For website access click on www.parliament.uk/defcom
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 43 meetings. This included 5 "Quadripartite"
meetings held concurrently with the Foreign Affairs, International
Development and Trade and Industry Committees, abbreviated to
'QCM' in the attendance table below, and 1 concurrent meeting
with the Home Affairs Committee, abbreviated to 'HCM' in the attendance
table below.
George, Mr Bruce (Chairman)
Blunt, Mr Crispin (discharged 1.11.04)
Cran, Mr James
Crausby, Mr David
Gapes, Mike
Hancock, Mr Mike
Havard, Mr Dai
Jones, Mr Kevan
Ottaway, Richard (added 1.11.04)
Roy, Mr Frank
Squire, Rachel
Viggers, Mr Peter
Overall Attendance:
Number of Members added:
Number of Members discharged:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
36 (including 5 QCM and 1 HCM)
29 (including 4 QCM and 1 HCM)
32 (including 1 QCM)
28 (including 4 QCM and 1 HCM)
29 (including 1 QCM and 1 HCM)
72.9 %A
9.1 %
A Not including concurrent meetings.
Clerk of Committee: Mark Hutton, Deputy Principal Clerk (SCS Band
Second Clerk: Steven Mark, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Specialists: Ian Rogers, Senior Clerk (Band A2); Dr
John Gearson (until 22.7.04) (Band B1)
Inquiry Manager: Brenda Brevitt (from 4.5.04 until 16.7.04) (Band
A2); Adrian Jenner (from 1.10.04) (Band B1)
Media Officer: Adele Brown (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Fiona Channon (until 11.1.04), Senior Executive
Officer (Band B1); Lis McCracken (from 12.1.04), Higher Executive
Officer (Band B2)
Secretary: Sheryl Dinsdale (Band C)
Senior Office Clerk: James McQuade (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Dr Sibylle Bauer*, Paul Beaver, Dr James Broderick, Professor
Michael Clarke, Peter Clarke, Rear Admiral Richard Cobbold CB,
Professor Cary Cooper CBE, Dr Paul Cornish*, Professor Christopher
Dandeker, Dr Toby Dodge, Dr Jonathan Eyal, Professor Malcolm Harrington,
Dr Irina Isakova, Professor Michael Kerfoot, Professor David Kirkpatrick,
Mr Duncan Lennox, Air Vice Marshal Professor Tony Mason, Andrew
McDonald, Mark Mildred, Professor Stephen Palmer, Sir Michael
Quinlan, Dr Michael Rance, Dr Andrew Rathmell, Paul Read, John
Robbs, Brigadier Austin Thorp, Sue Ward and Professor Paul Wilkinson.
*Specialist Advisers to the Defence, Foreign Affairs, International
Development and Trade and Industry Committees in their joint inquiry
into Strategic Export Controls.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Cabinet Ministers
Other Ministers
Members of House of Lords (of which 1 was also a Minister)
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
Ministry of Defence
Other Government departments
Appearances by other witnesses
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
11-15.1.04 | Washington and Norfolk, USA
| George, Blunt, Cran, Crausby, Gapes, Havard, Jones, Roy, Squire, Viggers
| 2 | Inquiry into Lessons of Iraq
| £33,610.10 |
8-13.2.04 | Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska and Pristina, Kosovo
| George, Blunt, Cran, Crausby, Gapes, Havard, Squire
| 2 | European Security and Defence
| £18,242.67 |
7-11.3.04 | Ankara and Istanbul, Turkey
| George, Blunt, Cran, Crausby, Gapes, Squire
| 2 | Security relations with Turkey
| £12,027.92 |
28-29.4.04 | Brussels and Paris
| Blunt | 1 | Inquiry into Strategic Export Controls by the Quadripartite Committee
| £1,749.44 |
16-20.5.04 | Kuwait and Southern Iraq
| Blunt, Crausby, Gapes, Havard, Jones, Squire
| 1 | Inquiry into Continuing Operations in Iraq
| £17,961.26 |
5-7.9.04 | Island les Embiez, FranceA
