Sessional Returns 2003-04 - Contents


Information and statistics relating to delegated legislation and deregulation proposals and draft orders.

A  Instruments laid before the House

Instruments subject to different forms of parliamentary procedure

Procedure applicable to Instruments
Laid before the House

Instruments subject to affirmative procedure—
  Northern Ireland
Instruments subject to negative procedure—
  Northern Ireland
  Number prayed against
Instruments subject in part to affirmative and in part to negative procedure
Instruments not subject to parliamentary proceedings laid before Parliament—
Special Procedure Orders
Bills or Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly

1 of which 17 were withdrawn

2 of which 1 was withdrawn

3 of which 1 was withdrawn

B  Instruments considered by the Joint and Select Committees on Statutory Instruments

Instruments subject to different forms of parliamentary procedure

Procedure applicable to Instruments
Joint Committee
Instruments subject to affirmative procedure—
Instruments subject to negative procedure—
  Northern Ireland
Instruments not subject to parliamentary proceedings laid before Parliament—
Instruments not laid before Parliament
Special Procedure Orders

1. of which 152 were in exercise of powers under s 2(2) of the European Communities Act 1972

2. of which one was in exercise of powers under s 2(2) of the European Communities Act 1972

Special attention of the House

Ground upon which special attention was invited*
Drafting appears to be defective
Form or purport calls for elucidation
Doubt concerning vires or unexpected or unusual use of powers
Unjustifiable delay in laying before Parliament or publication
Other grounds

* An instrument may be reported on more than one ground.

C  Consideration in the House and in Standing Committee


Applicable procedure
No. laid before the House
No. considered in the House
No. considered in DL Standing Committee
No. considered in Scottish or NI Grand Committee
No. on which Question put forthwith in the House

1 of which 2 were not laid as Statutory Instruments but were agreed by the House to be treated as such

2 of which 6 were not laid as Statutory Instruments but were agreed by the House to be treated as such

Instruments considered in the House

Title of Instrument
ApprovalPolice Grant Report (England and Wales) for 2004-05 5 FebAgreed on Division (Ayes, 252 Noes 167)
ApprovalLocal Government Finance Report (England) for 2004 5 FebAgreed on Division (Ayes 244, Noes 160)
ApprovalDraft Northern Ireland Arms Decommissioning Act 1997 (Amnesty Period) Order 2004 11 FebAgreed on Division (Ayes 446, Noes 16)
ApprovalDraft Social Security Benefits Up-rating Order 2004 24 FebAgreed
ApprovalDraft Guaranteed Minimum Pensions Increase Order 2004 24 FebAgreed
ApprovalDraft Council Tax Limitation (England) (Maximum Amounts) Order 19 JulyAgreed on Division (Ayes 278, Noes 175)
ApprovalDraft Regional Assembly and Local Government Referendums Order 2004 21 JulyAgreed on Division (Ayes 349, Noes 140)
ApprovalDraft Regional Assembly and Local Government Referendums (Counting Officers' Charges) Order 2004 21 JulyAgreed
ApprovalDraft Regional Assembly and Local Government Referendums (Expense Limits for Permitted Participants) Order 2004 21 JulyAgreed

Instruments considered in Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation

Title of Instrument
Date considered
Draft Telephone Number Exclusion (Domain Names and Internet Addresses) Order 2003
8th December 2003
Draft Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2003
8th December 2003
Draft Local Government Best Value (Exemption) (England) Order 2003
8th December 2003
Horse Passports (England) Regulations 2003 (S.I., 2003, No. 2780)
11th December 2003
Government's Assessment as set out in the Pre-Budget Report 2003 for the purposes of Section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993
11th December 2003
Draft Media Ownership (Local Radio and Appointed News Provider) Order 2003
11th December 2003
Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Modification) Order 2003 (S.I., 2003, No. 3039)
11th December 2003
Draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Euro-Mediterranean Agreement Establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States and the People's Republic of Algeria) Order 2003
11th December 2003
Draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Euro-Mediterranean Agreement Establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Lebanon) Order 2003
11th December 2003
Draft International Fund for Agriculture Development (Sixth Replenishment) Order 2003
15th December 2003
Draft Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2002 (Amendment of Section 46 (1) and Paragraph 7 (2) of Schedule 8) Order 2003
15th December 2003
Draft Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003
15th December 2003
Draft Extradition Act 2003 (Designation of Part 1 Territories) Order 2003
15th December 2003
Draft Extradition Act 2003 (Designation of Part 2 Territories) Order 2003
15th December 2003
Draft Extradition Act 2003 (Designation of Part 3 Territories) Order 2003
15th December 2003
Draft Extradition Act 2003 (Police Powers: Code of Practice) Order 2003
15th December 2003
Amendment [CM 6075] Dated 4th December 2003 to the agreement [CM 3152] dated 25th January 1996, (as amended by the amendment [CM 4797] dated 3rd July 2000) between the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport and the British Broadcasting Corporation
15th December 2003
Draft Solvent Emissions (England and Wales) Regulations 2004
7th January 2004
Draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Common Electoral Principles) Order 2004
13th January 2004
Draft Charities (Alexandra Park and Palace) Order 2003
14th January 2004
Draft Primary Medical Services (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
14th January 2004
Draft New Opportunities Fund (Specification of Initiative) Order 2004
19th January 2004
Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England and Wales) Regulations 2003 (S.I., 2003, No. 3242)
27th January 2004
Draft Betting and Gaming (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
27th January 2004
Draft European Parliamentary Elections (Combined Region and Campaign Expenditure) (United Kingdom and Gibraltar) Order 2004
29th January 2004
Draft Terrorism Act 2000 (Continuance of Part VII) Order 2004
5th February 2004
Draft Criminal Defence Service (Choice in Very High Cost Cases) (Amendment) Regulations 2004
5th February 2004
Financing of Maintained Schools (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2003 (S.I., 2003, No. 3247)
9th February  2004
LEA Budget, Schools Budget and Individual Schools Budget (England) Regulations 2003 (S.I., 2003 (S.I. , 3170)
9th February 2004
Draft Immigration (Leave to enter and remain)(Amendment) Order 2004
9th February 2004
Draft Immigration (Provisions of Physical Data) (Amendment) Regulations 2004
9th February 2004
Draft Milk Development Council (Amendment) Order 2004
10th February 2004
Draft Industrial Training Levy (Construction Board) Order 2004
11th February 2004
Draft Industrial Training Levy (Engineering Construction Board) Order 2004
11th February 2004
Sustainable Energy (CHP Provisions) Order 2003 (S.I., 2003, No. 2987)
24th February 2004
Draft Independent Police Complaints Commission (Investigatory Powers) Order 2004
25th February 2004
Draft Firearms (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
25th February 2004
Draft Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 (Continuance in force of sections 21 to 23) Order 2004
26th February 2004
Draft Prison (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
26th February 2004
Draft Rates (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
1st March 2004
Draft Pneumoconiosis Etc. (Workers' Compensation) (Payment of Claims) (Amendment) Regulations 2004
2nd March 2004
Draft Local Elections (Ordinary Day of Election 2004) Order 2004
3rd March 2004
Draft Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) England (Amendment) Regulations 2004
3rd March 2004
Draft Local Authorities (Mayoral Elections) (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2003
3rd March 2004
Draft European Parliamentary Elections Regulations 2004
3rd March 2004
Draft Representation of the People (Combination of Polls) (England and Wales) Regulations 2004
3rd March 2004
Draft Employment Act 2002 (Dispute Resolution) Regulations 2004
3rd March 2004
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2003 (S.I., 2003, No. 3311)
3rd March 2004
Draft Children (Leaving Care) Social Security Benefits (Scotland) Regulations 2004
3rd March 2004
Draft Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000 (Renewal of Temporary Provision) Order 2004
4th March 2004
Draft Community Legal Service (SCOPE) Regulations 2004
8th March 2004
Draft Social Security (Intensive Activity Period 50 to 59 Pilot) Regulations 2004
9th March 2004
Draft Social Security (Intensive Activity Period 50 to 59 Pilot) (No. 2) Regulations 2004
9th March 2004
Mink Keeping (Prohibition) (England) Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 100)
9th March 2004
Draft Social Security (Contributions) (Re-rating and National Insurance Funds Payments) Order 2004
9th March 2004
Draft Renewables Obligation (Amendment) Order 2004
9th March 2004
Draft Social Security (Basic Skills Training Pilot) Regulations 2004
10th March 2004
Draft Paternity and Adoption Leave (Amendment) Regulations 2004
10th March 2004
Draft Statutory Paternity Pay and Statutory Adoption Pay (Weekly Rate) (Amendment) Regulations 2004
10th March 2004
Draft Tax Credits Up-rating Regulations 2004
11th March 2004
Draft Child Benefit and Guardian's Allowance Up-rating Order 2004
11th March 2004
Draft Child Benefit and Guardian's Allowance Up-rating (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
