57.(1) A Member may, after notice, present a bill without previously obtaining leave from the House to bring in the same.
| | Presentation and first reading.
| |
(2) When a bill is presented either in pursuance of an order of the House or under the provisions of paragraph (1) of this order, the bill shall be read the first time without any question being put, shall be ordered to be read a second time on such day as the Member presenting it shall appoint, and shall be ordered to be printed.
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57A.(1) If a Member informs the Clerks at the Table of his intention to take charge of a bill which has been brought from the Lords, the bill shall be deemed to have been read the first time on the day on which the Member so informs the Clerks, and to have been ordered to be read a second time on such day as he shall appoint, and shall be recorded in the Journal of the House as having been read the first time and ordered to be read a second time on the day so appointed, and shall be ordered to be printed.
| | Bills brought from the Lords.
| |
(2) If a public bill is passed by the Lords and carried to the office of the Clerk of the House at a time when this House is not sitting, then, provided that a Member shall have notified the Clerks at the Table, in writing, of his intention to take charge of the bill
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(a) the Clerk of the House shall arrange for the printing and circulation of copies of the bill, and
| | |
(b) the bill shall be recorded in the Journal of the House as having been read the first time on the next sitting day and as having been ordered to be printed pursuant to this standing order and to be read a second time on such day as the Member shall have appointed.
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58.(1) In this order 'a consolidation bill' means a public bill which falls to be considered by the select committee appointed under Standing Order No. 140 (Joint Committee on Consolidation, &c., Bills).
| | Consolidation bills.
| |
(2) Notices of amendments, new clauses and new schedules to be moved in committee in respect of a consolidation bill may be received by the Clerks at the Table before the bill has been read a second time.
| | |
(3) When a motion shall have been made for the second reading, or for the third reading, of a consolidation bill, the question thereon shall be put forthwith.
| | |
(4) If a motion that a consolidation bill be not committed is made by a Minister of the Crown immediately after the bill has been read a second time, the motion shall not require notice and the question thereon shall be put forthwith and may be decided at any hour, though opposed.
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59.(1) Any public bill, the main purpose of which is to give effect to proposals contained in a report by either of the Law Commissions, other than a private Member's bill or a bill to which Standing Order No. 58 (Consolidation bills) applies, shall, when it is set down for second reading, stand referred to a second reading committee, unless
| | Law Commission bills.
| |
(a) the House otherwise orders, or
| | |
(b) the bill is referred to the Scottish Grand Committee.
| | |
(2) If a motion that a bill such as is referred to in paragraph (1) above shall no longer stand referred to a second reading committee is made by a Minister of the Crown at the commencement of public business, the question thereon shall be put forthwith.
| | |
(3) The provisions of paragraphs (3) to (6) of Standing Order No. 90 (Second reading committees) shall apply to any bill referred to a second reading committee under paragraph (1) above.
| | |
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60.(1) In this order 'a tax law rewrite bill' means a bill which has been presented, or brought in upon an order of the House, by a Minister of the Crown and which has been ordered to be proceeded with as such a bill.
| | Tax law rewrite bills.
| |
(2) A motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown at the commencement of public business, that a specified bill be so proceeded with, and the question thereon shall be put forthwith.
| | |
(3) A tax law rewrite bill shall, upon the making of an order under paragraph (2) above, stand referred to a second reading committee unless the House otherwise orders.
| | |
(4) A motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown at the commencement of public business, that a tax law rewrite bill shall no longer stand referred to a second reading committee, and the question thereon shall be put forthwith.
| | |
(5) The provisions of paragraphs (3) to (6) of Standing Order No. 90 (Second reading committees) shall apply to any bill referred to a second reading committee under paragraph (3) above.
| | |
(6) A tax law rewrite bill shall, upon its being read a second time, stand committed to the Joint Committee on Tax Law Rewrite Bills.
| | |
(7) A bill which has been reported from the said Joint Committee shall stand recommitted to a committee of the whole House unless the House otherwise orders.
| | |
(8) If a motion that the committee of the whole House be discharged from considering a tax law rewrite bill is made by a Minister of the Crown immediately after the order of the day has been read for the House to resolve itself into a committee on the bill, the motion shall not require notice and the question thereon shall be put forthwith and may be decided at any hour, though opposed; and if such question is agreed to the bill shall be ordered to be read the third time.
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61.(1) Where a public bill (not being a bill to confirm a provisional order or certificate) is ordered to be read a second time on a future day, and it appears that the standing orders relating to private business may be applicable to the bill, the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills shall be ordered to examine the bill and they shall proceed and report with all convenient speed whether the said standing orders are applicable thereto. If they find that the standing orders are applicable, they shall further report whether they have been complied with.
| | Bills which are prima facie hybrid.
| |
(2) If the Examiners report that any standing order applicable to the bill has not been complied with, and the Standing Orders Committee report that such standing order ought not to be dispensed with, the order of the day relating to the bill shall be discharged.
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62.(1) If on an amendment to the question 'That a bill be now read a second time (or the third time)' it is decided that the word 'now' stand part of the question, the Speaker shall forthwith declare the bill to be read a second or the third time as the case may be.
| | Amendment on second or third reading.
| |
(2) When the question has been proposed 'That a bill be now read a second time (or the third time)' and the question on any amendment to leave out all the words after 'That' and insert other words has passed in the negative, the main question shall be put forthwith.
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63.(1) When a public bill (other than a Consolidated Fund or an Appropriation Bill, or a tax law rewrite bill, or a bill for confirming a provisional order) has been read a second time, it shall stand committed to a standing committee unless the House otherwise order.
| | Committal of bills.
| |
(2) A motion to commit a bill to a committee of the whole House or to a select committee or to a special standing committee, or a motion that it is expedient that a bill be committed to a joint committee of Lords and Commons, may be made by any Member and if made immediately after the bill has been read a second time shall not require notice, and, though opposed, may be decided after the expiration of the time for opposed business, and the question thereon shall be put forthwith.
| | |
(3) A motion to commit a bill to a standing committee in respect of some of its provisions and to a committee of the whole House in respect of other provisions may be made by the Member in charge of the bill and, if made immediately after the bill has been read a second time, shall not require notice, and may, though opposed, be decided after the expiration of the time for opposed business. If such a motion is opposed, the Speaker after permitting, if he thinks fit, a brief explanatory statement from the Member who makes and from a Member who opposes the motion shall, without permitting any further debate, put the question thereon.
| | |
(4) If the question on a motion made under paragraph (2) or paragraph (3) of this order is negatived, the Speaker shall forthwith declare that the bill stands committed to a standing committee.
| | |
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64. Whenever the House is adjourned for more than one day, notices of amendments to bills, new clauses or new schedules or of amendments to Lords amendments received in the Public Bill Office at any time not later than halfpast four o'clock on the last day on which the House is not sitting (excluding any Saturday, Sunday, bank holiday or public holiday in England) may be accepted as if the House were sitting.
| | Notices of amendments, &c., to bills.
| |
| |
65. All committees to which bills may be committed or referred for consideration on report shall have power to make such amendments therein as they shall think fit, provided they be relevant to the subject matter of the bill: but if any such amendments shall not be within the long title of the bill, they shall amend the long title accordingly, and report the same specially to the House.
| | Amendments in committee.
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| |
66. Whenever an order of the day is read for the House to resolve itself into a committee on a bill, the Speaker shall leave the chair without putting any question, and the House shall thereupon resolve itself into such committee, unless notice of an instruction to such committee has been given, when such instruction shall be first disposed of, or unless the committee is discharged in pursuance of paragraph (8) of Standing Order No. 60 (Tax law rewrite bills).
| | Committee of whole House on bill.
| |
67. In a committee on a bill any preamble shall stand postponed until after the consideration of the clauses and of any schedules.
| | Postponement of preamble.
| |
| |
68. If, during the consideration of a bill in a committee of the whole House, the chairman is of opinion that the principle of a clause or schedule and any matters arising thereon have been adequately discussed in the course of debate on the amendments proposed thereto, he may, after the last amendment to be selected has been disposed of, state that he is of this opinion and shall then forthwith put the question 'That the clause (or, the clause, as amended) stand part of the bill' or 'That this schedule (or this schedule, as amended) be the schedule to the bill', as the case may be.
| | Debate on clause or schedule standing part.
| |
| |
69. When a Member has brought up a clause or schedule in committee on a bill or on consideration of a bill on report, it shall be read the first time without any question being put.
| | Procedure on offer of new clause.
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70. When the chairman of a committee of the whole House has been ordered to make a report to the House, he shall leave the chair without putting any question. Every such report shall be brought up without any question being put.
| | When chairman leaves chair without question put.
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| |
71. At the close of the proceedings of a committee of the whole House on a bill, the chairman shall report the bill forthwith to the House, and when amendments shall have been made thereto, a day shall be appointed for taking the bill, as amended, into consideration, unless the House shall order it to be taken into consideration forthwith.
| | Report of bill from committee of whole House.
| |
72. When the order of the day for the consideration of a bill, as amended in a committee of the whole House, has been read, the House shall proceed to consider the same without question put, unless the Member in charge thereof nominates a future day for its consideration or a motion shall be made to recommit the bill in whole or in part.
| | Consideration of bill as amended in committee of whole House.
| |
| |
73. Save as provided in Standing Order No. 92 (Consideration on report of certain bills by a standing committee) every bill committed to and reported from a standing committee, whether amended or not, shall be considered on report by the House, and the provisions of Standing Order No. 72 (Consideration of bill as amended in committee of whole House) shall apply to such consideration.
| | Report of bills committed to standing committees.
| |
| |
74. If a motion to recommit a bill as a whole be made, the Speaker shall permit a brief explanatory statement of the reasons for such recommittal from the Member who makes, and a brief statement from a Member who opposes, any such motion, and shall then put the question thereon.
| | Re-committal of bill.
| |
| |
75. Upon the consideration of a bill on report no amendment which could not have been proposed in committee without an instruction from the House may be proposed unless it has been authorised by a resolution of the House.
| | Amendments on report.
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76. When a bill has been committed to a standing committee, or has been so committed in respect of some of its provisions, then, on consideration on report of the bill or such of its provisions as were so committed, the rule against speaking more than once shall not apply to the Member in charge of the bill or to the mover of any amendment or new clause or schedule in respect of that amendment or clause or schedule.
| | Debate on bill reported from standing committee.
| |
| |
77. No amendments, not being merely verbal, shall be made to any bill on the third reading.
| | Third reading.
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| |
78.(1) Lords amendments to public bills and Lords Reasons shall be appointed to be considered on a future day, unless the House shall order them to be considered forthwith, and the provisions of Standing Order No. 57A (Bills brought from the Lords) shall apply to the appointment of consideration and the printing of Lords amendments and reasons as they apply to the appointment of second reading and the printing of bills brought from the House of Lords.
| | Lords amendments.
| |
(2) When the order of the day for the consideration of Lords amendments to a public bill or Lords reasons has been read, the House shall proceed to consider the same without question put, unless the Member in charge thereof nominates a future day for their consideration.
| | |
(3) If the Speaker is satisfied that a Lords amendment imposes a charge upon the public revenue such as is required to be authorised by resolution of the House under Standing Order No. 49 (Certain proceedings relating to public money) and that such charge has not been so authorised, on reaching that amendment, the Speaker shall declare that he is so satisfied and the amendment shall be deemed to have been disagreed to and shall be so recorded in the Journal.
