Sessional Returns 2003-04 - Contents


Information and statistics relating to Public Bills.*

*For Bills to confirm Provisional Orders and Bills to confirm Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936 see Chapter 4 relating to Private Bills and Private Business.

A  General Summary

Number of Bills which received the Royal Assent:
  started in the Commons27
    Government 22
    Private Members' 5
  brought from the Lords11
    Government 11
    Private Members' 0
Number of Bills which did not receive the Royal Assent:
  Type of Bills
  started in the Commons87
    Government 3
    Private Members' 84
  brought from the Lords6
    Government 0
    Private Members' 6
  Progress of Bills
  introduced into, but not passed by, the Commons 84
  passed by the Commons but not by the Lords 0
  introduced in the Commons but proceedings suspended to next Session 3
  passed by the Lords but not taken up by the Commons 3
  passed by the Lords but not passed by the Commons 3
  passed by both Houses but Amendments not agreed to 0
Total number of Bills started in the Commons or brought from the Lords 131

B  Bills which received the Royal Assent


* denotes a Government Bill

† denotes a Bill which received precedence in Government time

# denotes a Bill passed under the Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949

*Age-Related Payments
*Armed Forces (Pensions and Compensation)
*Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.)
Carers (Equal Opportunities)
*Child Trust Funds
*Children [Lords]
Christmas Day (Trading]
*Civil Contingencies
*Civil Partnership [Lords]
*Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) [Lords]
*Consolidated Fund
*Consolidated Fund (Appropriation)
*Consolidated Fund (No. 2)
*Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims [Lords]
*Employment Relations
*Energy [Lords]
*European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots)
*Fire and Rescue Services Bill
Gangmasters (Licensing)
*Gender Recognition [Lords]
*Health Protection Agency [Lords]
*Higher Education
Highways (Obstruction by Body Corporate)
*Horserace Betting and Olympic Lottery
*Human Tissue
*Justice (Northern Ireland) [Lords]
*National Insurance Contributions and Statutory Payments
*Patents [Lords]
*Planning and Compulsory Purchase
*Public Audit (Wales) [Lords]
*Scottish Parliament (Constituencies)
*Statute Law (Repeals) [Lords]
Sustainable and Secure Buildings
*Traffic Management


C  Bills which did not receive the Royal Assent

1. Bills which were passed by both Houses but Amendments not agreed to


2. Bills which were passed by the Commons but not by the Lords


3. Bills introduced in the Commons but Proceedings suspended to next Session

Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing

Gambling [163]

Mental Capacity [120] [175]

School Transport [162]


4. Bills which received a Second Reading

Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing Stage at which progress ended
Crown Employment (Nationality) [39]Not amended in the Standing Committee, to be further considered, dropped
Sex Discrimination (Clubs and Other Private Associations) [68] Not amended in the Standing Committee, to be further considered, dropped

5. Bills which did not receive a Second Reading

Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing Stage at which progress ended
Anti-social Behaviour [128]dropped
Cardiac Risk in the Young (Screening) [19] withdrawn
Children's Food [11]dropped
Cinemas (Rural Areas) [126]dropped
Civil Service [37]dropped
Constitution for the European Union (Referendum) [22] adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Criminal Justice (Justifiable Conduct) [36] adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Directors' and Employees' Pensions (Provision of Information) [118] dropped
Disposals of Public Land and Property (Design Competitions) [148] dropped
Domestic Energy Efficiency [100] dropped
Domestic Tradable Quotas (Carbon Emissions) [136] dropped
Doorstep Selling (Property Repairs) [111] dropped
European Communities (Deregulation) [48] dropped
Fireworks (Amendment) [91]dropped
Fisheries Jurisdiction [64]dropped
Fishery Limits (United Kingdom) (No.2) [147] dropped
Food in Schools [122]dropped
Food Justice Strategies [125]dropped
Food Labelling [77]dropped
Foundation for Unclaimed Assets [131 withdrawn
Genetically Modified Organisms [31] dropped
Harbours [Lords] [85]dropped
Health and Safety at Work (Offences) [51] adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Human Rights Act 1998 (Making of Remedial Orders) Amendment [Lords] [103] dropped
Independent Milk Ombudsman, etc. [66] dropped
Interest Rates (Limits on Charges) [107] dropped
Legislation (Memoranda of European Derivation) [155] dropped
Lighter Evenings [115]dropped
Local Land Charges (Fees) [78] withdrawn
Marine Wildlife Conservation [119] dropped
Motor Vehicle Insurance Disc [46] dropped
Northern Ireland (Severe Learning Disability) [130] withdrawn
Older People's Commissioners [34] dropped
Organ Donation (Presumed Consent and Safeguards) [47] dropped
Performance of Companies and Government Departments (Reporting) [27] adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Power Supply (Compensation for Erroneous Transfer) [45] dropped
Prepared Food (Provision of Information) [167] [167] dropped
Prevention of Homelessness [73] dropped
Promotion of Volunteering [18] [113] withdrawn
Property Repairs (Prohibition of Cold-calling)[28] adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Protective Headgear for Young Cyclists [21] dropped
Referendums (Thresholds) [24]dropped
Regulation of Hormone Disrupting Chemicals [114] dropped
Restricted Byways [80]dropped
Retirement Income Reform [23]dropped
Rights of Way (Amendment) [70] Prorogation
Rite of Passage (Welcoming and Coming of Age) [160] dropped
Sleep Apnoea [50]dropped
Smoking in Public Places (Wales) [Lords] [109] dropped
Sovereignty of Parliament (European Communities) [76] dropped
Telecommunications (Permitted Development Rights) (Amendment) [95] Prorogation
Telecommunications Masts (Need and Safety Tests) [112] dropped
Telecommunications Masts (Registration) [44] dropped
Town and Country Planning (Enforcement Notices and Stop Notices) [25] adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Town and Country Planning (Telecommunications Masts) [32] dropped
Trade Unions (Political Funds) Reform [116] dropped
Trespassers on Land (Liability for Damage and Eviction) [33] dropped
Wild Mammals (Protection) (Amendment) (No. 2) [26] adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped

6. Bills presented, or brought from the Lords, but not printed

Title of BillStage at which progress ended
Access to Literature (Visually-Impaired Children) [149] Order lapsed
Air Traffic Emissions [Lords] Prorogation
Alcohol-Related Anti-Social Behaviour and Domestic Violence Bill [177] Prorogation
Arms Trade [102]Order lapsed
Balance Charitable Foundation for Unclaimed Assets (Allocation) [104] withdrawn
Braille Identity Cards [180]Prorogation
Buses (Concessionary Fares) [133] Order lapsed
Civil Service (No. 2) [Lords] Prorogation
Congenital Heart Disease (Exemption from Prescription Charges) [164] Order lapsed
Corporate Nuisance Telephone Calls [176] Order lapsed
Corporate Killing [84]Order lapsed
Desecration of National Flags [156] Order lapsed
Dolphins and other Cetaceans Protection [87] Order lapsed
Fishery Limits (United Kingdom) [Lords] Prorogation
Historic Counties (Traffic Signs and Mapping) [165] Order lapsed
House Building (Targets) [65]Order lapsed
Illegal Hare-coursing (Enforcement of Prohibition) [29] Order lapsed
Motor Vehicle Manslaughter [139] Order lapsed
Pensions (Clawbacks) [145]Order lapsed
Post Offices (Pensions and Benefits) [170] Prorogation
Regional Assemblies' Referendums (Voting Arrangements) [140] Order lapsed
Regulatory Impact Assessments (Audits) [54] Order lapsed
Representation of the People (Ballot Papers) [152] Order lapsed
Rural Broadband Facilitation [97] Order lapsed
Schools (Vending Machines) [58] Order lapsed
Sex Equality (Duties of Public Authorities) [172] Prorogation
Sustainable Communities [41] Order lapsed
Tenant Obligations and Vetting Arrangements [161] Order lapsed
Universal Funded Pensions [40] Order lapsed
Vehicle Servicing Industry (Regulation) [183] Prorogation

* denotes a Government Bill
A denotes a Bill brought in under Standing Order No. 23(1) ('ten minute rule bills')
B denotes a Bill brought in under Standing Order No. 14(6) ('ballot bills')
C denotes a Private Members' Bill introduced under Standing Order No. 57
D denotes a Private Members' Bill originating in the House of Lords
E denotes a bill carried over from the previous Session, in accordance with the Sessional Orders of 29 October 2004 (Carry-over of Bills)

This table lists those bills which were printed. For bills not printed, see table 5.C.6. above.

