For website access click on www.parliament.uk/pac
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 16 Members and held 55 meetings.
Leigh, Mr Edward (Chairman)
Allan, Mr Richard
Bacon, Mr Richard
Browning, Mrs Angela (added 24.3.04)
Cruddas, Jon
Curry, Mr David (added 12.5.04)
Davidson, Mr Ian
Field, Mr Frank
Gibb, Mr Nick (discharged 11.12.03)
Gillan, Mrs Cheryl (added 11.12.03 discharged 24.3.04)
Jenkins, Mr Brian
Jones, Mr Nigel
Kelly, Ruth (discharged 18.10.04)
Osborne, Mr George (discharged 12.5.04)
Sheridan, Jim
Simon, Mr Siôn
Steinberg, Mr Gerry
Timms, Mr Stephen (added 18.10.04)
Trickett, Jon
Williams, Mr Alan
Overall Attendance:
Number of Members added:
Number of Members discharged:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
49.0 %
25.0 %
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Nick Wright, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Assistants: Mrs Christine Randall, Higher Executive
Officer (Band B2); Miss Leslie Young, Chief Office Clerk (Band
Secretary: Miss Ronnie Jefferson, Grade 3 (Band D1) (until 31.3.04),
Grade 2 (Band C) (from 1.4.04)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
Cabinet Office
Department for Constitutional Affairs
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Ministry of Defence
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Department for Education and Skills
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Department of Health
Home Office
Department for International Development
Department of Trade and Industry
Department for Transport
HM Treasury
Department for Work and Pensions
Executive agencies comprising:
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
Health and Safety Executive
Highways Agency
Rural Payments Agency
Vehicle and Operator Services Agency
Public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
Cambridge-MIT Institute
Criminal Records Bureau
East Midlands Development Agency
Government Communications Headquarters
HM Customs and Excise
HM Prison Service
Housing Corporation
Imperial War Museum
Inland Revenue
London Underground
National Audit Office
National Maritime Museum
National Probation Service for England and Wales
National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse
National Offender Management Service
Network Rail
Northwest Development Agency
Northern Ireland Audit Office
Northern Ireland Department for Regional Development
Northern Ireland Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure
Northern Ireland Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety
Northern Ireland Treasury
Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted)
Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
Office of Government Commerce
Office of Water Services
Passport and Records Agency
Serious Fraud Office
Strategic Rail Authority
Teacher Training Agency
UK Passport Service
Youth Justice Board
Appearances by other witnesses
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
18-20.10.04 | Madrid | Leigh, Bacon, Curry, Davidson, Steinberg
| 2 | Visit to Spanish State Audit Institutions
| £7,459.97 |
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
14.1.04 | Heathrow Airport |
Leigh, Bacon | 2 | Inquiry into HM Customs and Excise operations
| £188.87 |
3.3.04 | Wallace Collection - London
| Leigh, Steinberg | 2 | Inquiry into museums and galleries
| £122.20 |
22.3.04 | Haringey | Leigh, Cruddas, Jenkins
| 2 | Inquiry into the Youth Offending Programme
| £145.11 |
11.5.04 | Ealing, West London
| Leigh, Browning | 2 | Inquiry into Drug Treatment and Testing Orders
| £133.30 |
26.10.04 | St Thomas' Hospital - London
| Leigh, Jenkins | 2 | Inquiry into Emergency Care in England
| £100.06 |
1-2.11.04 | Belfast | Leigh, Allan, Bacon, Curry, Jenkins, Steinberg
| 4A | Inquiries into the use of operating theatres in the NI Health and Personal Social Services and the Navan Centre
| £3,687.64 |
A Includes 2 shorthand writers
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2003-04)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Tackling fraud against the Inland Revenue
| 62 | 13.1.04 | 34
| £10.00 | Cm 6130, published 23.3.04
Second Report: The new electricity trading arrangements in England and Wales
| 63 | 16.12.03 | 32
| £10.20 | Cm 6130, published 23.3.04
Third Report: The Sheep Annual Premium Scheme
| 64 | 18.12.03 | 43
| £11.20 | Cm 6136, published 24.2.04
Fourth Report: Improving service delivery: the Forensic Science Service
| 137 | 27.1.04 | 41
| £11.00 | Cm 6155, published 31.3.04
Fifth Report: Warm Front: helping to combat fuel poverty
| 206 | 3.2.04 | 38
| £11.00 | Cm 6175, published 29.4.04
Sixth Report: Department of Trade and Industry: Regional grants in England
| 207 | 29.1.04 | 38
| £11.00 | Cm 6155, published 31.3.04
Seventh Report: Progress on 15 major capital projects funded by Arts Council England
| 253 | 13.2.04 | 54
| £12.00 | Cm 6155, published 31.3.04
Eighth Report: The English national stadium project at Wembley
| 254 | 10.2.04 | 44
| £11.00 | Cm 6155, published 31.3.04
Ninth Report: Review of grants made to the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns
| 305 | 2.3.04 | 51
| £12.00 | Cm 6175, published 29.4.04
Tenth Report: Purchasing and managing software licences
| 306 | 26.2.04 | 27
| £8.50 | Cm 6175, published 29.4.04
Eleventh Report: Helping consumers benefit from competition in telecommunications
| 405 | 23.3.04 | 42
| £11.00 | Cm 6191, published 11.6.04
Twelfth Report: Getting it right, putting it right: Improving decision-making and appeals in social security benefits
| 406 | 25.3.04 | 32
| £10.00 | Cm 6191, published 11.6.04
Thirteenth Report: Excess Votes 2002-03
| 407 | 30.3.04 | 16
| £6.50 | Not applicable |
Fourteenth Report: Inland Revenue: Tax Credits
| 89 | 22.4.04 | 33
| £10.00 | Cm 6244, published 28.6.04
Fifteenth Report: Procurement of vaccines by the Department of Health
| 429 | 27.4.04 | 37
| £10.00 | Cm 6244, published 28.6.04
Sixteenth Report: Progress in improving the medical assessment of incapacity and disability benefits
| 120 | 1.4.04 | 34
| £9.00 | Cm 6191, published 11.6.04
Seventeenth Report: Hip replacements: an update
| 40 | 5.5.04 | 32
| £10.00 | Cm 6271, published 15.7.04
Eighteenth Report: PFI: The new headquarters for the Home Office
| 501 | 11.5.04 | 31
| £10.00 | Cm 6244, published 28.6.04
Nineteenth Report: Making a difference: Performance of maintained secondary schools in England
| 104 | 13.5.04 | 36
| £10.00 | Cm 6244, published 28.6.04
Twentieth Report: Improving service delivery: the Veterans Agency
| 551 | 18.5.04 | 53
| £12.00 | Cm 6271, published 15.7.04
Twenty-First Report: Housing the homeless
| 559 | 20.5.04 | 39
| £11.00 | Cm 6283, published 16.7.04
Twenty-Second Report: Excess Votes (Northern Ireland) 2002-03
| 560 | 25.5.04 | 8
| £4.50 | Not applicable |
Twenty-Third Report: Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ): New Accommodation Programme
| 65 | 15.6.04 | 36
| £10.00 | Cm 6302, published 9.9.04
Twenty-Fourth Report: Transforming the performance of HM Customs and Excise through electronic service delivery
| 138 | 22.6.04 | 31
| £10.00 | Cm 6302, published 9.9.04
Twenty-Sixth Report: Difficult forms: how government departments interact with citizens
