Sessional Information Digest: 2003 - 04
Section D1
Subject Index to White Papers
ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE - Transforming public services: complaints, redress and tribunals - Cm 6243 [15.7.04]
AIRPORTS -The future of air transport - Cm 6046 [16.12.03]
CIVIL SERVICE - A draft civil service bill: a consultation document - Cm 6373 [15.11.04]
CONVENTION ON THE FUTURE OF EUROPE - White paper on the treaty establishing a constitution for Europe - Cm 6309 .[9.9.04]
CORONERS - Reforming the coroner and death certification service - Cm 6159 [11.3.04]
CRIME - Confident communities in a secure Britain: the Home Office strategic plan 2004-08 Cm 6287 [19.7.04]
CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS Cutting crime, delivering justice: a strategic plan for criminal justice 2004-08 Cm 6288 [19.7.04]
DEFENCE Delivering security in a changing world: future capabilities Cm 6269 [21.7.04]
DEFENCE - Delivering security in a changing world defence white paper and supporting essays (in two volumes) Cm 6041 [11.12.03]
ENERGY - Energy efficiency: the Government's plan for action - Cm 6168 [26.4.04]
EUROPEAN UNION - Prospects for the EU in 2004 - Cm 6174 [ 20.4.04]
EUROPEAN UNION - Update on prospects for the EU in 2004 -Cm 6310 [7.9.04]
FOREIGN POLICY - UK international priorities: a strategy for the FCO Cm 6052 [2.12.03]
GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE PLANS 2004-2005 to 2006-2007]
Attorney General - Cm 6211 [30.4.04]
Cabinet Office - Cm 6226 [28.4.04]
Customs and Excise - Cm 6224 [17.5.04]
Department for Constitutional Affairs - Cm 6210 [30.4.04]
Department for Culture Media and Sport - Cm 6220 [29.4.04]
Department for Education and Skills - Cm 6202 [30.4.04]
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs - Cm 6219 [ 29.4.04]
Department for International Development - Cm 6214 [29.4.04]
Department for Transport - Cm 6207 [30.4.04]
Department for Work and Pensions - Cm 6221 [29.4.04]
Department of Health - Cm 6204 [29.4.04]
Department of Trade and Industry - Cm 6216 [28.4.04]
Food Standards Agency - Cm 6205 [29.4.04]
Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Cm 6213 [29.4.04]
Government Actuary - Cm 6223 [11.5.04]
Home Office - Cm 6208 [30.4.04]
Inland Revenue - Cm 6225 [17.5.04]
Ministry of Defence - Cm 6212 [27.8.04]
National Savings and Investments - Cm 6230 [30.4.04]
Northern Ireland Office - Cm 6229 [30.4.04]
Office for National Statistics - Cm 6231 [30.4.04]
Office for Standards in Education - Cm 6203 [30.4.04]
Office of Fair Trading - Cm 6218 [7.7.04]
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister - Cm 6206 [4.5.04]
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales - Cm 6228 [30.4.04]
Scotland Office - Cm 6227 [30.4.04]
Treasury - Cm 6222 [30.4.04]
UK Trade and Investment - Cm 6215 [21.6.04]
HEALTH - Choosing health: making healthy choices easier - Cm 6374 [16.11.04]
HUMAN RIGHTS - Fairness for all: a new Commission for Equality and Human Rights - Cm 6185 [19.11.02]
IDENTITY CARDS - Legislation on identity cards: a consultation, together with a draft Identity Cards Bill and explanatory notes - Cm 6178 [26.4.04]
NHS - Building on the best: choice, responsiveness and equity in the NHS - Cm 6079 [9.12.03]
ORGANISED CRIME - One step ahead: a 21st century strategy to defeat organised crime. White Paper consultation document - Cm 6167 [29.3.04]
PENSIONS - Simplicity, security and choice: informed choices for working and saving - Cm 6111 [3.2.04]
POLICE - Building communities, beating crime: a better police service for the 21st century - Cm 6360 [9.11.04]
RAILWAYS - The future of rail - Cm 6233 [ 15.7.04]
July to December 2003 - Cm 6180 [20.5.04]
January to June 2004 - Cm 6329 [4.11.04]
TRANSPORT - The future of transport: a network for 2030 - Cm 6234 [20.7.04]
