Names of Members | Committees to which nominated
Adams, Mrs Irene | Chairmen's Panel; Finance and Services; Liaison; Scottish Affairs
Ainger, Mr Nick | Administration
Ainsworth, Mr Bob | Accommodation and Works; Finance and Services; Selection
Ainsworth, Mr Peter | Environmental Audit; Liaison
Allan, Mr Richard | Information; Liaison; Public Accounts
Amess, Mr David | Chairmen's Panel; Health
Anderson, Donald | Foreign Affairs; Liaison
Anderson, Janet | Catering; Chairmen's Panel; Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee); Draft Gambling Bill (Regional Casinos) (Joint Committee); Home Affairs
Atherton, Ms Candy | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Atkinson, Mr Peter | Catering; Court of Referees; Procedure
Austin, John | Health; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Bacon, Mr Richard | European Scrutiny; Public Accounts
Bailey, Mr Adrian | Northern Ireland Affairs; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Baird, Vera | Work and Pensions
Baldry, Tony | International Development; Liaison
Banks, Mr Tony | Accommodation and Works; Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee); Draft Gambling Bill (Regional Casinos) (Joint Committee)
Barker, Gregory | Broadcasting; Environmental Audit
Barnes, Mr Harry | Northern Ireland Affairs
Barrett, John | International Development
Battle, Mr John | International Development
Bayley, Hugh | International Development
Beard, Mr Nigel | Chairmen's Panel; Treasury; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Begg, Miss Anne | Chairmen's Panel; Draft Disability Discrimination Bill (Joint Committee); Work and Pensions
Beggs, Mr Roy | Northern Ireland Affairs
Beith, Mr A.J. | Constitutional Affairs; Liaison
Bell, Sir Stuart | Finance and Services; Liaison
Bellingham, Mr Henry | Trade and Industry
Bennett, Andrew | Liaison; Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions; Statutory Instruments
Benton, Mr Joe | Chairmen's Panel
Bercow, Mr John | International Development; Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions; Procedure
Beresford, Sir Paul | Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Berry, Mr Roger | Draft Disability Discrimination Bill (Joint Committee); Trade and Industry
Best, Mr Harold | Accommodation and Works; Environmental Audit
Betts, Mr Clive | Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Blackman, Mrs Liz | Draft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee)
Blunt, Mr Crispin | Defence
Bottomley, Peter | Constitutional Affairs; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Bradley, Mr Keith | Health |
Brady, Mr Graham | Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Breed, Mr Colin | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; European Scrutiny
Brennan, Kevin | Public Administration
Brooke, Annette | Public Administration
Brown, Mr Russell | Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Regulatory Reform
Browning, Mrs Angela | Draft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee); Public Accounts; Standards and Privileges
Bryant, Chris | Culture, Media and Sport
Buck, Ms Karen | Work and Pensions
Burden, Richard | Trade and Industry
Burnett, Mr John | Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Procedure
Burns, Mr Simon | Health |
Burnside, David | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Burstow, Mr Paul | Health |
Butterfill, Sir John | Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Cairns, David | Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
Calton, Mrs Patsy | Administration; Health
Cameron, Mr David | Home Affairs; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Campbell, Mr Alan | Draft Charities Bill (Joint Committee)
Campbell, Mrs Anne | Public Administration
Campbell, Mr Gregory | Northern Ireland Affairs; Transport
Campbell, Mr Ronnie | Catering
Carmichael, Mr Alistair | Scottish Affairs
Cash, Mr William | European Scrutiny
Caton, Mr Martin | Chairmen's Panel; Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Welsh Affairs
Challen, Mr Colin | Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Environmental Audit; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Chapman, Sir Sydney | Public Administration
Chaytor, Mr David | Education and Skills; Environmental Audit
Chidgey, Mr David | Chairmen's Panel; Foreign Affairs; Human Rights (Joint Committee)