| 255 | 29.6.04 | 34
| £10.00 | Cm 6302, published 9.9.04
Twenty-Seventh Report: Identifying and tracking livestock in England
| 326 | 6.7.04 | 38
| £11.00 | Cm 6332, published 14.10.04
Twenty-Eighth Report: Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency: Trust Statement Report 2002-03
| 336 | 1.7.04 | 34
| £10.00 | Cm 6302, published 9.9.04
Twenty-Ninth Report: Improving public services for older people
| 626 | 8.7.04 | 22
| £6.50 | Cm 6303, published 9.9.04
Thirtieth Report: Out of sight - not out of mind: Ofwat and the public sewer network in England and Wales
| 463 | 15.7.04 | 28
| £8.50 | Cm 6303, published 9.9.04
Thirty-First Report: Cambridge-MIT Institute
| 502 | 24.6.04 | 36
| £10.00 | Cm 6302, published 9.9.04
Thirty-Second Report: HM Customs and Excise Standard Report
| 284 | 22.7.04 | 33
| £10.00 | Cm 6304, published 16.9.04
Thirty-Third Report: Income generated by the museums and galleries
| 430 | 20.7.04 | 30
| £10.00 | Cm 6304, published 16.9.04
Thirty-Fourth Report: Strategic Rail Authority: improving passenger rail services through new trains
| 408 | 27.7.04 | 44
| £11.00 | Cm 6304, published 16.9.04
Thirty-Fifth Report: Early years: progress in developing high quality childcare and early education accessible to all
| 444 | 7.9.04 | 41
| £11.00 | Cm 6416, published 15.12.04
Thirty-Sixth Report: Tackling VAT fraud
| 512 | 29.7.04 | 37
| £10.00 | Cm 6304, published 16.9.04
Thirty-Seventh Report: Risk management: the nuclear liabilities of British Energy plc
| 354 | 9.9.04 | 35
| £10.00 | Cm 6355, published 11.11.04
Thirty-Eighth Report: An early progress report on the New Deal for Communities programme
| 492 | 14.9.04 | 41
| £11.00 | Cm 6355, published 11.11.04
Thirty-Ninth Report: Ministry of Defence: Operation TELIC - United Kingdom military operations in Iraq
| 273 | 16.9.04 | 49
| £12.00 | Cm 6355, published 11.11.04
Fortieth Report: Youth offending: the delivery of community and custodial sentences
| 307 | 12.10.04 | 43
| £11.00 | Cm 6416, published 15.12.04
Forty-First Report: Improving departments' capability to procure cost-effectively
| 541 | 14.10.04 | 40
| £11.00 | Cm 6416, published 15.12.04
Forty-Second Report: Increased resources to improve public services: a progress report on departments' preparations
| 552 | 19.10.04 | 56
| £12.00 | Cm 6416, published 15.12.04
Forty-Third Report: Ministry of Defence: Major Projects Report 2003
| 383 | 21.10.04 | 65
| £13.50 | Cm 6416, published 15.12.04
Forty-Fourth Report: Protecting England and Wales from plant pests and diseases
| 208 | 26.10.04 | 30
| £10.00 | Awaited |
Forty-Fifth Report: Criminal Records Bureau: delivering safer recruitment?
| 453 | 28.10.04 | 40
| £11.00 | Awaited |
Forty-Sixth Report: The UK Emissions Trading Scheme: a new way to combat climate change
| 604 | 9.11.04 | 27
| £8.50 | Awaited |
Forty-Seventh Report: The management of suspensions of clinical staff in NHS hospitals and ambulance trusts in England
| 296 | 16.11.04 | 38
| £11.00 | Awaited |
Forty-Eighth Report: Connexions Service
| 618 | 30.11.04 | 40
| £11.99 | Awaited |
Forty-Ninth Report: The recovery of debt by the Inland Revenue
| 584 | 25.11.04 | 44
| £11.00 | Awaited |
Fiftieth Report: Northern Ireland: The management of industrial sickness absence
| 561 | 2.12.04 | 38
| £10.00 | Awaited |
Fifty-First Report: Success in the regions
| 592 | 7.12.04 | 43
| £11.00 | Awaited |
Fifty-Second Report: Health and Safety Executive: Improving health and safety in the construction industry
| 627 | 14.12.04 | 45
| £11.00 | Awaited |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: Managing resources to deliver better public services
| 181-i | 12.1.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: Network Rail - making a fresh start
| 639-i | 2.6.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: The management of sickness absence in the prison service
| 284-i | 18.6.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: Tackling cancer in England: saving more lives
| 712-i | 22.6.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: Visa entry to the United Kingdom: The entry clearance operation
| 737-i | 25.6.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: London Underground: are the Public Private partnerships likely to work successfully? and London Underground PPP: were they good deals?
| 783-i | 29.6.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: Department for International Development: Responding to HIV/Aids
| 807-i | 2.7.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: Improving the speed and quality of asylum decisions
| 837-i | 5.7.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: Improving patient care by reducing the risk of hospital acquired infection: a progress report
| 1044-i | 14.9.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: The BBC's investment in Freeview
| 1065-i | 23.9.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: Ofgem: Social Action Plan and Household Energy Efficiency
| 1053-i | 17.9.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: Helping farm businesses in England
| 1131-i | 19.10.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: Ministry of Defence: Battlefield helicopters
| 1191-i | 1.11.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: PFI: The STEPS deal
| 1211-i | 2.11.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: The use of operating theatres in the Northern Ireland Health and Personal Social Services
| 1227-i | 8.11.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: Navan Centre
| 1228-i | 8.11.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: Department of Health Improving emergency care in England
| 1233-i | 8.11.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: Managing risks to improve public services
| 1245-i | 12.11.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: Improving public transport in England through light rail
| 1258-i | 16.11.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: Welfare to work: tackling the barriers to the employment of older people
| 1249-i | 19.11.04 |
| | |
Uncorrected evidence published on the internet: Improving IT procurement: the impact of the Office of Government Commerce's initiatives on departments and suppliers in the delivery of major IT-enabled projects
| 1283-i | 23.11.04 |
| | |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2002-03
Reply to the Committee's Forty-Second Report: A safer place
to work: Improving the management of health and safety risks to
staff in NHS trusts, published as Cm 6051 (10.12.03).
Reply to the Committee's Forty-Third Report: Fisheries enforcement
in England, published as Cm 6105 (21.1.04).
Reply to the Committee's Forty-Fourth Report: New IT systems
for Magistrates' Courts: the Libra project, published as Cm
6105 (21.1.04).
Reply to the Committee's Forty-Fifth Report: Protecting public
health and consumer interests in relation to food: the Food Standards
Agency, published as Cm 6105 (21.1.04).
Reply to the Committee's Forty-Sixth Report: Ministry of Defence:
Building an air manoeuvre capability: the introduction of the
Apache Helicopter, published as Cm 6105 (21.1.04).
