Ms Helen Clark (Lab)Mr Roger Gale (Con)Mr Gregory Barker (Con)
David Hamilton (Lab)Mr Iain Luke (Lab)Mr Jim Sheridan (Lab)
Mr John Lyons (Lab)Mr Khalid Mahmood (Lab)Mr Alan Reid (LD)


Clerk: Mr Steven Mark

Members (9)

Nominated 19 July 2001

Mr Dennis Turner (Lab/Co-op) (Chairman)

Ms Janet Anderson (Lab)Mr Peter Atkinson (Con)Mr Ronnie Campbell (Lab)
Mr Tony Cunningham (Lab)Mrs Janet Dean (Lab)Mr Lindsay Hoyle (Lab)
Miss Julie Kirkbride (Con)Mr Peter Wishart (SNP)

Consolidation Etc. Bills (Joint Committee)

Clerk: Mr Tom Mohan

Members (24)

Nominated 12 December 2001

Mr Russell Brown (Lab)John Burnett (LD)Mr David Cairns (Lab)
Mr Paul Farrelly (Lab) Mr Colin Challen (Lab)Mr Barry Gardiner (Lab)
Sir Patrick Cormack (Con)Mr Jim Dobbin (Lab)Mr John McDougall (Lab)
Hon Nicholas Soames (Con)Mr Anthony Steen (Con)

Nominated 14 March 2001

Lord Rodger of Earlsferry (Chairman)

Lord Acton (Lab)Lord Brightman (XB)Viscount Colville of Culcross (XB)
Lord Campbell of Alloway (Con)Lord Christopher (Lab)Earl of Dundee (Con)
Baroness Janner of Braunstone (Lab)Baroness Fookes DBE (Con)Baroness Mallalieu (Lab)
Lord Phillips of Sudbury (LD)Lord Razzell (LD)


Paper No
Govt reply
Statute Law (Repeals) Bill [HL]
HC 403, HL 46
Cm 6078

Draft Charities Bill (Joint Committee)

Clerk: Mr Andrew Kennon and Francene Graham

Members (12)

Nominated 10 May 2004

Alan Milburn (Lab) (Chairman)

Alan Campbell (Lab)George Foulkes (Lab)Sally Keeble (Lab)
Andrew Mitchell (Con)Bob Russell (LD)

Nominated 10 May 2004-12-20

Lord Best OBE (XB)Lord Cambell-Savours (Lab)Earl of Caithness (Con)
Baroness McIntosh of Hudnall (Lab)Lord Phillips of Sudbury OBE (LD)Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover (Con)


Paper No
Govt reply
Draft Charities Bill
HC 660, HL 167
Cm 6078

Draft Disability Discrimination Bill (Joint Committee)

Clerks: Mr Andrew Kennon and Mr Jake Vaughan

Members (12)

Nominated by the House of Lords on 21 January 2004

Lord Carter (Lab) (Chairman)

Lord Addington (LD)Lord Rix (XB)Lord Swinfen (Con)
Lord Tebbitt (Con)Baroness Wilkins (Lab)

Nominated by the House of Commons on 15 January 2004

Anne Begg (Lab)Roger Berry (Lab)Rt Hon Tom Clarke (Lab)
Mr Paul Goodman (Con)Mr Tom Levitt (Lab)Mr Roger Williams (LD)


Paper No
Govt reply
Draft Disability Discrimination Bill
HL 82, HC 352
Cm 6276

Draft Gambling Bill (Regional Casinos) (Joint Committee)

Clerks: Mr Jake Vaughan

Members (16)

Nominated by the House of Commons on 21 June 2004

Mr John Greenway (Con) (Chairman)

Janet Anderson (Lab)Tony Banks (Lab)Jeff Ennis (Lab)
Mr Alan Meale (Lab)Mr Richard Page (Con)Dr John Pugh (LD)
Mr Anthony D. Wright (Lab)

Nominated by the House of Lords on 21 June 2004

Rt Hon Lord Brooke of Sutton Mandeville (Con)Lord Donoughue (Lab)
Viscount Falkland (LD)Lord Faulkner of Worcester (Lab)
Baroness Golding (Lab)Lord Mancroft (Con)Lord Wade of Chorlton (Con)
Lord Walpole (XB)


Paper No
Govt reply
Draft Gambling Bill (Regional Casinos)
HL 146, HC 843
Cm 6330

Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee)

Clerks: Ms Sarah Davies (Commons) Ms Audrey Nelson (Lords)

Members (16)

Nominated by the House of Commons on 9 September 2003

Mr John Greenway (Con) (Chairman)

Janet Anderson (Lab)Tony Banks (Lab)Jeff Ennis (Lab)
Mr Alan Meale (Lab)Mr Richard Page (Con)Dr John Pugh (LD)
Mr Anthony D. Wright (Lab)

Nominated by the House of Lords on 9 September 2003

Rt Hon Lord Brooke of Sutton Mandeville (Con)Lord Donoughue (Lab)
Viscount Falkland (LD)Lord Faulkner of Worcester (Lab)
Baroness Golding (Lab)Lord Mancroft (Con)Lord Wade of Chorlton (Con)

Lord Walpole (XB)


Paper No
Govt reply
Draft Gambling Bill
HL 63, HC 139
Cm 6253

Draft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee)

Clerks: Mr Glenn McKee (Commons) Ms Chloe Mawson (Lords)

Members (24)

Nominated by the House of Commons on 20 July 2004

Mrs Liz Blackman (Lab)Mrs Angela Browning (Con)Mr David Hinchliffe (Lab)
Mr George Howarth (Lab)Tim Loughton (Con)Paul Marsden (LD)
Laura Moffatt (Lab)Ms Meg Munn (Lab)Dr Doug Naysmith (Lab)
Mr Gwyn Prosser (Lab)Dr Howard Stoate (Lab)Hywel Williams (PC)

Nominated by the House of Lords on 14 July 2004

Lord Carlile of Berriew (LD) (Chairman)