UNITED NATIONS - The United Kingdom in the United Nations - Cm 6325 [25.10.04]
WORLD ECONOMY - Trade and investment white paper: making globalisation a force for good - Cm 6278 [6.7.04]
Section D2
Subject Index to Green Papers and Consultation Documents
The following is a list of Green Papers (a term used to cover all consultation documents, discussion papers, and other items which set out proposals which are at a formative or uncomplicated stage and are issued to solicit comment) received by the House of Commons Information Office in the 2003-04 Session. The non-appearance of an item in this list cannot be taken as evidence that such a title does not exist. Most items are published or 'made available' by individual Government departments or agencies, from whom copies should be sought. (Some also appear in the Chadwyck Healey Catalogue of British Official Publications not published by TSO). The few that are TSO published items have a Command Paper number or other reference attached. Details of the consultation period and issuing office address may be found in the edition of the Weekly Information Bulletin next following the date of receipt.
AC | Audit Commission | HMT | Her Majesty's Treasury |
CA | Department for Constitutional Affairs | HO | Home Office |
CC | Charity Commission | IR | Inland Revenue |
CO | Cabinet Office | ITC | Independent Television Commission |
Cm | Command Paper | LCD | Lord Chancellor's Department |
DCMS | Department for Culture, Media and Sport | MOD | Ministry of Defence |
DfT | Department for Transport | NIO | Northern Ireland Office |
DEFRA | Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | ODPM | Office of the Deputy Prime Minister |
DfES | Department for Education and Skills | OFGEM | Office of Gas and Electricity Markets |
DH | Department of Health | OFSTED | Office for Standards in Education |
DTI | Department of Trade & Industry | OFT | Office of Fair Trading |
DoT | Department of Transport | PO | Patent Office |
DWP | Department for Work and Pensions | POST | Postal Services Commission |
FCO | Foreign and Commonwealth Office | PW | Post Watch |
FSA | Financial Services Authority | RA | Radio Authority |
GOL | Government Office for London | SO | Scotland Office |
HMCE | Her Majesty's Customs & Excise | TSO | The Stationery Office |
| | WO | Wales Office |
AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION - Review of the Agriculture and Environment Commission. DTI [6.6.2004]
APPEALS PROCESS - Achieving Best Value in the Appeals Process - A Pilot Project. PI [7.4.2004]
ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH INSURERS - Notification by the Association of British Insurers of the General Terms of Agreement. OFT [27.1.2004]
AVIAN INFLUENZA - Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease Contingency Plan. DEFRA [2.12.2003]
BOVINE SEMEN - Bovine Semen (England) Regulations and Associated Bovine Semen Fees (England). DEFRA [20.7.2004]
CARAVANS - Guidance on Unfair terms in holiday caravan agreements. OFT [28.10.2004]
CHEMICALS - European Proposal to Place Certain restrictions on the Marketing and Use of Toluene and Trichlorobenzene. DTI [16.9.2004]
CIVIL RENEWAL - Building Civil Renewal. HO [16.12.2003]
CIVIL SERVICE - A Draft Civil Service Bill; a consultation document. CO [16.1.2004]
COMMUNITY DESIGNS - Community Designs. DTI [6.10.2004]
COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANIES - Draft Regulations for Community Interest Companies. DTI [25.10.2004]
COMPANY INVESTIGATIONS - Company Investigations: Draft Regulations and Plans for Commencement. DTI [3.9.2004]
COMPANY LAW - Director and Auditor Liability. A consultative document. DTI [17.12.2003]