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2002-03
were published on 11.3.04 as HC 1315, Session 2002-03. The Minute
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2003-04 will be published
as HC 1314, Session 2003-04.
The following Reports were the subject of debates in the House:
Sixty-Fourth Report, Session 2001-02, Public Private Partnerships:
Airwave, Sixty-Fifth Report, Session 2001-02, Awarding
the new licence to run the National Lottery, Sixty-Sixth Report,
Session 2001-02, Progress in achieving Government on the Web,
Sixty-Seventh Report, Session 2001-02, Inland Revenue: Tax
Credits, Sixty-Eighth Report, Session 2001-02, Collection
of fines and other penalties in the criminal justice system,
First Report, Session 2002-03, Collecting the television licence
fee, Second Report, Session 2002-03, Dealing with pollution
from ships, Third Report, Session 2002-03, Tobacco smuggling,
Fourth Report, Session 2002-03, Private Finance Initiative:
Redevelopment of MOD main building, Fifth Report, Session
2002-03, The 2001 outbreak of foot and mouth disease, Sixth
Report, Session 2002-03, Ministry of Defence: Exercise Saif
Sareea II, Seventh Report, Session 2002-03, Excess Votes
2001-02, Eighth Report, Session 2002-03, Excess Votes (Northern
Ireland) 2001-02, Ninth Report, Session 2002-03, The Office
for National Statistics: Outsourcing the 2001 census, Tenth
Report, Session 2002-03, Individual Learning Accounts,
Eleventh Report, Session 2002-03, Facing the challenge: NHS
emergency planning in England, Twelfth Report, Session 2002-03,
Tackling pensioner poverty: encouraging take-up of entitlements,
Thirteenth Report, Session 2002-03, Ministry of Defence: Progress
in reducing stocks, Fourteenth Report, Session 2002-03, Royal
Mint Trading Fund 2001-02 Accounts, Fifteenth Report, Session
2002-03, OPRA: Tackling the risks to pension scheme members,
Sixteenth Report, Session 2002-03, Improving public services
through innovation: the Invest to Save Budget, Seventeenth
Report, Session 2002-03, Helping victims and witnesses: the
work of Victim Support, Eighteenth Report, Session 2002-03,
Reaping the rewards of agricultural research, Nineteenth
Report, Session 2002-03, The PFI contract for the redevelopment
of West Middlesex University Hospital, Twentieth Report, Session
2002-03, Better public services through call centres, Twenty-First
Report, Session 2002-03, The Operations of HM Customs and Excise
in 2001-02, Twenty-Second Report, Session 2002-03, PFI
refinancing update, Twenty-Third Report, Session 2002-03,
Innovation in the NHS - the acquisition of the Heart Hospital,
Twenty-Fifth Report, Session 2002-03, Protecting the public
from waste, Twenty-Sixth Report, Session 2002-03, Safety,
quality, efficacy: the regulation of medicines in the UK,
Twenty-Seventh Report, Session 2002-03, The management of substitution
cover for teachers, Twenty-Eighth Report, Session 2002-03,
Delivering better value for money from the Private Finance
Initiative, Twenty-Ninth Report, Session 2002-03, Inland
Revenue: Tax Credits and tax debt management, Thirtieth Report,
Session 2002-03, Department for International Development:
Maximising impact in the water sector, Thirty-First Report,
Session 2002-03, Tackling Benefit Fraud, Thirty-Second
Report, Session 2002-03, The Highways Agency: Maintaining England's
motorways and trunk roads, Thirty-Third Report, Session 2002-03,
Ensuring the effective discharge of older patients from NHS
acute hospitals, Thirty-Fourth Report, Session 2002-03, The
Office of Fair Trading: progress in protecting consumers' interests,
Thirty-Fifth Report, Session 2002-03, PFI construction performance,
Thirty-Sixth Report, Session 2002-03, Improving service quality:
Action in response to the inherited SERPS problem, Thirty-Seventh
Report, Session 2002-03, Ministry of Defence: the construction
of nuclear submarine facilities at Devonport, Thirty-Eighth
Report, Session 2002-03, Department of Trade and Industry:
Regulation of weights and measures, Thirty-Ninth Report, Session
2002-03, A safer place to work: Protecting NHS hospital and
ambulance staff from violence and aggression, Fortieth Report,
Session 2002-03, Improving social housing through transfer,
Forty-First Report, Session 2002-03, Modernising procurement
in the Prison Service, Forty-Second Report, Session 2002-03,
A safer place to work: Improving the management of health and
safety risks to staff in NHS trusts, Forty-Third Report, Session
2002-03, Fisheries enforcement in England, Forty-Fourth
Report, Session 2002-03, New IT systems for Magistrates' Courts:
the Libra project, Forty-Fifth Report, Session 2003-04, Protecting
public health and consumer interests in relation to food: the
Food Standards Agency, Forty-Sixth Report, Session 2002-03,
Ministry of Defence: Building an air manoeuvre capability:
the introduction of the Apache Helicopter, Forty-Seventh Report,
Session 2003-04, Film Council: Improving access to, and education
about, the moving image through the British Film Institute,
Forty-Eighth Report, Session 2003-04, The Public Private Partnership
for National Air Traffic Services Ltd and Forty-Ninth Report,
Session 2003-04, The operational performance of PFI prisons
and of the Treasury Minutes and the Northern Ireland Department
of Finance and Personnel Memorandum on these Reports (Cm 5728,
5770, 5789, 5801, 5802, 5823, 5849, 5953, 5961, 5962, 5963, 5984,
6016, 6051, 6105 and 6110: Motion to take note, 12.2.04.
First Report, Session 2003-04, Tackling fraud against the Inland
Revenue, Second Report, Session 2003-04, The new electricity
trading arrangements in England and Wales, Third Report, Session
2003-04, The Sheep Annual Premium Scheme, Fourth Report,
Session 2003-04, Improving service delivery: the Forensic Science
Service, Fifth Report, Session 2003-04, Warm Front: helping
to combat fuel poverty, Sixth Report, Session 2003-04, Department
of Trade and Industry: Regional grants in England, Seventh
Report, Session 2003-04, Progress on 15 major capital projects
funded by Arts Council England, Eighth Report, Session 2003-04,
The English national stadium project at Wembley, Ninth
Report, Session 2003-04, Review of grants made to the National
Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns, Tenth Report, Session
2003-04, Purchasing and managing software licences, Eleventh
Report, Session 2003-04, Helping consumers benefit from competition
in telecommunications, Twelfth Report, Session 2003-04, Getting
it right, putting it right: Improving decision-making and appeals
in social security benefits, Thirteenth Report, Session 2003-04,
Excess Votes 2002-03, Fourteenth Report, Session 2003-04,
Inland Revenue: Tax Credits, Fifteenth Report, Session
2003-04, Procurement of vaccines by the Department of Health,
Sixteenth Report, Session 2003-04, Progress in improving the
medical assessment of incapacity and disability benefits,
Seventeenth Report, Session 2003-04, Hip replacements: an update,
Eighteenth Report, Session 2003-04, PFI: The new headquarters
for the Home Office and Nineteenth Report, Session 2003-04,
Making a difference: Performance of maintained secondary schools
in England and of the Treasury Minutes and the Northern Ireland
Department of Finance and Personnel Memorandum on these Reports
(Cm 6130, 6136, 6155, 6175, 6191, and 6244): Motion to take note,
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 54 of the Committee's 55 meetings.[11]
On 1 occasion evidence was taken partly or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Cambridge-MIT Institute | 1
Criminal Records Bureau: delivering safer recruitment?