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79. With respect to any bill brought to this House from the House of Lords, or returned by the House of Lords to this House, with amendments, whereby any pecuniary penalty, forfeiture, or fee shall be authorised, imposed, appropriated, regulated, varied, or extinguished, this House will not insist on its ancient and undoubted privileges in the following cases:
| | Pecuniary penalties.
| |
(1) when the object of such pecuniary penalty or forfeiture is to secure the execution of the Act, or the punishment or prevention of offences;
| | |
(2) where such fees are imposed in respect of benefit taken or service rendered under the Act, and in order to the execution of the Act, and are not made payable into the Consolidated Fund, or in aid of the public revenue, and do not form the ground of public accounting by the parties receiving the same, either in respect of deficit or surplus;
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(3) when such bill shall be a private bill for a local or personal Act.
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80. The House may proceed with any public bill brought from the Lords except a bill of aids and supplies, provided that
| | Privilege (bills brought from the Lords).
| |
(a) it is so framed that no charge upon the people or upon public funds, unless it be such a charge as is defined in Standing Order No. 79 (Pecuniary penalties), is imposed or altered; and
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(b) in the case of a bill which, if it were not so framed, would have as its main object the imposition or alteration of such a charge, a Minister of the Crown has informed the Clerk at the Table of his intention to take charge of it.
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80A.(1) Subject to the following provisions of this order, a Minister of the Crown may give notice of a motion (a 'carryover motion') that proceedings on a public bill not completed before the end of the Session shall be resumed in the next Session of Parliament; and the Speaker shall put any question necessary to dispose of proceedings on such a motion
| | Carry-over of bills
| |
(a) forthwith if the motion is made on the day the bill is read a second time; or
| | |
(b) not more than one and a half hours after the commencement of proceedings on the motion if the motion is made at any other time.
| | |
(2) A carryover motion may be proceeded with, though opposed, after the moment of interruption.
| | |
(3) A carryover motion shall not be made in respect of more than one bill.
| | |
(4) A carryover motion shall not be made in respect of a bill carried over from a previous Session of Parliament.
| | |
(5) A carry over motion may be made only in respect of a bill presented by a Minister of the Crown.
| | |
(6) The provisions of this order shall not apply to a carry over motion made in respect of a bill brought from the Lords.
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(7) Paragraphs (8) to (11) of this order shall apply to any bill ordered to be carried over to the next Session of Parliament in pursuance of a carryover motion.
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(8) If proceedings in committee on the bill are begun but not completed before the end of the first Session, the chairman shall report the bill to the House as so far amended and the bill shall be ordered to lie upon the Table.
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(9) In any other case, proceedings on the bill shall be suspended at the conclusion of the Session in which the bill was first introduced.
| | |
(10) If a bill is presented in the next Session in the same terms as the bill reported to the House under paragraph (8) or as it stood when proceedings were suspended under paragraph (9), the bill shall be read the first and second time without question put, shall be ordered to be printed, and
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(a) in the case of a bill reported from a standing committee under paragraph (8), shall stand committed to a standing committee in respect of those clauses and schedules not ordered to stand part of the bill in the first Session;
| | |
(b) in the case of a bill reported from a committee of the whole House under paragraph (8), shall stand committed to a committee of the whole House in respect of those clauses and schedules not ordered to stand part of the bill in the first Session;
| | |
(c) in the case of a bill committed to a standing committee but on which proceedings on the bill were not begun, shall again stand committed to a standing committee;
| | |
(d) otherwise shall be set down as an order of the day for (as the case may be) committee, consideration, further consideration or third reading.
| | |
(11) Notices of amendments, new clauses and new schedules given in respect of parts of a bill not disposed of in the first Session shall be reprinted as notices in respect of the bill as presented and proceeded with under paragraph (10).
| | |
(12) A programme order relating to a bill which is carried over to the next session of Parliament shall continue to apply in the next session.
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(13) Proceedings on a bill ordered to be carried over to the next Session of Parliament shall lapse on the expiry of the period of twelve months from the date of its first reading in this House and the bill shall be laid aside unless the House shall order, in pursuance of a motion under paragraph (14), that proceedings on the bill be extended for a specified period.
| | |
(14) A motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown to extend for a specified period proceedings on a bill which would otherwise lapse under paragraph (13), and any such motion
| | |
(a) may contain provisions amending or supplementing a programme order in respect of the bill;
| | |
(b) may be proceeded with, though opposed, after the moment of interruption;
| | |
and the Speaker shall put any question necessary to dispose of proceedings on any such motion not later than one and a half hours after the commencement of those proceedings.
| | |
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81. The precise duration of every temporary law or enactment shall be expressed in a distinct clause or subsection of the bill.
| | Temporary laws.
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82. There shall be a committee, to be called the Business Committee, consisting of the Chairman of Ways and Means, who shall be chairman of the committee, and not more than eight other Members to be nominated by the Speaker, in respect of each bill to which this order applies. The quorum of the committee shall be four. The committee
| | Business Committee.
| |
(a) shall, in the case of any bill in respect of which an order has been made by the House, allotting a specified number of days or portions of days to the consideration of the bill in committee of the whole House or on report, divide the bill into such parts as it may see fit and allot to each part so many days or portions of a day so allotted as it may consider appropriate; and
| | |
(b) shall report its resolution (or resolutions) to the House, and on a motion being made for the consideration of such report the question thereon shall be put forthwith and on consideration of the said report the question 'That this House doth agree with the committee in its resolution (or resolutions)' shall be put forthwith and, if that question be agreed to, any such resolution shall have effect as if it were an order of the House.
| | |
Proceedings in pursuance of this sub-paragraph, though opposed, may be decided after the expiration of the time for opposed business.
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83. If a motion be made by a Minister of the Crown providing for an allocation of time to any proceedings on a bill the Speaker shall, not more than three hours after the commencement of the proceedings on such a motion, put any question necessary to dispose of those proceedings.
| | Allocation of time to bills.
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Programming of bills |
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83A.(1) If, before second reading of a bill, notice of a motion providing
| | Programme motions.
| |
(a) for committal of the bill, and
| | |
(b) for any proceedings on the bill to be programmed,
| | |
is given by a Minister of the Crown, the motion may be made immediately after second reading, and Standing Order No. 63 (Committal of bills) shall not apply to the bill.
| | |
(2) Such a motion is to be called a programme motion.
| | |
(3) An order made by the House as a result of a programme motion is to be called a programme order.
| | |
(4) A motion to vary or supplement a programme order is also to be called a programme motion.
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(5) A programme motion may provide for the allocation of time for any proceedings on a bill.
| | |
(6) Except in the following four cases, the question on a programme motion is to be put forthwith.
| | |
(7) The first exception is where
| | |
(a) a standing committee has reported a resolution under paragraph (12) of Standing Order No. 83C (Programming sub-committees) proposing an alteration of the date by which the bill is to be reported to the House, and
| | |
(b) the motion made under paragraph (13) of Standing Order No. 83C does not give effect to the standing committee's proposal.
| | |
(8) The second exception is where the motion makes further provision for proceedings on consideration and third reading of the bill otherwise than in accordance with a resolution of a standing committee under paragraph (14) of Standing Order No. 83C.
| | |
(9) The third exception is where the motion reduces the amount of time allocated under a programme order for any proceedings on the bill (whether or not it also increases the amount of time allocated for other proceedings on the bill).
| | |
(10) The fourth exception is where the motion relates to a resolution of a programming committee.
| | |
(11) If any of the exceptions applies, any question necessary to dispose of proceedings on a programme motion is to be put not later than three-quarters of an hour after the commencement of proceedings on the motion.
| | |
(12) Standing Order No. 15(1) (Exempted business) applies to proceedings on a programme motion.
| | |
(13) Standing Order No. 83 (Allocation of time to bills) does not apply to a programme motion.
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(14) If a programme order applies to a bill, neither Standing Order No. 82 (Business Committee) nor Standing Order No. 120 (Business sub-committees) applies to the bill.
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83B.(1) This order applies if proceedings in committee of the whole House or on consideration and third reading are subject to a programme order.
| | Programming committees.
| |
(2) There is to be a committee for the bill consisting of
| | |
(a) the Chairman of Ways and Means (who is to be chairman of the committee); and
| | |
(b) not more than eight other Members, nominated by the Speaker.
| | |
(3) The committee is to be called the programming committee.
| | |
(4) The quorum of the programming committee is four.
| | |
(5) The programming committee shall consider the allocation of time to proceedings in committee of the whole House or on consideration and third reading and report any resolution which it makes to the House.
| | |
(6) Proceedings in the programming committee shall be brought to a conclusion not later than two hours after their commencement.
| | |
(7) For the purposes of bringing any proceedings to a conclusion in accordance with paragraph (6), the chairman shall
| | |
(a) first put forthwith any question which has been proposed from the chair and not yet decided; and
| | |
(b) then put successively questions on any motions made by a Minister of the Crown.
| | |
(8) Resolutions of the programming committee
| | |
(a) may be reported from time to time; and
| | |
(b) subject to the powers of the Speaker or chairman to select the amendments, new clauses and new schedules to be proposed, may include alterations in the order in which specified proceedings on the bill are to be taken.
| | |
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83C.(1) If a bill is subject to a programme order which commits it to a standing committee, the order stands referred to the committee and, subject to paragraph (10) of this order, shall be considered by a sub-committee of the committee.
| | Programming sub-committees.
| |
(2) The sub-committee is to be called the programming sub-committee.
| | |
(3) The programming sub-committee shall consist of
| | |
(a) the chairman or one of the chairmen of the committee (who is to be chairman of the sub-committee); and
| | |
(b) seven members of the committee, nominated by the Speaker.
| | |
(4) The quorum of the programming sub-committee is four.
| | |
(5) The programming sub-committee shall report to the committee any resolution which it makes about
| | |
(a) the number of sittings to be allotted to the consideration of the bill in the committee;
| | |
(b) the allocation of the proceedings to each sitting;
| | |
(c) the time at which any proceedings, if not previously concluded, are to be brought to a conclusion;
| | |
(d) the date by which the bill is to be reported to the House;
| | |
(e) the programming of consideration and third reading.
| | |
(6) Proceedings in the programming sub-committee shall be brought to a conclusion not later than two hours after their commencement.
| | |
(7) For the purposes of bringing any proceedings to a conclusion in accordance with paragraph (6), the chairman shall
| | |
(a) first put forthwith any question which has been proposed from the chair and not yet been decided; and
| | |
(b) then put forthwith successively questions on any motions made by a Minister of the Crown.