Baroness Barker (LD)Lord Carter (Lab)Baroness Cumberlege (Con)
Baroness Eccles of MoultonBaroness Finlay of Llandaff (XB)Lord Mayhew of Twysden (Con)
Baroness McIntosh of Hudnall (Lab)Baroness Murphy (XB)Baroness Pitkeathley (Lab)
Lord Rix (XB)Lord Turnberg (Lab)

Draft Mental Incapacity Bill (Joint Committee)

Clerks: Mr Gordon Baker and Mr Sian Jones

Members (16)

Lords (nominated 16 July 2003)

Lord Carter (Lab) (Chairman)

Baroness Barker (LD)Baroness Fookes DBE (Con)Lord Knight of Collingtree (Con)
Baroness McIntosh (Con)Lord Pearson (Con)Lord Rix (XB)
Lord Roper (LD)Baroness Wilkins (Lab)

Commons (nominated 16 July 2003)

Mr John Bercow (Lab)Mrs Angela Browning (Con)Mr Paul Burstow (LD)
Mr Jim Dowd (Lab)Mr Stephen Hesford (Lab)Mrs Joan Humble (Lab)
Mr Huw Irranca-Davies (Lab)Mrs Laura Moffatt (Lab)


Paper No
Draft Mental Incapacity Bill
HLP 181, HC 1083

Environmental Audit

Clerk: Mr Mike Hennessy

Members (16)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Mr Peter Ainsworth (Con) (Chairman)

Mr Gregory Barker (Con)Mr Harold Best (Lab)Mr Colin Challen (Lab)
Mr David Chaytor (Lab)Mrs Helen Clark (Lab)Ms Sue Doughty (LD)
Mr Paul Flynn (Lab)Mr Mark Francois (Con)Mr John Horam (Con)
Mr John McWilliam (Lab)Mr Elliot Morley (Lab)Mr Malcolm Savidge (Lab)
Mr Simon Thomas (PC)Joan Walley (Lab)Mr David Wright (Lab)


Govt reply
Annual Report 2003
HC 215
GM Foods - Evaluating the farm scale trials
HC 90
Pre-budget report 2003: Aviation follow up
HC 233
Water: the periodic review 2004 and the Environmental Programme
HC 416
HC 950
GM Foods - Evaluating the farm scale trials: the Government Response
HC 564
Environmental crime and the courts
HC 126
HC 1232
Aviation: Sustainability and the Government Response
HC 623
Greening Government 2004
HC 881
HC 1259
Environmental Crime: Fly-tipping, fly-posting, litter graffiti and noise
HC 445
HC 1232
Budget 2004 and energy
HC 490
HC 1183
Aviation: Sustainability and the Government's second response
HC 1063
Environmental crime: wildlife crime
HC 605
The sustainable development strategy: Illusion or reality
HC 624

Special reports

Govt reply
1 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Twelth Report of Session 2002-03, on the World Summit on sustainable development
HC 232
2 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Eleventh Report of Session 2002-03, on the Sustainable Development headline indicators 2002
HC 320
3 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Thirteenth Report 2002-03, Greening Government 2003
HC 489
4 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report, Session 2003-04, Water: the Periodic Review 2004 and the Environmental Programme
HC 950
5 sp  
Government Response to the Committee's Tenth Report, Session 2003-04, Budget 2004 and Energy
HC 1183
6 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report, Session 2003-04 Environmental Crime and the Courts and Ninth Report, Session 2003-04 Fly-tipping, Fly-posting, Litter, Graffiti and Noise
HC 1232  
7 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report, 2003-04 on Greening Government 2004
HC 1259

European Scrutiny

Clerks: Mr Dorian Gerhold

Members (14)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Mr Jimmy Hood (Lab) (Chairman)

Mr Richard Bacon (Con)Mr William Cash (Con)Mr Michael Connarty (Lab)
Mr Wayne David (Lab)Mr Jim Dobbin (Lab/Co-op)Mr Nick Harvey (LD)
Rt Hon David Heathcoat-Amory (Con)Sandra Osborne (Lab)Anne Picking (Lab)
Mr Angus Roberston (SNP)Mr John Robertson (Lab)Mr Anthony Steen (Con)
Mr Bill Tynan (Lab)

The Committee considers European Legislation and reports on a large number of items each year. 37 reports were published in Session 2003-04 as serial parts of HC 42. Further details are available from the House of Commons Information Office or on the parliament website.

Finance and Services

Clerk: Mr David Natzler

Members (11)

Nominated 19 November 2001

Sir Stuart Bell (Lab) (Chairman)

Mrs Irene Adams (Lab)Mr Bob Ainsworth (Lab)Mr Derek Conway (Con)
Mr Robert Key (Con)Mr David Lepper (Lab/Co-op)Rt Hon Thomas McAvoy (Lab)
Mr Patrick McLoughlin (Con)Mrs Marion Roe (Con)Mr Andrew Stunell (LD)
Mr Dennis Turner (Lab/Co-op)

House of Lords Reform (Joint Committee)

Clerks: Mr Malcolm Jack (Commons) and Mr David Beamish (Lords)

Members (24)

Nominated by the House of Commons 19 June 2002:

Rt Hon Dr Jack Cunningham (Lab)(Chairman)

Janet Anderson (Lab)Mr James Arbuthnot (Con)Mr Chris Bryant (Lab)
Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke QC (Con)Rt Hon William Hague (Con)Mr Stephen McCabe (Lab)
Rt Hon Joyce Quin (Lab)Mr Terry Rooney (Lab)Mr Clive Soley (Lab)
Mr Paul Stinchcombe (Lab)Mr Paul Tyler (LD)

Nominated by the House of Lords 4 July 2002:

Lord Archer of Sandwell (Lab)Viscount Bledisloe (XB)Lord Brooke of Alverthorpe (Lab)
Rt Hon Lord Carter (Lab)Lord Forsyth of Drumlean (Con)Baroness Gibson of Market Rasen (Lab)
Lord Goodhart (LD)Rt Hon Lord Howe of Aberavon (Con)Lord Oakeshott of Seagrove Bay (LD)
Baroness O'Cathain (Con)Earl of Selbourne (Con)Rt Hon Lord Weatherill (XB)