| 1 |
Department for Education and Skills: Connexions Service - advice and guidance for all young people
| 1 |
Department for International Development: responding to HIV/AIDS
| 1 |
Department for Regional Development: management of industrial sickness absence
| 1 |
Department of Health: improving emergency care in England
| 1 |
Difficult Forms: how government agencies interact with citizens
| 1 |
Drug Treatment and Testing Order: early lessons
| 1 |
DVLA 2002-03 Trust Statement | 1
Early Years: progress in developing high quality childcare and early education accessible to all
| 1 |
English Regions: an early progress report on the New Deal for Communities programme
| 1 |
English Regions: success in the regions |
1 |
Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ): New Accommodation Programme
| 1 |
Health and Safety Executive: improving health and safety in the construction industry
| 1 |
Helping farm businesses in England | 1
Hip replacements: an update | 1
HM Customs and Excise: Standard Report 2002-03
| 1 |
HM Customs and Excise: tackling VAT fraud |
1 |
Identifying and tracking livestock in England
| 1 |
Improving IT procurement: the impact of the Office of Government Commerce's initiatives on departments and suppliers in the delivery of major IT-enabled projects
| 1 |
Improving patient care by reducing the risk of hospital acquired infection: a progress report
| 1 |
Improving Procurement: progress by the Office of Government Commerce in improving departments' capability to procure cost-effectively
| 1 |
Improving public transport in England through light rail
| 1 |
Improving the speed and quality of asylum decisions
| 1 |
Income generated by the museums and galleries
| 1 |
Increased resources to improve public services: a progress report on departments' preparations
| 1 |
London Underground PPP | 1
Making a difference: performance of maintained secondary schools in England
| 1 |
Managing resources to deliver better public services
| 1 |
Managing risks to improve public services |
1 |
Ministry of Defence: battlefield helicopters
| 1 |
Ministry of Defence: Major Projects Report 2003
| 2 |
Ministry of Defence: Operation TELIC - United Kingdom Military Operations in Iraq
| 1 |
Navan Centre | 1
Network Rail - making a fresh start | 1
Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) Social Action Plan and Household Energy Efficiency
| 1 |
Out of sight - not out of mind: Ofwat and the public sewer network in England and Wales
| 1 |
PFI: the STEPS Deal | 1
Progress in improving the medical assessment of incapacity and disability benefits
| 1 |
Protecting England and Wales from plant pests and diseases
| 1 |
Risk Management: the nuclear liabilities of British Energy plc
| 1 |
Strategic Rail Authority: improving passenger rail services through new trains
| 1 |
Tackling cancer in England: saving more lives
| 1 |
Tax Credits - C&AG's Standard Report on the Accounts of the Inland Revenue 2002-03
| 1 |
The BBC's investment in Freeview | 1
The management of sickness absence in the prison service
| 1 |
The management of suspensions of clinical staff in NHS hospital and ambulance Trusts in England
| 1 |
The recovery of debt by the Inland Revenue |
1 |
The UK Emissions Trading Scheme: a new way to combat climate change
| 1 |
The Use of Operating Theatres in the Northern Ireland Health and Personal Social Services
| 1 |
Transforming the performance of HM Customs and Excise through electronic service delivery
| 1 |
Visa entry to the United Kingdom: the entry clearance operation
| 1 |
Welfare to Work: tackling the barriers to the employment of older people
| 1 |
Youth Offending: the delivery of community and custodial sentences
| 1 |
Total | 55
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/pasc
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 30 meetings.
Wright, Tony (Chairman)
Brennan, Kevin
Brooke, Annette
Campbell, Mrs Anne (added 16.12.03)
Chapman, Sir Sydney
Heyes, Mr David
Hopkins, Mr Kelvin
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian
Lyons, Mr John (discharged 16.12.03)
Prentice, Mr Gordon
Trend, Mr Michael
White, Brian
Overall Attendance:
Number of Members added:
Number of Members discharged:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
73.0 %
9.1 %
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Philip Aylett, Deputy Principal Clerk
(SCS Band 1)
Second Clerk: Mr Clive Porro, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Specialists: Mr Chris Carrington (until 4.6.04) (Band
B1); Lucinda Maer (from 7.6.04) (Band B1)
Media Officer: Adele Brown (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Miss Jackie Recardo, Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2)
Secretary: Jennifer Pickard, Grade 3 (Band D1) (until 31.3.04),
Grade 2 (Band C) (from 1.4.04)
Senior Office Clerk: Mr Philip Jones (from 8.3.04) (shared) (Band
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Professor Rodney Brazier, Professor Stuart Weir and Professor
Diana Woodhouse.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Members of the House of Commons
Members of the House of Lords
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
Cabinet Office
Department for Constitutional Affairs
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Department of Health
Home Office
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Department of Trade and Industry
Department for Work and Pensions
Public bodies and non-Ministerial departments:
Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection
The following officials also attended meetings of the Committee:
Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and Health Service Commissioner
Appearances by other witnesses
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
18-24.4.04 | United States: Washington and North Carolina
| Wright, Brennan, Campbell, Heyes, Hopkins, Liddell-Grainger, Prentice, White
| 2 | Government by Inquiry and Public Service Reform
| £31,613.64 |
27-28.10.04 | Paris | Wright, Brooke, Campbell, Heyes, Hopkins, Liddell-Grainger
| 2 | Reform of the Civil Service and Public Service Reform
| £7,103.11 |
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
8-9.12.03 | Cardiff | Wright, Brennan, Heyes, Hopkins, Prentice
| 2 | Various current inquiries
| £1,940.37 |
16.9.04 | Sunningdale, Berkshire
| Wright, Campbell, Chapman, Heyes, Hopkins, Liddell-Grainger, Prentice
| 3 | Inquiry into Civil Service Issues
| £299.33 |
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2003-04)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: A Draft Civil Service Bill: Completing the Reform
| 128-I | 5.1.04 | 37
| £10.00 | Cm 6373, published 15.11.04
Oral and Written Evidence: A Draft Civil Service Bill: Completing the Reform
| 128-II | 5.1.04 | 100
| £14.50 | Not applicable
Second Report: The Work of the Committee in 2003
| 229 | 26.1.04 | 8
| £5.00 | Not applicable |
Third Report: Ministerial Accountability and Parliamentary Questions
| 355 | 1.3.04 | 229
| £23.00 | Received 15.10.04: published as First Special Report, Session 2003-04
Fourth Report: Taming the Prerogative: Strengthening Ministerial Accountability to Parliament
| 422 | 16.3.04 | 59
| £13.50 | Cm 6187, published 21.7.04
Fifth Report: A Matter of Honour: Reforming the Honours System
| 212-I | 13.7.04 | 73
| £14.50 | Awaited |
Written Evidence: A Matter of Honour: Reforming the Honours System
| 212-II | 13.7.04 | 153
| £18.50 | Not applicable
Oral Evidence: A Matter of Honour: Reforming the Honours System
| 212-i | 26.2.04 | 12
| £4.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: A Matter of Honour: Reforming the Honours System
| 212-ii | 15.3.04 | 15
| £5.50 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: A Matter of Honour: Reforming the Honours System
| 212-iii | 15.4.04 | 24
| £7.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: A Matter of Honour: Reforming the Honours System
| 212-iv | 11.5.04 | 17
| £5.50 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: A Matter of Honour: Reforming the Honours System
| 212-v | 11.5.04 | 15
| £5.50 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: A Matter of Honour: Reforming the Honours System
| 212-vi | 17.6.04 | 23