COMPANY LAW - Draft Regulations on the Operating and Financial Review and Directors' Report: A consultative document. DTI [5.5.2004]
COMPANY LAW - Flexibility and Accessibility: A consultative document. DTI [26.5.2004]
COMPETITION APPEAL - Competition Appeal Tribunal Rules (addressing certain Communications Act appeals and amending the existing rules). DTI [20.1.2004]
COMPETITION LAW - Competition Law Guideline. OFT [27.4.2004]
COMPETITIVE MARKETS - Extending Competitive Markets - Empowered Consumers, Successful Business. DTI [16.7.2004]
CONSOLIDATION ACCOUNTS - Proposal by the European Commission for a Directive on Statutory Audit of Annual and Consolidated Accounts [13.9.2004]
CONSUMER CONTRACTS - IT consumer contracts made at a distance. OFT [21.11.2003]
CONSUMER CREDIT - Establishing a Transparent Market. DTI [8.12.2003]
CONSUMER CREDIT ACT - Voluntary Termination of Hire Purchase and Conditional Sale Agreements under the Consumer Credit Act 1974. DTI [13.9.2004]
CONSUMER EDUCATION STRATEGY - Consumer Education Strategy. OFT [20.7.2004]
CONSUMER PROTECTION - Proposed changes to the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000. DTI [28.1.2004]
CORONERS - Reforming the Coroner and Death Certification Service. HO [15.3.2004]
COSMETIC PRODUCTS - The Cosmetic Products (Safety) Regulations 2004. DTI [27.4]
COUNTER - TERRORISM - Counter-Terrorism Powers: Reconciling Security and Liberty in an Open Society. HO [25.2.2004]
CRIME - Reducing Crime - Changing Lives. HO [7.1.2004]
CRIME - Compensation and Support for Victims of Crime. HO [7.1.2004]
CRIMINAL DEFENCE - Draft Criminal Defence Service Bill: Consultation Paper and Explanatory Notes. CA [19.5.2004]
CRIMINAL RECORDS - Criminal records Bureau: regulations under Part 5 of the Police Act 1997. HO [2.12.2003]
CROSS-BORDER MERGERS - European Company Law - Draft Directive on Cross-Border Mergers. DTI [15.6.2004]
CROSS COMPLIANCE - Consultation on Proposed and Possible Measures for Implementation of Cross Compliance in England. DEFRA [19.4.04]
DISABLED PEOPLE - Delivering Equality for Disabled People. DWP [26.7.2004]
DOORSTEP SELLING - Doorstop Selling and Cold Calling. DTI [16.7.04]
DRIVERS - Graduated fixed penalty and deposit scheme and enforcement of drivers' hours rules. DFT [30.7.2004]
ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION - The Balancing and Settlement Code Under BETTA: OFGEM/DTI [18.12.2003]
EMPLOYMENT - Employment Tribunals: Consultation on Draft Forms and Guidance. DTI [24.5.2004]
EMPLOYMENT APPEAL TRIBUNAL - Consultation on Draft Revised Rules. DTI [6.4.2004]
EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNALS - Employment Tribunal Regulations and Rules of Procedure. DTI [9.12.2003]
END OF LIFE VEHICLES - Transposition of Articles 5 and 7 of the End-of-Life Vehicles Directive (2000/53/EC). DTI [9.2.2004]
ENERGY - The Energy Efficiency Commitment from April 2005. DEFRA [29.7.2004]
ENERGY - New and Renewable Energy - Prospects for the 21st Century: the Renewable Obligation. DTI [13.9.2004]
ENTERPRISE ACT - Enterprise Act 2002: Public Interest Intervention in Media Mergers. DTI [17.12.2004]
ENUM - ENUM: Consultation on the Proposed Arrangements: August 2004. DTI [16.8.2004]
ENVIRONMENT - The draft environmental assessment of plans and programmes regulations 2004. ODPM [6.3.2004]
EQUAL PAY - Towards Equal Pay: A Consultation on Proposals to Streamline Equal Value Tribunal Procedures. DTI [18.3.2004]
EU - Regulations on GMOs - DEFRA [19.4.2004]
EU RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT - 7th EU R&D Framework Programme (OST): A consultation document. DTI [6.5.2004]
FARMING - Developing Measures to Promote Catchment-Sensitive Farming. DEFRA [21.6.2004]
FIREARMS - Controls on Firearms: A Consultation Paper. HO [12.5.2004]
