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The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 16 Members and held 38 meetings.
Hood, Mr Jimmy (Chairman)
Bacon, Mr Richard
Breed, Mr Colin (discharged 26.4.04)
Cash, Mr William
Connarty, Mr Michael
Cunningham, Tony (discharged 26.4.04)
David, Mr Wayne
Davis, Mr Terry (discharged 24.6.04)
Dobbin, Jim
Harvey, Nick (added 26.4.04)
Heathcoat-Amory, Mr David
Hendrick, Mr Mark (discharged 14.6.04)
Marshall, Mr Jim (died 27.5.04)
Osborne, Sandra (added 26.4.04)
Picking, Anne (added 14.6.04)
Robertson, Angus
Robertson, John
Steen, Mr Anthony
Tynan, Mr Bill
Overall Attendance:
Number of Members added:
Number of Members discharged:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
54.2 %
31.3 %
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Dorian Gerhold, Deputy Principal Clerk
(SCS Band 1)
Second Clerk: Ms Jane Fox, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Clerk/Advisers: Mr David Griffiths, Senior Clerk (Band A2); Mr
Terry Byrne, Senior Clerk (Band A2); Miss Josephine Eldred (until
12.04.04), Senior Clerk (Band A2); Sir Edward Osmotherly CB, Senior
Clerk (Band A2); Mr Peter Harborne (from 13.4.04), Senior Clerk
(Band A2)
Legal Advisers: Mr Michael Carpenter, Counsel to the Speaker (European
Legislation &c) (SCS Band 2); Dr Gunnar Beck, Assistant Legal
Adviser (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Miss Jacqueline Ahrens, Higher Executive
Officer (Band B2); assisted by Mr Brian Dye, Chief Office Clerk
(Band C); Mr Allen Mitchell, Senior Office Clerk (Band D1) (until
18.7.04), Chief Office Clerk (Band C) (from 19.7.04); Estelita
Manalo, Office Support Assistant (Band D2)
Secretaries: Mrs Keely Bishop, Grade 3 (Band D1) (until 31.3.04),
Grade 2 (Band C) (from 1.4.04); Miss Susan Ramsay, Grade 3 (Band
D1) (until 31.3.04), Grade 2 (Band C) (from 1.4.04); Liz Booth,
Grade 3 (Band D1) (until 31.3.04), Grade 2 (Band C) (from 1.4.04);
Dorothy Royle, Grade 3 (Band D1) (until 31.3.04), Grade 2 (Band
C) (from 1.4.04); Claire Morgan (from 5.1.04 until 22.7.04), (temporary);
Sue Panchanathan (from 14.7.04), Grade 2 (Band C)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Cabinet Ministers
Other Ministers
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Department for International Development
Department of Trade and Industry
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Health and Safety Executive
HM Treasury
Home Office
Appearances by other witnesses
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
26-27.11.03 | RomeA
| Connarty | 1 | Meeting of the chairpersons of COSAC
| £1,140.90 |
9-11.12.03 | Dublin | Hood, Connarty, Dobbin, Hendrick
| 3 | Presidency visit | £6,525.37
18-20.2.04 | DublinA
| | 1 |
Meeting of the chairpersons of COSAC | £787.47
18-20.5.04 | DublinA
| Hood | 1 | COSAC
| £1,603.88 |
23-25.5.04 | The Hague | Hood,
David, Dobbin, Osborne,
J Robertson, Tynan
| 3 | Presidency visit | £10,409.59
13.7.04 | BrusselsA
| Hood | 1 | Meeting with the British Chamber of Commerce in Belgium
| £994.90 |
12-13.9.04 | The HagueA
| Hood | 1 | Meeting of the chairpersons of COSAC
| £1,542.14 |
21-23.11.04 | The HagueA
| Hood,
Tynan | 1
| COSAC | £2,376.11 |
A Travel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
3-4.3.04 | Brussels | Hood, Connarty, David,
J Robertson, Tynan
| 1 | Visit to European Parliament
| £3,543.77 |
11-12.5.04 | Brussels | Hood,
Bacon, Connarty, David, Dobbin, Osborne,
J Robertson, Tynan
| 3 | Visit to European Commission
| £6,018.77
(estimated outturn) |
UK Visits
Date | Destination | Members
| Staff | Purpose | Cost
12.1.04 | AberdeenA
| Hood | 1 | Meeting of Chairs of European Committees of the UK Parliament and the devolved assemblies