Human Rights (Joint Committee)

Clerk: Mr Nick Walker (Commons) Mr Ed Lock (Lords)

Members (12)

Nominated by the House of Commons 16 July 2001

Rt Hon Jean Corston (Lab) (Chairman)

Mr David Chidgey (Lab)Mr Kevin Mc Namara (Lab)Mr Richard Shepherd (Con)
Mr Paul Stinchcombe (Lab)Mr Shaun Woodward (Lab)

Nominated by the House of Lords 3 July 2001

Lord Bowness (Con)Lord Campbell of Alloway (Con)Baroness Falkner of Margravine (LD)
Lord Judd (Lab)Lord Plant of Highfield (Lab)Baroness Stern (XB)

Paper No
Deaths in Custody: interim report
HL 12; HC 134
Government response to the Committee's Ninth report of 2002-03 on the Case for a Children's Commissioner for England
HL 13; HC 135
Scrutiny of Bills: progress report
HL 23; HC 252   
Scrutiny of Bills: second progress report
HL 34; HC 303
Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants) Bill
HL 35; HC 304
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001. Statutory Review and Continuance of Part 4
HL 38; HC 381
The meaning of public authority under the Human Rights Act 1998
HL 39; HC 382
Scrutiny of Bills: third progress report
HL 49; HC 427
Naval Discipline Act 1957 (Remedial) Order 2004
HL 59; HC 477
Scrutiny of Bills fourth progress report
HL 64: HC 503
Commission for Equality and Human Rights: Structure, functions and powers
HL 78; HC 536
Scrutiny of Bills: fifth progress report
HL 93: HC 603
Scrutiny of Bills: sixth progress report
HL 102; HC 640
Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants etc) Bill: New Clauses
HL 130; HC 828
Civil Partnership Bill [HL]
HL 136; HC 885
Commission for Equality and Human Rights: the Government's White Paper
HL 156; HC 998
Scrutiny of Bills: seventh progress report
HL 157; HC 999
Review of Counter-terrorism powers
HL 158; HC 713
The Children Bill
HL 161; HC 537
Scrutiny of Bills; Eighth progress report
HL 182; HC 1187  
The International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights
HL 183; HC 1188
The Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (Specification of Particularly Serious Crimes) Order 2004
HL 190; HC 1212
Scrutiny of Bills; final progress report
HL 210; HC 1282


Clerk: Mr Steven Mark

Members (9)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Mr Robert Key (Con) (Chairman)

Mr Richard Allan (LD)Mr Neil Gerrard (Lab)Mr Peter Luff (Con)
Mr John Mann (Lab)Ms Ann McKechin (Lab)Ms Margaret Moran (Lab)
Mr Gwyn Prosser (Lab)Jim Sheridan (Lab)


Clerks: Mr George Cubie and Mr Robert Wilson

Members (36)

Nominated: 5 November 2001

Rt Hon Alan Williams (Lab) (Chairman)

Mrs Irene Adams (Lab)Mr Peter Ainsworth (Con)Mr Richard Allan (LD)
Rt Hon Donald Anderson (Lab)Mr Tony Baldry (Con)Sir Stuart Bell (Lab)
Rt Hon Alan Beith (LD)Mr Andrew Bennett (Lab)Derek Conway (Con)
Rt Hon Jean Corston (Lab)Mr John Denham (Lab)Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody (Lab)
Rt Hon Bruce George (Lab)Dr Ian Gibson (Lab)Mr David Hinchliffe (Lab)
Mr Jimmy Hood (Lab) Rt Hon Michael Jack (Con)Mr Martyn Jones (Lab)
Mr Gerald Kaufman (Lab)Mr Robert Key (Con)Sir Archy Kirkwood (LD)
Mr Edward Leigh (Con)Mr David Lepper (Lab/Co-op)Mr Michael Mates (Con)
Mr John McFall (Lab/Co-op)Mr John McWilliam (Lab)Mr Martin O'Neill (Lab)
Mr Peter Pike (Lab)Mrs Marion Roe (Con)Mr Barry Sheerman (Lab/Co-op)
Mr David Treddinick (Con)Mr Dennis Turner (Lab/Co-op)Sir Nicholas Winterton (Con)
Dr Tony Wright (Lab)Rt Hon Sir George Young (Con)

Oral Evidence

Paper No
Evidence from the Prime Minister
3 February 2004
HC 310-i
Evidence from the Prime Minister
6 July 2004
HC 310-ii
Evidence from the Leader of the House
19 October 2004
HC 1180-i


Paper No
Annual Report 2003
HC 446

Modernisation of the House of Commons

Clerks: Mr George Cubie

Members (15)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Rt Hon Peter Hain (Lab) (Chairman)

Ms Ann Coffey (Lab)Ms Barbara Follett (Lab)Mr Oliver Heald (Con)
Mr David Kidney (Lab)Mr Martin Linton (Lab)Mr Patrick McLoughlin (Con)
Ms Anne Picking (Lab)Mr Peter Pike (Lab)Ms Joan Ruddock (Lab)
Mr Martin Salter (Lab)Mr Richard Shepherd (Con)Mr Andrew Stunell (LD)
Mr Paul Tyler (LD)Sir Nicholas Winterton (Con)


Connecting Parliament with the Public
Paper No
HC 368


Clerks: Mr Simon Patrick

Members (13)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Sir Nicholas Winterton (Con) (Chairman)

Mr John Bercow (Con)Mr John Burnett (LD)Mr David Hamilton (Lab)
Mr Eric Illsley (Lab)Mr Huw Irranca-Davies (Lab)Mr Eric Joyce Lab)
Mr Iain Luke (Lab)Ms Rosemary Mckenna (Lab)Mr Tony McWalter (Lab/Co-op)
Sir Robert Smith (LD)Mr Desmond Swayne (Con)Mr David Wright (Lab)