| £7.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: A Matter of Honour: Reforming the Honours System
| 212-vii | 29.6.04 | 15
| £5.50 | Not applicable |
First Special Report: Ministerial Accountability and Parliamentary Questions: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report
| 1262 | 16.11.04 | 6
| £3.00 | Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Interim Report of the Review of Government Communications
| 1223-iA | 22.12.03
| 17 | £5.50 | Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The Work of the Ombudsman
| 41-i | 19.1.04 | 19
| £5.50 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: The Work of the Ombudsman: Access to Information
| 41-ii | 15.3.04 | 27
| £7.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: The Work of the Ombudsman: NHS Complaints System
| 41-iii | 15.3.04 | 26
| £7.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Review of Government Communications
| 274-i | 27.2.04 | 15
| £4.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Review of Government Communications
| 274-ii | 11.5.04 | 25
| £7.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Review of Government Communications
| 274-iii | 1.7.04 | 17
| £5.50 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Civil Service Issues |
423-i | 15.4.04 | 20
| £5.50 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: The Work of the Cabinet Office
| 513-i | 11.5.04 | 21
| £5.50 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Government by Inquiry |
606-i | 17.6.04 | 19
| £5.50 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Government by Inquiry |
606-ii | 14.7.04 | 55
| £10.50 | Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Government by Inquiry |
606-iii | 26.7.04 | 13
| £4.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Government by Inquiry |
606-iv | 26.7.04 | 13
| £4.00 | Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Government by Inquiry |
606-v | 17.9.04 | 14
| £5.50 | Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Government by Inquiry
| 606-vi | 27.10.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Government by Inquiry
| 606-vii | 16.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Choice, Voice and Public Services
| 1263-i | 18.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
A HC No. refers to Session 2002-03
Government replies to Reports for Session 2002-03
Cabinet Office Response to the Committee's Fourth Report: Government
By Appointment: Opening Up The Patronage State, published
as Cm 6056 (17.12.03).
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2002-03
were published on 27.2.04 as HC 1316, Session 2002-03. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2003-04 will be published
as HC 1315, Session 2003-04.
Date | Subject
11.12.03 | Two, on consideration of the Chairman's draft Report on A Draft Civil Service Bill: Completing the Reform
7.7.04 | Three, on consideration of the Chairman's draft Report on A Matter of Honour: Reforming the Honours System
The following Reports were debated in Westminster Hall:
Ninth Report, Session 2001-02, Ministerial Accountability and
Parliamentary Questions, HC 1086, 8.1.04
Fifth Report, Session 2002-03, On Target? Government By Measurement,
HC 62-I, 26.2.04
The following Report was tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant
to a debate in the House:
First Report, Session 2003-04, A Draft Civil Service Bill:
Completing the Reform, HC 128-I, 21.1.04
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 23 of the Committee's 30 meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
A Matter of Honour: Reforming the Honours System
| 7 |
Choice, Voice and Public Services | 1
Civil Service Issues | 1
Government by Inquiry | 7
Review of Government Communications | 3
The Work of the Cabinet Office | 1
Work of the Ombudsman | 3
Total | 23
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/regrefcom
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 16 Members and held 22 meetings.
Pike, Mr Peter (Chairman)
Brown, Mr Russell
Cotter, Brian
Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey M.
Goodman, Mr Paul (discharged 11.12.03)
Havard, Mr Dai
King, Andy
Lazarowicz, Mr Mark
Love, Mr Andrew
MacDougall, Mr John
Mole, Chris
Murphy, Mr Denis
Naysmith, Dr Doug
Norman, Mr Archie (added 11.12.03)
Rosindell, Mr Andrew
Steen, Mr Anthony
White, Brian
Overall Attendance:
Number of Members added:
Number of Members discharged:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
37.5 %
6.3 %
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Martyn Atkins (until 31.8.04), Senior
Clerk (Band A2); Mr Liam Laurence Smyth, Principal Clerk (SCS
Band 1A) (from 1.9.04)
Committee Specialist: Mr Stuart Deacon (from 5.1.04) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Mr Brian Dye, Chief Office Clerk (Band C)
Secretary: Liz Booth, Grade 3 (Band D1) (until 31.3.04), Grade
2 (Band C) (from 1.4.04)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Cabinet Office
Office for National Statistics
Appearances by other witnesses
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2003-04)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Sunday Trading) Order 2004
| 108 | 16.12.03 | 36
| £8.50 | Not applicable |
Second Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Patents) Order 2004
| 337 | 17.2.04 | 92
| £14.50 | Not applicable
Third Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Sunday Trading) Order 2004
| 338 | 12.2.04 | 12
| £4.50 | Not applicable |
Fourth Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Museum of London) (Location of Premises) Order 2004
| 414 | 8.3.04 | 28
| £6.50 | Not applicable |
Fifth Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (National Health Service Charitable Trust Accounts and Audit) Order 2004
| 438 | 16.3.04 | 52
| £11.00 | Not applicable
Sixth Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Local Commissioner for Wales) Order 2004
| 553 | 4.5.04 | 44
| £10.00 | Not applicable
Seventh Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Museum of London) (Location of Premises) Order 2004
| 594 | 13.5.04 | 16
| £4.50 | Not applicable |
Eighth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Patents) Order 2004
| 683 | 18.6.04 | 16
| £4.50 | Not applicable |
Ninth Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Trading Stamps) Order 2004
| 817 | 5.7.04 | 52
| £11.00 | Not applicable
Tenth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Local Commissioner for Wales) Order 2004
| 900 | 15.7.04 | 12
| £4.50 | Not applicable |
Eleventh Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2004
| 684 | 2.8.04 | 132
| £15.50 | Not applicable
Twelfth Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Unsolicited Goods and Services Act 1971) (Directory Entries and Demands for Payment) Order 2004
| 1056 | 20.9.04 | 52
| £11.00 | Not applicable
Thirteenth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Unsolicited Goods and Services Act 1971) (Directory Entries and Demands for Payment) Order 2004
| 1246 | 11.11.04 | 12
| £4.50 | Not applicable |
Fourteenth Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Execution of Deeds and Documents) Order 2004
| 1271 | 23.11.04 | 36
| £8.50 | Not applicable |
First Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's First Special Report, Session 2002-03
The operation of the Regulatory Reform Act 2001: a progress report
| 256 | 23.1.04 | 8
| £3.00 | Not applicable |
Second Special Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Museum of London) (Location of Premises) Order 2004
| 818 | 1.7.04 | 16
| £4.50 | Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Registration of Births and Deaths) (England and Wales) Order 2004
| 1202-i | 1.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Registration of Births and Deaths) (England and Wales) Order 2004
| 1202-ii | 5.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: The Operation of the Regulatory Reform Act 2001
| 1271-i | 17.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Government replies to Reports for Session 2002-03
Reply to the Committee's First Special Report of Session 2002-03:
The operation of the Regulatory Reform Act 2001: a progress
report, received 19.12.03 and published as First Special Report,
Session 2003-04.
