Sessional Returns 2003-04 - Contents


Information and statistics relating to applications of Standing Order No. 36 (Closure of debate) in the House, in Committee of the whole House and in Standing Committees; applications of Standing Order No. 29 (Powers of Chair to propose question) in the House, Committee of the whole House and Standing Committees; and Bills in respect of which allocation of time orders were made under Standing Order No. 83 (Allocation of time to bills) or to which Programme Motions, Business of the House Orders or Procedure Motions applied.

A  Closure of Debate

In the House

The Closure was claimed on 25 occasions. Assent of the Chair was withheld on 1 of these occasions. On 1 occasion the Question was negatived on division. The Closure was agreed to on 23 occasions, of which 3 were on Division.

Wednesday 7th January 2004 Opposition Day (1st); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Tuesday 13th January 2004 Opposition Day (2nd); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Thursday 15th January 2004 Motion (Privilege); That the First Special Report from the Constitutional Affairs Committee be referred to the Committee on Standards and Privileges Assent withheld
Wednesday 21st January 2004 Opposition Day (3rd); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Tuesday 10th  February 2004 Opposition Day (4th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Tuesday 24th February 2004 Opposition Day (5th: 2nd part); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Wednesday 3rd March 2004 Opposition Day (6th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Tuesday 9th March 2004Opposition Day (unallotted); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Wednesday 24th March 2004 Opposition Day (7th: 1st part); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Wednesday 21st April 2004 Opposition Day (9th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Thursday 22nd April 2004 Motion (Security Screen); That the Amendment be made Agreed on Division
(Ayes 120, Noes 66)
Thursday 29th April 2004 Opposition Day (7th: 2nd part); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Wednesday 5th May 2004Opposition Day (10th: 1st part): That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Tuesday 11th May 2004Motion (Visitor Facilities); That this House approves the First Joint Report of the Accommodation and Works Committee and the Administration Committee on Visitor Facilities: Access to Parliament and endorses the Committee's proposals for a new reception and security building at the north end of Cromwell Green Agreed on Division
(Ayes 161, Noes 35)
Monday 17th May 2004Opposition Day (11th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Wednesday 26th May 2004 Opposition Day (12th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Tuesday 15th June 2004Opposition Day (10th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Wednesday 30th June 2004 Opposition Day (14th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Monday 5th July 2004Opposition Day (15th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Tuesday 20th July 2004Adjournment (Iraq) Negatived on Division
(Ayes 41, Noes 255)
Wednesday 8th September 2004 Opposition Day (16th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Tuesday 14th September 2004 Opposition Day (17th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Wednesday 15th September 2004 Hunting Bill (Procedure); That the amendment be made Agreed on Division
(Ayes 310, Noes 158)
Monday 18th October 2004 Opposition Day (19th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Monday 25th October 2004 Opposition Day (20th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed

In Committee of the whole House

On no occasion was the Closure claimed.

In Standing Committee

On no occasion was the Closure claimed

B  Power of Chair to Propose Question

In the House


In Committee of the whole House


In Standing Committee


C  (1) Allocation of Time

In the House and in Committee of the whole House

Date of Order
Period allotted
Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order; including time taken on Divisions)

In Standing Committee

Date of Order
Period allotted and/or date for report from Standing Committee
Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order and/or date of report from Standing Committee

C  (2) Allocation of Time (Programme Motions)