Paper No
Govt reply
Estimates and Appropriation Procedure
HC 393
HC 576
Results of Sitting Hours Questionnaire
HC 491
Joint Activities with the National Assembly for Wales
HC 582
HC 681
Programming of Legislation
HC 325
HC 1169
Public Petitions
HC 1248

Special Reports

Paper No
Govt reply
1 sp   
Government Response to the Committee's First report on Estimates and Appropriation Procedure
HC 576  
2 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Fourth report of session 2002-03 on Procedures for Debate, Private Members' Bills and the Powers of the Speaker
HC 610
3 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Third report of session 2002-03 on Sessional Orders and Resolutions
HC 613
4 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Third Report on Joint Activities with the National Assembly for Wales
HC 681  
5 sp
Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report on Programming of Legislation
HC 1169  

Public Accounts

Clerk: Mr Nicholas Wright

Members (16)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Mr Edward Leigh (Con) (Chairman)

Mr Richard Allan (LD)Mr Richard Bacon (Con)Mrs Angela Browning (Con)
Mr Jon Cruddas (Lab)Mr David Curry (Con) Mr Ian Davidson (Lab/Co-op)
Rt Hon Frank Field (Lab)Mr Brian Jenkins (Lab)Mr Nigel Jones (LD)
Jim Sheridan (Lab)Mr Sion Simon (Lab)Rt Hon Stephen Timms (Lab)
Mr Jon Trickett (Lab)Mr Gerry Steinberg (Lab)Rt Hon Alan Williams (Lab)


Paper No
Govt reply
Tackling fraud against the Inland Revenue
HC 62
Cm 6130
The new electricity trading arrangements in England and Wales
HC 63
Cm 6130
The Sheep annual premium scheme
HC 64
Cm 6136
Improving service delivery: the Forensic Science Service
HC 137
Cm 6155
Warm Front: helping to combat fuel poverty
HC 206
Cm 6175
Department of Trade and Industry: Regional grants in England
HC 207
Cm 6155
Progress on 15 major capital projects funded by Arts Council England
HC 253
Cm 6155
The English national stadium project at Wembley
HC 254
Cm 6155
Review of grants made to the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns
HC 305
Cm 6175
Purchasing and managing software licences
HC 306
Cm 6175
Helping consumers benefit from competition in telecommunications
HC 405
Cm 6191
Getting it right, putting it right: Improving decision making and appeals in social security benefits
HC 406
Cm 6191
Excess Votes 2002-03
HC 407
Inland Revenue: Tax Credits
HC 89
Cm 6244
Procurement of vaccines by the Department of Health
HC 429
Cm 6244
Progress in improving the medical assessment of incapacity and disability benefits
HC 120
Cm 6191
Hip replacement: an update
HC 40
Cm 6271
PFI: The new headquarters for the Home Office
HC 501
Cm 6244
Making a difference: Performance of maintained secondary schools in England
HC 104
Cm 6244
Improving service delivery: the Veterans Agency
HC 551
Cm 6271
Housing the homeless
HC 559
Cm 6283
Excess Votes (Northern Ireland) 2002-03 Report
HC 560  
Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ): New Accommodation Programme
HC 65
Cm 6302
Transforming the performance of HM Customs and Excise through electronic service delivery
HC 138
Cm 6302
Managing resources to deliver better public services
HC 181
Difficult forms: how government departments interact with citizens
HC 255
Cm 6302
Identifying and tracking livestock in England
HC 326
Cm 6332
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency: Trust Statement Report 2002-03
HC 336
Cm 6302
Improving public services for older people
HC 626
Cm 6303
Out of sight- not out of mind: Ofwat and the public sewer network in England and Wales
HC 463
Cm 6303
Cambridge - MIT Institute
HC 502
Cm 6302
HM Customs and Excise Standard Report
HC 284
Cm 6304
Income generated by museums and galleries
HC 430
Cm 6304
Strategic Rail Authority: improving passenger rail services through new trains
HC 408
Cm 6304
Early years: progress in developing high quality childcare and early education accessible to all
HC 444
Tackling VAT fraud
HC 512
Cm 6304
Risk management: the nuclear liabilities of British Energy plc
HC 354
Cm 6355
An early progress report on the New Deal for Communities programme
HC 492
Cm 6355
Ministry of Defence: Operation TELIC - United Kingdom military operations in Iraq
HC 273
Cm 6355
Youth offending: the delivery of community and custodial sentences
HC 307
Improving departments' capability to procure cost effectively
HC 541
Increased resources to improve public services: a progress report on departments' preparations
HC 552
Ministry of Defence: Major Projects Report 2003
HC 383
Protecting England and Wales from plant pests and diseases
HC 208
Criminal Records Bureau: delivering safer recruitment?
HC 453
The UK Emissions Trading Scheme: a new way to combat climate change
HC 604
The management of suspensions of clinical staff in NHS hospitals and ambulance trusts in England
HC 296
Connexions Service
HC 618
The recovery of debt by the Inland Revenue
HC 584
Northern Ireland: The management of industrial sickness absence
HC 561
Success in the regions
HC 592
Health and Safety Executive: Improving health and safety in the construction industry
HC 627

Public Administration

Clerk: Mr Philip Aylett

Members (11)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Dr Tony Wright (Lab) (Chairman)

Mr Kevin Brennan (Lab)Mrs Annette Brooke (LD)Mrs Anne Campbell (Lab)
Sir Sydney Chapman (Con)Mr David Heyes (Lab)Mr Kelvin Hopkins (Lab)
Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger (Con)Mr Gordon Prentice (Lab)Hon Michael Trend CBE (Con)
Mr Brian White (Lab)


Paper No
Govt reply
A draft Civil Service Bill: Completing the Reform
HC 128
The Work of the Committee in 2003
HC 229
Ministerial Accountability and Parliamentary Questions
HC 355
Taming the Prerogative: Strengthening Ministerial Accountability to Parliament
HC 422
A Matter of Honour: Reforming the Honours System
HC 212