D  House's consideration of the several stages of Public Bills

Title of Bill and Bill No. at each printing
Date of 1st reading
Date of 2nd reading
Committed to
Date reported from committee
Date(s) considered
Date of 3rd reading
Date(s) Lords Amendments considered
Date Royal Assent given
* Age-Related Payments [92]
22 Apr 2004
12 May 2004
25 May 2004
8 June 2004
8 June 2004
8 July 2004
A Anti-social Behaviour [128]
29 June 2004
* Armed Forces (Pensions and Compensation) [10][60][157][171]
4 Dec 2003
22 Jan  2004
26 Feb 2004
6 May 2004
6 May 2004
20 Oct 2004
15 Nov 2004
18 Nov 2004
* Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) [5][42][137][141]
27 Nov 2003
17 Dec 2003
27 Jan 2004
1 Mar 2004
1 Mar 2004
12 July 2004
20 July 2004
22 July 2004
B Cardiac Risk in the Young (Screening) [19]
7 Jan 2004
withdrawn, 12 Mar 2004
B Carers (Equal Opportunities) [16][72]
7 Jan 2004
6 Feb 2004
10 Mar 2004
14 May 2004
14 May 2004
22 July 2004
* Child Trust Funds [1][101]
27 Nov 2003
15 Dec 2003
20 Jan 2004
3 Feb 2004
3 Feb 2004
13 May 2004
13 May 2004
* Children [Lords][144][166]
19 July 2004
13 Sep 2004
21 Oct 2004
2 Nov 2004
2 Nov 2004
15 Nov 2004
C Children's Food [110]
18 May 2004
B Christmas Day (Trading) [20][159]
7 Jan 2004
26 Mar 2004
12 May 2004
18 June 2004
18 June 2004
15 Oct 2004
28 Oct 2004
A Cinemas (Rural Areas) [126]
23 June 2004
* Civil Contingencies [14][53][181]
7 Jan 2004
19 Jan 2004
10 Feb 2004
24 May 2004
24 May 2004
17 Nov 2004
18 Nov 2004
18 Nov 2004
* Civil Partnership [Lords] [132][168]
5 July 2004
12 Oct 2004
26 Oct 2004
9 Nov 2004
9 Nov 2004
18 Nov 2004
C Civil Service [37]
12 Jan 2004
* Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) [Lords][142][158]
14 July 2004
7 Sep 2004
16 Sep 2004
19 Oct 2004
19 Oct 2004
28 Oct 2004
* Consolidated Fund [12]
11 Dec 2003
15 Dec 2003
15 Dec 2003
17 Dec 2003
* Consolidated Fund (No. 2) [71]
11 Mar 2004
15 Mar 2004
15 Mar 2004
22 Mar 2004
* Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) [121]
24 June 2004
28 June 2004
28 June 2004
8 July 2004
B Constitution for the European Union (Referendum) [22]
7 Jan 2004
C Criminal Justice (Justifiable Conduct) [36]
12 Jan 2004
B Crown Employment (Nationality) [39]
20 Jan 2004
14 May 2004
7 June 2004
15 Oct 2004
C Directors' and Employees' Pensions (Provision of Information) [118]
16 June 2004
A Disposals of Public Land and Property (Design Competitions) [148]
7 Sep 2004
A Domestic Energy Efficiency [100]
4 May 2004
A Domestic Tradable Quotas (Carbon Emissions) [136]
7 July 2004
* Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims [Lords][83][134]
29 Mar 2004
14 June 2004
6 July 2004
27 Oct 2004
27 Oct 2004
15 Nov 2004
A Doorstep Selling (Property Repairs) [111]
18 May 2004
* Employment Relations [7][61][151][153]
2 Dec 2003
14 Jan 2004
2 Mar 2004
29 Mar 2004
29 Mar 2004
16 Sep 2004
16 Sep 2004
* Energy [Lords] [93][123][143]
22 Apr 2004
10 May 2004
22 June 2004
13 July 2004
13 July 2004
20 July 2004
22 July 2004
A European Communities (Deregulation) [48]
4 Feb 2004
* E European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots) [3][63][74][75][81][86]
27 Nov 2003
27 Nov 2003
16 Dec 2003
8 Mar 2004
16 Mar 2004
24 Mar 2004
29 Mar 2004
30 Mar 2004
1 Apr 2004
* Finance [89][127]
23 Mar 2004
20 Apr 2004
24 June 2004
7 July 2004
7 July 2004
22 July 2004
* Fire and Rescue Services Bill [38][62][146]
12 Jan 2004
26 Jan 2004
2 Mar 2004
15 Mar 2004
15 Mar 2004
21 July 2004
22 July 2004
A Fireworks (Amendment) [91]
21 Apr 2004
A Fisheries Jurisdiction [64]
2 Mar 2004
A Fishery Limits (United Kingdom) (No.2) [147]
21 July 2004
A Food in Schools [122]
22 June 2004
C Food Justice Strategies [125]
23 June 2004
A Food Labelling [77]
22 Mar 2004
C Foundation for Unclaimed Assets [131]
5 July 2004
12 Oct 2004
* Gambling [163]
18 Oct 2004
1 Nov 2004
16 Nov 2004
Reported as so far amended in Standing Committee; proceedings suspended to next Session
B Gangmasters (Licensing) [17] [98]
7 Jan 2004
27 Feb 2004
28 Apr 2004
21 May 2004
21 May 2004
8 July 2004
* Gender Recognition [Lords] [56]
11 Feb 2004
23 Feb 2004
16 Mar 2004
25 May 2004
25 May 2004
1 July 2004
B Genetically Modified Organisms [31]
7 Jan 2004
D Harbours [Lords][85]
30 Mar 2004
A Health and Safety at Work (Offences) [51]
10 Feb 2004
14 May 2004
* Health Protection Agency [Lords] [99]
29 Apr 2004
21 June 2004
1 July 2004
19 July 2004
19 July 2004
22 July 2004
* Higher Education [35][67] [124]
8 Jan 2004
27 Jan 2004
9 Mar 2004
31 Mar 2004
31 Mar 2004