| | |
(8) Resolutions of the programming sub-committee
| | |
(a) may be reported from time to time; and
| | |
(b) subject to the powers of the chairman to select the amendments, new clauses and new schedules to be proposed, may include alterations in the order in which specified proceedings are to be taken.
| | |
(9) On a motion in the terms of a resolution of the programming sub-committee being made in the committee, any question necessary to dispose of proceedings on the motion is to be put not later than half an hour after the commencement of those proceedings.
| | |
(10) A Minister of the Crown may make any motion in a standing committee which could have been the subject of a resolution of the programming sub-committee; and for the purposes of this order the motion shall be treated as if it were in the terms of a resolution of the programming sub-committee: provided that proceedings on such a motion shall lapse if any member of the committee signifies objection to it.
| | |
(11) If the provisions of a resolution of the programming sub-committee under sub-paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) of paragraph (5) are agreed to (with or without modification) by the committee, the provisions (or the provisions as modified) are to have effect as if they were included in the programme order for the bill.
| | |
(12) Any resolution of the committee
| | |
(a) proposing an alteration to the date by which the bill is to be reported to the House; or
| | |
(b) making a recommendation about the programming of the bill on consideration and third reading;
| | |
shall be reported to the House.
| | |
(13) If a resolution is reported proposing an alteration to the date by which the bill is to be reported to the House, a supplemental programme motion shall be set down for a day not later than the fifth sitting day after the day when the report was made which may
| | |
(a) give effect to the committee's proposal;
| | |
(b) otherwise alter or supplement the provisions of the original programme of the bill; or
| | |
(c) confirm the date set in the original programme order for the bill.
| | |
(14) If a resolution is reported making a recommendation about the programming of the bill on consideration and third reading, a supplemental programme motion shall be set down before the consideration of the bill on report which may
| | |
(a) give effect to the committee's recommendations;
| | |
(b) otherwise alter or supplement the provisions of the original programme of the bill; or
| | |
(c) confirm the original programme order for the bill.
| | |
| |
83D.(1) This order applies for the purpose of bringing proceedings in standing committee or in committee of the whole House to a conclusion in accordance with a programme order.
| | Programme orders: conclusion of proceedings in standing committee or in committee of the whole House.
| |
(2) The chairman shall put forthwith the following questions (but no others) in the same order as they would fall to be put if this order did not apply
| | |
(a) any question already proposed from the chair;
| | |
(b) any question necessary to bring to a decision a question so proposed;
| | |
(c) the question on any amendment, new clause or new schedule selected by the chairman for separate decision;
| | |
(d) the question on any amendment moved or motion made by a Minister of the Crown;
| | |
(e) any other question necessary for the disposal of the business to be concluded.
| | |
(3) On a motion made for a new clause or a new schedule, the chairman shall put only the question that the clause or schedule be added to the bill.
| | |
(4) If two or more questions would fall to be put under paragraph (2)(d) on successive amendments moved or motions made by a Minister of the Crown, the chairman shall instead put a single question in relation to those amendments or motions.
| | |
(5) If two or more questions would fall to be put under paragraph (2)(e) in relation to successive provisions of the bill, the chairman shall instead put a single question in relation to those provisions, except that the question shall be put separately on any clause of or schedule to the bill which a Minister of the Crown has signified an intention to leave out.
| | |
(6) On conclusion of the proceedings in a committee, the chairman shall report the bill (or such of the bill's provisions as were committed to it) to the House without putting any question.
| | |
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83E.(1) This order applies for the purpose of bringing proceedings on consideration and third reading to a conclusion in accordance with a programme order.
| | Programme orders: conclusion of proceedings on consideration or third reading.
| |
(2) The Speaker shall put forthwith the following questions (but no others) in the same order as they would fall to be put if this order did not apply
| | |
(a) any question already proposed from the chair;
| | |
(b) any question necessary to bring to a decision a question so proposed;
| | |
(c) the question on any amendment, new clause or new schedule selected by the Speaker for separate decision;
| | |
(d) the question on any amendment moved or motion made by a Minister of the Crown;
| | |
(e) any other question necessary for the disposal of the business to be concluded.
| | |
(3) On a motion made for a new clause or a new schedule, the Speaker shall put only the question that the clause or schedule be added to the bill.
| | |
(4) If two or more questions would fall to be put under paragraph (2)(d) on successive amendments moved or motions made by a Minister of the Crown, the Speaker shall instead put a single question in relation to those amendments or motions.
| | |
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83F.(1) This order applies for the purpose of bringing proceedings on consideration of Lords amendments to a conclusion in accordance with a programme order.
| | Programme orders: conclusion of proceedings on consideration of Lords amendments.
| |
(2) The Speaker shall first put forthwith any question which has been proposed from the chair and not yet decided.
| | |
(3) If that question is for the amendment of a Lords amendment, the Speaker shall then put forthwith
| | |
(a) a single question on any further amendments of the Lords amendment moved by a Minister of the Crown; and
| | |
(b) the question on any motion made by a Minister of the Crown that this House agrees or disagrees with the Lords in their amendment or (as the case may be) in their amendment as amended.
| | |
(4) The Speaker shall then put forthwith
| | |
(a) a single question on any amendments moved by a Minister of the Crown to a Lords amendment; and
| | |
(b) the question on any motion made by a Minister of the Crown that this House agrees or disagrees with the Lords in their amendment or (as the case may be) in their amendment as amended.
| | |
(5) The Speaker shall then put forthwith the question on any motion made by a Minister of the Crown that this House disagrees with the Lords in a Lords amendment.
| | |
(6) The Speaker shall then put forthwith the question that this House agrees with the Lords in all the remaining Lords Amendments.
| | |
(7) As soon as the House has
| | |
(a) agreed or disagreed with the Lords in any of their Amendments; or
| | |
(b) disposed of an amendment relevant to a Lords Amendment which has been disagreed to,
| | |
the Speaker shall put forthwith a single question on any amendments moved by a Minister of the Crown relevant to the Lords Amendment.
| | |
| |
83G.(1) This order applies for the purpose of bringing proceedings on any further message from the Lords to a conclusion in accordance with a programme order.
| | Programme orders: conclusion of proceedings on further messages from the Lords.
| |
(2) The Speaker shall first put forthwith any question which has been proposed from the chair and not yet decided.
| | |
(3) The Speaker shall then put forthwith the question on any motion made by a Minister of the Crown which is related to the question already proposed from the chair.
| | |
(4) The Speaker shall then put forthwith the question on any motion made by a Minister on or relevant to any of the remaining items in the Lords message.
| | |
(5) The Speaker shall then put forthwith the question that this House agrees with the Lords in all of the remaining Lords proposals.
| | |
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83H.(1) This order applies in relation to any Committee to be appointed to draw up Reasons after proceedings have been brought to a conclusion in accordance with a programme order.
| | Programme orders: reasons committee.
| |
(2) The Speaker shall put forthwith the question on any motion made by a Minister of the Crown for the appointment, nomination and quorum of a Committee to draw up Reasons and the appointment of its chairman.
| | |
(3) The Committee shall report before the conclusion of the sitting at which it is appointed.
| | |
(4) Proceedings in the Committee shall be brought to a conclusion not later than half an hour after their commencement.
| | |
(5) For the purpose of bringing any proceedings to a conclusion in accordance with paragraph (4), the chairman shall
| | |
(a) first put forthwith any question which has been proposed from the chair and not yet decided; and
| | |
(b) then put forthwith successively questions on motions which may be made by a Minister of the Crown for assigning a Reason for disagreeing with the Lords in any of their Amendments.
| | |
(6) The proceedings of the Committee shall be reported without any further question being put.
| | |
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83I.(1) The provisions of this order apply to proceedings in the House or in Committee of the whole House on a bill which is subject to a programme order.
| | Programme orders: supplementary provisions.
| |
(2) Standing Order No. 15(1) (Exempted business) applies to the proceedings for any period after the moment of interruption allocated to them in accordance with the programme order.
| | |
(3) The proceedings may not be interrupted under any Standing Order relating to the sittings of the House.
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(4) If, on a day on which the bill has been set down to be taken as an order of the day, a motion for the adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 24 (Adjournment on specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration) would, apart from this order, stand over to seven o'clock, four o'clock or three o'clock
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(a) that motion stands over until the conclusion of any proceedings on the bill which, in accordance with the programme order, are to be brought to conclusion at or before that time; and
| | |
(b) the bringing to a conclusion of any proceedings on the bill which, in accordance with the programme order, are to be brought to a conclusion after that time is postponed for a period of time equal to the duration of the proceedings on that motion.
| | |
(5) If a day on which the bill has been set down to be taken as an order of the day is one to which a motion for the adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 24 stands over from an earlier day, the bringing to a conclusion of any proceedings on the bill which, in accordance with the programme order, are to be brought to a conclusion on that day is postponed for a period equal to the duration of the proceedings on that motion.
| | |
(6) No dilatory motion may be made in relation to the proceedings except by a Minister of the Crown; and the question on any such motion is to be put forthwith.
| | |
(7) If at any sitting the House is adjourned, or the sitting is suspended, before the expiry of the period at the end of which proceedings are to be brought to a conclusion under a programme order, no notice is required of a motion made at the next sitting by a Minister of the Crown for varying or supplementing the provisions of the programme order.
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Standing Committees |
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84.(1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 119 (European Standing Committees), as many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee.
| | Constitution of standing committees.
| |
(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 101 (Scottish Standing Committees), the bills committed and instruments (whether or not in draft) referred to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by the Speaker.
| | |
(3) In all but one of the standing committees to which bills other than bills provided for in Standing Order No. 101 (Scottish Standing Committees) are committed or referred government bills shall have precedence.
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(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.
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85.(1) The chairman or chairmen of each standing committee shall be appointed by the Speaker from the Chairmen's Panel.
| | Chairmen of standing committees.
| |
(2) The Speaker may change the chairmen so appointed from time to time.
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(3) When more than one chairman is appointed to a standing committee any of the chairmen so appointed may exercise the powers conferred by paragraph (3) of Standing Order No. 89 (Procedure in standing committees).
| | |
(4) The Chairmen's Panel, of which three shall be a quorum, shall have power to consider matters of procedure relating to standing committees and to report its opinion thereupon to the House from time to time.
| | |
(5) Any member of a standing committee may, at the request of the chairman of the committee, act as chairman for not more than a quarter of an hour on any one occasion:
| | |
Provided that such member shall not exercise the powers conferred on the chairman of a standing committee by paragraph (3) of Standing Order No. 89 (Procedure in standing committees).
| | |
| |
86.(1) Save in the case of
| | Nomination of standing committees.
| |
(a) the Scottish Grand Committee,
| | |
(b) the Welsh Grand Committee,
| | |
(c) a standing committee for the consideration of a bill on report, and
| | |
(d) a European Standing Committee,
| | |
the Committee of Selection shall nominate not fewer than sixteen nor more than fifty Members to serve on each standing committee for the consideration of each bill allocated or referred to it, or for the consideration of instruments (whether or not in draft) referred to it.
| | |
(2) In nominating such Members the Committee of Selection shall have regard to the qualifications of those Members nominated and to the composition of the House, and shall have power to discharge Members from time to time and appoint others in substitution for those discharged:
| | |
Provided that |
| |
(i) for the consideration of any public bill certified by the Speaker as relating exclusively to Scotland or of a public bill (or part of a public bill) ordered to be considered by a Scottish standing committee, the committee shall be so constituted as to include not fewer than sixteen Members representing Scottish constituencies;
| | |
(ii) for the consideration of any public bill relating exclusively to Wales, the committee shall be so constituted as to include all Members sitting for constituencies in Wales.