Special reports

Paper No
Govt reply
1 sp  
Government Response to the Committee's Third Report on Ministerial Accountability and Parliamentary Questions
HC 1262

Regulatory Reform

Clerk: Mr Mick Hillyard

Members (16)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Mr Peter Pike (Lab) (Chairman)

Mr Russell Brown (Lab)Brian Cotter (LD)Mr Jeffrey Donaldson (UU)
Mr Dai Havard (Lab)Mr Andy King (Lab)Mr Mark Lazarowicz (Lab/Co-op)
Mr Andrew Love (Lab/Co-op)Mr John MacDougall (Lab)Mr Chris Mole (Lab)
Mr Denis Murphy (Lab)Dr Doug Naysmith (Lab/Co-op)Mr Archie Norman (Con)
Mr Andrew Rosindell (Con) Mr Anthony Steen (Con)Mr Brian White (Lab)


Paper No
Proposal for the regulatory reform (Sunday Trading) Order 2004
HC 108
Proposal for the regulatory reform (Patents) Order
HC 337
Draft regulatory reform (Sunday Trading) Order 2004
HC 338
Proposal for the regulatory reform (Museum of London) (Location of Premises) Order 2004
HC 414
Proposal for the regulatory reform (National Health Service Charitable Trusts Account and Audit) Order 2004
HC 438
Proposal for the regulatory reform (Local Commissioner for Wales) Order 2004
HC 553
Draft regulatory reform (Museum of London) (Location of Premises) Order 2004
HC 594
Draft regulatory reform (Patents) Order 2004
HC 683
Proposal for the regulatory reform (Trading Stamps) Order 2004
HC 817
Draft regulatory reform (Local Commissioner for Wales) Order 2004
HC 900
Proposal for the regulatory reform (Fire Safety) Order 2004
HC 684
Proposal for the regulatory reform (Unsolicited Goods and Services Act 1971) (Directory Entries and Demands for Payment) Order 2004
HC 1056
Draft regulatory reform (Unsolicited Goods and Services Act 1971) (Directory Entries and Demands for Payment) Order 2004
HC 1246
Proposal for the regulatory reform (Execution of Deeds and Documents) Order 2004
HC 1271

Special Reports

Paper No
1 sp  
Government Response to the Committee's First Special Report Session 2002-03 on The Operation of the Regulatory Reform Act 2001 a progress report
HC 256
2 sp
Draft regulatory reform (Museum of London) (Location of Premises) Order 2004
HC 818


Clerk: Miss Sian Jones

Members (9)

Nominated 3 July 2001

Mr John McWilliam (Lab) (Chairman)

Mr Bob Ainsworth (Lab)Mr Jim Fitzpatrick (Lab)Mr John Heppell (Lab)
Mr Peter Luff (Con)Mr Lawrie Quinn (Lab)Ms Joan Ryan (Lab)
Mr Andrew Stunell (LD)Rt Hon Sir George Young (Con)

Standards and Privileges

Clerks: Dr Christopher Ward

Members (10)

Nominated 16 July 2001

Rt Hon Sir George Young (Con) (Chairman)

Mrs Angela Browning (Con)Mr Wayne David (Lab)Mr Andrew Dismore (Lab)
Rt Hon Derek Foster (Lab)David Heath CBE (LD)Rt Hon Andrew Mackay (Con)
Mr Kevin McNamara (Lab)Mr Stephen Pound (Lab)Mr Simon Thomas (PC)

Conduct of Mr George Galloway
HC 73
Conduct of Ms Diane Abbott
HC 285
Conduct of Mr John Spellar
HC 339
Conduct of Mr Iain Duncan Smith
HC 476
Privilege: Protection of a Witness
HC 447
Government Response to the Committee's fifth report: Privilege: Protection of a Witness (HC 447)
HC 1055

Standing Orders

Clerk: Mr John Whatley

Members (11)

Nominated 24 October 2001

Sir Alan Haselhurst (Chairman of Ways and Means)

Mrs Sylvia Heal (First Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means)

Sir Michael Lord (Second Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means)

Sir Patrick Cormack (Con)Mr Brian Jenkins (Lab)Helen Jones (Lab)
Ann McKechin (Lab)Mr Bill O'Brien (Lab)Mr Ernie Ross (Lab)
Sir Robert Smith (LD)Sir Nicholas Winterton (Con)

Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)

Clerk: Mr Mick Hillyard (Commons)

Ms Kath Kavanagh (Lords)

Members (14)

Nominated by the House of Lords 26 June 2001

Lord Brougham and Vaux (Con)Lord Dykes (LD)Baroness Gale (Lab)
Lord Greenway (XB)Lord Howard of Rising (Con)Lord Lea of Crondall OBE (Lab)
Lord Mancroft (Con)

Nominated by the House of Commons 2 July 2001

Mr David Tredinnick (Con) (Chairman)

Andrew Bennett (Lab)Mr Jeffrey M. Donaldson (DU)Mr Eric Forth (Con)
Mr Kevin Hughes (Lab)Chris Mole (Lab)Mr Brian White (Lab)

The Committee produced 34 reports in session 2003-04, published as serial parts of HC 82. Further details are available from the House of Commons Information Office.

Statutory Instruments (Select Committee)

Clerk: Mr Mick Hillyard

Members (7)

Mr David Tredinnick (Con) (Chairman)

Mr Andrew Bennett (Lab)Mr Jeffrey M. Donaldson (DU)Mr Eric Forth (Con)
Mr Huw Irranca-Davies (Lab)Mr Chris Mole (Lab)Mr Brian White (Lab)

The Committee produced three reports in session 2003-04, published as serial parts of HC 949. Further details are available from the House of Commons Information Office.