Clapham, Mr Michael | Trade and Industry
Clappison, Mr James | Constitutional Affairs; Home Affairs
Clark, Mrs Helen | Broadcasting; Environmental Audit
Clarke, Mr Kenneth | Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Clarke, Mr Tom | Draft Disability Discrimination Bill (Joint Committee)
Clarke, Mr Tony | Northern Ireland Affairs
Clelland, Mr David | Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Clwyd, Ann | International Development
Coffey, Ann | Modernisation of the House of Commons
Colman, Mr Tony | International Development
Connarty, Mr Michael | European Scrutiny
Conway, Derek | Accommodation and Works; Chairmen's Panel; Finance and Services; Liaison
Cook, Frank | Chairmen's Panel
Cormack, Sir Patrick | Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
Corston, Jean | Human Rights (Joint Committee); Liaison
Cotter, Brian | Regulatory Reform
Cousins, Mr Jim | Treasury |
Cran, Mr James | Chairmen's Panel; Defence
Cranston, Ross | Constitutional Affairs; Standards and Privileges
Crausby, Mr David | Defence
Cruddas, Jon | Public Accounts
Cryer, Mrs Ann | Constitutional Affairs
Cummings, Mr John | Chairmen's Panel; Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Cunningham, Mr Jim | Constitutional Affairs
Cunningham, Tony | Catering; European Scrutiny
Curry, Mr David | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Public Accounts
Curtis-Thomas, Mrs Claire | Home Affairs
Davey, Valerie | Education and Skills
David, Mr Wayne | European Scrutiny; Standards and Privileges
Davidson, Mr Ian | Public Accounts
Davies, Mr Quentin | International Development
Davis, Mr Terry | European Scrutiny
Dawson, Mr Hilton | Constitutional Affairs
Dean, Mrs Janet | Catering; Home Affairs
Denham, Mr John | Home Affairs; Liaison
Dhanda, Mr Parmjit | Science and Technology; Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee); Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Dismore, Mr Andrew | Standards and Privileges; Work and Pensions
Djanogly, Mr Jonathan | Trade and Industry
Dobbin, Jim | Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); European Scrutiny
Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey M. | Regulatory Reform; Statutory Instruments; Transport
Donohoe, Mr Brian H. | Transport
Doran, Mr Frank | Culture, Media and Sport
Doughty, Sue | Environmental Audit
Dowd, Jim | Health |
Drew, Mr David | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Duncan, Mr Peter | Scottish Affairs
Dunwoody, Mrs Gwyneth | Liaison; Transport
Eagle, Angela | Treasury |
Edwards, Mr Huw | Welsh Affairs
Efford, Clive | Transport |
Ellman, Mrs Louise | Transport
Ennis, Jeff | Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee); Draft Gambling Bill (Regional Casinos) (Joint Committee); Education and Skills
Evans, Mr Nigel | Trade and Industry; Welsh Affairs
Fabricant, Michael | Culture, Media and Sport; Finance and Services
Fallon, Mr Michael | Treasury
Farrelly, Paul | Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Science and Technology; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Field, Mr Frank | Public Accounts
Field, Mr Mark | Constitutional Affairs
Fitzpatrick, Jim | Selection
Flint, Caroline | Administration
Flook, Mr Adrian | Culture, Media and Sport
Flynn, Paul | Environmental Audit
Follett, Barbara | Modernisation of the House of Commons
Forth, Mr Eric | Chairmen's Panel; Statutory Instruments
Foster, Mr Derek | Standards and Privileges
Foster, Mr Michael Jabez | Standards and Privileges
Foulkes, Mr George | Draft Charities Bill (Joint Committee)
Francis, Dr Hywel | Welsh Affairs
Francois, Mr Mark | Environmental Audit
Gale, Mr Roger | Broadcasting; Chairmen's Panel
Gapes, Mike | Defence |
Gardiner, Mr Barry | Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
George, Mr Bruce | Defence; Liaison
Gerrard, Mr Neil | Information
Gibb, Mr Nick | Education and Skills; Public Accounts
Gibson, Dr Ian | Liaison; Science and Technology
Gillan, Mrs Cheryl | Public Accounts
Goodman, Mr Paul | Draft Disability Discrimination Bill (Joint Committee); Regulatory Reform; Work and Pensions
Green, Mr Damian | Home Affairs
Greenway, Mr John | Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee); Draft Gambling Bill (Regional Casinos) (Joint Committee)
Griffiths, Mr Win | Chairmen's Panel