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| |
87.(1) Mr Attorney General, the Advocate General and Mr Solicitor General, or any of them, being Members of the House, though not members of a standing committee, may take part in the deliberations of the committee, but shall not vote or make any motion or move any amendment other than a motion in the Scottish Grand Committee under Standing Order No. 93 (Scottish Grand Committee (composition and business)) or a motion in the Welsh Grand Committee under Standing Order No. 102 (Welsh Grand Committee (composition and business)) or a motion in the Northern Ireland Grand Committee under Standing Order No. 109 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (composition and business)) or a motion or an amendment in a European Standing Committee under Standing Order No. 119 (European Standing Committees) or be counted in the quorum.
| | Attendance of law officers and ministers in standing committees.
| |
(2) In a standing committee which is to consider a bill brought in upon a ways and means resolution any Minister of the Crown, being a Member of the House, though not a member of the standing committee, may take part in the deliberations of the committee, but shall not vote or make any motion or move any amendment or be counted in the quorum.
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88.(1) A standing committee to which a bill or other business has been or stands committed shall meet to consider such business on the day and at the hour named by the Member appointed chairman of the committee in respect of that business. If the consideration of the business is not completed at that sitting the committee shall meet further to consider the business on such days of the week and at such times as may be appointed by the committee:
| | Meetings of standing committees.
| |
Provided that no standing committee shall sit at Westminster, on a day on which the House sits, between the hours of one o'clock and halfpast three o'clock in the afternoon on Mondays or Tuesdays, between the hours of twentyfive minutes past eleven o'clock in the morning and halfpast one o'clock in the afternoon on Wednesdays or between the hours of twentyfive minutes past ten o'clock in the morning and halfpast twelve o'clock in the afternoon on Thursdays, except as hereinafter provided.
| | |
(2) If a standing committee to which the proviso to paragraph (1) of this order applies is not previously adjourned, the chairman shall adjourn the committee without putting any question at one o'clock, twenty-five minutes past eleven o'clock or twentyfive minutes past ten o'clock, as the case may be, save as provided in Standing Order No. 100 (Scottish Grand Committee (sittings)), Standing Order No. 108 (Welsh Grand Committee (sittings)) and Standing Order No. 116 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (sittings));
| | |
Provided that |
| |
(i) if, in the opinion of the chairman, the proceedings on a bill or other business could be brought to a final conclusion by a short extension of the sitting, he may defer adjourning the committee for a quarter of an hour;
| | |
(ii) if proceedings under Standing Order No. 36 (Closure of debate) be in progress at the time when the chairman is required to adjourn the committee under this paragraph, he shall not adjourn the committee until the question for the closure of debate, the question or questions consequent thereon and on any further motion as provided in that Standing Order, have been decided.
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(3) Any standing committee may sit notwithstanding any adjournment of the House.
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| |
89.(1) Except as provided in Standing Order No. 93 (Scottish Grand Committee (composition and business)), Standing Order No. 102 (Welsh Grand Committee (composition and business)), Standing Order No. 109 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (composition and business)), Standing Order No. 117 (Standing Committee on Regional Affairs) and Standing Order No. 119 (European Standing Committees) the quorum of a standing committee shall be seventeen or one third of the number of its members excluding the chairman, whichever is the less; and in calculating the quorum fractions shall be counted as one.
| | Procedure in standing committees.
| |
(2) The public shall be admitted to a standing committee unless the committee otherwise orders.
| | |
(3)(a) Any notice of an amendment to a bill which has been committed or referred to a standing committee, or of a motion relative to a European Union document or documents or an amendment thereto given under Standing Order No. 119 (European Standing Committees) shall stand referred to the committee, and the chairman shall have the like powers as are given to the Speaker, the Chairman of Ways and Means and either Deputy Chairman respectively by Standing Order No. 32 (Selection of amendments).
| | |
(b) Standing Orders No. 29 (Powers of chair to propose question), No. 36 (Closure of debate) and No. 37 (Majority for closure or for proposal of question) shall apply to standing committees, except that the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure or for the proposal of the question shall be the number prescribed as the quorum by paragraph (1) of this order.
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(c) The chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as are given to a chairman of a committee of the whole House under the following Standing Orders:
| | |
No. 35 (Dilatory motion in abuse of rules of House),
| | |
No. 42 (Irrelevance or repetition), and
| | |
No. 68 (Debate on clause or schedule standing part).
| | |
(d) The following Standing Orders shall apply to standing committees:
| | |
No. 124 (Quorum of select committees),
| | |
No. 128 (Entry on minutes of proceedings of select committee), and
| | |
No. 129 (Minutes of proceedings to be laid on the Table).
| | |
(4) On a division being called in the House or a committee of the whole House the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings of the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable Members to vote in the division and return to the committee.
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(5) All standing committees shall have leave to print and circulate their proceedings with the Vote.
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90.(1) A motion, of which at least ten days' notice has been given, may be made by a Minister of the Crown at the commencement of public business, that a public bill be referred to a second reading committee, and the question thereupon shall be put forthwith; and if, on the question being put, not fewer than twenty Members rise in their places and signify their objection thereto, the Speaker shall declare that the noes have it:
| | Second reading committees.
| |
Provided that no such notice shall be given until the bill has been printed and delivered to the Vote Office.
| | |
(2) A motion, of which at least ten days' notice has been given, may with the leave of the House be made by the Member in charge of a private Member's bill at the commencement of public business on any day when private Members' bills have precedence under the provisions of Standing Order No. 14 (Arrangement of public business), that the said bill be referred to a second reading committee, and the question thereupon shall be put forthwith. If such a motion be agreed to, any order that the said bill be read a second time which stands on the paper for that or any subsequent day shall be discharged. No such motion shall be made before the eighth Friday on which private Members' bills have precedence and no such notice shall be given until the bill has been printed and delivered to the Vote Office.
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(3) A second reading committee shall be a standing committee.
| | |
(4) A second reading committee shall report to the House either that it recommends that the bill ought to be read a second time or that it recommends that the bill ought not to be read a second time, and in the latter case it shall have power to state its reasons for so recommending.
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(5) When a second reading committee shall have made a report to the House in respect of a bill referred to it under paragraph (2) above, the bill shall be ordered to be read a second time upon a future day.
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(6) Upon a motion being made for the second reading of a bill reported from a second reading committee, the question thereon shall be put forthwith.
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91.(1) A special standing committee to which a bill has been committed shall have power, during a period not exceeding 28 days (excluding periods when the House is adjourned for more than two days) from the committal of the bill, to send for persons, papers and records, and, for this purpose, to hold up to four morning sittings of not more than three hours each. At not more than three sittings oral evidence may be given and, unless the committee otherwise orders, all such evidence shall be given in public. Oral evidence shall be printed in the official report of the committee's debates together with such written evidence as the committee may order to be so printed.
| | Special standing committees.
| |
Provided that, in the case of bills certified under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 97 (Scottish Grand Committee (bills in relation to their principle)) and committed pursuant to paragraph (5) thereof to a special standing committee, the three sittings at which oral evidence may be given may be held in Scotland, in which case those sittings need not be held in the morning.
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(2) For the sittings referred to in paragraph (1) of this order, and notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 85 (Chairmen of standing committees), the Speaker may appoint any Member other than a Minister of the Crown as chairman of a special standing committee.
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(3) Except as provided in the foregoing paragraphs, the standing orders relating to standing committees and Standing Orders No. 127 (Withdrawal of documents before select committee), No. 131 (Entry of questions asked), No. 135 (Witnesses and evidence (select committees)) and No. 136 (Publication of evidence (select committees)) shall apply to any special standing committee.
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(4) The question on any motion made by a Minister of the Crown to extend the period of 28 days mentioned in paragraph (1) of this order may be decided after the expiration of the time for opposed business.
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92.(1) A bill which has been considered by a second reading committee or by the Scottish Grand Committee in relation to the principle of the bill may be referred for consideration on report to a standing committee or to the Scottish Grand Committee, as the case may be, upon a motion made after notice by a Minister of the Crown at the commencement of public business, and the question on such motion shall be put forthwith; and if, on the question being put, not fewer than twenty Members rise in their places and signify their objection thereto, the Speaker shall declare that the noes have it.
| | Consideration on report of certain bills by a standing committee.
| |
(2) A standing committee to consider bills on report shall consist of not fewer than twenty nor more than eighty Members, to be nominated by the Committee of Selection to serve on the committee for the consideration of each bill referred to it; and in the nomination of such Members, the Committee of Selection shall have regard to their qualifications and to the composition of the House:
| | |
Provided that, for the consideration of all public bills relating exclusively to Wales, the committee shall be so constituted as to include all Members sitting for constituencies in Wales.
| | |
(3) Any committee to which a bill is referred under this order shall report to the House that it has considered the bill and has made amendments or has made no amendment thereunto, as the case may be; and the bill so reported shall be ordered to be read the third time upon a future day.
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93.(1) There shall be a standing committee called the Scottish Grand Committee, which shall consist of all Members representing Scottish constituencies; and of which (subject to paragraph (6) of Standing Order No. 100 (Scottish Grand Committee (sittings))) the quorum shall be ten.
| | Scottish Grand Committee (composition and business).
| |
(2) The business of the Committee shall include
| | |
(a) questions tabled in accordance with Standing Order No. 94 (Scottish Grand Committee (questions for oral answer));
| | |
(b) short debates held in accordance with Standing Order No. 95 (Scottish Grand Committee (short debates));
| | |
(c) ministerial statements proceeded with in accordance with Standing Order No. 96 (Scottish Grand Committee (ministerial statements));
| | |
(d) bills referred to it for consideration or further consideration in relation to their principle, in accordance with Standing Order No. 97 (Scottish Grand Committee (bills in relation to their principle));
| | |
(e) motions relating to instruments (whether or not in draft) referred to it in accordance with Standing Order No. 98 (Scottish Grand Committee (delegated legislation));
| | |
(f) motions for the adjournment of the committee, notice of which has been given in accordance with Standing Order No. 99 (Scottish Grand Committee (substantive motions for the adjournment)); and
| | |
(g) motions for the adjournment of the committee made under paragraph (6) of Standing Order No. 100 (Scottish Grand Committee (sittings)).
| | |
(3) Any Minister of the Crown, being a Member of the House, though not a member of the committee, may take part in the deliberations of the committee and may make a motion, but shall not vote or be counted in the quorum.
| | |
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94.(1) Notices of questions for oral answer in the Scottish Grand Committee by Scotland Office ministers or Scottish law officers on a day specified in an order made under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 100 (Scottish Grand Committee (sittings)), may be given by members of the committee in the Table Office.
| | Scottish Grand Committee (questions for oral answer).
| |
(2) Notices of questions given under this order shall bear an indication that they are for oral answer in the Scottish Grand Committee.
| | |
(3) No more than one notice of a question may be given under this order by any member of the committee for each day specified under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 100 (Scottish Grand Committee (sittings)) for the taking of questions.
| | |
(4) On any day so specified under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 100 (Scottish Grand Committee (sittings)), questions shall be taken at the commencement of the sitting; no question shall be taken later than threequarters of an hour after the commencement of the proceedings thereon; and replies to questions not reached shall be printed with the official report of the committee's debates for that day.
| | |
(5) Notices of questions under this order may be given ten sitting days before that on which an answer is desired save where otherwise provided by a memorandum under paragraph (6) of Standing Order No. 22 (Notices of questions, motions and amendments):
| | |
Provided that when it is proposed that the House shall adjourn for a period of fewer than four days, any day during that period (other than a Saturday or a Sunday) shall be counted as a sitting day for the purposes of the calculation made under this paragraph.