23 June 2004
I July 2004
B Highways (Obstruction by Body Corporate) [30]
7 Jan 2004
6 Feb 2004
11 Mar 2004
21 May 2004
21 May 2004
15 Nov 2004
* Horserace Betting and Olympic Lottery [8][43][154]
2 Dec 2003
9 Jan 2004
27 Jan 2004
2 Feb 2004
2 Feb 2004
14 Oct 2004
28 Oct 2004
* Housing [11][59][173][182]
8 Dec 2003
12 Jan 2004
24 Feb 2004
11 May 2004
11 May 2004
8 Nov 2004
17 Nov 2004
18 Nov 2004
D Human Rights Act 1998 (Making of Remedial Orders) Amendment [Lords][103]
5 May 2004
* Human Tissue [9][49][174]
3 Dec 2003
15 Jan 2004
5 Feb 2004
28 June 2004
28 June 2004
10 Nov 2004
15 Nov 2004
* Hunting [150][179][185]
9 Sep 2004
15 Sep 2004
15 Sep 2004
15 Sep 2004
15 Sep 2004
16 Nov 2004
18 Nov 2004
18 Nov 2004
Royal Assent given under the provisions of the Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949
D Independent Milk Ombudsman, etc. [66]
4 Mar 2004
A Interest Rates (Limits on Charges) [107]
12 May 2004
* Justice (Northern Ireland) [Lords][55][88]
11 Feb 2004
10 Mar 2004
1 April 2004
26 Apr 2004
26 Apr 2004
13 May 2004
D Legislation (Memoranda of European Derivation) [155]
15 Sep 2004
A Lighter Evenings [115]
8 June 2004
A Local Land Charges (Fees) [78]
23 Mar 2004
12 Oct 2004
A Marine Wildlife Conservation [119]
16 June 2004
* Mental Capacity [120][175]
17 June 2004
11 Oct 2004
4 Nov 2004
Reported from the Standing Committee; proceedings suspended to next Session
A Motor Vehicle Insurance Disc [46]
27 July 2004
* National Insurance Contributions and Statutory Payments [2]
27 Nov 2003
6 Jan 2004
13 Jan 2004
28 Jan 2004
28 Jan 2004
13 May 2004
A Northern Ireland (Severe Learning Disability) [130]
30 June 2004
14 Oct 2004
B Older People's Commissioners [34]
7 Jan 2004
A Organ Donation (Presumed Consent and Safeguards) [47]
3 Feb 2004
* Patents [Lords][90][117]
19 Apr 2004
7 June 2004
15 Jun 2004
14 July 2004
14 July 2004
22 July 2004
* Pensions [57][96][178][184]
11 Feb 2004
2 Mar 2004
27 Apr 2004
18 May 2004
19 May 2004
20 May 2004
20 May 2004
16 Nov 2004
17 Nov 2004
18 Nov 2004
B Performance of Companies and Government Departments (Reporting) [27]
7 Jan 2004
* E Planning and Compulsory Purchase [6][82][94][106]
1 Dec 2003
1 Dec 2003
8 Dec 2003
9 Dec 2003
9 Dec 2003
19 Apr 2004
12 May 2004
13 May 2004
A Power Supply (Compensation for Erroneous Transfer) [45]
27 Jan 2004
A Prepared Food (Provision of Information) [167][167]
26 Oct 2004
A Prevention of Homelessness [73]
16 Mar 2004
B Promotion of Volunteering [18][113]
7 Jan 2004
5 Mar 2004
19 May 2004
16 July 2004
14 Oct
B Property Repairs (Prohibition of Cold-calling)[28]
7 Jan 2004
B Protective Headgear for Young Cyclists [21]
7 Jan 2004
* Public Audit (Wales) [Lords] [108][129]
12 May 2004
17 June 2004
29 June 2004
19 July 2004
19 July 2004
16 Sep 2004
B Referendums (Thresholds) [24]
7 Jan 2004
A Regulation of Hormone Disrupting Chemicals [114]
25 May 2004
A Restricted Byways [80]
24 Mar 2004
B Retirement Income Reform [23]
7 Jan 2004
A Rights of Way (Amendment) [70]
10 Mar 2004
21 May 2004
A Rite of Passage (Welcoming and Coming of Age) [160]
12 Oct 2004
* School Transport [162]
14 Oct 2004
28 Oct 2004
11 Nov 2004
Reported from the Standing Committee; proceedings suspended to next Session
* Scottish Parliament (Constituencies) [4]
27 Nov 2003
9 Feb 2004
4 May 2004
4 May 2004
4 May 2004
22 July 2004
A Sex Discrimination (Clubs and Other Private Associations) [68]
9 Mar 2004
14 May 2004
14 June 2004
18 June 2004
15 Oct 2004
C Sleep Apnoea [50]
10 Feb 2004
D Smoking in Public Places (Wales) [Lords][109]
13 Feb 2004
C Sovereignty of Parliament (European Communities) [76]
22 Mar 2004
* Statute Law (Repeals) [Lords] [135]
6 July 2004
13 July 2004
13 July 2004
22 July 2004
B Sustainable and Secure Buildings [15][69]
7 Jan 2004
30 Jan 2004
9 Mar 2004
30 Apr 2004
30 Apr 2004
16 Sep 2004
A Telecommunications Masts (Need and Safety Tests) [112]
19 May 2004
C Telecommunications Masts (Registration) [44]
26 Jan 2004
A Telecommunications (Permitted Development Rights) (Amendment) [95]
27 Apr 2004
B Town and Country Planning (Enforcement Notices and Stop Notices) [25]
7 Jan 2004
B Town and Country Planning (Telecommunications Masts) [32]
7 Jan 2004
A Trade Unions (Political Funds) Reform [116]
15 June 2004
* Traffic Management [13] [52] [138]
11 Dec 2003
5 Jan 2004
10 February 2004
16 Mar 2004
16 Mar 2004
15 Jul 2004
22 July 2004
B Trespassers on Land (Liability for Damage and Eviction) [33]
7 Jan 2004
B Wild Mammals (Protection) (Amendment) (No. 2) [26]
7 Jan 2004