| £658.28 |
A Travel in a representative capacity
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2003-04)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report | 42-i | 18.12.03
| 108 | £15.50 | Not applicable
Second Report | 42-ii | 22.12.03
| 60 | £12.00 | Not applicable
Third Report | 42-iii | 14.1.04
| 60 | £12.00 | Not applicable
Fourth Report | 42-iv | 21.1.04
| 64 | £12.00 | Not applicable
Fifth Report | 42-v | 29.1.04
| 76 | £13.50 | Not applicable
Sixth Report: The European Commission's Annual Work Programme for 2004; incorporating HC 1334-I, Session 2002-03
| 42-vi | 26.1.04 | 40
| £10.00 | Not applicable
Seventh Report | 42-vii | 4.2.04
| 72 | £13.50 | Not applicable
Eighth Report: The Committee's work in 2003
| 42-viii | 3.2.04 | 20
| £5.00 | Not applicable |
Ninth Report | 42-ix | 19.2.04
| 132 | £15.50 | Not applicable
Tenth Report | 42-x | 11.3.04
| 44 | £10.00 | Not applicable
Eleventh Report | 42-xi | 11.3.04
| 88 | £14.50 | Not applicable
Twelfth Report | 42-xii | 25.3.04
| 92 | £14.50 | Not applicable
Thirteenth Report | 42-xiii |
1.4.04 | 84 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Fourteenth Report | 42-xiv |
7.4.04 | 48 | £11.00
| Not applicable |
Fifteenth Report: The EU's Financial Perspective for 2007-13 and Reform of the Structural and Cohesion Funds
| 42-xv | 31.3.04 | 32
| £8.50 | Not applicable |
Sixteenth Report | 42-xvi |
8.4.04 | 52 | £11.00
| Not applicable |
Seventeenth Report | 42-xvii |
7.5.04 | 84 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Eighteenth Report | 42-xviii |
12.5.04 | 52 | £11.00
| Not applicable |
Nineteenth Report | 42-xix |
18.5.04 | 40 | £10.00
| Not applicable |
Twentieth Report | 42-xx |
3.6.04 | 80 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Twenty-First Report | 42-xxi |
17.6.04 | 92 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Twenty-Second Report | 42-xxii
| 24.6.04 | 100 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Twenty-Third Report | 42-xxiii
| 1.7.04 | 76 | £13.50
| Not applicable |
Twenty-Fourth Report | 42-xxiv
| 7.7.04 | 56 | £12.00
| Not applicable |
Twenty-Fifth Report | 42-xxv |
13.7.04 | 60 | £12.00
| Not applicable |
Twenty-Sixth Report | 42-xxvi
| 15.7.04 | 36 | £8.50
| Not applicable |
Twenty-Seventh Report | 42-xxvii
| 27.7.04 | 84 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Twenty-Eighth Report: The EU's Justice and Home Affairs work programme for the next five years
| 42-xxviii | 22.7.04 | 28
| £6.50 | Not applicable |
Twenty-Ninth Report | 42-xxix
| 29.7.04 | 56 | £12.00
| Not applicable |
Thirtieth Report | 42-xxx |
22.9.04 | 68 | £13.50
| Not applicable |
Thirty-First Report | 42-xxxi
| 23.9.04 | 68 | £13.50
| Not applicable |
Thirty-Second Report | 42-xxxii
| 28.10.04 | 132 | £15.50
| Not applicable |
Thirty-Third Report | 42-xxxiii
| 4.11.04 | 68 | £12.00
| Not applicable |
Thirty-Fourth Report | 42-xxxiv
| 12.11.04 | 96 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Thirty-Fifth Report | 42-xxxv
| 16.11.04 | 52 | £11.00
| Not applicable |
Thirty-Sixth Report | 42-xxxvi
| 22.11.04 | 92 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Thirty-Seventh Report | 42xxvii
| 1.12.04 | 84 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Oral Evidence:
1. Nuclear Safety;
2. The Energy Provisions of the EU's Draft Constitutional Treaty
| 70-i | 30.1.04 | 16
| £4.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: The Brussels European Council
| 155-i | 3.2.04 | 16
| £4.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Fisheries and other aspects of the EU's draft Constitutional Treaty
| 91-i | 17.2.04 | 12
| £4.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence:
EC External Assistance