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95.(1) Notices of subjects to be raised in short debates in the Scottish Grand Committee, on a day specified in an order made under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 100 (Scottish Grand Committee (sittings)), may be given by members of the committee in the Table Office.
| | Scottish Grand Committee (short debates).
| |
(2) Subjects of which notice is given under paragraph (1) of this order must relate to Scotland.
| | |
(3) Not more than one notice of a subject may be given under this order by any member of the committee for each day specified under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 100 (Scottish Grand Committee (sittings)) for the holding of short debates.
| | |
(4) On any day so specified such debates shall be held at the commencement of the sitting or, if the order under paragraph (1) specifies also the taking of questions on that day, immediately after questions.
| | |
(5)(a) No Member except the Minister of the Crown replying to the debate shall be called to speak later than half an hour after the commencement of the first such debate.
| | |
(b) The Member who gave notice of the subject and the Minister of the Crown replying to the debate may each speak for five minutes. Other Members may speak for three minutes.
| | |
(c) The chairman may direct any Member who exceeds the limits in subparagraph (b) to resume his seat forthwith.
| | |
(6) Notices of subjects under this order may be given ten sitting days before that on which they are sought to be raised:
| | |
Provided that when it is proposed that the House shall adjourn for a period of fewer than four days, any day during that period (other than a Saturday or a Sunday) shall be counted as a sitting day for the purposes of the calculation made under this paragraph.
| | |
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96.(1) The chairman of the Scottish Grand Committee may permit a Minister of the Crown, whether or not a Member of the House, to make a statement, of which prior notice has been given to him, and to answer questions thereon put by members of the committee.
| | Scottish Grand Committee (ministerial statements).
| |
(2) Ministerial statements may be made for the purpose of
| | |
(a) facilitating the questioning by members of the committee of the Minister of the Crown about a matter relating to his official responsibilities so far as they relate to Scotland, which, in the case of a Scottish law officer, shall be as provided in the second column of the relevant subparagraph of paragraph (2) of Standing Order No. 152 (Select committees related to government departments), in which case proceedings under this order shall be brought to a conclusion either at an hour appointed by an order of the committee, for which a motion may be made without notice by a member of the government immediately before the commencement of such proceedings, on which motion the question shall be put forthwith, or, if no such motion is made, not later than threequarters of an hour after their commencement; or
| | |
(b) announcing the policy of the government on a matter relating to Scotland or the response of the government to an event relating to Scotland, in which case proceedings under this order shall be brought to a conclusion at the discretion of the chairman.
| | |
(3) Ministerial statements may be made
| | |
(a) at the commencement of a sitting; or
| | |
(b) if questions are taken, immediately after the conclusion of proceedings thereon; or
| | |
(c) if short debates are held, immediately after the conclusion of those proceedings.
| | |
(4) A Minister of the Crown making a statement under paragraph (1) of this order, who is not a Member of the House, may not do so from the body of the committee; and shall not vote, make any motion or be counted in the quorum.
| | |
97.(1) After any public bill has been first printed, the Speaker shall, if of the opinion that its provisions relate exclusively to Scotland, give a certificate to that effect:
| | Scottish Grand Committee (bills in relation to their principle).
| |
Provided that a certificate shall not be withheld by reason only that the bill
| | |
(a) makes minor consequential amendments of enactments which extend to England and Wales or Northern Ireland; or
| | |
(b) amends Schedule 2 to the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967, Schedule 1 to the House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975 or Schedule 1 to the Northern Ireland Assembly Disqualification Act 1975.
| | |
(2) On the order being read for the second reading of a bill so certified, a motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown (or in the case of a private Member's bill, by the Member in charge of the bill), 'That the bill be referred to the Scottish Grand Committee'; and the question thereon shall be put forthwith and may be decided at any hour, though opposed:
| | |
Provided that such a motion may be made by a private Member only with the leave of the House.
| | |
(3) A bill so referred to the Scottish Grand Committee shall be considered on a motion, 'That the Committee has considered the bill in relation to its principle'; and, when the committee has considered that question for a total of two and half hours (whether on one or more than one day), the chairman shall put the question necessary to dispose of the motion, and shall then report accordingly to the House (or shall report that the committee has come to no resolution), without any further question being put thereon:
| | |
Provided that a Minister of the Crown may, immediately before the motion 'That the Committee has considered the bill in relation to its principle' is made, make without notice a motion to extend the timelimit specified in this paragraph; and the question on such motion shall be put forthwith.
| | |
(4) A bill in respect of which a report has been made under paragraph (3) above shall be ordered to be read a second time on a future day.
| | |
(5) On the order being read for the second reading of a bill to which paragraph (4) above applies, a motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown (or, in the case of a private Member's bill, by the Member in charge of the bill), 'That the bill be committed to a Scottish Standing Committee (or to a special standing committee)'; and the question thereon shall be put forthwith and may be decided at any hour, though opposed.
| | |
(6) If a motion made under the preceding paragraph be agreed to, the bill shall be deemed to have been read a second time, and shall stand committed to a Scottish Standing Committee (or to a special standing committee).
| | |
(7) At the conclusion of proceedings on consideration on report of a bill in respect of which a report has been made under paragraph (3) above, or on the order being read for the third reading of such a bill, a motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown (or in the case of a private Member's bill, by the Member in charge of the bill), 'That the Bill be referred again to the Scottish Grand Committee'; and the question thereon shall be put forthwith and may be decided at any hour, though opposed:
| | |
Provided that such a motion may be made by a private Member only with the leave of the House.
| | |
(8) A bill so referred again to the Scottish Grand Committee shall be considered on a motion, 'That the Committee has further considered the bill in relation to its principle'; and, when the committee has considered that question for a total of one and a half hours (whether on one or more than one day), the chairman shall put the question necessary to dispose of the motion, and shall then report accordingly to the House (or shall report that the committee has come to no resolution), without any further question being put thereon:
| | |
Provided that a Minister of the Crown may, immediately before the motion 'That the Committee has further considered the bill in relation to its principle' is made, make without notice a motion to extend the timelimit specified in this paragraph; and the question on such motion shall be put forthwith.
| | |
(9) A bill in respect of which a report has been made under paragraph (8) above shall be ordered to be read the third time on a future day.
| | |
(10) When a motion shall have been made for the third reading of a bill to which paragraph (9) above applies, the question thereon shall be put forthwith and may be decided at any hour, though opposed.
| | |
| |
98.(1) Where
| | Scottish Grand Committee (delegated legislation).
| |
(a) a Member has given notice of a motion for an humble address to Her Majesty praying that a statutory instrument be annulled, or of a motion of a similar character relating to a statutory instrument or to any other instrument (whether or not in draft) which may be subject to proceedings in the House in pursuance of a statute, or of a motion that the House takes note of a statutory instrument, or
| | |
(b) a Minister of the Crown has given notice of a motion to the effect that an instrument (whether or not in draft) upon which proceedings may be taken in pursuance of an Act of Parliament (other than a draft regulatory reform order) be approved,
| | |
a motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown, 'That the instrument be referred to the Scottish Grand Committee'; and the question on such motion shall be put forthwith and may be decided at any hour, though opposed.
| | |
(2) The committee shall consider each instrument referred to it on a motion, 'That the Committee has considered the instrument'; and the chairman shall put any question necessary to dispose of the proceedings on the motion, if not previously disposed of, not later than one and a half hours after the commencement of proceedings thereon; and shall thereupon report the instrument to the House without any further question being put.
| | |
(3) If any motion is made in the House of the kind specified in paragraph (1)(a) or (1)(b) of this order, in relation to any instrument in respect of which a report has been made to the House in accordance with paragraph (2) of this order, the Speaker shall put forthwith the question thereon; which may be decided at any hour, though opposed.
| | |
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99.(1) On each of the days specified in an order of the House under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 100 (Scottish Grand Committee (sittings)) for the consideration of motions for the adjournment of the Scottish Grand Committee, such motions of which notice has been given in accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3) below shall have precedence.
| | Scottish Grand Committee (substantive motions for the adjournment).
| |
(2) A member of the committee giving notice of a motion for the adjournment of the committee under this order shall
| | |
(a) also give notice of the subject to which he intends to call attention on the motion for the adjournment of the committee, and
| | |
(b) give such notice of motion and of the subject in writing not later than ten sitting days before that on which the motion is to be made:
| | |
Provided that the subject to which attention is called must relate to Scotland.
| | |
(3) The days specified for the consideration of motions for the adjournment of the committee under this order shall be allocated as follows
| | |
(a) six at the disposal of the government;
| | |
(b) four at the disposal of the Leader of the Opposition;
| | |
and, in respect of parties other than that of the Leader of the Opposition,
| | |
(c) one at the disposal of the leader of the largest opposition party; and
| | |
(d) one at the disposal of the leader of the next largest opposition party:
| | |
Provided that a day specified in an order of the House under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 100 (Scottish Grand Committee (sittings)) on which business is to be interrupted five hours or more after the commencement of the sitting shall, if no business other than that to which this order applies is set down for consideration on that day, be deemed to be two days for the purposes of this order.
| | |
(4) For the purposes of this order, the 'largest' and 'next largest' opposition parties in Scotland shall be those parties, not being represented in Her Majesty's Government and of which the Leader of the Opposition is not a member, which have the largest and next largest number of Members who represent constituencies in Scotland, and of which not fewer than three Members were elected to the House as members of those parties.
| | |
| |
100.(1) A motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown providing (or varying previous provision) for the Scottish Grand Committee
| | Scottish Grand Committee (sittings).