Section C4

National Audit Office and Northern Ireland Audit Office

National Audit Office and Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO) reports are, in many cases, the forerunners of Public Accounts Committee inquiries. Their publication is noted in the Weekly Information Bulletin and a list of titles and House of Commons Paper numbers of all reports published during 2003-04 Session are listed here. Copies are available from the Stationery Office.

Paper No
Public Accounts
Cttee Report No
Audit of assumptions for the 2003 Pre-Budget Report (Cm 6042)
HC 35
Operation TELIC - United Kingdom military operations in Iraq
HC 60  
HC 273  
Managing resources to deliver better public services
HC 61
HC 181
Refinancing the public private partnership for National Air Traffic Services
HC 157
Northern Ireland Policing Board: best value performance plan for 2003/04
HC 160
Out of sight - not out of mind: OFWAT and the public sewer network in England and Wales
HC 161
HC 463
Youth Offending: the delivery of community and custodial sentences
HC 190
HC 307
Ministry of Defence major projects report 2003
HC 195
HC 383
(NIAO) The Navan Centre
HC 204
(NIAO) The private finance initiative: a review of the funding and management of three projects in the health sector
HC 205
Increased resources to improve public services: a progress report on departments' preparations
HC 234
HC 552
Income generated by Museums and Galleries
HC 235
HC 430
Strategic Rail Authority: improving passenger rail services through new trains
HC 263
HC 408
Risk management: the nuclear liabilities of British Energy plc
HC 264
HC 354
Criminal Records Bureau: delivering safer recruitment
HC 266
Early years: progress in developing high quality childcare and early education accessible to all
HC 268
HC 444
(NIAO) De Lorean: the recovery of public funds
HC 287
(NIAO) Local management of schools
HC 297
(NIAO) Management of surplus land and property in the health estate
HC 298
English regions: an early progress report on the new deal for communities programme
HC 309
HC 492
HM Customs and Excise: tackling VAT fraud
HC 357
HC 512
Evaluation of regulatory impact assessments compendium report 2003-04
HC 358
The United Kingdom's civil space activities
HC 359
Ministry of Defence: the management of defence research and technology
HC 360
Improving procurement: progress by the Office of Government Commerce in improving departments' capability to procure cost effectively
HC 361
HC 541
Cambridge MIT Institute
HC 362
HC 502
The recovery of debt by the Inland Revenue
HC 363
HC 584
Tackling cancer in England: saving more lives
HC 364
HC 166 2004-05
Financial auditing and reporting 2002-03: general report of the Comptroller and Auditor General
HC 365
The drug treatment and testing order: early lessons
HC 366
Visa entry to the United Kingdom: the entry clearance operation
HC 367
Audit of assumptions for the 2004 Budget (HC 301 2003/04)
HC 434
Connexions Service: advice and guidance for all young people
HC 484
HC 618
The Royal Parks: an executive agency
HC 485
Ministry of Defence: battlefield helicopters
HC 486
The UK emissions trading scheme: a new way to combat climate change
HC 517
HC 604
Improving public transport in England through light rail
HC 518
Financial management in the European Union: a progress report
HC 529
PFI (private finance initiative); the STEPS deal
HC 530
Health and Safety Executive: improving health and safety in the construction industry
HC 531
HC 627
Network Rail - making a fresh start
HC 532
The management of sickness absence in the Prison Service
HC 533
HC 146 2004-05
Improving the speed and quality of asylum decisions
HC 535
(NIAO) Recoupment of drainage infrastructure costs
HC 614
Asylum and migration: a review of Home Office statistics
HC 625
(NIAO) Use of consultants
HC 641
London Underground: are public private partnerships likely to work successfully?
HC 644
London Underground PPP: were they good deals?
HC 645
Department for International Development: responding to HIV/Aids
HC 664
(NIAO) General report by the Comptroller and Auditor General for Northern Ireland on financial auditing and reporting 2002-03
HC 673
(NIAO) Introducing gas central heating in Housing Executive homes
HC 725
(NIAO) Department for Employment and Learning: Jobskills
HC 762
(NIAO) Imagine Belfast 2008
HC 826
Managing National Lottery distribution fund balances
HC 875
Improving patient care by reducing the risk of hospital acquired infection
HC 876
Improving IT procurement: the impact of the Office of Government Commerce's initiatives on departments and suppliers in the delivery of major IT-enabled projects
HC 877
OFGEM: social action plan and household energy efficiency
HC 878
Providing services beyond the reading rooms
HC 879
National Audit Office resource accounts for 2003/04
HC 953
Welfare to work: tackling the barriers to employment of older people
HC 1026  
Helping farm businesses in England
HC 1028
English regions: getting citizens involved: community participation in neighbourhood renewal
HC 1070
Improving emergency care in England
HC 1075
Energy watch and Postwatch: helping and protecting customers
HC 1076
(NIAO) Northern Ireland Audit Office resource accounts for 2003/04
HC 1156
Ministry of Defence: major projects report 2004 with project summary sheets
HC 1159
VisitBritain: bringing visitors to Britain
HC 1160
Ministry of Defence: the rapid procurement of capability to support operations
HC 1161
Facing justice: tackling defendants non attendance at court
HC 1162

Section C5

Other Committees

Advisory Committee on Works of Arts

Clerk: Mr Jarvis

Members: (10)

Appointed: 11 July 2001

Mr Tony Banks (Lab) (Chairman)

Mr Peter Ainsworth (Con)
Mr John Burnett (LD)
Mr Frank Cook (Lab)
Mr Mark Fisher (Lab)
Mr Robert Jackson (Con)
Mr Hugo Swire (Con)
Mr Michael Trend CBE (Con)
Mr Shaun Woodward (Lab)
Derek Wyatt (Lab)

Chairmen's Panel

Secretary: Mr Cranmer

Members (35)

Nominated 26 June 2001

Sir Alan Haselhurst (Con) (Chairman of Ways and Means)

Mrs Sylvia Heal (Lab) (1st Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means)

Sir Michael Lord (Con) (2nd Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means)