Hain, Mr Peter | Modernisation of the House of Commons
Hall, Mr Patrick | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Hamilton, David | Broadcasting; Procedure; Scottish Affairs; Work and Pensions
Hamilton, Mr Fabian | Foreign Affairs
Hancock, Mr Mike | Chairmen's Panel; Defence
Harris, Dr Evan | Science and Technology
Harvey, Nick | European Scrutiny
Haselhurst, Sir Alan | Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Havard, Mr Dai | Defence; Regulatory Reform
Hawkins, Mr Nick | Culture, Media and Sport
Heal, Sylvia | Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Heald, Mr Oliver | Modernisation of the House of Commons
Heath, Mr David | Standards and Privileges
Heathcoat-Amory, Mr David | European Scrutiny; Treasury
Hendrick, Mr Mark | European Scrutiny
Hendry, Charles | Culture, Media and Sport
Hepburn, Mr Stephen | Accommodation and Works; Northern Ireland Affairs
Heppell, Mr John | Selection
Heyes, Mr David | Public Administration
Hinchliffe, Mr David | Draft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee); Health; Liaison
Hoey, Kate | Science and Technology
Holmes, Paul | Education and Skills
Hood, Mr Jimmy | Chairmen's Panel; European Scrutiny; Liaison
Hopkins, Mr Kelvin | Public Administration
Horam, Mr John | Environmental Audit
Howarth, Mr George | Draft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee)
Hoyle, Mr Lindsay | Catering; Trade and Industry
Hughes, Mr Kevin | Chairmen's Panel; Statutory Instruments
Humble, Mrs Joan | Work and Pensions
Hurst, Mr Alan | Chairmen's Panel
Iddon, Dr Brian | Science and Technology
Illsley, Mr Eric | Chairmen's Panel; Foreign Affairs; Procedure
Irranca-Davies, Huw | Procedure; Statutory Instruments
Jack, Mr Michael | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Information; Liaison; Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Jackson, Mr Robert | Education and Skills
Jenkins, Mr Brian | Public Accounts; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Jones, Helen | Education and Skills; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Jones, Mr Jon Owen | Environmental Audit; Health
Jones, Mr Kevan | Defence |
Jones, Mr Martyn | Liaison; Welsh Affairs
Jones, Mr Nigel | Public Accounts
Joyce, Eric | Procedure |
Kaufman, Sir Gerald | Culture, Media and Sport; Liaison
Keeble, Ms Sally | Draft Charities Bill (Joint Committee)
Keen, Alan | Culture, Media and Sport
Kelly, Ruth | Public Accounts
Key, Mr Robert | Finance and Services; Information; Liaison; Science and Technology
Khabra, Mr Piara S. | International Development
Kidney, Mr David | Modernisation of the House of Commons
King, Andy | Regulatory Reform
Kirkbride, Miss Julie | Catering; Culture, Media and Sport; Trade and Industry
Kirkwood, Sir Archy | Court of Referees; Liaison; Work and Pensions
Laing, Mrs Eleanor | Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Lamb, Norman | Treasury |
Lansley, Mr Andrew | Trade and Industry
Laws, Mr David | Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Lazarowicz, Mr Mark | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Regulatory Reform
Leigh, Mr Edward | Liaison; Public Accounts
Lepper, Mr David | Broadcasting; Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Finance and Services; Liaison
Levitt, Tom | Draft Disability Discrimination Bill (Joint Committee)
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Public Administration; Scottish Affairs
Linton, Martin | Administration; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Lord, Sir Michael | Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Loughton, Tim | Draft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee)
Love, Mr Andrew | Regulatory Reform
Lucas, Ian | Transport |
Luff, Mr Peter | Administration; Information; Selection
Luke, Mr Iain | Administration; Broadcasting; Northern Ireland Affairs; Procedure
Lyons, Mr John | Broadcasting; Public Administration; Scottish Affairs
McAvoy, Mr Thomas | Finance and Services
McCafferty, Chris | International Development
McDonagh, Siobhain | Health; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
MacDougall, Mr John | Administration; Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Regulatory Reform; Scottish Affairs
McFall, Mr John | Liaison; Treasury
McGrady, Mr Eddie | Northern Ireland Affairs
McIntosh, Miss Anne | Transport