E  Consideration of Bills in Committee of the whole House

Title of Bill
Date on which considered

Finance (Clauses 4, 5, 20, 28, 38, 57-77 86, 111, 282-283, 284 and 285-289 and Schedules Nos. 1, 3, 11, 12, 21 and 37-39)
27th and 28th April 2004
Scottish Parliament (Constituencies)
4th May 2004
15th September 2004

F  Consideration of Bills in Standing Committee


Standing Committee AConsidered 7 Bills and held 62 Sittings
Standing Committee BConsidered 6 Bills and held 68 Sittings
Standing Committee CConsidered 6 Bills and held 9 Sittings
Standing Committee DConsidered 9 Bills and held 32 Sittings
Standing Committee EConsidered 2 Bills and held 28 Sittings
Standing Committee FConsidered 3 Bills and held 12 Sittings
Standing Committee GConsidered 2 Bills and held 18 Sittings
Standing Committee HConsidered 1 Bill and held 14 Sittings
TOTAL:36 Bills and 243 sittings


The numbers given in brackets after each Member's name indicate respectively the number of meetings of the Committee in respect of the Bill which that Member attended and the number to which that Member was summoned.

1. Child Trust Funds Bill
Committed: 15th December 2003Reported (without Amendment): 20th January 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 7
Chairmen: Mr Joe Benton and Mr David Amess
Members and attendance: Mr Peter Atkinson (4/7), Mr Harry Barnes (7/7), Mr Russell Brown (7/7), Mr David Cameron (2/7), Mr Iain Coleman (6/7), Jon Cruddas (6/7), Mr Hilton Dawson (6/7), Clive Efford (2/7), Jim Fitzpatrick (7/7), Mr Michael Jabez Foster (5/7), Ruth Kelly (7/7), Norman Lamb (1/7), Mr David Laws (7/7), Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger (3/7), Mr Andrew Love (7/7), Mr George Osborne (7/7), Linda Perham (4/7), James Purnell (5/7), Mr Andrew Robathan (4/7), Dr Desmond Turner (7/7), Mr Michael Weir (4/7)
2. Traffic Management Bill
Committed: 5th January 2004Reported (with Amendments): 10th February 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 9
Chairmen: Miss Anne Begg and Mr Nigel Beard
Members and attendance: Hugh Bayley (7/9), Mr David Borrow (9/9), Mr Christopher Chope (9/9), Mr David Jamieson (8/9), Mr Greg Knight (9/9), Mr Tony McNulty (7/9), John Mann (7/9), Mr Paul Marsden (6/9), Gillian Merron (9/9), Mr Andrew Miller (9/9), Mr John Redwood (9/9), John Thurso (9/9), Claire Ward (5/9), Brian White (9/9), Mr David Wilshire (9/9), David Wright (7/9)
3. Gender Recognition Bill [Lords]
Committed: 23rd February 2004Reported (with an Amendment): 16th March 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 6
Chairmen: Dame Marion Roe and David Taylor
Members and attendance: Hugh Bayley (6/6), Mr Tim Boswell (5/6), Geraint Davies (6/6), Maria Eagle (6/6), Dr Evan Harris (6/6), Huw Irranca-Davies (4/6), Lynne Jones (6/6), Mrs Eleanor Laing (1/6), Mr David Lammy (6/6), Siobhain McDonagh (3/6), Mr Stephen Pound (2/6), Bridget Prentice (6/6), Andrew Selous (6/6), Angela Watkinson (6/6), Mr Shaun Woodward (6/6), Richard Younger-Ross (5/6)
4. Finance Bill (except Clauses Nos. 4, 5, 20, 28, 57 to 77, 86, 111 and 282 to 289 and Schedules Nos. 1, 3, 11, 12, 21 and 37 to 39)
Committed: 20th April 2004Reported (with Amendments): 24 June 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 21
Chairmen: Mr John McWilliam and Sir John Butterfill
Members and attendance: Mr Peter Atkinson (19/21), Mr Richard Bacon (15/21), Mr Paul Boateng (1/21), Chris Bryant (12/21), Colin Burgon (17/21), Mr John Burnett (10/21), Dr Vincent Cable (0/21), Harry Cohen (16/21), Jon Cruddas (12/21), John Cryer (2/21), Mr Quentin Davies (11/21), Mrs Louise Ellman (12/21), Jeff Ennis (16/21), Jim Fitzpatrick (21/21), Mrs Lorna Fitzsimons (9/21), Mr Howard Flight (20/21), John Healey (16/21), Mr David Heyes (13/21), Mr Michael Jack (14/21), Ruth Kelly (15/21), Norman Lamb (4/21), Mr David Laws (14/21), Mr Calum MacDonald (5/21), Rob Marris (18/21), Mr George Osborne (12/21), Mr Stephen Pound (15/21), Dawn Primarolo (14/21), Mr Mark Prisk (13/21), James Purnell (19/21), Lawrie Quinn (19/21), Mr Mark Todd (17/21), Mr Andrew Tyrie (11/21), Mr Tom Watson (10/21)
5. Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Bill [Lords]
Committed: 7th September 2004Reported (with Amendments): 16 September 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 3
Chairmen: Derek Conway and David Taylor
Members and attendance: Mr Peter Atkinson (1/3), Mr John Battle (3/3), Brian Cotter (3/3), Mr Wayne David (3/3), Clive Efford (3/3), Paul Farrelly (3/3), Mr Mark Fisher (3/3), Mr Andrew Love (2/3), Mr Andrew Mitchell (3/3), Mr Michael Moore (3/3), Mr Mike O'Brien (0/3), Mrs Gillian Shephard (0/3), Jacqui Smith (3/3), Mr Clive Soley (1/3), Mr Ian Taylor (2/3), Mr Tom Watson (3/3)
6. Mental Capacity Bill
Committed: 11th October 2004Reported (with Amendments): 4th November 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 12
Chairmen: Mr Alan Hurst and Mr James Cran
Members and attendance: Mr David Atkinson (0/12), Mr Peter Atkinson (1/12), Mr Kevin Barron (7/12), Mr Tim Boswell (12/12), Mrs Angela Browning (12/12), Mr Paul Burstow (10/12), Mr Liam Byrne (11/12), Mr Tom Clarke (10/12), Mrs Claire Curtis-Thomas (9/12), Dr Hywel Francis (6/12), Paul Holmes (10/12, Mr George Howarth (10/12), Mrs Joan Humble (10/12), Mr David Lammy (12/12), Laura Moffatt (11/12), Bridget Prentice (12/12), Ann Winterton (12/12), Ms Rosie Winterton (11/12), David Wright (10/12)
7. School Transport Bill
Committed: 28th October 2004Reported (without Amendment): 11th November 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 4
Chairmen: Derek Conway and Mr Bill O'Brien
Members and attendance: Charlotte Atkins (4/4), Mr Peter Atkinson (3/4), Roger Casale (4/4), Mr Christopher Chope (2/4), Mr Vernon Coaker (4/4), Mrs Janet Dean (4/4), Mr David Drew (4/4), Mr Huw Edwards (4/4), Mr Michael Foster (Worcester) (3/4), Mr Mark Hoban (4/4), Mr David Kidney (4/4), Jim Knight (2/4), Dr John Pugh (4/4), John Thurso (1/4), Mr Stephen Twigg (4/4), Sir George Young (4/4)
1. Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc) Bill
Committed: 17th December 2003Reported (with Amendments): 27th January 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 12
Chairmen: Dame Marion Roe and David Taylor
