Sessional Returns 2003-04 - Contents


Information and statistics relating to European Union documents (as defined in Standing Order No. 143 (European Scrutiny Committee) paragraph (1) (i)-(vi).

A  Consideration by the European Scrutiny Committee

No. of documents considered by the European Scrutiny Committee
No. referred to European Standing Committee A
No. referred to European Standing Committee B
No. referred to European Standing Committee C
No. recommended for debate on the floor of the House
No. to which the attention of the House was drawn


Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House

No. of documents considered on the floor of the House No. of documents debated on the floor of the House No. of documents on which the Question was put forthwith
3 on 2 motions 3 on 2 motions 36 on 27 motions

Consideration in European Standing Committee

Title of document
Date considered
Controls on fluorinated greenhouse gases (12179/03)
14th January 2004
Protection of groundwater against pollution (12985/03)
21st January 2004
Common Agricultural Policy: Reform of the Tobacco, Olive Oil, Cotton and Sugar Sectors (12965/03)
29th January 2004
Trans-European Transport Network (COM (03)132)
2nd February 2004
Levels of certain heavy metals in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air (11645/03)
25th February 2004
Fisheries: Catch quotas and effort limitation 2004 (15388/03)
11 March 2004
Recovery of sole stocks in the Western Channel and Bay of Biscay (5199/04 and 5205/04)
30th March 2004
Protection of animals during transport (7969/01, Addendum 1 and 11794/03)
20th April 2004
Global Navigation Systems (12058/03 and 6470/04)
7th June 2004
Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals (REACH) (15409/03)
16th June 2004
Marketing of maize genetically modified for glyphosate tolerance (8235/04)
21st June 2004
Establishment of a community fisheries control agency (9149/04)
8th September 2004
Driving licences (15820/03)
13th September 2004
Marketing of oilseed rape genetically modified for glyphosate tolerance (12343/04)
2nd November 2004
Total number of documents considered: 17
Total number of meetings: 14

Chairmen and Members of European Standing Committee A

Chairmen (appointment): The following members of the Chairmen's panel were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of European Standing Committee A:
Mrs Irene Adams (1), Ms Janet Anderson (2), Mr Nigel Beard (1), Miss Anne Begg (1), Mr Martin Caton (1), Mr Bill O'Brien (1), Mr Roger Gale (1), Mr Kevin Hughes (2), Mr Alan Hurst (2), Mr John McWilliam (1), Mr Peter Pike (2), Mr David Taylor (1)

Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members were appointed by the Committee of Selection to European Standing Committee A:
Mrs Janet Dean (10/14), Mr Parmjit Dhanda (11/14), Mr Michael Jabez Foster (Hastings and Rye) (13/14), Mr Mark Francois (8/14), Matthew Green (7/14), David Hamilton (2/14), Mr Mark Hoban (2/14), Norman Lamb (4/14), Rob Marris (6/14), Sandra Osborne (8/14), Lawrie Quinn (11/14), Mr Peter Viggers (2/14), Dr Rudi Vis (11/14).

Overall percentage attendance: 52%

Title of document
Date considered
Security at European Council meetings and other comparable events (10965/3/03)
10th December 2004
Procedures for granting and withdrawing refugee status (14686/03)
5th February 2004
Activities of OLAF and the fight against fraud (11954 and 11993/03)
23rd February 2004
Activity of the European Anti-Fraud Office; Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum from HM Treasury dated 20 October 2003; Annual Report of the European Court of Auditors; and Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum from HM Treasury dated 7 January 2004
23rd February 2004
Value Added Tax (13853/03)
10th March 2004
Asylum Systems (10243/03)
21st April 2004
Co-operation with the Occupied Territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip (12441/03)
11th May 2004
Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum dated 26th May 2004, submitted by the Ministry of Defence, relating to establishing a European Defence Agency
22nd June 2004
Staff regulations of officials of the European Communities (15185/03)
23rd June 2004
Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum on the Preliminary Draft Budget 2005
30th June 2004
Approximation, mutual recognition and enforcement of criminal sanctions (9317/04)
15th September 2004
Integration of Financial Markets (4156/04)
20th October 2004
General Arrangements for excise (8241/04)
27th October 2004
Credit institutions and investment firms (11545/04 and Addenda 1-3)
8th November 2004
Total number of documents considered: 18
Total number of meetings: 13

Chairmen and Members of European Standing Committee B

Chairmen (appointment): The following members of the Chairmen's panel were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of European Standing Committee B:
Mr Nigel Beard (3), Miss Anne Begg (1), Mr David Chidgey (1), Mr James Cran (1), Mr Eric Forth (1), Mr Roger Gale (2), Mr Kevin Hughes (1), Mrs Marian Roe (1), Mr David Taylor (1)

Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members were appointed by the Committee of Selection to European Standing Committee B:
John Barrett (1/13), David Cairns (11/13), Paul Farrelly (10/13), Dr Hywel Francis (10/13), Jane Griffiths (1/13), Mr Kelvin Hopkins (11/13), Mr Boris Johnson (4/13), Mr Elfyn Llwyd (3/10), Dr Nick Palmer (10/13), Anne Picking (3/13), Mark Tami (9/13), Mr Robert Walter (4/13), Mr John Wilkinson (4/13), Hywel Williams (0/3)

Overall percentage attendance: 48%

Title of document
Date considered
European Space Policy (14886/03)
11th February 2004
Changes to the working time directive (5188/04)
24th March 2004
Marketing of sweet corn from genetically modified maize (5916/04)
26th April 2004
Disposal of batteries and accumulators (15494/03)
28th April 2004
Doha Development Agency (15529/03)
5th May 2004
Nutrition and health claims made on foods (11646/03)
6th May 2004
Industrial Policy for an enlarged Europe (8875/04)
13th October 2004
Total number of documents considered: 7
Total number of meetings: 7

Chairmen and Members of European Standing Committee C

Chairmen (appointment): The following members of the Chairmen's panel were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of European Standing Committee C:
Mrs Irene Adams (1), Mr John Cummings (2), Mr Eric Forth (1), Mr Mike Hancock (1), Mr Kevin Hughes (1), Mr Edward O'Hara (1)

Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members were appointed by the Committee of Selection to European Standing Committee C:
Tony Cunningham (6/7), Valerie Davey (5/7), Jim Dobbin (4/7), Mr Dai Havard (3/7), Mr Ivan Henderson (6/7), Stephen Hesford (6/7), Mr Michael Jack (0/7), Mr Iain Luke (5/7), Dr Andrew Murrison (6/7), The Reverend Martin Smyth (6/7), Mr Hugo Swire (6/7), Mr Anthony D. Wright (7/7), Richard Younger-Ross (7/7).

Overall percentage attendance: 74%

Other Members: the following Members attended meetings of European Standing Committees pursuant to Standing Order No. 119(5):
Mr Bob Ainsworth (1), Mr James Arbuthnot (1), Norman Baker (2), Hugh Bayley (1), Mr Henry Bellingham (2), Hilary Benn (1), Mr John Bercow (1), Mrs Liz Blackman (1), Mr Crispin Blunt (1), Peter Bradley (1), Mr Ben Bradshaw (3), Tom Brake (1), Malcolm Bruce (2), Richard Burden (1), Andy Burnham (1), Mr Christopher Chope (1), Mr Michael Connarty (4), Jeremy Corbyn (1), Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (1), Tony Cunningham (3), Mr Jonathan Djanogly (1), Mr David Drew (3), Sue Doughty (3), Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody (1), Michael Fabricant (1), Mr Howard Flight (1), Caroline Flint (4), Mr Michael Foster (Worcester) (1), Mr Mark Francois (2), Andrew George (3), Mrs Cheryl Gillan (1), Chris Grayling (1), Mr David Heathcoat-Amory (1), Mr Ivan Henderson (1), Mr Mark Hendrick (1), Mr Douglas Hogg (1), Mr Geoff Hoon (1), Mr Gerald Howarth (1), Dr Kim Howells (1), Mr Kevin Hughes (1), Mr John Hutton (1), Mr David Jamieson (2), Eric Joyce (1), Miss Melanie Johnson (2), Ruth Kelly (1), Mr Robert Key (1), Mr Greg Knight (1), Tom Levitt (1), Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger (1), Mr Peter Lilley (1), Mr Andrew Love (1), Mr John McFall (1), Miss Anne McIntosh (1), Shona McIsaac (2), Andrew Mackinlay (1), Mr Denis MacShane (2), Mr Humfrey Malins (2), Patrick Mercer (1), Mr Gillian Merron (1), Alun Michael (2), Margaret Moran (1), Mr Elliot Morley (4), Mr Jim Murphy (27), Mr Mike O'Brien (1), Mr George Osborne (1), Richard Ottaway (1), Dr Nick Palmer (1), Mr Owen Paterson (4), Dawn Primarolo (3), Mr Mark Prisk (1), Mr John Redwood (1), Mr Lawrence Robertson (1), Joan Ruddock (2), Jacqui Smith (1), Mr Nicholas Soames (1), Mrs Caroline Spelman (1), Mr Richard Spring (1), Dr Phyllis Starkey (1), Ian Stewart (3), Mr Gerry Sutcliffe (2), Mr Stephen Timms (3), Dr Jenny Tonge (1), Derek Twigg (1), Mr Bill Tynan (1), Mr Andrew Tyrie (4), Claire Ward (1), Mr Tom Watson (2), Mr John Whittingdale (2), Ann Winterton (1).

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