| |
(a) to sit on specified days in Scotland (or at specified places in Scotland), the sitting commencing, and proceedings being interrupted, at such hours as may be specified;
| | |
(b) to sit on other specified days at Westminster at such hours as may be specified;
| | |
(c) to take questions under Standing Order No. 94 (Scottish Grand Committee (questions for oral answer)) on certain of the days specified under paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) above;
| | |
(d) to hold short debates under Standing Order No. 95 (Scottish Grand Committee (short debates)) on certain of the days so specified; and
| | |
(e) to consider substantive motions for the adjournment of the committee under Standing Order No. 99 (Scottish Grand Committee (substantive motions for the adjournment)) on not more than twelve of the days so specified:
| | |
and the Speaker shall put forthwith the question on such a motion, which may be decided after the time for opposed business:
| | |
Provided that nothing in this order shall prevent the committee from considering further at a sitting at Westminster business adjourned at a previous sitting in Scotland, nor from considering at a sitting in Scotland business adjourned at a sitting at Westminster.
| | |
(2) The provisions of Standing Order No. 88 (Meetings of standing committees), so far as they relate to the naming of a day in respect of business by the Member appointed chairman and the committee's appointment of future days in respect of business not completed at a sitting, shall not apply to the Scottish Grand Committee.
| | |
(3) Other than as provided in paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 99 (Scottish Grand Committee (substantive motions for the adjournment)), the government shall determine the precedence of the business appointed for consideration at any sitting of the committee.
| | |
(4) The chairman shall interrupt proceedings (other than on a motion made under paragraph (6) below) at the time specified in relation to the sitting by an order made under paragraph (1) above, or, in the absence of such provision, at the time specified in paragraph (2) of Standing Order No. 88 (Meetings of standing committees), subject to the proviso to that paragraph.
| | |
(5) At the moment of interruption, proceedings under consideration and not disposed of shall stand adjourned (except substantive motions for the adjournment of the committee under Standing Order No. 99 (Scottish Grand Committee (substantive motions for the adjournment)) which shall lapse).
| | |
(6) After the interruption of proceedings or on the completion of the business appointed for consideration at that sitting, whichever is the earlier, a motion for the adjournment of the committee may be made by a member of the government, and, notwithstanding the provisions of Standing Order No. 88 (Meetings of standing committees) the chairman shall, not later than half an hour after the motion has been made, adjourn the committee without putting any question; and in respect of business taken under this paragraph, the quorum of the committee shall be three.
| | |
101.(1) For the consideration of bills certified by the Speaker as relating exclusively to Scotland and committed to a standing committee or bills committed to a Scottish Standing Committee not more than two standing committees may be appointed.
| | Scottish Standing Committees.
| |
(2) Government bills shall have precedence in one such standing committee.
| | |
| |
102.(1) There shall be a standing committee called the Welsh Grand Committee, which shall consist of all Members representing Welsh constituencies, together with not more than five other Members nominated by the Committee of Selection, which shall have power from time to time to discharge the Members so nominated by it and to appoint others in substitution for those discharged.
| | Welsh Grand Committee (composition and business).
| |
(2) The quorum of the committee shall be seven, subject to paragraph (5) of Standing Order No. 108 (Welsh Grand Committee (sittings)).
| | |
(3) The business of the committee shall include
| | |
(a) questions tabled in accordance with Standing Order No. 103 (Welsh Grand Committee (questions for oral answer));
| | |
(b) short debates held in accordance with Standing Order No. 104 (Welsh Grand Committee (short debates));
| | |
(c) ministerial statements proceeded with under Standing Order No. 105 (Welsh Grand Committee (ministerial statements));
| | |
(d) bills referred to it in accordance with Standing Order No. 106 (Welsh Grand Committee (bills));
| | |
(e) such specified matters relating exclusively to Wales as may be referred to it in accordance with Standing Order No. 107 (Welsh Grand Committee (matters relating exclusively to Wales)); and
| | |
(f) motions for the adjournment of the committee, made under paragraph (5) of Standing Order No. 108 (Welsh Grand Committee (sittings)).
| | |
(4) Any Minister of the Crown, being a Member of the House, though not a member of the committee, may take part in the deliberations of the committee and may make a motion, but shall not vote or be counted in the quorum.
| | |
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103.(1) Notices of questions for oral answer in the Welsh Grand Committee by Wales Office ministers on a day specified in an order made under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 108 (Welsh Grand Committee (sittings)) may be given by members of the committee in the Table Office.
| | Welsh Grand Committee (questions for oral answer).
| |
(2) Notices of questions given under this order shall bear an indication that they are for oral answer in the Welsh Grand Committee.
| | |
(3) No more than one notice of a question may be given under this order by any member of the committee for each day specified under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 108 (Welsh Grand Committee (sittings)) for the taking of questions.
| | |
(4) On any day so specified under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 108 (Welsh Grand Committee (sittings)), questions shall be taken at the commencement of the sitting; no such question shall be taken later than half an hour after the commencement of the proceedings thereon; and replies to questions not reached shall be printed with the Official Report of the committee's debates for that day.
| | |
(5) Notices of questions under this order may be given ten sitting days before that on which an answer is desired, save where otherwise provided by a memorandum under paragraph (6) of Standing Order No. 22 (Notices of questions, motions and amendments):
| | |
Provided that when it is proposed that the House shall adjourn for a period of fewer than four days, any day during that period (other than a Saturday or a Sunday) shall be counted as a sitting day for the purposes of the calculation made under this paragraph.
| | |
| |
104.(1) Notices of subjects to be raised in short debates in the Welsh Grand Committee, on a day specified in an order made under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 108 (Welsh Grand Committee (sittings)), may be given by members of the committee in the Table Office.
| | Welsh Grand Committee (short debates).
| |
(2) Subjects of which notice is given under paragraph (1) of this order must relate to Wales.
| | |
(3) No more than one notice of a subject may be given under this order by any member of the committee for each day specified under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 108 (Welsh Grand Committee (sittings)) for the holding of short debates.
| | |
(4) On any day so specified such debates shall be held at the commencement of the sitting or, if the order under paragraph (1) specifies also the taking of questions on that day, immediately after questions.
| | |
(5)(a) No Member except the Minister of the Crown replying to the debate shall be called to speak later than half an hour after the commencement of the first such debate.
| | |
(b) The Member who gave notice of the subject and the Minister of the Crown replying to the debate may each speak for five minutes. Other Members may speak for three minutes.
| | |
(c) The chairman may direct any Member who exceeds the limits in subparagraph (b) to resume his seat forthwith.
| | |
(6) Notice of subjects under this order may be given ten sitting days before that on which they are sought to be raised:
| | |
Provided that when it is proposed that the House shall adjourn for a period of fewer than four days, any day during that period (other than a Saturday or a Sunday) shall be counted as a sitting day for the purposes of the calculation made under this paragraph.
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105.(1) The chairman of the Welsh Grand Committee may permit a Minister of the Crown, whether or not a Member of the House, to make a statement, of which prior notice has been given to him, on a matter relating to Wales, and to answer questions thereon put by members of the committee.
| | Welsh Grand Committee (ministerial statements).
| |
(2) Ministerial statements may be made
| | |
(a) at the commencement of a sitting; or
| | |
(b) if questions are taken, immediately after the conclusion of proceedings thereon; or
| | |
(c) if short debates are held, immediately after the conclusion of those proceedings.
| | |
(3) Proceedings under this order shall be brought to a conclusion at the discretion of the chairman.
| | |
(4) A Minister of the Crown making a statement under paragraph (1) of this order, who is not a Member of the House, may not do so from the body of the committee; and shall not vote, make any motion or be counted in the quorum.
| | |
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106.(1) A motion, of which at least ten days' notice has been given, may be made by a Minister of the Crown at the commencement of public business, that a public bill be referred to the Welsh Grand Committee, and the question thereon shall be put forthwith; and if, on the question being put, not fewer than twenty Members rise in their places and signify their objection thereto, the Speaker shall declare that the noes have it:
| | Welsh Grand Committee (bills).
| |
Provided that no such notice shall be given until the bill has been printed and delivered to the Vote Office.
| | |
(2) The committee shall report to the House either that it recommends that the bill ought to be read a second time or that it recommends that the bill ought not to be read a second time, and in the latter case it shall have power to state its reasons for so recommending.
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(3) Upon a motion being made for the second reading of a bill reported from the committee, the question thereon shall be put forthwith.
| | |
| |
107.(1) A motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown at the commencement of public business to the effect that a specified matter or matters relating exclusively to Wales be referred to the Welsh Grand Committee for its consideration, and the question thereon shall be put forthwith.
| | Welsh Grand Committee (matters relating exclusively to Wales).
| |
(2) If such a motion be agreed to, the committee shall consider the matter or matters referred to it and shall report only that it has considered the said matter or matters.
| | |
| |
108.(1) A motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown providing (or varying previous provision) for the Welsh Grand Committee
| | Welsh Grand Committee (sittings).
| |
(a) to sit on specified days in Wales (or at specified places in Wales), the sitting commencing, and proceedings being interrupted, at such hours as shall be specified;
| | |
(b) to sit on other specified days at Westminster at such hours as may be specified;
| | |
(c) to take questions under Standing Order No. 103 (Welsh Grand Committee (questions for oral answer)) on certain of the days specified under paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) above;
| | |
(d) to hold short debates under Standing Order No. 104 (Welsh Grand Committee (short debates)) on certain of the days so specified;
| | |
(e) to consider specified bills which shall have been referred to it under Standing Order No. 106 (Welsh Grand Committee (bills)) on certain of the days so specified; and
| | |
(f) to consider specified matters which shall have been referred to it under Standing Order No. 107 (Welsh Grand Committee (matters relating exclusively to Wales)) on certain of the days so specified;
| | |
and the Speaker shall put forthwith the question on such a motion, which may be decided at any hour, though opposed:
| | |
Provided that nothing in this order shall prevent the committee from considering further at a sitting at Westminster business adjourned at a previous sitting in Wales, nor from considering at a sitting in Wales business adjourned at a sitting at Westminster.
| | |
(2) The provisions of Standing Order No. 88 (Meetings of standing committees), so far as they relate to the naming of a day in respect of business by the Member appointed chairman and the committee's appointment of future days in respect of business not completed at a sitting, shall not apply to the Welsh Grand Committee.
| | |
(3) The chairman shall interrupt proceedings (other than on a motion made under paragraph (5) below) at the time specified in relation to the sitting by an order made under paragraph (1) above or, in the absence of such provision, at the time specified in paragraph (2) of Standing Order No. 88 (Meetings of standing committees), subject to the proviso to that paragraph.
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(4) At the moment of interruption, proceedings under consideration and not disposed of shall stand adjourned.
| | |
(5) After the interruption of proceedings, or on the completion of the business appointed for consideration at that sitting, whichever is the earlier, a motion for the adjournment of the committee may be made by a Minister of the Crown, and, notwithstanding the provisions of Standing Order No. 88 (Meetings of standing committees) the chairman shall, not later than half an hour after the motion has been made, adjourn the committee without putting any question; and in respect of business taken under this paragraph, the quorum of the committee shall be three.