| Gapes | 0 | Second Summer Defence Conference of the National Defence and Armed Forces Committee of the French National Assembly
| £23.50 |
A Travel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
9.12.03 | The Defence Storage and Distribution Centre, Bicester
| Cran, Crausby, Havard, Squire | 2
| Inquiry into Lessons of Iraq | £249.09
6.1.04 | HMS Ocean and 42 Commando, Devon
| Blunt, Crausby, Gapes, Havard, Jones, Squire, Viggers
| 3 | Inquiry into Lessons of Iraq
| £366.94 |
20.1.04 | 16 Air Assault Brigade, Colchester
| George, Cran, Havard, Viggers | 2
| Inquiry into Lessons of Iraq | £376.88
30.3.04 | Land Command HQ, WiltshireA
| Gapes, Jones | 2A
| Inquiry into Defence White Paper 2003 |
£259.20 |
21.4.04 | Strike Command, Buckinghamshire
| Cran, Gapes, Havard, Viggers | 2A
| Inquiry into Defence White Paper 2003 |
£155.08 |
29.4.04 | Fleet HQ, Portsmouth
| Cran, Crausby, Gapes, Havard, Viggers | 1
| Inquiry into Defence White Paper 2003 |
£387.00 |
11.5.04 | Upavon, Wiltshire and RAF Halton, Buckinghamshire
| George, Cran, Gapes | 4B
| Inquiry into Duty of Care | £232.00
22.6.04 | RAF Halton, Buckinghamshire
| Jones, Viggers | 2 | Inquiry into Duty of Care
| £71.67 |
28.6.04 | RSC Glencorse, Edinburgh
| Cran, Roy, Squire | 2 | Inquiry into Duty of Care
| £1,532.04 |
29.6.04 | ATR Lichfield, Staffordshire
| Cran, Crausby, Jones | 3 |
Inquiry into Duty of Care | £274.95
5-6.7.04 | HMS Raleigh, Cornwall and CTCRM Lympstone, Devon
| Cran, Crausby | 1 | Inquiry into Duty of Care
| £1,063.00 |
12-13.7.04 | AFC Harrogate and School of Infantry Catterick, North Yorkshire
| George, Jones, Roy | 3A
| Inquiry into Duty of Care | £1,586.90
13.7.04 | BAE Systems, Barrow-in-Furness
| Cran, Crausby | 2A
| Inquiry into Defence Procurement | £177.60
20.7.04 | Farnborough Airshow, Hampshire
| Cran, Crausby, Gapes, Havard, Jones, Squire
| 4A | Inquiry into Defence Procurement
| £364.00 |
26-27.7.04 | RAF Halton, Buckinghamshire
| George | 1 | Inquiry into Duty of Care
| £45.20 |
19.10.04 | DCL Deepcut and School of Defence Catering, St Omer, Surrey
| George, Blunt, Cran, Crausby, Jones, Viggers
| 4A | Inquiry into Duty of Care
| £425.14 |
8.11.04 | Adult Learning Inspectorate
| George | 1 | Inquiry into Duty of Care
| £160.00 (estimated outturn) |
9.11.04 | HMS Collingwood and HMS Sultan, Hampshire
| Cran, Havard, George | 2 |
Inquiry into Duty of Care | £381.00 (estimated outturn)
15-16.11.04 | DEF College of CIS Blandford, Dorset, and ARMR Centre Bovington
| Cran, Crausby, Havard | 2 |
Inquiry into Duty of Care | £1,252.50
A Includes 1 specialist adviser
B Includes 2 specialist advisers
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2003-04) |
Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Armed Forces Pensions and Compensation
| 96-I | 16.12.03 | 60
| £12.00 | Cm 6109, published 15.1.04
Oral and Written Evidence: Armed Forces Pensions and Compensation
| 96-II | 16.12.03 | 56
| £11.00 | Not applicable
Second Report: Annual Report for 2003
| 293 | 4.2.04 | 22
| £6.50 | Not applicable |
Third Report: Lessons of Iraq | 57-I
| 16.3.04 | 215 | £22.00
| Received 14.5.04: published as First Special Report, Session 2003-04
Oral Evidence: Lessons of Iraq | 57-II
| 16.3.04 | 215 | £20.50
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Lessons of Iraq
| 57-III | 16.3.04 | 241
| £21.50 | Not applicable
Fourth Report: Strategic Export Controls: Annual Report for 2002, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary ScrutinyA
| 390 | 18.5.04 | 202
| £22.00 | Cm 6357, published 22.10.04
Written Evidence: Strategic Export Controls: Annual Report for 2002, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary ScrutinyA
| 390-i | 17.11.04 | 20
| £5.50 | Not applicable |
Fifth Report: Defence White Paper 2003
| 465-I | 1.7.04 | 70
| £13.50 | Received 13.9.04: published as Second Special Report, Session 2003-04
Oral and Written Evidence: Defence White Paper 2003
| 465-II | 1.7.04 | 92
| £13.00 | Not applicable
Sixth Report: Defence Procurement |
572-I | 28.7.04 | 56
| £12.00 | Cm 6338, published 11.10.04
Oral and Written Evidence: Defence Procurement
| 572-II | 28.7.04 | 138
| £16.50 | Not applicable
First Special Report: The Government's Response to the Third Report from the Committee, Session 2003-04: Lessons of Iraq
| 635 | 8.6.04 | 53
| £11.50 | Not applicable
Second Special Report: Defence White Paper 2003: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2003-04
| 1048 | 20.9.04 | 20
| £6.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Homeland SecurityB
| 417-i | 8.7.04 | 18
| £5.50 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: MoD Annual Report and Accounts
| 589-i | 27.7.04 | 21
| £5.50 | Not applicable |
Evidence published on the Internet: Duty of Care
| 620-i | 20.10.04 |
| | Not applicable
Evidence published on the Internet: Duty of Care
| 620-ii | 20.10.04 |
| | Not applicable
Evidence published on the Internet: Duty of Care
| 620-iii | 20.10.04 |
| | Not applicable
Evidence published on the Internet: Duty of Care
| 620-iv | 20.10.04 |
| | Not applicable
Evidence published on the Internet: Duty of Care
| 620-v | 20.10.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Duty of Care
| 620-vi | 19.10.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Duty of Care
| 620-vii | 16.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Iraq
| 721-i | 29.6.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Iraq
| 721-ii | 5.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Future Capabilities
| 1031-i | 17.9.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Future Capabilities
| 1031-ii | 2.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Future Capabilities
| 1031-iii | 9.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Future Capabilities
| 1031-iv | 26.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Tri-Service Armed Forces Bill
| 1139-i | 3.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
A Joint publication with the Foreign Affairs, International
Development and Trade and Industry Committees
B Joint publication with the Home Affairs Committee
Government replies to Reports for Session 2002-03
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2002-03
were published on 29.4.03 as HC 1314, Session 2002-03. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2003-04 will be published
as HC 1297, Session 2003-04.
The following Reports were tagged on the Order Paper as being
relevant to a debate in the House:
First Report, Session 2003-04, Armed Forces Pensions and Compensation,
HC 96-I, Armed Forces (Pensions and Compensation) Bill: Second
Reading, 22.1.04; Report and Third Reading, 6.5.04; Lords Amendments,
Third Report, Session 2003-04, Lessons of Iraq, HC
57-I, 20.7.04
Fifth Report, Session 2003-04, Defence White Paper 2003,
HC 465-I, 21.10.04
Sixth Report, Session 2003-04, Defence Procurement, HC
572-I, 4.11.04
The following Oral and Written Evidence were tagged on the Order
Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:
Oral and Written Evidence, Session 2003-04, Defence White Paper:
Delivering Security in a Changing World, HC 465-II, 25.3.04
Oral and Written Evidence, Session 2003-04, Future Capabilities,
HC 1031-i and ii, 21.10.04
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 31 of the Committee's 43 meetings.