Mr David Amess (Con)
Mrs Irene Adams (Lab)
Janet Anderson (Lab)
Mr Nigel Beard (Lab)
Miss Anne Begg (Lab)
Mr Joe Benton (Lab)
Sir John Butterfill (Con)
Mr Martin Caton (Lab)
Mr David Chidgey (Lib Dem)
Mr Derek Conway (Con)
Mr Frank Cook (Lab)
Mr James Cran (Con)
Mr John Cummings (Lab)
Rt Hon Eric Forth (Con)
Mr Roger Gale (Con)
Mr Win Griffiths (Lab)
Mr Mike Hancock (Lib Dem)
Mr Jimmy Hood (Lab)
Mr Kevin Hughes (Lab)
Mr Alan Hurst (Lab)
Mr Eric Illsley (Lab)
Mr John McWilliam (Lab)
Mr Bill O'Brien (Lab)
Mr Edward O'Hara (Lab)
Mr Bill Olner (Lab)
Mr Peter Pike (Lab)
Dame Marion Roe (Con)
Mr Jonathan Sayeed (Con)
Mr George Stevenson (Lab)
Mr David Taylor (Lab)
Rt Hon Ann Widdecombe (Con)
Sir Nicholas Winterton (Con)

Ecclesiastical Committee

Nominated in pursuance of Section 2(2) of the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919

Clerks: Miss McCullough (Commons), Mr Walters (Lords)

Members: (30)

Nominated 24 January 2002

House of Lords

Lord Brightman (CB)
Lord Campbell of Alloway (C)
Lord Judd (L)
Lord Lloyd of Berwick (CB) (Chairman)
Baroness Massey of Darwen (L)
Lord Newby (Lib Dem)
Baroness Perry of Southwark (C)
Lord Pilkington of Oxenford (C)
Baroness Rendell of Babergh (L)
Lord Wallace of Saltaire (Lib Dem)
Rt Hon Lord Weatherhill (CB)
Baroness Wilcox (C)
Lord Williams of Elvel (L)
Baroness Young (L)

House of Commons

Nominated 24 January 2002

Mr Nigel Beard (Lab)
Sir Stuart Bell (Lab)
Mr Peter Bottomley (Con)
Sir Sydney Chapman (Con)
Sir Patrick Cormack (Con)
Mr David Drew (Con)
Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody (Lab)
Rt Hon Frank Field (Lab)
Rt Hon Derek Foster (Lab)
Rt Hon John Gummer (Con)
Mr Simon Hughes (Lib Dem)
Mr Gordon Marsden (Lab)
Mr Peter Pike (Lab)
Mr David Taylor (Lab)
Prof. Steve Webb (Lib Dem)

Intelligence and Security

Clerk: Mr Alistair Corbett (Clerk) Mr Martin Sterling (Assistant Clerk)

Members (9)

Appointed 30 July 2001

Rt Hon Ann Taylor (Lab) (Chairman)

James Arbuthnot (Con)Lord Archer of Sandwell (Lab))Rt Hon Kevin Barron (Lab)
Rt Hon Alan Beith (LD)Rt Hon Alan Howarth CBE (Lab)Rt Hon Michael Mates (Con)
Rt Hon Joyce Quin (Lab)Rt Hon Gavin Strang (Lab)

Private Bills: Court of Referees

Clerk: Mr Cranmer

Members (10)

Nominated 14 February 2002

Sir Alan Haselhurst (Con) (Chairman of Ways and Means)

Mrs Sylvia Heal (First Deputy Chair of Ways and Means)

Mr Michael Lord (Con) (Second Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means)

Mr Peter Atkinson (Con)Sir John Butterfill (Con)Sir Archy Kirkwood (LD)
Linda Perham (Lab) Bridget Prentice (Lab)Mr Ernie Ross (Lab)
Mr Dennis Turner (Lab)

Private Bills: Unopposed Bills (Panel)

Clerk: Mr John Whately

Members (20)

Appointed 17 October 2001

Sir Alan Haselhurst (Con) (Chairman of Ways and Means)

Mrs Sylvia Heal (First Deputy Chair of Ways and Means)

Mr Michael Lord (Con) (2nd Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means)

Mr John Austin (Lab)Mr Adrian Bailey (Lab)Mr Nigel Beard (Lab)
Mr Peter Bottomley (Con)Sir John Butterfill (Con)Mr Colin Challen (Lab)
Mr Parmjit Dhanda (Lab)Mr Paul Farrelly (Lab)Mr Brian Jenkins(Lab)
Helen Jones (Lab)Siobhain McDonagh (Lab)Mr John Mann (Lab)
Sir Robert Smith (LD)Sir Peter Tapsell (Con)Mr Jon Trickett (Lab)
Mr Robert Walter (Con)Mrs Ann Winterton (Con)


Clerk: Ms Payne

Members (9)

Nominated 3 July 2001

Mr John McWilliam (Lab) (Chairman)

Ms Karen Buck (Lab))Mr James Cran (Lab)Mr John Heppell (Lab)
Mr Keith Hill (Lab)Mr Phil Hope (Lab)Mr John McWilliam (Lab)
Mr Andrew Stunell (LD)Mr Gerry Sutcliffe (Lab)Sir George Young (Con)

Section C6

'Matters' Discussed by Grand Committees

Scottish Grand Committee

Since its establishment in 1957 the powers and functions of this committee have changed. New current arrangements were agreed by the House in 1994 and enhanced in December 1995. To reflect these arrangements this Section now includes the full details of the business dealt with at each sitting. Further information can be found in House of Commons Information Office Factsheet P8 Scottish and Welsh Business in the House of Commons.

Date and Location

Welsh Grand Committee

Since its establishment in 1959/60 the functions of the committee have changed. The current arrangements were agreed by the House in March 1996. This Section will reflect these changes. Further information can be found in House of Commons Information Office Factsheet P8 Scottish and Welsh Business in the House of Commons.