Members and attendance: Mr Richard Bacon (8/12), Mr Bob Blizzard (11/12), Mrs Claire Curtis-Thomas (6/12), Annabelle Ewing (12/12), Mr Barry Gardiner (12/12), Mr Edward Garnier (10/12), Mr Neil Gerrard (12/12), Mr Tom Harris (12/12), Mr David Heath (10/12), Mr John Heppell (12/12), Beverley Hughes (12/12), Mr Jon Owen Jones (9/12), Mr David Lammy (11/12), Mr Tony McWalter (6/12), Mr Humfrey Malins (12/12), Mr Mark Oaten (10/12), Mr Gwyn Prosser (12/12), Ms Dari Taylor (4/12), Mr Andrew Turner (10/12), Angela Watkinson (12/12), Mrs Betty Williams (11/12)
2. Armed Forces (Pensions and Compensation) Bill
Committed: 22nd January 2004Reported (with Amendments): 26th February 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 6
Chairmen: Mr Bill O'Brien and Mr Win Griffiths
Members and attendance: Mr Julian Brazier (6/6), Mr Colin Breed (4/6), Mr Ivor Caplin (6/6), Mr Vernon Coaker (6/6), John Cryer (5/6), Mrs Claire Curtis-Thomas (5/6), Mr Gerald Howarth (6/6), Eric Joyce (6/6), Mr Paul Keetch (2/6), Mr David Lammy (3/6), Shona McIsaac (6/6), Mr Colin Pickthall (4/6), Syd Rapson (6/6), Mr Andrew Robathan (5/6), Hugh Robertson (6/6), John Robertson (6/6), Mr Desmond Swayne (6/6), Mark Tami (3/6), Dr Desmond Turner (6/6)
3. Pensions Bill
Committed: 2nd March 2004Reported (with Amendments): 27th April 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 22
Chairmen: Mr Win Griffiths, Mr James Cran and Mr Martin Caton
Members and attendance: Mr Peter Atkinson (3/22), Vera Baird (14/22), Gregory Barker (13/22), Virginia Bottomley (0/14), Kevin Brennan (18/22), David Cairns (20/22), Mr Jim Cunningham (19/22), Mrs Janet Dean (20/22), Mr Huw Edwards (16/22), Mr Fabian Hamilton (10/22), Paul Holmes (14/22), Mr Kevan Jones (13/22), Ms Sally Keeble (19/22), Mr Piara S. Khabra (21/22), Mr John MacDougall (14/22), Margaret Moran (21/22), Mr George Osborne (16/22), Mr Chris Pond (22/22), Adam Price (17/22), John Robertson (16/22), Mr Andrew Rosindell (9/22), Mr David Ruffley (1/8), Mr Bill Tynan (17/22), Mr Nigel Waterson (19/22), Steve Webb (19/22), Malcolm Wicks (22/22)
4. Energy Bill [Lords]
Committed: 10th May 2004Reported (with Amendments): 22nd June 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 14
Chairmen: Mr Bill O'Brien, Mr Jonathan Sayeed and Mr Roger Gale
Members and attendance: Charlotte Atkins (13/14), Norman Baker (10/14), Mr Bob Blizzard (10/14), Mr Colin Challen (14/14), Nigel Griffiths (11/14), Mr Robert Key (12/14), Mr Calum MacDonald (9/14), Miss Anne McIntosh (14/14), Mr Denis Murphy (10/14), Mr Richard Page (9/14), Anne Picking (8/14), Mr Laurence Robertson (14/14), Mr David Ruffley (11/14), Ian Stewart (14/14), Mr Andrew Stunell (10/14), Mr Stephen Timms (14/14), Paddy Tipping (12/14), Dr Desmond Turner (12/14), Joan Walley (14/14), Mr Michael Weir (14/14), Brian White (14/14), Dr Alan Whitehead (13/14)
5. Children Bill [Lords]
Committed: 13th September 2004Reported (with Amendments): 21st October 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8
Chairmen: Dame Marion Roe and Mr Joe Benton
Members and attendance: Annette Brooke (8/8), Mr James Clappison (7/8), Mr Vernon Coaker (8/8), Mr Hilton Dawson (8/8), Mrs Lorna Fitzsimons (7/8), Margaret Hodge (8/8), Huw Irranca-Davies (8/8), Dr Stephen Ladyman (8/8), Mrs Eleanor Laing (5/8), Tim Loughton (7/8), Siobhain McDonagh (7/8), Chris Mole (8/8), Julie Morgan (7/8), Ms Meg Munn (8/8), Dr Nick Palmer (8/8), Mr David Ruffley (6/8), Mark Tami (8/8), Ms Dari Taylor (7/8), Mr Don Touhig (7/8), Mr Andrew Turner (6/8), Hywel Williams (6/8), Mr Roger Williams (8/8)
6. Gambling Bill
Committed: 1st November 2004Reported (as so far amended): 16th November 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 6
Chairmen: Mr Roger Gale and Mr Peter Pike
Members and attendance: Mr Tony Banks (6/6), Mr Liam Byrne (5/6), Mr Richard Caborn (6/6), Mr Ben Chapman (4/6), Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (6/6), Jon Cruddas (6/6), Clive Efford (6/6), Mr Don Foster (6/6), Mr Nick Hawkins (6/6), Mrs Joan Humble (6/6), Mr Eric Illsley (4/6), Mr Kevan Jones (4/6), Miss Julie Kirkbride (6/6), Ann McKechin (2/6), Estelle Morris (3/6), Mr Malcolm Moss (6/6), Mr Richard Page (5/6), Dr John Pugh (2/6), Bob Russell (6/6), Mr Tom Watson (6/6), Mr John Whittingdale (6/6), Mr Shaun Woodward (1/6), Iain Wright (6/6)
1. Sustainable and Secure Buildings Bill
Committed: 30th January 2004Reported (with Amendments): 9th March 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chairman: Mr Alan Hurst
Members and attendance: Mr David Amess (0/2), Gregory Barker (1/2), Mr Colin Challen (2/2), Sir Sydney Chapman (2/2), Mr David Chaytor (2/2), Mrs Helen Clark (2/2), Paul Clark (0/2), Sue Doughty (2/2), Dr Ian Gibson (1/2), Linda Gilroy (2/2), Mr John Hayes (2/2), Phil Hope (2/2), Dr Brian Iddon (2/2), Mr David Kidney (2/2), Mr George Osborne (0/2), Alan Simpson (2/2), Mr Andrew Stunell (2/2), Mr Simon Thomas (2/2), Dr Desmond Turner (2/2), Joan Walley (2/2), Brian White (2/2)
2. Carers (Equal Opportunities) Bill
Committed: 6th February 2004Reported (with Amendments): 10th March 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr Joe Benton
Members and attendance: Mr Roy Beggs (1/1), Virgina Bottomley (1/1), Mrs Angela Browning (1/1), Mr Paul Burstow (1/1), Mr Martin Caton (1/1), Mr Michael Clapham (1/1), Mr Tom Clarke (0/1), Mr Wayne David (1/1), Mrs Janet Dean (1/1), Mr Huw Edwards (1/1), Mr Nigel Evans (0/1), Dr Hywel Francis (1/1), Mr Paul Goodman (1/1), Jane Griffiths (1/1), Mr Dai Havard (1/1), Jim Knight (1/1), Dr Stephen Ladyman (1/1), Anne Picking (1/1), Mr Andrew Turner (1/1), Mrs Betty Williams (1/1), Hywel Williams (1/1)
3. Gangmasters (Licensing) Bill
Committed: 27th February 2004Reported (with Amendments): 28th April 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr Eric Illsley
Members and attendance: Ms Candy Atherton (0/1), Peter Bradley (1/1), Mr Julian Brazier (1/1), Mr Colin Breed (1/1), Mr Nicholas Brown (1/1), Andy Burnham (1/1), Jon Cruddas (1/1), Mr Frank Dobson (1/1), Andrew George (1/1), Mr Mark Lazarowicz (1/1), Mr Peter Luff (1/1), Rob Marris (0/1), Alun Michael (1/1), Mr Owen Paterson (0/1), Anne Picking (1/1), Mrs Gillian Shephard (0/1), Jim Sheridan (1/1), Mr Mark Simmonds (1/1), Geraldine Smith (1/1), Dr Gavin Strang (1/1)
4. Promotion of Volunteering Bill
Committed: 5th March 2004Reported (with Amendments): 19th May 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 4