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109.(1) There shall be a standing committee called the Northern Ireland Grand Committee, which shall consist of all Members representing constituencies in Northern Ireland, together with not more than twentyfive other Members nominated by the Committee of Selection, which shall have power from time to time to discharge the Members so nominated by it and to appoint others in substitution for those discharged.
| | Northern Ireland Grand Committee (composition and business).
| |
(2) The quorum of the committee shall be ten, subject to paragraph (5) of Standing Order No. 116 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (sittings)).
| | |
(3) The business of the committee shall include
| | |
(a) questions tabled in accordance with Standing Order No. 110 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (questions for oral answer));
| | |
(b) short debates held in accordance with Standing Order No. 111 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (short debates));
| | |
(c) ministerial statements proceeded with under Standing Order No. 112 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (ministerial statements));
| | |
(d) bills referred to it for consideration or further consideration in relation to their principle, in accordance with Standing Order No. 113 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (bills in relation to their principle));
| | |
(e) such legislative proposals and other specified matters relating exclusively to Northern Ireland as may be referred to it in accordance with Standing Order No. 114 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (legislative proposals and other matters relating exclusively to Northern Ireland));
| | |
(f) instruments (whether or not in draft) referred to it in accordance with Standing Order No. 115 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (delegated legislation)); and
| | |
(g) motions for the adjournment of the committee, made under paragraph (5) of Standing Order No. 116 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (sittings)).
| | |
(4) Any Minister of the Crown, being a Member of the House, though not a member of the committee, may take part in the deliberations of the committee and may make a motion, but shall not vote or be counted in the quorum.
| | |
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110.(1) Notices of questions for oral answer in the Northern Ireland Grand Committee by Northern Ireland Office ministers on a day specified in an order made under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 116 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (sittings)) may be given by members of the committee in the Table Office.
| | Northern Ireland Grand Committee (questions for oral answer).
| |
(2) Notices of questions given under this order shall bear an indication that they are for oral answer in the Northern Ireland Grand Committee.
| | |
(3) No more than one notice of a question may be given under this order by any member of the committee for each day specified under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 116 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (sittings)) for the taking of questions.
| | |
(4) On any day so specified under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 116 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (sittings)), questions shall be taken at the commencement of the sitting; no such question shall be taken later than half an hour after the commencement of the proceedings thereon; and replies to questions not reached shall be printed with the Official Report of the committee's debates for that day.
| | |
(5) Notices of questions under this order may be given ten sitting days before that on which an answer is desired, save where otherwise provided by a memorandum under paragraph (6) of Standing Order No. 22 (Notices of questions, motions and amendments):
| | |
Provided that when it is proposed that the House shall adjourn for a period of fewer than four days, any day during that period (other than a Saturday or a Sunday) shall be counted as a sitting day for the purposes of the calculation made under this paragraph.
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111.(1) Notices of subjects to be raised in short debates in the Northern Ireland Grand Committee, on a day specified in an order made under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 116 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (sittings)), may be given by members of the committee in the Table Office.
| | Northern Ireland Grand Committee (short debates).
| |
(2) Subjects of which notice is given under paragraph (1) of this order must relate to Northern Ireland.
| | |
(3) Not more than one notice of a subject may be given under this order by any member of the committee for each day specified under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 116 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (sittings)), for the holding of short debates.
| | |
(4) On any day so specified such debates shall be held at the commencement of the sitting or, if the order under paragraph (1) specifies also the taking of questions on that day, immediately after questions.
| | |
(5)(a) No Member except the Minister of the Crown replying to the debate shall be called to speak later than half an hour after the commencement of the first such debate.
| | |
(b) The Member who gave notice of the subject and the Minister of the Crown replying to the debate may each speak for five minutes. Other Members may speak for three minutes.
| | |
(c) The chairman may direct any Member who exceeds the limits in subparagraph (b) to resume his seat forthwith.
| | |
(6) Notice of subjects under this order may be given ten sitting days before that on which they are sought to be raised:
| | |
Provided that when it is proposed that the House shall adjourn for a period of fewer than four days, any day during that period (other than a Saturday or a Sunday) shall be counted as a sitting day for the purposes of the calculation made under this paragraph.
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112.(1) The chairman of the Northern Ireland Grand Committee may permit a Minister of the Crown, whether or not a Member of the House, to make a statement, of which prior notice has been given to him, on a matter relating to Northern Ireland, and to answer questions thereon put by members of the committee.
| | Northern Ireland Grand Committee (ministerial statements).
| |
(2) Ministerial statements may be made
| | |
(a) at the commencement of a sitting; or
| | |
(b) if questions are taken, immediately after the conclusion of proceedings thereon; or
| | |
(c) if short debates are held, immediately after the conclusion of those proceedings.
| | |
(3) Proceedings under this order shall be brought to a conclusion at the discretion of the chairman.
| | |
(4) A Minister of the Crown making a statement under paragraph (1) of this order, who is not a Member of the House, may not do so from the body of the committee; and shall not vote, make any motion or be counted in the quorum.
| | |
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113.(1) On the order being read for the second reading of a public bill relating exclusively to Northern Ireland, a motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown (or in the case of a private Member's bill, by the Member in charge of the bill), 'That the bill be referred to the Northern Ireland Grand Committee'; and the question thereon shall be put forthwith and may be decided at any hour, though opposed:
| | Northern Ireland Grand Committee (bills in relation to their principle).
| |
Provided that such a motion may be made by a private Member only with the leave of the House.
| | |
(2) A bill so referred to the Northern Ireland Grand Committee shall be considered on a motion, 'That the Committee has considered the bill in relation to its principle'; and, when the committee has considered that question for a total of two and a half hours (whether on one or more than one day), the chairman shall put the question necessary to dispose of the motion, and shall then report accordingly to the House (or shall report that the committee has come to no resolution), without any further question being put thereon:
| | |
Provided that a Minister of the Crown may, immediately before the motion 'That the Committee has considered the bill in relation to its principle' is made, make without notice a motion to extend the timelimit specified in this paragraph; and the question on such motion shall be put forthwith.
| | |
(3) A bill in respect of which a report has been made under paragraph (2) above shall be ordered to be read a second time on a future day.
| | |
(4) When a motion shall have been made for the second reading of a bill to which paragraph (3) above applies, the question thereon shall be put forthwith and may be decided at any hour, though opposed.
| | |
(5) At the conclusion of proceedings on consideration on report of a bill in respect of which a report has been made under paragraph (2) above, or on the order being read for the third reading of such a bill, a motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown (or in the case of a private Member's bill by the Member in charge of the bill), 'That the bill be referred again to the Northern Ireland Grand Committee'; and the question thereon shall be put forthwith and may be decided at any hour, though opposed:
| | |
Provided that such a motion may be made by a private Member only with the leave of the House.
| | |
(6) A bill so referred again to the Northern Ireland Grand Committee shall be considered on a motion, 'That the Committee has further considered the bill in relation to its principle'; and, when the committee has considered that question for a total of one and a half hours (whether on one or more than one day), the chairman shall put the question necessary to dispose of the motion, and shall then report accordingly to the House (or shall report that the committee has come to no resolution), without any further question being put thereon:
| | |
Provided that a Minister of the Crown may, immediately before the motion 'That the Committee has further considered the bill in relation to its principle' is made, make without notice a motion to extend the timelimit specified in this paragraph; and the question on such motion shall be put forthwith.
| | |
(7) A bill in respect of which a report has been made under paragraph (6) above shall be ordered to be read the third time on a future day.
| | |
(8) When a motion shall have been made for the third reading of a bill to which paragraph (7) above applies, the question thereon shall be put forthwith and may be decided at any hour, though opposed.
| | |
| |
114.(1) A motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown at the commencement of public business to the effect that a legislative proposal or other specified matter relating exclusively to Northern Ireland be referred to the Northern Ireland Grand Committee for its consideration, and the question thereon shall be put forthwith.
| | Northern Ireland Grand Committee (legislative proposals and other matters relating exclusively to Northern Ireland).
| |
(2) If such a motion be agreed to, the committee shall consider the legislative proposal or matter referred to it and shall report only that it has considered the said legislative proposal or matter.
| | |
(3) In this order and in Standing Orders No. 109 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (composition and business)) and No. 116 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (sittings)) 'a legislative proposal' means a proposal for a draft Order in Council relating exclusively to Northern Ireland.
| | |
| |
115.(1) Where
| | Northern Ireland Grand Committee (delegated legislation).
| |
(a) a Member has given notice of a motion for an humble address to Her Majesty praying that a statutory instrument be annulled, or of a motion of a similar character relating to a statutory instrument, or to any other instrument (whether or not in draft) which may be subject to proceedings in the House in pursuance of a statute, or of a motion that the House takes note of a statutory instrument, or
| | |
(b) a Minister of the Crown has given notice of a motion to the effect that an instrument (whether or not in draft) upon which proceedings may be taken in pursuance of an Act of Parliament (other than a draft regulatory reform order) be approved,
| | |
a motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown, 'That the instrument be referred to the Northern Ireland Grand Committee'; and the question on such motion shall be put forthwith and may be decided at any hour, though opposed.
| | |
(2) The committee shall consider each instrument referred to it on a motion, 'That the Committee has considered the instrument'; and the chairman shall put any question necessary to dispose of the proceedings on the motion, if not previously disposed of, not later than two and a half hours after the commencement of proceedings thereon; and shall thereupon report the instrument to the House without any further question being put:
| | |
Provided that a Minister of the Crown may, immediately before the motion 'That the Committee has considered the instrument' is made, make without notice a motion to extend to three hours the timelimit specified in this paragraph; and the question on such motion shall be put forthwith.
| | |
(3) If any motion is made in the House of the kind specified in paragraph (1)(a) or (1)(b) of this order, in relation to any instrument in respect of which a report has been made to the House in accordance with paragraph (2) of this order, the Speaker shall put forthwith the question thereon; which may be decided at any hour, though opposed.
| | |
| |
116.(1) A motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown providing (or varying previous provision) for the Northern Ireland Grand Committee
| | Northern Ireland Grand Committee (sittings).
| |
(a) to sit on not more than two specified days in Northern Ireland (at places to be named by the Member appointed chairman), the sitting commencing, and proceedings being interrupted, at such hours as shall be specified;
| | |
(b) to sit on other specified days at Westminster at such hours as shall be specified;
| | |
(c) to take questions under Standing Order No. 110 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (questions for oral answer)) on certain of the days specified under paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) above;
| | |
(d) to hold short debates under Standing Order No. 111 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (short debates)) on certain of the days so specified;
| | |
(e) to consider specified bills which shall have been referred to it under Standing Order No. 113 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (bills in relation to their principle)) on certain of the days so specified;
| | |
(f) to consider legislative proposals and other specified matters which shall have been referred to it under Standing Order No. 114 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (legislative proposals and other matters relating exclusively to Northern Ireland)) on certain of the days so specified;
| | |
(g) to consider specified instruments (whether or not in draft) which shall have been referred to it under Standing Order No. 115 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (delegated legislation)) on certain of the days so specified; and
| | |
(h) to consider motions for the adjournment of the committee made under paragraph (5) below on certain of the days so specified;
| | |
and the Speaker shall put forthwith the question on such a motion, which may be decided at any hour, though opposed:
| | |
Provided that nothing in this order shall prevent the committee from considering further at a sitting at Westminster business adjourned at a previous sitting in Northern Ireland, nor from considering at a sitting in Northern Ireland business adjourned at a sitting at Westminster.