FIREWORKS - Fireworks (Safety) Amendment Regulations 2004: Consultation on proposals to amend the Fireworks (Safety) Regulations 1997. DTI [5.2.2004]
FIREWORKS - Fireworks Regulations 2004: Consultation on proposals to tackle the anti-social use of fireworks through the regulation of use and supply. DTI [29.4.2004]
FOOT AND MOUTH - Annual Review of Defra's Foot and Mouth Contingency Plan. DEFRA [2.12.2004]
FRAUD LAW REFORM - Consultation on proposals for legislation. HO [19.5.2004]
GANGMASTERS - Gangmasters (Licensing Authority) Regulations. DEFRA [22.9.2004]
GROUNDWATER - Groundwater Proposals under Article 17 of the Water Framework Directive. DEFRA [23.3.2004]
GROUNDWATER PROTECTION - Draft Groundwater Protection Code for Septic Tanks and other Non-Mains Sewerage Systems. DEFRA [19.1.2004]
GROUP LICENCING - Review of the Group Licensing Regime. OFT [7.9.2004]
HOME COLLECTED CREDIT - Home Collected Credit. OFT [13.9.2004]
IDENTITY CARDS - Legislation on Identity Cards: A Consultation. HO [26.4.2004]
IMMIGRATION - Review of Charges for Immigration Applications. HO [4.10.2004]
INTERNAL MARKET - EU Directives on Services in the Internal Market. DTI [31.1.2004]
INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS - Modernisation of Accounting Directive/IAS Infrastructure. DTI [30.3.04]
LIVESTOCK - Amendments to legislation to allow lay vaccination of livestock in the event of a future outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease: Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, Medicines Act 1968. DEFRA [19.12.2003]
LONDON AGREEMENT - The Patent Office: Consultation on the Ratification Process for the London Agreement (The Agreement on Application of Article 65 of the European Patent Convention). DTI [9.8.2004]
M6 - Giving motorists a choice, A consultation proposal. DforT [6.7.2004]
MARKET STUDIES - Market Studies Guidance on the OFT Approach. OFT [19.1.2004]
MECHANICALLY PROPELLED VEHICLES - Use of Mechanically Propelled Vehicles on Rights of Way. DEFRA [10.12.2003]
MERGER FEES - Merger Fees - Consultation on Possible Changes to the System of Charging Firms for the Costs of Merger Control. DTI [9.8.2004]
NUCLEAR FACILITIES - Modernising the policy for decommissioning the UK's nuclear facilities. DTI [2.12.2003]
NATIONAL OFFENDER MANAGEMENT SERVICE (NOMS) - Organisational Design. HO [24.5.2004]
NIGHT FLYING RESTRICTIONS - Night Flying Restrictions at Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted Stage 1 of Consultation on Restrictions to apply from 30 October 2005. DFT [26.7.2004]
NITRATES - Public Participation Directive. DEFRA [18.11.2004]
OFFSHORING - Services and Offshoring: The Impact of Increasing International Competition in Services. DTI [9.12.2003]
PACKAGED GOODS - Consultation on reforming the legislation for average quantity control of packaged goods. DTI [30.3.04]
PARENTAL SEPARATION - Parental Separation: Children's Needs and Parents' Responsibilities. CA/DES/DTI [21.7.2004]
PARTNERSHIP LAW - Economic Impact of the Law Commissions' Proposals to Reform Partnership Law. DTI [4.5.2004]
PETROL - Derogation for small petrol stations from the requirement to fit petrol vapour recovery stage 1 controls under Directive 1994/63/EC. DEFRA [30.7.2004]
PLANNING - Planning Policy Statement 1: Creating Sustainable Communities. ODPM [26.2.2004]
PLANNING - Planning Policy Statement 9: Biodiversity and Geological Conservation. ODPM [20.9.2004]
PLANNING - Draft Government Circular: Biodiversity and Geological Conservation. ODPM [20.9.2004]
POLICE PENSIONS - New Police Pension Scheme for Future Entrants. HO [16.12.2003]
POLLUTION - Amendments to the Pollution Prevention and Control (England and Wales) Regulations 2000. DEFRA [16.12.2003]
POLLUTION - Amendment to the Pollution Prevention and Control (England and Wales) Regulations 2000.