In the House and in Committee of the whole House

BillDate of Order Date of Reports of Programming Committee or Business Committee as appropriate (if applicable StagePeriod allotted on the floor of the House Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order)
Planning and Compulsory Purchase8 Dec Consideration To be brought to a conclusion two hours after commencement of proceedings on the second allotted day 7 hours 52 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion three hours after commencement of proceedings on the second allotted day 50 minutes
  19 AprLords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 5 hours 30 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
1 hour 3 minutes
Child Trust Funds Bill15 Dec Consideration
To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 4 hours 12 minutes
       Third Reading
Moment of interruption on the same day 53 minutes
  16 Dec  [Amended out date of Standing Committee]   
  13 MayLords Amendments
To be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
1 hour 16 minutes
       Subsequent stages
To be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) 17 DecConsideration
To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
       Third Reading
Moment of interruption on the same day   
  1 MarConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion by 9 p.m. on the same day 6 hours 21 minutes
       Third Reading
To be brought to a conclusion by 10 p.m. on the same day 20 minutes
  12 JulLords Amendments
To be brought to a conclusion by 10 p.m. on the same day 4 hours 46 minutes
       Subsequent stages
To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day 15 minutes
Traffic Management 5 Jan ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 4 hours 36 minutes
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 1 hour 19 minutes
  15 JulLords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion by 6 p.m. on the same day 2 hours 41 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
National Insurance Contributions and Statutory Payments 6 JanConsideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced ?—
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 56 minutes
Horserace Betting and Olympic Lottery8 Jan Consideration
To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 3 hours 31 minutes
       Third Reading
Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 22 minutes
  14 OctLords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
30 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
Housing12 JanConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
  11 MayConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 5 and a half hours after commencement of proceedings on the same day 5 hours 20 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion 6 and a half hours after commencement of proceedings on the same day 57 minutes
  8 NovLords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 4 hours after commencement of proceedings on the same day 4 hours 15 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
46 minutes
Employment Relations14 Jan Consideration
To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
       Third Reading
Moment of interruption on the same day   
  9 Feb  [Amended out date of Standing Committee]   
  25 MarConsideration
To be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after commencement of proceedings on the day those proceedings commenced   
       Third Reading
To be brought to a conclusion 4 hours after commencement of proceedings on the day those proceedings commenced   
  16 SeptLords Amendments
To be brought to a conclusion 2 hours after commencement of proceedings on the same day   
Human Tissue Bill15 Jan ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 5 hours 19 minutes
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 35 minutes
  10 NovLords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion by 6 p.m. on the same day 2 hours 28 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
Civil Contingencies19 Jan Consideration
To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 4 hour 45 minutes
       Third Reading
Moment of interruption on the same day 58 minutes
  17 NovLords Amendments
To be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after commencement of proceedings on the same day 3 hours 16 minutes
       Subsequent stages
To be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings
33 minutes
Armed Forces (Pensions and Compensation) 22 JanConsideration
To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 3 hours 57 minutes
       Third Reading
Moment of interruption on the same day 54 minutes
  20 Oct Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after commencement of proceedings on the same day 2 hours 58 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
1 hour 8 minutes
Fire and Rescue Services26 Jan Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 5 hours 42 minutes
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 48 minutes
  21 JulyLords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion
2 hours after commencement of proceedings on the same day
1 hour 14 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
Higher Education27 Jan Consideration
To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
  5 Feb  [Amended out date of Standing Committee]   
  3 Mar2 Mar   [Amended out date of Standing Committee]   
  31 MarConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 5 hours after the commencement of proceedings on the same day 5 hours 48 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion 6 hours after commencement of proceedings on the same day 25 minutes
  23 JunLords Amendments
To be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after commencement of proceedings on the same day 1 hour 18 minutes
       Subsequent stages
To be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
2 hours 13 minutes
Gender Recognition [Lords]23 Feb Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 5 hours 26 minutes
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 1 hour 8 minutes
Pensions2 MarConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
  19 Apr  [Amended out date of Standing Committee]   
  18 MayConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 3 hours before the moment of interruption on the third allotted day
12 hours 31 minutes
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the third allotted day 2 hours 58 minutes
  16 NovLords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 4 hours after commencement of proceedings on the same day 4 hours 18 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
50 minutes
European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots) 8 MarLords Amendments To be brought to a conclusion
3 hours after commencement of proceedings on the same day
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords] 10 MarConsideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 4 hours 59 minutes
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 52 minutes
Energy [Lords]10 May Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 4 hours 21 minutes
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 49 minutes
  20 JulyLords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
18 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
Age-Related Payments Bill12 May Consideration
To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commended   
       Third Reading
Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
  8 JuneConsideration and Third Reading
To be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after the commencement of proceedings on consideration 1 hour 14 minutes
15 minutes
(Third Reading)
Patents Bill [Lords]7 Jun Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
  12 JulConsideration and
Third Reading
To be brought to a conclusion by 1.30 p.m. on the day those proceedings commenced 49 minutes
Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Bill [Lords] 14 JuneConsideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day on which those proceedings commenced   
  27 OctConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion
5 and a half hours after commencement of proceedings on the same day
5 hours 45 minutes
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the same day1 minute
Public Audit (Wales) [Lords]17 Jun Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
  19 JulyConsideration and Third ReadingTo be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 4 minutes
43 minutes
(Third Reading)
Health Protection Agency [Lords] 21 JunConsideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
  19 JulConsideration and Third Reading
To be brought to a conclusion
2 hours after commencement of proceedings on the same day
1 hour 52 minutes
6 minutes
(Third Reading)
Children Bill [Lords]13 Sep Consideration
To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 5 hours 31 minutes
       Third Reading
Moment of interruption on the same day 32 minutes
  2 NovLords Amendments
To be brought to a conclusion by 6 p.m. on the same day   
       Subsequent stages
To be brought to a conclusion by 7 p.m. on the same day   
Mental Capacity11 Oct ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
  12 Oct  [Amended out date of Standing Committee]   
Civil Partnerships [Lords]12 Oct Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 4 hours 20 minutes
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced 1 hour 12 minutes
  18 Oct  [Amended out date of Standing Committee]   
  17 NovLords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion
1 hour after commencement of proceedings on the same day
School Transport28 Oct ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
Gambling1 NovConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   
       Third Reading Moment of interruption on the day those proceedings commenced   