11th March 2004
Draft Courts Boards (Appointment and Procedure) Regulations 2004
15th March 2004
Draft Courts Boards Areas Order 2004
15th March 2004
Draft Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 (Destination of Fixed Penalties in Scotland) Order 2004
16th March 2004
Draft Primary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 2004 (Consequential Modifications) Order 2004
16th March 2004
Draft Driver and Vehicle Licensing Trading Fund Order 2004
18th March 2004
Draft Agricultural Statistics (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
18th March 2004
Draft Police Act 1997 (Criminal Records) (Fees) Order 2004
22nd March 2004
Draft Employment Zones (Allocation to Contractors) Pilot Regulations 2004
23rd March 2004
Draft National Minimum Wage Regulations 1999 (Amendment) Regulations 2004
23rd March 2004
Draft Northern Ireland Act 2000 (Modification) Order 2004
24th March 2004
Draft European Parliament (Disqualification) (United Kingdom and Gibraltar) Order 2004
29th March 2004
Draft European Parliament (Number of MEPs) (United Kingdom and Gibraltar) Order 2004
29th March 2004
Draft Jobseeker's Allowance (Amendment) Regulations 2004
29th March 2004
Draft Lay Magistrates (Eligibility) (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
31st March 2004
Draft Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (New Zealand) Order 2004
31st March 2004
Draft Sexual Offences Act 2003 (Travel Notification Requirements) Regulations 2004
20th April 2004
Draft Criminal Justice Act 1998 (Offensive Weapons) (Amendment) Order 2004
20th April 2004
Draft Merchant Shipping (Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims) (Amendment) Order 2004
21st April 2004
Limitation of Council Tax and Precepts (Alternative Notional Amounts) Report (England) 2004-05
22nd April 2004
Value Added Tax (Buildings and Land) Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 778)
22nd April 2004
Draft European Parliamentary Elections (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2004
22nd April 2004
Draft Non-Domestic Rating (Chargeable Amounts) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2004
26th April 2004
Draft Competition Act 1998 and Other Enactments (Amendment) Regulations 2004
26th April 2004
Draft Competition Act 1998 (Determination of Turnover for Penalties) (Amendment) Order 2004
26th April 2004
Draft Competition Act 1998 (Land Agreements Exclusion and Revocation) Order 2004
26th April 2004
Draft Accession (Immigration and Worker Registration) Regulations 2004
26th April 2004
Draft Cash Ratio Deposits (Value Bands and Ratios) Order 2004
27th April 2004
Draft Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (Immunities and Privileges) Order 2004
29th April 2004
Naval Discipline Act 1957 (Remedial) Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 66)
29th April 2004
Draft Army, Air Force and Naval Discipline Acts (Continuation) Order 2004
29th April 2004
Customs and Excise Duties (Travellers' Allowances and Personal Reliefs) (New Member States) Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 1002)
29th April 2004
Draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Agreement on Enlargement of the European Economic Area) Order 2004
29th April 2004
Education (Pupil Exclusions) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 402)
4th May 2004
Draft Human Rights Act 1998 (Amendment) Order 2004
12th May 2004
Northern Ireland Act 1998 and Northern Ireland Act 2000 (Modification) Order 2004
13th May 2004
Direction given by the Secretary of State under Section 51B(2) of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 on 28th April 2004
13th May 2004
Draft Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (Disclosure of Donor Information) Regulations 2004
18th May 2004
Pet Travel Scheme (Pilot Arrangements) (England) (Amendment) Order 2004
18th May 2004
Draft Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Conditional Cautions: Code of Practice) Order 2004
18th May 2004
Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 1031)
25th May 2004
Mental Health (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 1272)
26th May 2004
Beer from Small Breweries (Extension of Reduced Rates of Excise Duty) Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 1296)
26th May 2004
Draft Guidance issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003
26th May 2004
Draft Health Professions (Operating Department Practitioners and Miscellaneous Amendments) Order 2004
27th May 2004
Draft Broadcasting (Original Productions) Order 2004
7th June 2004
Draft Licensing (Indoor Arenas) (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
9th June 2004
Draft British Transport Police (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Order 2004
14th June 2004
Architects (Professional Conduct Committee) Amendment Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 655)
16th June 2004
Draft Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000 (Amendment) Order 2004
21st June 2004
Draft Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (Audit of Health Service Bodies) Order 2004
21st June 2004
Draft Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (Audit of Public Bodies) Order 2004
21st June 2004
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation (Area and Constitution) Order 2004
21st June 2004
Draft Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (Codes of Practice) Order 2004
22nd June 2004
Draft Scotland Act 1998 (Transfer of Functions to the Scottish Ministers, Etc.) Order 2004
24th June 2004
Draft Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002 (Consequential Provisions and Modifications) Order 2004
24th June 2004
Draft Water Industry (Scotland) Act 2002 (Consequential Modifications) Order 2004
24th June 2004
Draft Maximum Number of Judges (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
24th June 2004
Draft Transport Act 2000 (Consequential Amendment) Order 2004
28th June 2004
Draft Stansted Airport Aircraft Movement Limit (Revocation) Order 2004
29th June 2004
Draft Rights of Re-entry and Forfeiture (Prescribed Sum and Period) (England) Regulations 2004
29th June 2004
Draft Discharge of Fines by Unpaid Work (Prescribed Hourly Sum) Regulations 2004
30th June 2004
Draft Courts Act 2003 (Consequential Amendments) Order 2004
1st July 2004
Draft Chilterns Area of Outstanding Beauty (Establishment of Conservation Board) Order 2004
1st July 2004
Draft Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Establishment of Conservation Board) Order 2004