Mackay, Mr Andrew | Foreign Affairs; Standards and Privileges
McKechin, Ann | Information; Scottish Affairs
McKenna, Rosemary | Culture, Media and Sport; Procedure
Mackinlay, Andrew | Foreign Affairs
McLoughlin, Mr Patrick | Accommodation and Works; Finance and Services; Modernisation of the House of Commons
McNamara, Mr Kevin | Human Rights (Joint Committee); Standards and Privileges
McWalter, Mr Tony | Procedure; Science and Technology
McWilliam, Mr John | Chairmen's Panel; Environmental Audit; Liaison; Selection
Mahmood, Mr Khalid | Broadcasting
Mallaber, Judy | Trade and Industry
Mann, John | Information; Treasury; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Maples, Mr John | Foreign Affairs
Marris, Rob | Work and Pensions
Marsden, Mr Paul | Draft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee); Transport
Marshall, Mr Jim | European Scrutiny
Mates, Mr Michael | Liaison; Northern Ireland Affairs
Meale, Mr Alan | Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee); Draft Gambling Bill (Regional Casinos) (Joint Committee)
Milburn, Mr Alan | Draft Charities Bill (Joint Committee)
Mitchell, Mr Andrew | Draft Charities Bill (Joint Committee); Modernisation of the House of Commons
Mitchell, Mr Austin | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Moffatt, Laura | Draft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee)
Mole, Chris | Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions; Regulatory Reform; Statutory Instruments
Moran, Margaret | Information
Morgan, Julie | Administration; Welsh Affairs
Morley, Mr Elliot | Environmental Audit
Mudie, Mr George | Treasury
Munn, Ms Meg | Draft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee)
Murphy, Mr Denis | Regulatory Reform
Murrison, Dr Andrew | Science and Technology
Naysmith, Dr Doug | Draft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee); Health; Regulatory Reform
Norman, Mr Archie | Regulatory Reform
O'Brien, Mr Bill | Chairmen's Panel; Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
O'Hara, Mr Edward | Chairmen's Panel
Olner, Mr Bill | Chairmen's Panel; Foreign Affairs
O'Neill, Mr Martin | Liaison; Trade and Industry
Organ, Diana | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Osborne, Mr George | Public Accounts; Transport
Osborne, Sandra | European Scrutiny
Ottaway, Richard | Defence; Foreign Affairs; Standards and Privileges
Owen, Albert | Accommodation and Works; Welsh Affairs
Page, Mr Richard | Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee); Draft Gambling Bill (Regional Casinos) (Joint Committee)
Perham, Linda | Court of Referees; Trade and Industry
Picking, Anne | Accommodation and Works; European Scrutiny; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Pike, Mr Peter | Chairmen's Panel; Liaison; Modernisation of the House of Commons; Regulatory Reform
Plaskitt, Mr James | Treasury
Pollard, Mr Kerry | Education and Skills
Pond, Mr Chris | Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Pope, Mr Greg | Foreign Affairs
Pound, Mr Stephen | Northern Ireland Affairs; Standards and Privileges
Prentice, Bridget | Court of Referees
Prentice, Mr Gordon | Public Administration
Price, Adam | Welsh Affairs
Primarolo, Dawn | Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Prisk, Mr Mark | Welsh Affairs
Prosser, Mr Gwyn | Draft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee); Home Affairs; Information
Pugh, Dr John
| Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee); Draft Gambling Bill (Regional Casinos) (Joint Committee); Transport
Quinn, Lawrie | Selection |
Randall, Mr John | Transport
Reid, Mr Alan | Broadcasting
Robathan, Mr Andrew | International Development
Robertson, Angus | European Scrutiny
Robertson, John | European Scrutiny; Scottish Affairs
Robinson, Mr Peter | Northern Ireland Affairs
Roe, Dame Marion | Administration; Chairmen's Panel; Finance and Services; Liaison
Rosindell, Andrew | Constitutional Affairs; Regulatory Reform; Statutory Instruments
Ross, Mr Ernie | Court of Referees
Roy, Mr Frank | Defence |
Ruddock, Joan | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Ruffley, Mr David | Treasury
Russell, Bob | Draft Charities Bill (Joint Committee); Home Affairs
Russell, Christine | Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Ryan, Joan | Selection |
Salter, Mr Martin | Modernisation of the House of Commons