| 322-i | 12.3.04 | 16
| £4.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: March European Council
| 511-i | 21.5.04 | 16
| £4.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: The Lisbon Strategy |
528-i | 14.6.04 | 20
| £5.50 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Regional and Cohesion Policy
| 574-i | 14.6.04 | 16
| £4.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: European Evidence Warrant
| 562-i | 6.7.04 | 16
| £4.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Competition policy in the draft EU Treaty
| 700-i | 19.7.04 | 12
| £4.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: The CBI and European Scrutiny
| 1185-i | 11.11.04 | 8
| £4.00 | Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: The EU's constitutional Treaty
| 1064-i | 15.9.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: The EU's constitutional Treaty
| 1064-ii | 17.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: European Agency for Health and Safety at Work
| 1231-i | 3.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Government replies to Reports for Session 2002-03
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2002-03
were published on 16.3.04 as HC 1302, Session 2002-03. The Minutes
of Proceedings for the Committee for Session 2003-04 will be published
as HC 1301, Session 2003-04.
Date | Subject
3.12.03 | One, on a motion concerning the Committee sitting in public.
9.12.03 | One, on consideration of the Committee's Second Report.
17.12.03 | One, on consideration of the Committee's Third Report.
14.1.04 | One, on consideration of the Committee's Fifth Report.
14.1.04 | One, on consideration of the Committee's Sixth Report.
21.1.04 | One, on consideration of the Committee's Eighth Report
28.4.04 | Two, on consideration of the Committee's memorandum to be submitted to the Select Committee on Modernisation of the House of Commons.
9.6.04 | One, on consideration of the Committee's Twenty-Second Report.
13.10.04 | One, on consideration of the Committee's Thirty-Second Report.
The following Reports and Oral and Written Evidence were tagged
on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:
Fifteenth Report, Session 2003-04, The EU's Financial Perspective
for 2007-13 and Reform of the Structural and Cohesion Funds,
Twenty-First Report, Session 2003-04, Twenty-Second Report, Session
2003-04, Oral Evidence, Session 2003-04, The Lisbon Strategy
and Oral Evidence, Session 2003-04, Regional and Cohesion Policy
on a Motion relating to the New Financial Perspective and EU Regional
Policy, 15.6.04
Twenty-Eighth Report, Session 2003-04, The EU's Justice and
Home Affairs work programme for the next five years on a Motion
relating to The EU's Justice and Home Affairs work programme for
the next five years, 14.10.04
Minutes of Evidence, Session 2002-03, The Inter-Governmental
Conference on the draft Treaty on a Constitution for Europe:
debate on European Affairs on a Motion for the Adjournment of
the House, 10.12.03
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 13 of the Committee's 38 meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Competition policy in the draft EU treaty
| 1 |
EU's Constitutional Treaty | 2
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
| 1 |
European Evidence Warrant | 1
Fisheries and other aspects of the EU's draft Constitutional Treaty
| 1 |
Implementation of EC external assistance in preparation for enlargement
| 1 |
March European Council | 1
Nuclear safety and the energy provisions of the EU's draft Constitutional Treaty
| 1 |
Regional and Cohesion Policy
| 1 |
The Brussels European Council on 12 and 13 December 2003
| 1 |
The CBI and European scrutiny
| 1 |
The Lisbon Strategy | 1
Total | 13