Date and Location
16.12.2003 (Westminster)
Mr Win Griffiths
Government's legislative programme and Public Expenditure in Wales
24.3.2004 (Westminster)
Mr Win Griffiths
The Budget Statement and its implications for Wales
6.7.2004 (Westminster)
Mr Win Griffiths
Report of the Richard Commission Chairman
20.7.2004 (Westminster)
Mr Win Griffiths
Draft Transport (Wales) Bill

Northern Ireland Grand Committee

Established in 1975, the Committee's powers and functions were enhanced in March 1997 and brought into line with the Scottish and Welsh Grand Committees. See House of Commons Standing Orders 109-116.

Date and Location
15.1.2004 (Westminster)
Mr Roger Gale
Proposal for a draft Rates (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
26.2.2004 (Westminster)
Mr James Cran
Draft Budget (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
29.4.2004 (Westminster)
Mrs Marion Roe   
Social Economy in Northern Ireland
20.5.2004 (Westminster)
Mr James Cran
Proposal for a draft Special Educational Needs and disability (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
17.6.2004 (Westminster)
Mr Joe Benton
Community Relations Policy

Standing Committee on Regional Affairs

The current powers and functions of the Committee were agreed by the House in April 2000. The Committee had not sat previously since July 1978. The Committee consists of 13 Members who represent English constituencies. See House of Commons Standing Orders 117.

Date and Location
Mr Alan Hurst
The English Regions and Referendums on Elected Regional Assemblies
Mr Eric Forth
Regional Economic Performance and the Northern way

Section C7

European Standing Committees

The European Standing Committees (ESC) lettered A, B and C, are constituted for the duration of a Session and consider matters referred to them by the House. Their composition appears in the Weekly Information Bulletin. Chairmen are appointed for consideration of individual documents. Any Member may attend and speak. For further details see Factsheet L11 available from the House of Commons Information Office. Committees A, B and C deal with matters within the responsibilities of different Departments. The list is as follows:

ESC A:Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; Environment, Transport and the Regions; Forestry Commission (and analogous responsibilities of Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland Offices)
ESC B:HM Treasury (including Customs and Excise); Social Security; Foreign and Commonwealth Office; Lord Chancellor's Department; together with any matters not otherwise allocated by Standing Order No 119
ESC C:  Trade and Industry; Education and Employment; Culture, Media and Sport

ESC A: appointed 14 November 2002

Mrs Janet Dean Mr Parmjit Dhanda Mr Michael Jabez Foster
Mr Mark FrancoisMr Matthew GreenMr Mark Hoban
Norman LambMr Rob MarrisSandra Osborne
Laurie QuinnMr Peter ViggersDr Rudi Vis
David Hamilton

Documents Discussed

Document No and Subject
Mr Bill O'Brien
Controls on fluorinated greenhouse gases (17129/03)
Mr John McWilliam  
Protection of groundwater against pollution (12985/03)
Janet Anderson
Common agricultural policy: reform of the tobacco, olive oil, cotton and sugar sectors (12965/03)
Mr Kevin Hughes
Trans-European transport network (COM(03) 132)
Mr Kevin Hughes
Levels of certain heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air (11645/03)
Mr Martin Caton
Fisheries: catch quotas and effort limitation 2004 (15388/03)
Mr Alan Hurst
Recovery of sole stocks in the Western Channel and the Bat of Biscay (5199/04, 5205/04)
Mr Roger Gale
Protection of animals during transport (7969/01 and 11794/03)
Mr Peter Pike
Global navigation satellite system (12058/03 and 6470/04)
Irene Adams
Registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals (Reach) (15409/03)
Alan Hurst
Genetically modified maize (8235/04)
Miss Anne Begg
Establishment of a community fisheries control agency (9149/04)
Mr Nigel Beard
Driving licences (15820/03)
David Taylor
Marketing of oilseed rape genetically modified for glyphosate tolerance (12343/04)

ESC B: appointed 14 November 2002

John Barrett Mr David CairnsMr Paul Farrelly
Dr Hywel FrancisJane GriffithsMr Kelvin Hopkins
Mr Boris JohnsonMr Elfyn LlwydDr Nick Palmer
Anne PickingMark TamiMr Robert Walter
Mr John Wilkinson

Documents Discussed

Document No and Subject
Mr David Chidgey
Security at European Council meetings and other comparable events (10965/3/03)
Mr David Chidgey
Procedures for granting and withdrawing refugee status (14686/03)
Mrs Marion Roe
Protecting the European Community's financial interests (12090/03)
Mr Nigel Beard
Value added tax (13853/03)
Mr David Taylor
Asylum systems (10243/03)
Mr Kevin Hughes
Support for occupied Palestinian territories (12441/03)
Mr Nigel Beard
Establishing a European Defence Agency (Unnumbered memorandum)
Mr Roger Gale
European Communities (staff regulations) (15185/03)
Mr Roger Gale
Preliminary draft budget 2005
Mr James Cran
Criminal sanctions (9317/04)
Mr Nigel Beard
Integration of financial markets (Unnumbered memorandum)
Mr Eric Forth
Excise (8241/04)
Miss Anne Begg
Credit institutions and investment firms (11545/04 and Addenda 1-3)

ESC C: appointed 14 November 2002

Tony CunninghamValerie Davey
Jim DobbinMr Dai HavardMr Ivan Henderson
Mr Michael JackMr Iain LukeDr Andrew Murrison
The Reverend Martin SmythMr Hugo SwireMr Anthony D Wright
Richard Younger-RossMr Stephen Hesford

Documents Discussed

Document No and Subject
Mr Mike Hancock
European space policy (14886/03)
Mr John Cummings
Working time directive (5188/04)
Mr Eric Forth
Genetically modified maize (5916/04)
Mrs Irene Adams
Disposal of batteries and accumulators (15494/03)
Mr John Cummings
DOHA Development Agreement
Mr Kevin Hughes
Nutrition and health claims made on foods (11646/03)
Mr Edward O'Hara
Industrial Policy for an enlarged Europe (8875/04)

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© Parliamentary copyright 2005
Prepared 19 January 2005