DEFRA [29.7.2004]
POWER GENERATION - A Carbon Abatement Technologies Strategy for Fossil Fuel Power Generation. DTI [12.8.2004]
POWER STATIONS - Guidance to Power Station Developers. DTI [3.9.2004]
PROSTITUTION - Paying the Price: a consultation paper on prostitution. HO [20.7.2004]
PUBLIC PLACES - Regulations about public places under section 42 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000. DEFRA [9.2.2004]
RADIOACTIVE WASTE - Proposals for intermediate level radioactive waste substitution. DTI [9.2.2004]
RAILWAYS - Amendment of Railways (Penalty Fares) Regulations 1994. DFT [6.8.2004]
RECYCLING - Changes to the Recycling Credits Scheme. DEFRA [17.9.2004]
REGIONAL AID - Regional Aid 2007-2013. DTI [17.6.2004]
RIGHTS OF WAY REGISTERS - Rights of Way Registers and Joint Orders under Part II of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000. DEFRA [11.11.2004]
ROAD USER CHARGING - The Draft Road User Charging (Charging and Penalty Charges) (London) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 and The Draft Road User Charging (Enforcement and Adjudication (London) (Amendment) Regulations 2004. DFT [5.5.2004]
SEA DIRECTIVE - A Draft Practical Guide to the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive. ODPM [5.8.2004]
SEEDS - Proposed Amendments to Seeds Legislation. DEFRA [14.9.2004]
SEWERAGE - Sewerage Undertakers (Pollution Inventory) Directive 2003. DEFRA [27.11.2003
SMALL GENERATORS - Small Generator issues under BETTA. DTI [1.12.2003]
STRENGTH IN DIVERSITY - Towards a Community Cohesion and Race Equality Strategy. HO [24.5.2004]
SUSTAINABILITY - Sustainability Appraisal of Regional Spatial Strategies and Local Development Frameworks. ODPM [20.9.2004]
TRAVEL ADVICE - Review of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Travel Advice. FCO [1.4.04]
VEHICLES - Cars and other vehicles sold by distance means. OFT [2.2.2004]
WASTE EQUIPMENT - The WEEE Directive and the ROHS Directive. DTI [9.12.2003]
WASTE MANAGEMENT - Local Authority Waste Management Performance Reward Grant. DEFRA [19.1.2004]
WATER - Groundwater Proposals under Article 17 of the Water Framework Directive. DEFRA [23.3.2004]
WATER SUPPLY LICENSING - Water Act 2003 Eligibility, Licensing, Customer Transfer Protocol and Strategic Supplies. DEFRA [4.11.2004]
WEIGHTS AND MEASURES - Weights and Measures Consultation on Consolidating and Simplifying the Food Orders. DTI [25.10.2004]
WILD ANIMALS - Proposals for improving the effectiveness of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976. DEFRA [1.7.2004]
WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY - Wireless Telegraphy Bill. DTI [9.8.2004]
WORKING TIME - Widening the Debate; A preliminary consultation on long hours working in the UK and the application and operation of the working time opt out. DTI [6.7.2004]
Section D3
Miscellaneous Papers
The following is a collection of miscellaneous papers that were laid before the House in the 2003-04 Session.