1st July 2004
Draft Dangerous Wild Animals (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
5th July 2004
Draft Landfill (Scheme Year and Maximum landfill Amount) Regulations 2004
5th July 2004
Draft Social Security (Income Support and Jobseeker's Allowance) Amendment Regulations 2004
6th July 2004
Draft Solicitors (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
6th July 2004
Occupational Pensions Schemes (Winding Up and Deficiency on Winding Up etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 403)
7th July  2004
Draft Tobacco Advertising and Promotion (Brandsharing) Regulations
7th July  2004
Draft Immigration (Provision of Physical Data) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2004
7th July  2004
Draft Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Designation of Public Authorities) Order 2004
8th July 2004
Motion relating to the Electoral Commission
8th July 2004
Horse Passports (England) Regulations 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 1397)
8th July 2004
Draft Contracting Out (Functions relating to Broadcast Advertising) and Specification of Relevant Functions Order 2004
8th July 2004
Draft Uranium Enrichment Technology (Prohibition on Disclosure) Regulations 2004
12th July 2004
Draft Community Radio Order 2004
13th July  2004
Draft Motor Vehicles (International Circulation) (Amendment) Order 2004
13th July 2004
Draft Anti-Social Behaviour (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
13th  July 2004
Draft Criminal Justice (No. 2) (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
13th July 2004
Draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their members states, and the Republic of Croatia) Order 2004
13th July 2004
Draft Representation of the People (Form of Canvass) (England and Wales) Regulations 2004
13th July 2004
Draft Representation of the People (Form of Canvass) (Scotland) Regulations 2004
13th July 2004
Draft Extradition Act 2003 (Amendment to Designations) Order 2004
14th July 2004
Draft Extradition Act 2003 (Repeals) Order 2004
14th July 2004
Draft Student Fees (Amounts) (England) Regulations 2004
14th July 2004
Draft Age-Related Payments (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
14th July 2004
Occupational Pensions Schemes (Winding Up) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 1140)
15th July 2004
Draft National Minimum Wage Regulations 1999 (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2004
15th July 2004
Draft Vehicle Testing (Temporary Exemptions) (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
15th July 2004
Draft Regional Assembly and Local Government Referendums (Date of Referendums, Referendum Question and Explanatory Material) (North West Region) Order 2004
19th July 2004
Draft Regional Assembly and Local Government Referendums (Date of Referendums, Referendum Question and Explanatory Material) (North East Region) Order 2004
19th July 2004
Draft Regional Assembly and Local Government Referendums (Date of Referendums, Referendum Question and Explanatory Material) (Yorkshire and Humber Region) Order 2004
19th July 2004
Draft Penalties for Disorderly Behaviour (Amendment of Minimum Age) Order 2004
8th September 2004
Draft Northern Ireland Act 2000 (Modification) (No. 2) Order 2004
9th September 2004
Draft Child Support (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2004
9th September 2004
Draft Student Fees (Approved Plans) (England) Regulations 2004
13th September 2004
Draft Legal Services Complaints Commissioner (Maximum Penalty) Order 2004
13th September 2004
Draft Business Improvement Districts (England) Regulations 2004
13th September 2004
Draft Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 (Amendment) and Police Reform Act 2002 (Modification) Order 2004
14th September 2004
Draft Roads (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
13th  October 2004
Draft Legal Services Ombudsman (Extension of Remit) Regulations 2004
13th October 2004
Section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993
19th October 2004
Draft Primary Medical Services (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
19th October 2004
Draft Financial Assistance for Young Farmers (Northern Ireland) Order 2004
19th October 2004
Value Added Tax (Disclosure of Avoidance Schemes) (Designations) Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 1933)
20th October 2004
Value Added Tax (Groups: Eligibility) Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 1931)
20th October 2004
Draft Local Authorities (Indemnities for Members and Officers) Order 2004
20th October 2004
Draft Damages (Variation of Periodical Payments) Order 2004
20th October 2004
Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) Regulations 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 1861)
28th October 2004
Fishing Boats (Satellite-tracking devices) (England) Scheme Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 2467
1st November 2004
Draft National Assembly for Wales (Transfer of Functions) Order 2004
3rd November 2004
Draft Scotland Act 1998 (Modifications of Schedule 5) Order 2004
3rd November 2004
Draft Scotland Act 1998 (Functions exercisable in or as regards Scotland) Order 2004
3rd November 2004
Draft Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (Consequential Modifications) Order 2004
3rd November 2004
Companies (Fees) Regulations 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 261)
4th November 2004
Limited Liability Partnerships (Fees) Regulations 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 2620)
4th November 2004
Draft Companies Act 1985 (International Accounting Standards and other Accounting Amendments) Regulations 2004
8th November 2004
Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (Specification of Particularly Serious Crimes) Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 1910)
8th November 2004
Draft Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003 (Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection and Commission for Social Care Inspection) (Consequential Provisions) Order 2004
8th November 2004
Draft Criminal Defence Service (Choice in very high cost cases) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2004
9th November 2004
Draft Landfill Allowances and Trading Scheme (England) Regulations 2004
11th November 2004
Draft Landfill (Maximum Landfill Amount) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2004
11th November 2004
Total number of instruments considered: 185
Total number of meetings: 149