| | |
(2) The provisions of Standing Order No. 88 (Meetings of standing committees), so far as they relate to the naming of a day in respect of business by the Member appointed chairman and the committee's appointment of future days in respect of business not completed at a sitting, shall not apply to the Northern Ireland Grand Committee.
| | |
(3) The chairman shall interrupt proceedings (other than on a motion made under paragraph (5) below) at the time specified in relation to the sitting by an order made under paragraph (1) above or, in the absence of such provision, at the time specified in paragraph (2) of Standing Order No. 88 (Meetings of standing committees), subject to the proviso to that paragraph.
| | |
(4) At the moment of interruption, proceedings under consideration and not disposed of shall stand adjourned.
| | |
(5) On a day specified in an order made under paragraph (1) above, after the interruption of proceedings, or on the completion of the business appointed for consideration at that sitting, whichever is the earlier, a motion for the adjournment of the committee may be made by a Minister of the Crown, and, notwithstanding the provisions of Standing Order No. 88 (Meetings of standing committees), the chairman shall, not later than half an hour after the motion has been made, adjourn the committee without putting any question; and in respect of business taken under this paragraph, the quorum of the committee shall be three.
| | |
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117.(1) There shall be a standing committee called the Standing Committee on Regional Affairs, which shall consider any matter relating to regional affairs in England which may be referred to it.
| | Standing Committee on Regional Affairs.
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(2) The Committee shall consist of thirteen Members representing English constituencies nominated by the Committee of Selection; and in nominating such Members, the Committee of Selection shall
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(a) have regard to the qualifications of the Members nominated and to the composition of the House; and
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(b) have power to discharge Members from time to time, and to appoint others in substitution.
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(3) Any Member of the House representing an English constituency, though not nominated to the committee, may take part in its proceedings, but may not make any motion, vote or be counted in the quorum; provided that a Minister of the Crown who is a Member of this House but not nominated to the committee may make a motion as specified in paragraph (10) below.
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(4) The quorum of the committee shall be three.
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(5) Paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 88 (Meetings of standing committees) shall not apply to the committee; except that the proviso to that paragraph shall apply to any sitting at Westminster.
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(6) A motion may be made in the House by a Minister of the Crown to specify (or to vary) any or all of the following:
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(a) the matter or matters to be referred to the Committee;
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(b) the period to be allotted to proceedings on such matters;
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(c) when and where (within England) the Committee shall meet;
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(d) the hours for the commencement and conclusion of any sitting;
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(e) any days when the committee shall meet at Westminster;
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and such motion may be moved at any time; and the question thereon shall be put forthwith and may be decided at any hour, though opposed.
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(7) Where any order made under paragraph (6) above makes no provision for the period to be allotted to the proceedings on any matter or matters which have been referred to the committee for consideration at a particular sitting, those proceedings shall be brought to a conclusion no later than three hours after their commencement.
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(8) At the commencement of business at any sitting of the committee, the chairman may permit Ministers of the Crown, being Members of the House, to make statements on any matter or matters referred to the committee for consideration at that sitting, and may then permit members of the committee to ask questions thereon.
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(9) No question on a statement by a Minister of the Crown shall be taken after the expiry of a period of one hour from the commencement of the first such statement, except that the chairman may, at his discretion, allow such questions to be taken for a further period not exceeding half an hour.
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(10) The committee shall, following any such statements and questions, consider each matter referred to it on a motion 'That the committee has considered the matter'; the chairman shall put the question necessary to dispose of the proceedings on each matter at the time, or after the period, specified in accordance with paragraph (6) or paragraph (7) of this order, and the committee shall thereupon report to the House that it has considered the matter or matters without any further question being put.
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(11) Any period allocated to the consideration of any matter or matters shall include any time spent on statements by Ministers of the Crown and questions thereon, except when otherwise provided by any order of the House made in accordance with paragraph (6) above.
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118.(1) There shall be one or more standing committees, to be called Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation, for the consideration of such instruments (whether or not in draft) as may be referred to them.
| | Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation.
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(2) Any Member, not being a member of such a standing committee, may take part in the deliberations of the committee, but shall not vote or make any motion or move any amendment or be counted in the quorum.
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(3) Where a Minister of the Crown has given notice of a motion to the effect that an instrument (whether or not in draft) upon which proceedings may be taken in pursuance of an Act of Parliament (other than a draft regulatory reform order) be approved, the instrument shall stand referred to a Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation, unless
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(a) notice has been given by a Minister of the Crown of a motion that the instrument shall not so stand referred, or
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(b) the instrument is referred to the Scottish Grand Committee or to the Northern Ireland Grand Committee.
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(4) Where a Member has given notice of
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(a) a motion for an humble address to Her Majesty praying that a statutory instrument be annulled, or a motion of a similar character relating to a statutory instrument, or to any other instrument (whether or not in draft) which may be subject to proceedings in the House in pursuance of a statute, or a motion that the House takes note of a statutory instrument, or
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(b) a motion that a measure under the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919 be presented to Her Majesty for her Royal Assent, or a motion relating to an instrument made under such a measure,
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a motion may be made by a Minister of the Crown at the commencement of public business, that the instrument be referred to such a committee, and the question thereon shall be put forthwith; and if, on the question being put, not fewer than twenty Members rise in their places and signify their objection thereto, the Speaker shall declare that the noes have it.
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(5) Each committee shall consider each instrument referred to it on a motion, 'That the committee has considered the instrument'; and the chairman shall put any question necessary to dispose of the proceedings on such a motion, if not previously concluded, when the committee shall have sat for one and a half hours (or, in the case of an instrument relating exclusively to Northern Ireland, two and a half hours) after the commencement of those proceedings; and the committee shall thereupon report the instrument to the House without any further question being put.
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(6) If any motion is made in the House of the kind specified in paragraphs (3) or (4) of this order, in relation to any instrument reported to the House in accordance with paragraph (5) of this order, the Speaker shall put forthwith the question thereon and such question may be decided at any hour, though opposed.
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119.(1) There shall be three standing committees, called European Standing Committees, to which shall stand referred for consideration on motion, unless the House otherwise orders, such European Union documents as defined in Standing Order No. 143 (European Scrutiny Committee) as may be recommended by the European Scrutiny Committee for further consideration.
| | European Standing Committees.
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(2) If a motion that specified European Union documents as aforesaid shall not stand referred to a European Standing Committee is made by a Minister of the Crown at the commencement of public business, the question thereon shall be put forthwith.
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(3) Each European Standing Committee shall consist of thirteen Members nominated for the duration of a Parliament by the Committee of Selection; and in nominating such Members, the Committee of Selection shall
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(a) have regard to the qualifications of the Members nominated and to the composition of the House; and
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(b) have power to discharge Members from time to time, and to appoint others in substitution.
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(4) The quorum of a European Standing Committee shall be three, excluding the chairman.
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(5) Any Member, though not nominated to a European Standing Committee, may take part in the committee's proceedings and may move amendments to any motion made as provided in paragraphs (7) and (8) below, but such Member shall not make any motion, vote or be counted in the quorum; provided that a Minister of the Crown who is a Member of this House but not nominated to the committee may make a motion as provided in paragraphs (7) and (8) below; and the Government may appoint the precedence of notices of motion to be considered in each committee.
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(6) The European Standing Committees, and the principal subject matter of the European Union documents to be referred to each, shall be as set out below; and in making recommendations for further consideration, the European Scrutiny Committee shall specify the committee to which in its opinion the documents ought to be referred; and subject to paragraph (2) of this order, the documents shall be referred to that committee accordingly:
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(7) The chairman may permit Ministers of the Crown to make statements and to answer questions thereon put by Members, in respect of each motion relative to a European Union document or documents referred to a European Standing Committee of which a Minister shall have given notice; but no question shall be taken after the expiry of a period of one hour from the commencement of the first such statement:
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Provided that the chairman may, if he sees fit, allow questions to be taken for a further period of not more than half an hour after the expiry of that period.
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(8) Following the conclusion of the proceedings under the previous paragraph, the motion referred to therein may be made, to which amendments may be moved; and, if proceedings thereon have not been previously concluded, the chairman shall interrupt the consideration of such motion and amendments when the committee shall have sat for a period of two and a half hours, and shall then put forthwith successively:
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(a) the question on any amendment already proposed from the chair; and
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(b) the main question (or the main question, as amended).
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The chairman shall thereupon report to the House any resolution to which the committee has come, or that it has come to no resolution, without any further question being put.
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(9) If any motion is made in the House in relation to any European Union document in respect of which a report has been made to the House in accordance with paragraph (8) of this order, the Speaker shall forthwith put successively
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(a) the question on any amendment selected by him which may be moved;
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(b) the main question (or the main question, as amended);
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and proceedings in pursuance of this paragraph, though opposed, may be decided after the expiration of the time for opposed business.
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(10) With the modifications provided in this order, the following Standing Orders shall apply to European Standing Committees:
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No. 85 (Chairmen of standing committees);
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No. 88 (Meetings of standing committees); and
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No. 89 (Procedure in standing committees).
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120.(1) Whenever an order has been made by the House allocating time to the proceedings of a standing committee on any bill which has been allocated or committed to it, the order shall stand referred to that committee, and shall be considered by a subcommittee thereof to be called the business subcommittee.
| | Business sub- committees.
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(2) A business subcommittee shall consist of the chairman or one of the chairmen of the committee (who shall be chairman of the subcommittee) and seven members of the committee, to be nominated by the Speaker as soon as may be after such an order has been made; the quorum of the subcommittee shall be four, of whom the chairman so nominated shall be one; and the subcommittee shall have power to report from time to time to the committee.
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(3) A subcommittee shall report to the committee its resolutions upon
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(a) the number of sittings to be allotted to the consideration of the bill;
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(b) the allocation of the proceedings to each sitting; and
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(c) the time at which any proceedings, if not previously concluded, shall be brought to a conclusion.
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(4) All such resolutions shall be reported to the committee at the commencement of the next sitting of the committee and shall be recorded in the minutes of the proceedings of the committee.
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(5) Whenever a subcommittee has made a report to the committee, the Member in charge of the bill may forthwith move 'That this committee do agree with the business subcommittee in its resolution (or resolutions)'; and the question on such a motion shall be put forthwith.
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(6) If the question is agreed to, the resolution (or resolutions) shall have effect as though included in the order aforesaid, but if it is negatived the resolution (or resolutions) shall stand recommitted to the business subcommittee.
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