Chairman: Mr David Amess
Members and attendance: Andrew Bennett (4/4), Mr Tim Boswell (4/4), Mr Julian Brazier (4/4), Mr John Burnett (1/4), Andy Burnham (4/4), Mr Frank Dobson (4/4), Kate Hoey (3/4), Mr Lindsay Hoyle (4/4), Mrs Jacqui Lait (4/4), Fiona Mactaggart (4/4), Judy Mallaber (3/4), Kali Mountford (4/4), Lembit Öpik (4/4), Mr Andy Reed (4/4), Mr Ian Taylor (3/4), Derek Wyatt (3/4)
5. Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill
Committed: 14th May 2004Reported (without Amendment): 7th June 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr Roger Gale
Members and attendance: Mr Douglas Alexander (1/1), Mr Richard Allan (0/1), Norman Baker (0/1), Ms Karen Buck (1/1), Sir Sydney Chapman (1/1), Mr Andrew Dismore (1/1), Clive Efford (1/1), Mr Michael Jabez Foster (1/1), Mr Dominic Grieve (1/1), Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger (0/1), Mr Andrew Love (0/1), Siobhain McDonagh (1/1), Linda Perham (0/1), Mr Stephen Pound (1/1), Lawrie Quinn (1/1), Mr John Taylor (0/1)
6. Sex Discrimination (Clubs and Other Private Associations) Bill
Committed: 14th May 2004Reported (without Amendment): 14th June 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr Roger Gale
Members and attendance: Vera Baird (1/1), Peter Bottomley (1/1), Sue Doughty (0/1), Matthew Green (0/1), Jim Knight (1/1), Mr Andrew Love (1/1), Ian Lucas (1/1), Ann McKechin (1/1), Rob Marris (1/1), Chris Mole (1/1), Mr John Randall (1/1), Jacqui Smith (1/1), Mr Hugo Swire (0/1), Mark Tami (1/1), Mr Robert Walter (0/1), David Wright (1/1)
1. National Insurance Contributions and Statutory Payments Bill
Committed: 6th January 2004Reported (without Amendment): 13th January 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chairmen: Sir John Butterfill and Mr Win Griffiths
Members and attendance: Mr Peter Atkinson (1/2), Harry Cohen (2/2), Tony Cunningham (2/2), Mr Lindsay Hoyle (2/2), Dr Brian Iddon (2/2), Norman Lamb (2/2), Ann McKechin (1/2), Rob Marris (2/2), Margaret Moran (2/2), Mr Richard Page (1/2), Dawn Primarolo (2/2), Mr Mark Prisk (2/2), Mr Alan Reid (1/2), Mr David Ruffley (3/4), Ms Gisela Stuart (1/2), Mr Tom Watson (2/2)
2. Horserace Betting and Olympic Lottery Bill
Committed: 8th January 2004 Reported (with Amendments): 27th January 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 5
Chairmen: Mr Eric Illsley and Mr Jonathan Sayeed
Members and attendance: Ms Candy Atherton (2/5), Mr Richard Caborn (5/5), Mr Ben Chapman (5/5), Mr Don Foster (5/5), Mr John Grogan (5/5), Mr Nick Hawkins (5/5), Mr Fraser Kemp (5/5), Mr Khalid Mahmood (5/5), Kali Mountford (4/5), Mr Richard Page (4/5), Mr James Paice (5/5), Mr Andy Reed (5/5), Andrew Rosindell (4/5), Mr Adrian Sanders (4/5), Mark Tami (3/5), Brian White (4/5)
3. Employment Relations Bill
Committed: 14th January 2004Reported (with Amendments): 2nd March 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 9
Chairmen: Mr George Stevenson and Mr Eric Forth
Members and attendance: Charlotte Atkins (9/9), Mr Peter Atkinson (7/9), Mr Henry Bellingham (8/9), Malcolm Bruce (7/9), Brian Cotter (6/9), Jon Cruddas (9/9), Mr Jonathan Djanogly (6/9), Mr Michael Jabez Foster (5/9), Mrs Eleanor Laing (1/9), Mr John Lyons (6/9), Albert Owen (8/9), Anne Picking (7/9), Jim Sheridan (9/9), Ian Stewart (9/9), Mr Gerry Sutcliffe (9/9), Mr Bill Tynan (8/9), Hywel Williams (4/9)
4. Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords]
Committed: 10th March 2004Reported (with Amendments): 1st April 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 4
Chairman: Mr Joe Benton
Members and attendance: Mr Harry Barnes (4/4), Mr Alistair Carmichael (3/4), Roger Casale (4/4), Mr Tony Clarke (4/4), Mr Vernon Coaker (4/4), Mr Dominic Grieve (3/4), Mr Tom Harris (3/4), Mr Stephen Hepburn (4/4), Mr Andrew Hunter (4/4), Huw Irranca-Davies (4/4), Ian Lucas (3/4), Mr Eddie McGrady (3/4), Dr Nick Palmer (4/4), Mr Andrew Robathan (3/4), Mr John Spellar (4/4), Mr Desmond Swayne (4/4), Mr Hugo Swire (4/4), Ms Dari Taylor (2/4), Gareth Thomas (Clwyd West), Mr David Trimble (4/4)
5. Christmas Day (Trading) Bill
Committed: 26th March 2004Reported (without Amendment): 12th May 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Frank Cook
Members and attendance: Mr Colin Breed (1/1), Ann Coffey (1/1), Brian Cotter (0/1), Mr David Crausby (1/1), Mr Gerald Howarth (0/1), Helen Jones (1/1), Mr Kevan Jones (1/1), Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger (1/1), Shona McIsaac (1/1), John Mann (1/1), Mr Colin Pickthall (1/1), Mr Terry Rooney (1/1), Andrew Selous (1/1), Ian Stewart (1/1), Mr Gary Streeter (0/1), Mr Gerry Sutcliffe (1/1)
6. Age-Related Payments Bill
Committed: 12th May 2004Reported (without Amendment): 25th May 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill considered: 2
Chairmen: Mr Peter Pike and Derek Conway
Members and attendance: Mr Peter Atkinson (1/2), Miss Anne Begg (2/2), Mr Paul Goodman (0/2), Mr Ivan Henderson (2/2), Paul Holmes (1/2), Mrs Joan Humble (1/2), Mr Andrew Love (1/2), Mr John MacDougall (0/2), Margaret Moran (2/2), Mr Frank Roy (2/2), Mr David Tredinnick (1/2), Mr Neil Turner (2/2), Claire Ward (1/2), Mr Nigel Waterson (2/2), Steve Webb (2/2), Malcolm Wicks (2/2)
7. Patents Bill [Lords]
Committed: 7th June 2004Reported (without Amendment): 15th June 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chairmen: Mr David Amess and Miss Anne Begg
Members and attendance: Mr James Arbuthnot (2/2), Mr Peter Atkinson (2/2), Mr Adrian Bailey (0/2), Malcolm Bruce (1/2), Brian Cotter (2/2), Mrs Ann Cryer (2/2), Mr Mark Fisher (1/2), Paul Flynn (2/2), Mr David Lepper (2/2), Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger (1/2), Mr Andrew Love (2/2), Gillian Merron (2/2), Mr Mohammad Sarwar (0/2), Mr Gerry Sutcliffe (2/2), Mr John Taylor (1/2), Mr Anthony D. Wright (1/2)
8. Public Audit (Wales) Bill [Lords]
Committed: 17th June 2004Reported (with Amendments): 29th June 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chairman: Mr Win Griffiths
Members and attendance: Mr Nick Ainger (2/2), Mr Martin Caton (1/2), Dr Hywel Francis (2/2), Mr Dai Havard (2/2), Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger (0/2), Ian Lucas (2/2), Diana Organ (2/2), Mr Andrew Robathan (0/2), Chris Ruane (2/2), Jim Sheridan (2/2), Mr Hugo Swire (2/2), Mark Tami (2/2), Mr Don Touhig (2/2), Mr Bill Wiggin (2/2), Hywel Williams (2/2), Mr Roger Williams (2/2)