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2002-03
were published on 11.3.04 as HC 1317, Session 2002-03. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2003-04 will be published
as HC 1316, Session 2003-04.
The following Reports were tagged on the Order Paper as being
relevant to a debate in the House:
First and Third Reports, Session 2003-04, Proposal for the
Regulatory Reform (Sunday Trading) Order 2004, HC 108 and
Draft Regulatory Reform (Sunday Trading) Order 2004, HC
338, 24.2.04
Fourth and Seventh Reports, Session 2003-04, Proposal for the
Regulatory Reform (Museum of London) (Location of Premises)
Order 2004, HC 414 and Draft Regulatory Reform (Museum
of London) (Location of Premises) Order 2004, HC 594, 8.3.04
Second and Eighth Reports, Session 2003-04, Proposal for the
Regulatory Reform (Patents) Order 2004, HC 337 and Draft
Regulatory Reform (Patents) Order 2004, HC 683, 30.6.04
Sixth and Tenth Reports, Session 2003-04, Proposal for the
Regulatory Reform (Local Commissioner for Wales) Order 2004,
HC 553 and Draft Regulatory Reform (Local Commissioner for
Wales) Order 2004, HC 900, 14.9.04
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 5 of the Committee's 22 meetings. On
none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly in
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2004
| 2 |
Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Registration of Births and Deaths) (England and Wales) Order 2004
| 2 |
The Operation of the Regulatory Reform Act 2001
| 1 |
Total | 5 |
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/s&tcom
The Committee was nominated on 12 November 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 39 meetings.
Gibson, Dr Ian (Chairman)
Dhanda, Mr Parmjit (discharged 15.12.03)
Farrelly, Paul (added 15.12.03)
Harris, Dr Evan
Harris, Mr Tom (discharged 2.3.04)
Hoey, Kate (added 2.3.04)
Iddon, Dr Brian
Key, Mr Robert
McWalter, Mr Tony
Murrison, Dr Andrew
Smith, Geraldine
Spink, Bob
Turner, Dr Desmond
Overall Attendance:
Number of Members added:
Number of Members discharged:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
63.4 %
18.2 %
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Chris Shaw, Deputy Principal Clerk
(SCS Band 1)
Second Clerk: Emily Commander, Assistant Clerk (Band A3)
Committee Specialists: Dr Alun Roberts (Band B1); Dr Hayaatun
Sillem (from 1.4.04) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Ana Ferreira, Higher Executive Officer (Band
Secretary: Ms Simali Shah, Grade 3 (Band D1) (until 9.1.04); Christine
McGrane (from 5.1.04), (temporary) (until 18.7.04), Grade 2 (Band
C) (from 19.7.04)
Senior Office Clerk: Mr Robert Long (from 20.4.04) (shared) (Band
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Dr Paul Atherton, Mr Andrew Barnett, Professor Michael Elves,
Dr Gillian Lockwood, Professor Sheila McLean, Professor Anne Mills,
Professor Derek Morgan, Professor John Ryan and Mr David Worlock.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Cabinet Ministers
Other Ministers
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
Department for International Development
Department for Education and Skills
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Department of Trade and Industry
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Office of Science and Technology
Public bodies and non-Ministerial departments:
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils
Economic and Social Research Council
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Medical Research Council
Natural Environment Research Council
Research Councils UK
Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council
Non-departmental public bodies:
British Library
Higher Education Funding Council for England
Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority
The British Council
Appearances by other witnesses
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
15-19.6.04 | Malawi | Gibson, Spink, Farrelly,
E Harris, Iddon, McWalter, Turner
| 2 | Use of science in UK international development policy
| £31,591.58 |
14-17.11.04 | Sweden & Italy
| Farrelly,
E Harris, Iddon, Key, McWalter, Turner
| 2 | Human reproductive technologies and the law
| £15,476.07
(estimated outturn) |
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
1.2.04 | Brussels | Gibson, Spink, Farrelly,
E Harris, Iddon, Key, Turner
| 4A | EU chemicals legislation
| £5,688.96 |
A Includes 1 shorthand writer
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
22.1.04 | Dana Centre | Gibson, Spink,
E Harris
| 7A | Human reproductive technologies and the law, launch of e-consultation
| £656.01 |
10.2.04 | British Library, Wellcome Trust
| Gibson,
E Harris, McWalter | 2
| Scientific publications | £112.60
26.2.04 | Reed Elsevier, London
| Gibson, Farrelly,
E Harris, Iddon, McWalter
| 1 | Scientific publications |
£118.67 |
4.5.04 | Fertility Clinics, London
| Gibson,
E Harris, Hoey, Iddon, Key, McWalter
| 3 | Human reproductive technologies and the law
| £174.87 |
25.5.04 | Overseas Development Institute
| Gibson, Spink, Farrelly,
E Harris, Iddon, McWalter, Turner
| 3B | Use of science in UK international development policy
| £52.16 |
20.7.04 | British Library |
Gibson, Farrelly,
E Harris, Iddon, McWalter
| 3 | Scientific publications Report, press conference
| £166.92 |
19.10.04 | National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill
| Gibson,
E Harris, Iddon, McWalter |
2 | Human reproductive technologies and the law
| £243.38 |
2.11.04 | QinetiQ, Farnborough
| Gibson,
E Harris, Key, McWalter, Turner
| 2 | Nanotechnology | £320.80
A Includes 4 facilitators
B Includes 1 specialist adviser
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2003-04)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Annual Report 2003 |
69 | 20.1.04 | 18 |
£6.50 | Not applicable |
Second Report: Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council: Introductory Hearing
| 55 | 29.1.04 | 18
| £8.50 | Department of Trade and Industry Response, received 25.5.04: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 2003-04
Third Report: The Work of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
| 6 | 12.2.04 | 46
| £15.50 | Department of Trade and Industry Response, received 15.4.04: published as Third Special Report, Session 2003-04
Fourth Report: Office of Science and Technology: Scrutiny Report 2003
| 316 | 4.3.04 | 19
| £12.00 | Department of Trade and Industry Response, received 7.5.04: published as Fourth Special Report, Session 2003-04
Fifth Report: Too little too late? Government Investment in Nanotechnology
| 56-I | 2.4.04 | 77
| £14.50 | Department of Trade and Industry Response, received 9.6.04: published as Sixth Special Report, Session 2003-04
Oral and Written Evidence: Too little too late? Government Investment in Nanotechnology
| 56-II | 2.4.04 | 147
| £16.50 | Not applicable
Sixth Report: Within REACH: the EU's new chemicals strategy
| 172-I | 12.5.04 | 67
| £13.50 | Department of Trade and Industry and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Response, received 8.7.04: published as Seventh Special Report, Session 2003-04
Oral and Written evidence: Within REACH: the EU's new chemicals strategy
| 172-II | 12.5.04 | 117
| £14.50 | Not applicable
Seventh Report: Director General for Higher Education: Introductory Hearing
| 461 | 21.6.04 | 12
| £6.50 | Department for Education and Skills Response, received 24.8.04: published as Eighth Special Report, Session 2003-04
Eighth Report: The Work of the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils
| 462 | 22.6.04 | 109
| £15.50 | Department of Trade and Industry Response, received 25.10.04: published as Tenth Special Report, Session 2003-04
Ninth Report: Director General of the Research Councils: Introductory Hearing
| 577 | 5.7.04 | 22
| £6.00 | Department of Trade and Industry Response, received 14.9.04: published as Ninth Special Report, Session 2003-04
Tenth Report: Scientific Publications: Free for all?