D  Chairmen and Members of Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation

Chairmen (appointment): The following members of the Chairmen's Panel were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation:

Mrs Irene Adams (5), Mr David Amess (4), Janet Anderson (3), Mr Nigel Beard (9), Miss Anne Begg (8), Mr Joe Benton (3), Sir John Butterfill (3), Mr Martin Caton (3), Mr Derek Conway (5), Mr Frank Cook (1), Mr James Cran (4), Mr John Cummings (4), Mr Eric Forth (7), Mr Roger Gale (4), Mr Win Griffiths (3), Mr Mike Hancock (8), Mr Jimmy Hood (2), Mr Kevin Hughes (14), Mr Alan Hurst (15), Mr Eric Illsley (10), Mr Bill O'Brien (5), Mr Bill Olner (7), Mr Peter Pike (8), Mr Jonathan Sayeed (6), Mr David Taylor (8), Sir Nicholas Winterton (1).

Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members were appointed by the Committee of Selection to Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation:

Ms Diane Abbott (1/2), Mr Nick Ainger (17/17), Mr Peter Ainsworth (0/3), Mr Richard Allan (1/1), Mr Graham Allen (6/6), Ms Candy Atherton (5/5), Charlotte Atkins (11/11), Mr David Atkinson (2/4), Mr Peter Atkinson (16/31), John Austin (4/5), Mr Richard Bacon (2/8), Mr Adrian Bailey (4/5), Vera Baird (2/4), Norman Baker (6/8), Tony Baldry (1/8), Mr Tony Banks (3/4), Gregory Barker (3/4), Mr Harry Barnes (2/2), John Barrett (1/2), Mr Kevin Barron (4/4), Mr John Battle (4/7), Hugh Bayley (4/4), Mr Roy Beggs (3/3), Mr Henry Bellingham (10/10), Mr Roger Berry (5/6), Mr Harold Best (4/5), Mr Clive Betts (3/6), Mrs Liz Blackman (2/2), Ms Hazel Blears (5/5), Mr Bob Blizzard (5/6), Mr Crispin Blunt (3/11), Mr David Borrow (1/1), Mr Tim Boswell (6/6), Peter Bottomley (13/13), Virginia Bottomley (1/11), Mr Keith Bradley (5/5), Peter Bradley (4/4), Mr Ben Bradshaw (4/4), Mr Graham Brady (1/1), Tom Brake (0/1), Mr Colin Breed (3/4), Kevin Brennan (7/7), Annette Brooke (3/3), Mr Nicholas Brown (2/2), Mr Russell Brown (5/5), Mr Desmond Browne (7/7), Malcolm Bruce (5/10), Mr Chris Bryant (7/8), Ms Karen Buck (4/6), Richard Burden (3/4), Colin Burgon (3/5), Mr John Burnett (3/3), Andy Burnham (1/1), Mr Simon Burns (1/1), David Burnside (4/5), Mr Paul Burstow (1/3), Mr Stephen Byers (4/4), Mr Liam Byrne (1/1), Dr Vincent Cable (0/4), Mr Richard Caborn (3/3), David Cairns (5/5), Mrs Patsy Calton (1/2), Mr David Cameron (1/1), Mr Alan Campbell (1/1), Mrs Anne Campbell (1/1), Mr Ronnie Campbell (1/1), Mr Ivor Caplin (1/1), Mr Alistair Carmichael (17/21), Mr Roger Casale (2/2), Mr William Cash (0/5), Mr Ian Cawsey (3/3), Mr Colin Challen (4/5), Mr Ben Chapman (2/3), Sir Sydney Chapman (1/2), Mr David Chaytor (4/5), Mr Christopher Chope (3/3), Mr Michael Clapham (2/3), Mr James Clappison (3/9), Mrs Helen Clark (3/8), Paul Clark (9/9), Mr Tom Clarke (3/3), Mr Tony Clarke (4/5), Mr David Clelland (4/6), Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (22/30), Ann Clwyd (0/1), Mr Vernon Coaker (20/20), Ann Coffey (5/5), Harry Cohen (3/4), Mr Iain Coleman (3/5), Mr Mr Tony Colman (4/4), Mr Michael Connarty (3/5), Mr Robin Cook (2/2), Yvette Cooper (1/1), Mr Jeremy Corbyn (2/2), Sir Patrick Cormack (0/1), Brian Cotter (5/12), Mr Jim Cousins (5/6), Tom Cox (2/2), Ross Cranston (4/4), Mr David Crausby (4/4), Jon Cruddas (5/5), Mrs Ann Cryer (1/2), John Cryer (3/4), Dr Jack Cunningham (0/0), Mr Jim Cunningham (2/3), Tony Cunningham (7/8), Mrs Claire Curtis-Thomas (3/3), Mr Tam Dalyell (0/3), Mr Edward Davey (4/7), Valerie Davey (3/5), Mr Wayne David (9/10), Mr Ian Davidson (3/4), Denzil Davies (3/3), Geraint Davies (15/15), Mr Hilton Dawson (4/6), Mrs Janet Dean (5/6), Mr Parmjit Dhanda (5/6), Mr Jonathan Djanogly (11/14), Jim Dobbin (5/5), Mr Frank Dobson (1/2), Mr Nigel Dodds (2/2), Mr Jeffrey M. Donaldson (1/2), Mr Brian H. Donohoe (4/5), Mr Frank Doran (1/2), Mr Stephen Dorrell (1/10), Sue Doughty (7/7), Jim Dowd (7/7), Mr David Drew (4/4), Julia Drown (6/7), Mr Peter Duncan (1/1), Angela Eagle (3/4), Mr Huw Edwards (4/4), Clive Efford (4/5), Mrs Louise Ellman (4/7), Jeff Ennis (5/6), Mr Bill Etherington (3/4), Mr Nigel Evans (3/5), Annabelle Ewing (2/2), Michael Fabricant (2/2), Mr