9. Civil Partnership Bill [Lords]
Committed: 12th October 2004Reported (with Amendments): 26th October 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 5
Chairmen: Frank Cook and Mr Roger Gale
Members and attendance: Ms Diane Abbott (5/5), Mr John Bercow (5/5), Mr David Borrow (5/5), Malcolm Bruce (3/5), Chris Bryant (5/5), Mr Alistair Carmichael (5/5), Mr Christopher Chope (5/5), Mr Jeffrey M. Donaldson (4/5), Mr Alan Duncan (5/5), Angela Eagle (5/5), Mr Andrew Love (5/5), Mrs Anne McGuire (5/5), Ann McKechin (5/5), Andrew Selous (5/5), Mr Siôn Simon (4/5), Jacqui Smith (5/5), Mr David Stewart (4/5), Mr Tom Watson (5/5)
1. Housing Bill
Committed: 12th January 2004Reported (with Amendments): 24th February 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 18
Chairmen: Mr Peter Pike and Derek Conway
Members and attendance: Vera Baird (14/18), Mr Clive Betts (13/18), Ms Karen Buck (15/18), Sir Sydney Chapman (15/18), Paul Clark (18/18), Yvette Cooper (15/18), Valerie Davey (11/18), Mr Mark Field (18/18), Matthew Green (17/18), Mr John Hayes (18/18), Keith Hill (18/18), Dr Brian Iddon (17/18), Ms Sally Keeble (15/18), Mr David Kidney (16/18), Chris Mole (13/18), Mr Terry Rooney (18/18), Chris Ruane (14/18), Andrew Selous (15/18), Geraldine Smith (14/18), Mr Robert Syms (18/18), Dr Alan Whitehead (16/18), Richard Younger-Ross (7/18)
2. Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Bill [Lords]
Committed: 14th June 2004Reported (with an Amendment): 6th July 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 10
Chairmen: Dame Marion Roe and Mr Joe Benton
Members and attendance: Vera Baird (10/10), Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (7/10), Mrs Ann Cryer (10/10), Mr Hilton Dawson (6/10), Sandra Gidley (8/10), Mrs Cheryl Gillan (10/10), Paul Goggins (9/10), Mr Dominic Grieve (10/10), Ms Harriet Harman (6/10), Mr David Heath (10/10), Mr John Heppell (10/10), Lady Hermon (9/10), Huw Irranca-Davies (8/10), Ms Sally Keeble (7/10), Ann Keen (10/10), Mrs Eleanor Laing (5/10), Mr Christopher Leslie (6/10), Julie Morgan (9/10), Kali Mountford (9/10), Ms Meg Munn (8/10), Mr Robert Walter (5/10)
1. Civil Contingencies Bill
Committed: 19th January 2004Reported (with Amendments): 10th February 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8
Chairmen: Sir John Butterfill, Mr Joe Benton and Frank Cook
Members and attendance: Mr Douglas Alexander (6/8), Mr Richard Allan (7/8), Andy Burnham (7/8), Mr Alan Campbell (7/8), Mr Alistair Carmichael (8/8), Jim Dowd (5/8), Mr Nigel Evans (6/8), Mr Oliver Heald (8/8), Mr John Horam (5/8), Helen Jackson (6/8), Mr Mark Lazarowicz (7/8), Mr Elfyn Llwyd (7/8), Fiona Mactaggart (8/8), Patrick Mercer (7/8), Sandra Osborne (3/8), Mr Greg Pope (6/8), Mr Stephen Pound (6/8), Bridget Prentice (8/8), Lawrie Quinn (8/8), Mr Michael Trend (5/8), Mr Neil Turner (6/8)
2. Highways (Obstruction by Body Corporate) Bill
Committed: 6th February 2004Reported (without Amendment): 11th March 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr Peter Pike
Members and attendance: Mr David Atkinson (0/1), Norman Baker (1/1), Andrew Bennett (0/1), Peter Bottomley (0/1), Peter Bradley (1/1), Valerie Davey (1/1), Jim Dobbin (0/1), Mr Michael Jabez Foster (1/1), Andrew George (1/1), Mr James Gray (1/1), Charles Hendry (1/1), Mr David Kidney (1/1), Mr David Lepper (1/1), Alun Michael (1/1), Laura Moffatt (1/1), Dr Desmond Turner (1/1)
3. Health Protection Agency Bill [Lords]
Committed: 21st June 2004Reported (with an Amendment): 1st July 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 3
Chairmen: Mrs Irene Adams and Mr Eric Forth
Members and attendance: Mr Adrian Bailey (2/3), Kevin Brennan (2/3), Mr Paul Burstow (3/3), Mr Mark Francois (3/3), Mr Mike Hall (3/3), Mr George Howarth (3/3), Miss Melanie Johnson (3/3), Mr Peter Lilley (0/3), Siobhain McDonagh (2/3), Rosemary McKenna (3/3), Patrick Mercer (2/3), Dr Andrew Murrison (3/3), Joan Ryan (3/3), Sarah Teather (1/3), Claire Ward (3/3), David Wright (2/3)
1. Human Tissue Bill
Committed: 15th January 2004Reported (with Amendments): 5th February 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8
Chairmen: Mrs Irene Adams and Mr Alan Hurst
Members and attendance: Virginia Bottomley (1/8), Harry Cohen (8/8), Valerie Davey (8/8), Mrs Louise Ellman (7/8), Mr Mark Francois (5/8), Dr Ian Gibson (7/8), Dr Evan Harris (8/8), Mr Peter Kilfoyle (4/8), Jim Knight (8/8), Dr Stephen Ladyman (8/8), Mr Andrew Lansley (7/8), Ian Lucas (8/8), Mr Malcolm Moss (1/8), Dr Andrew Murrison (8/8), Dr Doug Naysmith (8/8), Joan Ryan (8/8), Dr Richard Taylor (8/8), Mr Tom Watson (3/8), Ms Rosie Winterton (8/8)
2. Fire and Rescue Services Bill
Committed: 26th January 2004Reported (with Amendments): 2nd March 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 10
Chairmen: Sir Nicholas Winterton and Mr Edward O'Hara
Members and attendance: Mr Adrian Bailey (6/10), Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (1/10), Mr David Drew (6/10), Mrs Louise Ellman (10/10), Mr Adrian Flook (8/10), Barbara Follett (5/10), Linda Gilroy (10/10), Mr Philip Hammond (10/10), Phil Hope (9/10), MrsJoan Humble (8/10), Jim Knight (8/10), Mr Stephen McCabe (8/10), Mr Jim Murphy (10/10), Dr John Pugh (5/10), Mr Nick Raynsford (9/10), Mr Hugo Swire (10/10), Mr John Wilkinson (2/10), Richard Younger-Ross (10/10)
1. Higher Education Bill
Committed: 27th January 2004Reported (with Amendments): 9th March 2004
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 14
Chairmen: Mr Roger Gale, Mr Jimmy Hood and Mr George Stevenson
Members and attendance: Mr Graham Allen (13/14), Mr Tim Boswell (14/14), Mrs Anne Campbell (14/14), Mr David Chaytor (12/14), Mr James Clappison (13/14), Mr Tim Collins (14/14), Mr Michael Foster (Worcester) (14/14), Dr Hywel Francis (14/14), Mr Mark Francois (14/14), Chris Grayling (13/14), Patrick Hall (14/14), Alan Johnson (14/14), Mrs Eleanor Laing (13/14), Mr Bob Laxton (14/14), Mr Ivan Lewis (14/14), Kali Mountford (14/14), Mr George Mudie (14/14), Mr James Plaskitt (14/14), James Purnell (14/14), Mr David Rendel (14/14), Jonathan Shaw (14/14), Mr Simon Thomas (12/14), Mr Don Touhig (8/14), Derek Twigg (14/14), Mr Phil Willis (11/14)

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