On 1 occasion evidence was taken partly or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Defence Procurement | 3
Defence White Paper | 3
Duty of Care | 7
Future Capabilities | 4
Homeland Security | 1
Continuing Operations in Iraq | 2
Lessons of IraqA | 7
MoD Annual Report and Accounts | 1
Strategic Export Controls: Annual Report for 2002 Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny
| 2 |
Tri-Service Armed Forces Bill | 1
Total | 31
A The Committee took oral evidence on this Inquiry
in Session 2002-03; figures appear in the Return for that Session
(HC 1 (2003-04)).
For website access click on: www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_committees/jcdcb.cfm
[Extract from the Votes and Proceedings of the House of Commons,
29 April 2004: "Ordered, That a Select Committee
of six honourable Members be appointed to join with the Committee
appointed by the Lords to consider the draft Charities Bill presented
to both Houses by a Minister of the Crown."]
The Committee was nominated on 29 April 2004.
It had 6 Commons Members and held 14 meetings.
Milburn, Mr Alan (Chairman from 12.5.04)
Campbell, Mr Alan
Foulkes, Mr George
Keeble, Ms Sally
Mitchell, Mr Andrew
Russell, Bob
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
88.1 %
0.0 %
Commons Staff
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Andrew Kennon, Deputy Principal Clerk
(SCS Band 1)
Committee Assistants: Francene Graham, Chief Office Clerk (Band
C) (until 10.10.04), Higher Executive Officer (Band B2) (from
11.10.04); Alison Mara, Chief Office Clerk (Band C)
Team Manager: Lisette Pelletier (Band C)
Office Support Assistant: Mr George Fleck (Band D2)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Ms Margaret Bolton and Professor Jean Warburton.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
Home Office
Appearances by other witnesses
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2003-04)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Draft Charities Bill |
167-I | 30.9.04 | 201
| £22.00 | Awaited |
Oral and Written Evidence: Draft Charities Bill
| 167-II | 30.9.04 | 318
| £4.00 | Not applicable
Memoranda: Draft Charities Bill |
167-III | 30.9.04 | 349
| £8.50 | Not applicable
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2003-04
were published in the First Report of the Committee, Draft
Charities Bill, HC 167-I, Session 2003-04.
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 8 of the Committee's 14 meetings. On
none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly in
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Draft Charities Bill | 8
Total | 8 |
For website access click on: www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_committees/jcdddb.cfm
[Extract from the Votes and Proceedings of the House of Commons,
15 January 2004: "Ordered, That
a Select Committee of six honourable Members be appointed to join
with the Committee appointed by the Lords to consider the draft
Disability Discrimination Bill presented to both Houses."]
The Committee was nominated on 15 January 2004.
It had 6 Commons Members and held 14 meetings.
Begg, Miss Anne
Berry, Mr Roger
Clarke, Mr Tom
Goodman, Mr Paul
Levitt, Mr Tom
Williams, Mr Roger
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
72.6 %
0.0 %
Commons Staff
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Andrew Kennon, Deputy Principal Clerk
(SCS Band 1)
Committee Specialists: Rebecca Farmer, Audit Adviser (Band A2);
Paul Bolton, Statistician (Band A2); Manjit Gheera, Legal Adviser
(Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Mr Richard Dawson, Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Ms Barbara Cohen and Mrs Jenny Morris.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers
Appearances by other witnesses
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2003-04)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Draft Disability Discrimination Bill
| 352-I | 27.5.04 | 181
| £20.00 | Cm 6330, published 22.9.04
Oral and Written Evidence: Draft Disability Discrimination Bill
| 352-II | 27.5.04 | 481
| £34.00 | Not applicable
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2003-04
were published in the First Report of the Committee, Draft
Disability Discrimination Bill, HC 352-I, Session 2003-04.
Date | Subject
27.4.04 | Two, on amendments proposed to the Chairman's draft Report.
The following Report was referred to on the Order Paper as being
relevant to a debate in the House:
First Report, Session 2003-04, Draft Disability Discrimination
Bill, HC 352-I, Disability, 10.6.04
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 9 of the Committee's 14 meetings. On
none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly in
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Draft Disability Discrimination Bill | 9
Total | 9 |
The Government Reply to the Committee's Fifth Report (Privacy
and Media Intrusion) of Session 2002-03 was published as Cm 5985
on 14.10.03. Back