The House of Commons Commission, 26th Annual report, 2003-04. HC 791 TSO
Register of Members' Interests - February 2004. HC 265 TSO
House of Lords: Register of Lords' Interests. HL Paper 147 TSO
Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards Annual Report 2003 - 04. HC 716 TSO
Review Body on Senior Salaries, Report no. 57. Review of Parliamentary Pay and Allowances 2004 Cm 6354
Pre-Budget Report. 2003 Cm 6042 TSO
Intelligence and Security Committee Annual Report 2003-2004. Cm 6240 TSO
Report of the Inquiry into the Circumstances surrounding the Death of Dr. David Kelly CMG by Lord Hutton HC 247
Review of Intelligence on Weapons of Mass Destruction. Chairman Rt Hon Lord Butler HC 898
The Bichard Inquiry Report on child protection procedures in Humberside Police and Cambridge Constabulary HC 653
Section D4
Regulatory Impact Assessments
Regulatory Impact Assessments (RIAs) are prepared and published by the Government for all primary legislation introduced into and secondary legislation laid before Parliament. In the case of most Government Bills, a RIA forms part of the Explanatory Memoranda to the Bill: in other cases, a separate document is issued. RIAs are an assessment for the business sector of the costs involved in complying with the legislation. The Department of Trade and Industry issues a six monthly list of RIAs as a Command Paper. The publication of this paper is noted in the White Papers section of the Digest.
Section D5
House of Commons Information Office Factsheets
Procedure series
| Legislation series |
| Parliamentary Questions
| L1
| The Parliamentary Stages of a Government Bill |
| Departmental Select Committees
| L2
| Private Members' Bills Procedure |
| Early Day Motions
| L3
| The Success of Private Members' Bills |
| Sittings of the House
| L4
| Private Bills |
| Budgets and Financial Documents
| L5
| Hybrid Bills |
| Financial Procedure
| L6
| Standing Committees |
| Public Petitions
| L7
| Statutory Instruments and Deregulation Orders |
| Scottish and Welsh Business
| L8
| Northern Ireland Legislation |
| Divisions
Guillotine and Timetabling Motions
| L9
| Order Confirmation Bills and Special Procedure Orders |
| The Chiltern Hundreds
| L10
| Church of England Measures |
| House of Commons Papers
| L11
| European Communities Legislation |
| Command Papers
| L12
| Tracing Acts of Parliament |
| Treaties
| | |
| Deposited Papers
| General series |
| The Vote Bundle
| G2
| A Selective Booklist on the House of Commons |
| The Weekly Information Bulletin
| G3
| A Brief Chronology of the House of Commons |
| | G4
| The Glorious Revolution |
Members/Elections Series
| G5
| Broadcasting Proceedings of the House |
| You and your MP
| G6
| Disciplinary and Penal Powers of the House |
| The Speaker
| G7
| Some Traditions and Customs of the House |
| The Father of the House
| G8
| The Gunpowder Plot |
| Women in the House of Commons
| G9
| The Portcullis |
| Members' Pay, Pensions and Allowances
| G10
| House of Commons Green |
| Ministerial Salaries
| G11
| The Palace of Westminster |
| Parliamentary Elections
| G12
| Restoration of the Palace of Westminster |
| By-election results: 1979-83
| G13
| The Norman Shaw Buildings |
| General Election results, 9 June 1983
| G14
| Parliament Street Buildings |
| By-election results: 1983-87
| G15
| The House of Commons Service |
| General Election results, 11 June 1987
| G16
| The Clerk of the House |
| By-election results: 1987-92
| G17
| The Official Report, House of Commons |
| General Election results, 9 April 1992
| G18
| The House of Commons Library Department |
| By-election results: 1992-97
| G19
| The House of Commons Refreshment Department |
| General Election results, 1 May 1997
| G20
| House of Commons Post Office |
| By-election results: 1997-2001
| G21
| The Outlawries Bill |
| | | |
| | | |