Michael Fallon (2/7), Paul Farrelly (4/6), Mr Frank Field (3/3), Mr Mark Field (6/10), Mr Mark Fisher (3/4), Jim Fitzpatrick (11/11), Mrs Lorna Fitzsimons (3/5), Caroline Flint (3/3), Mr Adrian Flook (6/11), Paul Flynn (4/5), Barbara Follett (4/6), Mr Eric Forth (1/1), Mr Derek Foster (3/3), Mr Don Foster (7/7), Mr Michael Foster (1/1), Mr George Foulkes (3/4), Dr Hywel Francis (4/5), Mr Mark Francois (6/8), Mike Gapes (5/5), Mr Barry Gardiner (3/3), Mr Edward Garnier (0/4), Andrew George (5/5), Mr Neil Gerrard (5/6), Mr Nick Gibb (4/10), Sandra Gidley (2/2), Mrs Cheryl Gillan (1/3), Linda Gilroy (5/5), Mr Roger Godsiff (3/6), Paul Goggins (2/2), Mr Paul Goodman (2/2), Mr James Gray (7/7), Chris Grayling (1/2), Matthew Green (4/4), Mr John Greenway (1/4), Mr Dominic Grieve (5/5), Jane Griffiths (4/4), Mr John Grogan (6/6), Mr John Gummer (1/1), Mr Mike Hall (1/1), Patrick Hall (4/6), David Hamilton (3/4), Mr Fabian Hamilton (2/4), Mr Philip Hammond (3/3), Dr Evan Harris (2/3), Mr Tom Harris (15/15), Nick Harvey (0/1), Mr Dai Havard (4/4), Mr Nick Hawkins (8/9), Mr John Hayes (1/1), Mr Oliver Heald (1/1), John Healey (4/4), Mr David Heath (17/23), Mr Doug Henderson (3/4), Mr Ivan Henderson (3/3), Mr Mark Hendrick (2/2), Mr Stephen Hepburn (3/5), Mr John Heppell (17/17), Lady Hermon (12/12), Stephen Hesford (3/3), Mr David Heyes (5/5), Keith Hill (1/1), Mr Mark Hoban (2/2), Kate Hoey (2/3), Paul Holmes (5/8), Phil Hope (7/7), Mr Kelvin Hopkins (7/7), Mr John Horam (3/5), Alan Howarth (3/7), Mr George Howarth (4/6), Dr Kim Howells (1/1), Mr Lindsay Hoyle (6/8), Beverley Hughes (2/2), Mr Kevin Hughes (1/1), Simon Hughes (1/1), Mrs Joan Humble (4/4), Mr John Hutton (1/1), Dr Brian Iddon (4/4), Huw Irranca-Davies (9/10), Mr Michael Jack (3/4), Glenda Jackson (2/3), Helen Jackson (4/6), Mr Robert Jackson (3/13), Mr David Jamieson (3/3), Mr Brian Jenkins (4/7), Alan Johnson (1/1), Mr Boris Johnson (1/4), Miss Melanie Johnson (4/4), Helen Jones (2/5), Mr Jon Owen Jones (4/4), Mr Kevan Jones (4/5), Lynne Jones (4/7), Mr Martyn Jones (1/1), Mr Nigel Jones (0/2), Ms Sally Keeble (4/6), Alan Keen (3/5), Mr Paul Keetch (0/2), Ruth Kelly (2/2), Mr Fraser Kemp (5/5), Jane Kennedy (4/4), Mr Robert Key (1/2), Mr Piara S. Khabra (5/5), Mr David Kidney (5/5), Mr Peter Kilfoyle (4/6), Mr Andy King (4/4), Ms Oona King (1/1), Mr Greg Knight (2/3), Jim Knight (1/1), Dr Ashok Kumar (3/3), Dr Stephen Ladyman (1/1), Norman Lamb (5/6), Mr David Lammy (9/9), Mr Andrew Lansley (1/1), Mr David Laws (0/8), Mr Bob Laxton (5/5), Mr Mark Lazarowicz (3/3), Mr Edward Leigh (0/5), Mr David Lepper (4/4), Mr Christopher Leslie (8/8), Mr Ivan Lewis (2/2), Dr Julian Lewis (1/1), Mr Terry Lewis (3/5), Mrs Helen Liddell (2/3), Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger (5/9), Mr David Lidington (4/4), Mr Peter Lilley (3/9), Martin Linton (1/1), Mr Tony Lloyd (2/4), Tim Loughton (1/1), Mr Andrew Love (1/1), Ian Lucas (5/6), Mr Peter Luff (3/4), Mr Iain Luke (6/6), Mr John Lyons (4/5), Mr Stephen McCabe (0/1), Chris McCafferty (2/5), Siobhain McDonagh (4/5), Mr Calum Macdonald (4/4), John McDonnell (1/2), Mr John MacDougall (1/3), Mr Eddie McGrady (1/2), Mrs Anne McGuire (3/3), Miss Anne McIntosh (6/6), Shona McIsaac (9/9), Mr Andrew Mackay (0/1), Ann McKechin (5/5), Rosemary McKenna (5/5), Andrew Mackinlay (0/5), Mr Kevin McNamara (1/1), Mr Tony McNulty (3/3), Mr Denis MacShane (2/2), Fiona Mactaggart (1/1), Mr Tony McWalter (3/8), Mr Kahlid Mahmood (5/6), Alice Mahon (3/11), Mr Humfrey Malins (4/4), Judy Mallaber (4/8), Mr Seamus Mallon (1/1), Mr Peter Mandelson (2/3), John Mann (3/5), Mr John Maples (0/8), Rob Marris (3/4), Mr Paul Marsden (2/6), Mr David Marshall (5/5), Mr Jim Marshall (1/1), Mr Robert Marshall-Andrews (1/3), Mr Eric Martlew (5/6), Mr Michael Mates (2/5), Mr Michael Meacher (2/5), Mr Alan Meale (5/6), Patrick Mercer (1/1), Gillian Merron (9/9), Alun Michael (4/4), Mr Alan Milburn (0/6), Mr David Miliband (1/1), Mr Andrew Miller (2/2), Mr Austin Mitchell (2/3), Laura Moffatt (2/2), Chris Mole (4/5), Mr Michael Moore (3/3), Margaret Moran (8/8), Julie Morgan (5/6), Mr Elliot Morley (6/6), Estelle