| 399-I | 20.7.04 | 114
| £15.50 | Department of Trade and Industry Response, received 26.10.04: published in Fourteenth Report, Session 2003-04
Oral and Written Evidence: Scientific Publications: Free for all?
| 399-II | 20.7.04 | 479
| £34.00 | Not applicable
Eleventh Report: Research Assessment Exercise: a re-assessment
| 586 | 23.9.04 | 112
| £15.50 | Department for Education and Skills Response received 23.11.04
Twelfth Report: Government Support for Beagle 2
| 711 | 2.11.04 | 141
| £17.50 | Awaiting Department of Trade and Industry Response
Thirteenth Report: The Use of Science in UK International Development Policy
| 133-I | 26.10.04 | 107
| £15.50 | Awaiting Department for International Development Response
Oral and Written Evidence: The Use of Science in UK International Development Policy
| 133-II | 26.10.04 | 401
| £29.50 | Not applicable
Fourteenth Report: Responses to the Committee's Tenth Report, Session 2003-04, Scientific Publications: Free for all?
| 1200 | 8.11.04 | 67
| £13.50 | Awaiting Department of Trade and Industry Response
First Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report, Session 2002-03, Light Pollution and Astronomy
| 127 | 18.12.03 | 18
| £6.00 | Not applicable |
Second Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report, Session 2002-03: The Work of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
| 171 | 19.1.04 | 10
| £4.50 | Not applicable |
Third Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report, Session 2003-04, The Work of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
| 526 | 29.4.04 | 12
| £4.50 | Not applicable |
Fourth Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report, Session 2003-04, Office of Science and Technology: Scrutiny Report 2003
| 588 | 18.5.04 | 10
| £4.50 | Not applicable |
Fifth Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Second Report, Session 2003-04, Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council: Introductory Hearing
| 629 | 11.6.04 | 4
| £3.00 | Not applicable |
Sixth Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report, Session 2003-04, Too little too late? Government Investment in Nanotechnology
| 650 | 23.6.04 | 14
| £4.50 | Not applicable |
Seventh Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report Session 2003-04, Within REACH: the EU's new chemicals strategy
| 895 | 19.7.04 | 12
| £4.50 | Not applicable |
Eighth Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report, Session 2003-04, Director General for Higher Education: Introductory Hearing
| 1015 | 17.9.04 | 7
| £4.50 | Not applicable |
Ninth Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report, Session 2003-04, Director General of the Research Councils: Introductory Hearing
| 1059 | 27.9.04 | 5
| £3.00 | Not applicable |
Tenth Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Eight Report, Session 2003-04, The Work of the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils
| 1199 | 3.11.04 | 27
| £8.00 | Not applicable |
Evidence published on the Internet: Human reproductive technologies and the law
| 599 | 30.6.04 |
| | Not applicable
Evidence published on the Internet: OST Scrutiny 2004
| 315-i | 15.9.04 |
| | Not applicable
Evidence published on the Internet: OST Scrutiny 2004
| 315-ii | 15.9.04 |
| | Not applicable
Evidence published on the Internet: OST Scrutiny 2004
| 315-iii | 15.9.04 |
| | Not applicable
Evidence published on the Internet: OST Scrutiny 2004
| 315-iv | 15.9.04 |
| | Not applicable
Evidence published on the Internet: OST Scrutiny 2004
| 315-v | 17.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Evidence published on the Internet: Human reproductive technologies and the law
| 599-i | 15.9.04 |
| | Not applicable
Evidence published on the Internet: Human reproductive technologies and the law
| 599-ii | 15.9.04 |
| | Not applicable
Evidence published on the Internet: Human reproductive technologies and the law
| 599-iii | 15.9.04 |
| | Not applicable
Evidence published on the Internet: Human reproductive technologies and the law
| 599-iv | 22.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Evidence published on the Internet: Human reproductive technologies and the law
| 599-v | 22.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Evidence published on the Internet: Human reproductive technologies and the law
| 599-vi | 22.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Human reproductive technologies and the law
| 599-vii | 16.10.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: The Work of the Economic and Social Research Council
| 1122-i | 26.10.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Human reproductive technologies and the law
| 599-viii | 3.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Human reproductive technologies and the law
| 599-ix | 16.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Government replies to Reports for Session 2002-03
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Response to
the Committee's Seventh Report: Light Pollution and Astronomy,
received 11.12.03 and published as the Committee's First Special
Report, Session 2003-04.
Home Office Response to the Committee's Eighth Report: The
Scientific Response to Terrorism, published as Cm 6108 (22.1.04).
Department of Trade and Industry Response to the Committee's Ninth
Report: The Work of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council, received 5.1.04 and published as the Committee's
Second Special Report, Session 2003-04.
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2002-03
were published on 5.11.04 as HC 1318, Session 2002-03. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2003-04 will be published
as HC 1317, Session 2003-04.
The following Reports and Special Reports were debated in Westminster
Seventh Report, Session 2002-03, Light Pollution and Astronomy,
HC 747-I and the Government Response, HC 127, 12.2.04
Eighth Report, Session 2002-03, The Scientific Response to
Terrorism, HC 415-I and the Government Response, Cm
6108, 18.3.04
Fifth Report, Session 2003-04, Too little too late? Government
Investment in Nanotechnology, HC 56-I, and the Government
Response, HC 650, 24.6.04
Sixth Report, Session 2003-04, Within REACH: the EU's new chemicals
strategy, HC 172 and the Government Response, HC 895, 9.9.04
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 38 of the Committee's 39 meetings.[12]
On 2 occasions evidence was taken partly or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Beagle 2 | 2
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
| 1 |
Chief Executive, MRC: Introductory Hearing |
1 |
Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils 2004
| 1 |
DGHE: Introductory Hearing | 1
DGRC: Introductory Hearing | 1
ESRC Scrutiny Session 2004 | 1
EU Chemicals Legislation | 4
Government Support for NanotechnologyA
| 2 |
Human Reproductive Technologies and the Law
| 9 |
International Development | 7
Office of Science and Technology Scrutiny 2004
| 4 |
Research Assessment Exercise 2004 | 2
Scientific Publications | 4
Total | 40
A The Committee took oral evidence on this Inquiry
in Session 2002-03; figures appear in the Return for that Session
(HC 1 (2003-04)).
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/scotaffcom
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 19 meetings.