In Standing Committee

Date of Order
Date for report from Standing Committee
Dates of reports from Programming Sub-committee
Date of report from Standing Committee
Child Trust Funds Bill15th December 20th January6th January 20th January
Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Bill 17th December27th January 8th January27th January
Traffic Management Bill5th January 12th February27th January; 5th February 10th February
National Insurance Contributions and Statutory Payments Bill 6th January15th January 13th January13th January
Horserace Betting and Olympic Lottery Bill 8th January29th January20th January 27th January
Housing Bill12th January 24th February20th January; 3rd February; 10th February 24th February
Human Tissue Bill15th January 5th February27th January 5th February
Civil Contingencies Bill19th January 10th February27th January 10th February
Armed Forces (Pensions and Compensation) Bill 22nd January26th February 3rd February26th February
Fire and Rescue Services Bill26th January 2nd March10th February; 24th February; 26th February 2nd March
Employment Relations Bill14th January 2nd March3rd February; 10th February; 24th February 2nd March
Higher Education Bill27th January 9th March10th February; 12th February; 2nd March 9th March
Gender Recognition Bill [Lords]23rd February 16th March9th March16th March
Pensions Bill2nd March 29th April9th March; 16th March; 16th March; 22nd April 27th April
Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords] 10th March1st April25th March 1st April
Energy [Lords]10th May 24th June20th May; 27th May 22nd June
Age-Related Payments Bill12th May 27th May25th May25th May
Patents Bill [Lords]7th June 17th June15th June15th June
Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Bill 14th June 6th July22nd June 6th July
Public Audit (Wales) Bill [Lords] 17th June1st July29th June 29th June
Health Protection Agency Bill [Lords] 21st June1st July29th June 1st July
Children Bill [Lords]13th September 21st October12th October 21st October
Mental Capacity Bill11th October 28th October19th October 4th November
Civil Partnerships Bill [Lords]12th October 26th October19th October 26th October
School Transport Bill28th October 11th November9th November 11th November
Gambling Bill1st November 11th January9 November; 11th November; 16th November 16 November [as so far amended; proceedings suspended to next Session]

C  (3) Allocation of Time (Business of the House Motions)

In the House and in Committee of the whole House

Date of Order
Period allotted
Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order)

C  (4) Procedure Motions

In the House and in Committee of the whole House

BillDate of Order StagePeriod allotted Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order)
15 Sep Second
To be brought to a conclusion five hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Order 50 minutes
16 Nov Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion three hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion relating to Hunting Bill [Money] 3 hours 34 minutes
17 Nov Consideration of Lords MessageTo be brought to a conclusion one hour after commencement 1 hour 44 minutes

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Prepared 25 January 2005