Morris (4/4), Mr Malcolm Moss (2/2), Kali Mountford (10/10), Mr George Mudie (1/7), Mr Chris Mullin (1/1), Ms Meg Munn (2/2), Mr Denis Murphy (4/6), Mr Jim Murphy (7/7), Dr Andrew Murrison (3/3), Dr Doug Naysmith (5/5), Mr Archie Norman (0/8), Dan Norris (6/6), Mr Mark Oaten (4/11), Lembit Öpik (12/15), Diana Organ (6/6), Mr George Osborne (4/4), Sandra Osborne (4/4), Richard Ottoway (0/1), Albert Owen (3/4), Mr Richard Page (1/3), Mr James Paice (5/5), The Reverend Ian Paisley (0/1), Dr Nick Palmer (4/4), Mr Owen Paterson (1/1), Mr Ian Pearson (5/5), Linda Perham (6/7), Anne Picking (5/5), Mr Eric Pickles (1/1), Mr Colin Pickthall (3/3), Mr James Plaskitt (2/4), Mr Kerry Pollard (5/5), Mr Chris Pond (5/5), Mr Greg Pope (5/5), Mr Stephen Pound (3/4), Bridget Prentice (17/17), Mr Gordon Prentice (3/4), Adam Price (1/2), Dawn Primarolo (4/4), Mr Mark Prisk (6/6), Mr Gwyn Prosser (5/6), Dr John Pugh (4/6), Mr Ken Purchase (2/2), James Purnell (3/3), Joyce Quin (4/5), Lawrie Quinn (2/2), Mr Bill Rammell (1/1), Mr John Randall (1/1), Syd Rapson (2/2), Mr John Redwood (2/7), Mr Andy Reed (4/5), Mr Alan Reid (4/4), Mr David Rendel (2/2), Mr Andrew Robathan (2/3), Angus Robertson (1/1), Hugh Robertson (4/7), John Robertson (2/3), Mr Laurence Robertson (2/2), Mr Geoffrey Robinson (2/2), Iris Robinson (1/1), Mrs Barbara Roche (2/2), Mr Terry Rooney (3/3), Andrew Rosindell (3/4), Mr Ernie Ross (5/5), Mr Frank Roy (3/3), Chris Ruane (1/1), Joan Ruddock (6/8), Mr David Ruffley (4/5), Bob Russell (11/11), Christine Russell (4/5), Joan Ryan (9/9), Mr Martin Salter (5/5), Mr Adrian Sanders (1/2), Mr Mohammad Sarwar (4/6), Mr Malcolm Savidge (4/4), Phil Sawford (6/6), Mr Jonathan Sayeed (0/1), Mr Brian Sedgemore (5/6), Andrew Selous (0/4), Jonathan Shaw (4/8), Mrs Gillian Shephard (3/6), Mr Richard Shepherd (5/8), Jim Sheridan (4/5), Ms Debra Shipley (1/1), Clare Short (1/3), Mr Mark Simmonds (1/1), Mr Siôn Simon (6/7), Alan Simpson (3/3), Mr Marsha Singh (7/7), Mr Dennis Skinner (2/2), Angela Smith (4/5), Mr Chris Smith (2/2), Geraldine Smith (2/2), Jacqui Smith (1/1), Mr John Smith (2/6), Llew Smith (3/7), Sir Robert Smith (2/2), The Reverend Martin Smyth (4/5), Mr Clive Soley (4/5), Mr John Spellar (11/11), Bob Spink (2/4), Mr Richard Spring (3/3), Rachel Squire (3/4), Sir John Stanley (1/1), Dr Phyllis Starkey (2/2), Mr Gerry Steinberg (1/3), Mr David Stewart (3/3), Ian Stewart (10/10), Mr Paul Stinchcombe (5/5), Dr Howard Stoate (4/4), Dr Gavin Strang (2/4), Mr Gary Streeter (1/2), Mr Graham Stringer (3/7), Ms Gisela Stuart (4/5), Mr Andrew Stunell (2/3), Mr Gerry Sutcliffe (8/8), Mr Desmond Swayne (14/14), Mr Hugo Swire (11/22), Mr Robert Syms (4/4), Mark Tami (4/4), Sir Peter Tapsell (0/1), Ms Dari Taylor (4/4), Mr Ian Taylor (3/12), Mr John Taylor (3/5), Sir Teddy Taylor (6/11), Sarah Teather (1/1), Gareth Thomas (Clwyd West) (4/4), Mr Gareth Thomas (Harrow West) (1/1), John Thurso (3/5), Mr Stephen Timms (4/4), Paddy Tipping (5/5), Mr Mark Todd (3/3), Mr Don Touhig (1/1), Mr David Tredinnick (0/1), Mr Michael Trend (2/6), Jon Trickett (4/4), Mr David Trimble (4/4), Mr Paul Truswell (5/7), Mr Andrew Turner (2/4), Dr Desmond Turner (5/5), Mr Neil Turner (1/1), Derek Twigg (7/7), Mr Paul Tyler (2/4), Mr Bill Tynan (1/3), Mr Andrew Tyrie (4/4), Keith Vaz (3/5), Mr Peter Viggers (0/1), Dr Rudi Vis (1/2), Joan Walley (5/6), Mr Robert Walter (0/3), Claire Ward (6/6), Mr Robert N. Wareing (4/4), Mr Nigel Waterson (2/2), Angela Watkinson (11/15), Mr Tom Watson (8/8), Mr Dave Watts (2/2), Steve Webb (4/9), Brian White (2/3), Dr Alan Whitehead (4/4), Mr John Whittingdale (1/1), Malcolm Wicks (2/2), Mr Bill Wiggin (1/1), Mr John Wilkinson (2/3), Mrs Betty Williams (3/6), Hywel Williams (1/1), Mr Roger Williams (6/6), Mr Phil Willis (1/4), Mr Michael Wills (2/2), Mr David Wilshire (12/18), Mr Brian Wilson (0/4), David Winnick (2/4), Ann Winterton (2/5), Pete Wishart (4/4), Mr Mike Wood (2/4), Mr Shaun Woodward (2/4), Mr Phil Woolas (1/1), Tony Worthington (3/4), Mr Anthony D. Wright (4/5), David Wright (6/6), Iain Wright (1/1), Tony Wright (0/1), Derek Wyatt (3/5), Richard Younger-Ross (4/7).