Sanders, Mr Adrian | Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Sarwar, Mr Mohammad | Scottish Affairs
Savidge, Mr Malcolm | Environmental Audit
Sayeed, Mr Jonathan | Chairmen's Panel
Selous, Andrew | Work and Pensions
Shaw, Jonathan | Education and Skills
Sheerman, Mr Barry | Education and Skills; Liaison
Shephard, Mrs Gillian | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Shepherd, Mr Richard | Human Rights (Joint Committee); Modernisation of the House of Commons
Sheridan, Jim | Broadcasting; Information; Public Accounts
Shipley, Ms Debra | Culture, Media and Sport
Simmonds, Mr Mark | Education and Skills
Simon, Mr Siôn | Public Accounts
Simpson, Alan | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Singh, Mr Marsha | Home Affairs
Smith, Geraldine | Science and Technology
Smith, Sir Robert | Accommodation and Works; Procedure; Trade and Industry; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Smyth, The Reverend Martin | Northern Ireland Affairs
Soames, Mr Nicholas | Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
Soley, Mr Clive | Constitutional Affairs
Spink, Bob | Science and Technology
Squire, Rachel | Defence |
Stanley, Sir John | Foreign Affairs
Steen, Mr Anthony | Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); European Scrutiny; Regulatory Reform
Steinberg, Mr Gerry | Public Accounts
Stevenson, Mr George | Chairmen's Panel; Transport
Stinchcombe, Mr Paul | Human Rights (Joint Committee)
Stoate, Dr Howard | Draft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee)
Streeter, Mr Gary | Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Stringer, Mr Graham | Transport
Stuart, Ms Gisela | Foreign Affairs
Stunell, Mr Andrew | Finance and Services; Modernisation of the House of Commons; Selection
Swayne, Mr Desmond | Procedure
Swire, Mr Hugo | Northern Ireland Affairs
Tami, Mark | Northern Ireland Affairs
Tapsell, Sir Peter | Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Taylor, David | Chairmen's Panel; Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Taylor, Mr John | Home Affairs
Taylor, Dr Richard | Health
Thomas, Mr Simon | Catering; Environmental Audit; Standards and Privileges
Thurso, John | Culture, Media and Sport
Timms, Mr Stephen | Public Accounts
Tipping, Paddy | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Tredinnick, Mr David | Liaison; Statutory Instruments
Trend, Mr Michael | Public Administration
Trickett, Jon | Public Accounts; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Turner, Mr Andrew | Education and Skills
Turner, Mr Dennis | Catering; Court of Referees; Finance and Services; Liaison
Turner, Dr Desmond | Science and Technology
Tyler, Mr Paul | Modernisation of the House of Commons
Tynan, Mr Bill | European Scrutiny; Northern Ireland Affairs
Tyrie, Mr Andrew | Treasury
Vaz, Keith | Constitutional Affairs
Viggers, Mr Peter | Defence
Walley, Joan | Environmental Audit
Walter, Mr Robert | International Development; Treasury; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Waterson, Mr Nigel | Work and Pensions
Weir, Mr Michael | Scottish Affairs
White, Brian | Public Administration; Regulatory Reform; Statutory Instruments
Whitehead, Dr Alan | Constitutional Affairs
Widdecombe, Miss Ann | Chairmen's Panel; Home Affairs
Wiggin, Mr Bill | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Williams, Mr Alan | Liaison; Public Accounts
Williams, Mrs Betty | Welsh Affairs
Williams, Hywel | Draft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee); Welsh Affairs
Williams, Mr Roger | Draft Disability Discrimination Bill (Joint Committee); Welsh Affairs
Winnick, David | Home Affairs
Winterton, Ann | Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Winterton, Sir Nicholas | Chairmen's Panel; Liaison; Modernisation of the House of Commons; Procedure
Wishart, Pete | Catering |
Woodward, Mr Shaun | Human Rights (Joint Committee)
Worthington, Tony | International Development
Wright, Mr Anthony D. | Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee); Draft Gambling Bill (Regional Casinos) (Joint Committee); Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Wright, David | Environmental Audit; Procedure
Wright, Tony | Liaison; Public Administration
Wyatt, Derek | Culture, Media and Sport
Young, Sir George | Liaison; Selection; Standards and Privileges