Overall percentage attendance: 75%

Other Members' attendance: the following Members attended Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation pursuant to Standing Order No. 118(2):

Mr Harry Barnes (1), Miss Anne Begg (1), Mr Tim Boswell (1), Mr Menzies Campbell (1), Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (1), Ross Cranston (1), Mr David Curry (1), Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody (1), Mr Nigel Evans (1), Mr Eric Forth (1), Mr Roger Gale (1), Mr Oliver Heald (1), Mr George Howarth (1), Mr Andrew Hunter (1), Huw Irranca-Davies (1), Jim Knight (1), Mr Patrick McLoughlin (1), Andrew Mackinlay (2), Mr Michael Mates (1), Lembit Öpik (1), Mr George Osborne (1), Mr Gordon Prentice (1), Ian Stewart (1), Sir Teddy Taylor (1), Mr David Tredinnick (1), Mr Andrew Tyrie (1), Mrs Angela Watkinson (1), Ann Winterton (1), Sir Nicholas Winterton (1).


(See also Regulatory Reform Committee Return on p. 288)


Number of Proposals—
  laid before the House10
  reported on by the Regulatory Reform Committee 9*
    amendment recommended 5
Number of draft Orders—
  laid before the House5
  reported on by the Regulatory Reform Committee 5
    approved on division 0
  considered by the House4
  approved by the House4

*including 2 proposals laid in Session 2002-03

Proposals for Regulatory Reform Orders
12 proposals were before the House for consideration in Session 2003-04, of which 2 were laid in Session 2002-03.
*Regulatory Reform (Sunday Trading) Order 2004
*Regulatory Reform (Patents) Order 2004
Regulatory Reform (National Health Service Charitable Trust Accounts and Audit) Order
Regulatory Reform (Museum of London) (Location of Premises) Order 2004
Regulatory Reform (Local Commissioner for Wales) Order 2004
Regulatory Reform (Trading Stamps) Order 2004
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order
Regulatory Reform (Unsolicited Goods and Services Act 1971) (Directory Entries and Demands for Payment) Order 2004
Regulatory Reform (Execution of Deeds and Documents) Order 2004
Regulatory Reform (Registration of Births and Deaths) (England and Wales) Order 2004
Regulatory Reform (Joint Nature Conservation Committee) Order 2005
Regulatory Reform (Prison Officers) (Industrial Action) Order 2004

The Committee reported formally on 9 of these, making recommendations as set out below—
vi.  That draft Orders in the same terms should be laid before the House:
*Regulatory Reform (Sunday Trading) Order 2004
Regulatory Reform (National Health Service Charitable Trust Accounts and Audit) Order 2004
Regulatory Reform (Museum of London) (Location of Premises) Order 2004
Regulatory Reform (Execution of Deeds and Documents) Order 2004

vii.  That the proposal should be amended before a draft Order is laid before the House:
*Regulatory Reform (Patents) Order 2004
Regulatory Reform (Local Commissioner for Wales) Order 2004
Regulatory Reform (Trading Stamps) Order 2004
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2004
Regulatory Reform (Unsolicited Goods and Services Act 1971) (Directory Entries and Demands for Payment) Order 2004

viii.  That the Order-making power should not be used:

* indicates a proposal laid before the House in Session 2002-03

Draft Regulatory Reform Orders
Five draft Orders as set out below were before the House for consideration in Session 2003-04.
Draft Regulatory Reform (Sunday Trading) Order 2004
Draft Regulatory Reform (Museum of London) (Location of Premises) Order 2004
Draft Regulatory Reform (Patents) Order 2004
Draft Regulatory Reform (Local Commissioner for Wales) Order 2004
Draft Regulatory Reform (Unsolicited Goods and Services Act 1971) (Directory Entries and Demands for Payment) Order 2004

The Committee recommended, without Division, that the House approve five draft Orders.
Four draft Orders as set out below were considered and approved by the House in Session 2003-04.

Draft Regulatory Reform (Sunday Trading) Order 2004
Draft Regulatory Reform (Museum of London) (Location of Premises) Order 2004
Draft Regulatory Reform (Patents) Order 2004
Draft Regulatory Reform (Local Commissioner for Wales) Order 2004

F  Remedial Orders under the Human Rights Act 1998

(See also Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) Return on p. 227. For a summary of the procedures applying to remedial orders, see Joint Committee on Human Rights, Seventh Report Session 2001-02, HC 473, Annex A)


Number of proposals for draft Orders—
  laid before the House0
  reported on:0
    recommended by JCHR to proceed without amendment 0
    recommended by JCHR to proceed with amendment 0
    recommended by JCHR not to proceed 0
Number of draft Orders—
  laid before the House0
  reported on:0
    recommended by JCHR to be approved 0
    recommended by JCHR to be disapproved 0
  considered by the House0
    approved by the House 0
Number of Urgent Procedure Orders—
  laid before the House1
  laid before the House in replacement form: 0
    recommended by JCHR to be approved 1
    recommended by JCHR to be replaced 0
  recommended by JCHR to be disapproved 0
  considered by the House1
  approved by the House1

Proposals for draft Remedial Orders


Draft Remedial Orders


Urgent Procedure Remedial Orders

One Remedial Order as set out below was laid before the House under the urgent procedure in Session 2003-04.

Naval Discipline Act 1957 (Remedial) Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 66)

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