Adams, Mrs Irene (Chairman)
Carmichael, Mr Alistair
Duncan, Mr Peter
Hamilton, David
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian
Lyons, Mr John
MacDougall, Mr John
McKechin, Ann
Robertson, John
Sarwar, Mr Mohammad
Weir, Mr Michael
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
63.2 %
0.0 %
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Mike Clark, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Assistant: Mrs Diane Nelson, Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2); Mrs Pam Fisher (until 9.1.04), Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2)
Secretary: Miss Joanne Larcombe (until 5.9.04), Grade 3 (Band
D1) (until 31.3.04), Grade 2 (Band C) (from 1.4.04); Camilla Brace
(from 9.10.04), Grade 2 (Band C)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Cabinet Ministers
Other Ministers
Members of the Scottish Parliament
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
Scotland Office
Other departments comprising:
HM Customs and Excise
HM Treasury
Appearances by other witnesses
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
28-30.3.04 | Washington |
Adams, Lyons, McKechin, Weir | 2 |
Inquiry into The Proposed Whisky Strip Stamp |
£22,587.68 |
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
15-18.3.04 | Islay, Glasgow and Bushmills
| Adams, Carmichael, Duncan, Hamilton, Lyons, MacDougall, McKechin
| 3A | Inquiry into The Proposed Whisky Strip Stamp
| £9,431.98 |
21-22.6.04 | Dungavel and Maryhill, Glasgow
| Adams, Hamilton, Lyons, MacDougall, McKechin, Robertson, Sarwar, Weir
| 1 | General briefing sessions on immigration issues
| £1,337.72 |
13.9.04 | Ofcom, Glasgow |
Adams, Carmichael, Duncan, Lyons, McKechin, Robertson, Sarwar
| 2 | General briefing session on the role of Ofcom
| £1,456.33 |
14-15.11.04 | Dounreay | Adams, Carmichael, Lyons, McKechin, Robertson, Sarwar, Weir
| 2 | General briefing session on the decommissioning of UKAEA Dounreay
| £3,676.89 |
A Includes 1 Shorthand Writer
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2003-04)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Coincidence of Parliamentary Constituency Boundaries in Scotland and the Consequences of Change
| 77 | 3.2.04 | 100
| £15.50 | Received 26.3.04: published as First Special Report, Session 2003-04
Second Report: Work of the Committee in 2003
| 344 | 23.2.04 | 10
| £5.00 | Not required |
Third Report: The Proposed Whisky Strip Stamp
| 419 | 28.4.04 | 21
| £16.00 | Received 5.7.04: published as Second Special Report, Session 2003-04
First Special Report: Response by the Government to the First Report (Session 2003-04) on The Coincidence of Parliamentary Constituency Boundaries in Scotland and the Consequences of Change
| 514 | 7.4.04 | 4
| £3.00 | Not applicable |
Second Special Report: Response by the Government to the Third Report (Session 2003-04) on The Proposed Whisky Strip Stamp
| 822 | 5.7.04 | 12
| £4.00 | Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Registration of Voters in Scotland
| 78-i | 20.1.04 | 3
| £3.00 | Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Scotland Office Annual Report 2004
| 823-i | 20.10.04 | 20
| £5.50 | Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Implications for Grangemouth of BP's Plans for its Petrochemicals Business
| 905-1 | 19.7.04 |
| | Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Implications for Grangemouth of BP's Plans for its Petrochemicals Business
| 905-ii | 24.11.04 |
| | Not applicable
Government replies to Reports for Session 2002-03
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2002-03
were published on 9.2.04 as HC 1319, Session 2002-03. The Minutes
of Proceedings for Session 2003-04 will be published as HC 1318,
Session 2003-04.
Date | Subject
21.1.04 | Four, on amendments proposed to the Chairman's draft Report on the Coincidence of Parliamentary Constituency Boundaries in Scotland and the Consequences of Change
The following Reports and Special Report were tagged on the Order
Paper as being relevant to debates in the House:
First Report, Session 2003-04, Coincidence of Parliamentary
Constituency Boundaries in Scotland and the Consequences of Change,
HC 77, Scottish Parliament (Constituencies) Bill: Second Reading,
Third Report, Session 2003-04, The Proposed Whisky Strip Stamp,
HC 419, Finance Bill: (Clauses Nos 4,5,20,28,57 to 77,86,111
and 282 to 289 and Schedules Nos. 1, 3, 11, 12, 21 and 37 to 39):
Committee 1st Day, 27.4.04
First Report, Session 2003-04, Coincidence of Parliamentary
Constituency Boundaries in Scotland and the Consequences of Change,
HC 77, and the Government Response, HC 514, Scottish Parliament
(Constituencies) Bill: Committee, 4.5.04
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 8 of the Committee's 19 meetings.[13]
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Coincidence of Parliamentary Boundaries in Scotland and the Consequences of ChangeA
| 1 |
Implications for Grangemouth of BP's Plans for its Petrochemicals Business
| 2 |
Registration of Voters in Scotland
| 1 |
Scotland Office Annual Report 2004 | 1
The Proposed Whisky Strip Stamp | 4
Total | 9 |
A The Committee took oral evidence on this Inquiry
in Session 2002-03; figures appear in the Return for that Session
(HC 1 (2003-04)).
The Committee was nominated on 25 July 2001.
It had 9 Members and held 34 meetings.
McWilliam, Mr John (Chairman)
Ainsworth, Mr Bob
Fitzpatrick, Jim
Heppell, Mr John
Luff, Mr Peter
Quinn, Lawrie
Ryan, Joan
Stunell, Mr Andrew
Young, Sir George
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
85.9 %
0.0 %
Clerk of the Committee: Miss Sîan Jones, Assistant Clerk
(Band A3) (until 30.4.04), Senior Clerk (Band A2) (from 1.5.04)
Committee Assistant: Mr Rob Bartram, Chief Office Clerk (Band
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Government replies to Reports for Session 2002-03
Minutes of Proceedings
Oral Evidence
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/sandp
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 20 meetings.
Young, Sir George (Chairman)
Browning, Mrs Angela (added 29.4.04)
Cranston, Ross (discharged 28.10.04)
David, Mr Wayne (added 28.10.04)
Dismore, Mr Andrew
Foster, Mr Derek
Foster, Mr Michael Jabez (discharged 10.5.04)
Heath, Mr David
Mackay, Mr Andrew
McNamara, Mr Kevin
Ottaway, Richard (discharged 29.4.04)
Pound, Mr Stephen
Thomas, Mr Simon (added 11.12.03)
Overall Attendance:
Number of Members added:
Number of Members discharged:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
69.8 %
27.3 %
Clerk of the Committee: Dr Christopher Ward, Deputy Principal
Clerk (SCS Band 1)
Second Clerk: Ms Charlotte Littleboy, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Secretary: Ms Lisa Hasell, Grade 3 (Band D1) (until 31.3.04),
Grade 2 (Band C) (from 1.4.04)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Cabinet Minister
Member of the House of Lords
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
Department for Constitutional Affairs
Department for Education and Skills
Appearances by other witnesses
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2003-04)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Conduct of Mr George Galloway
| 73 | 4.12.03 | 9
| £4.50 | Not required |
Second Report: Conduct of Ms Diane Abbott
| 285 | 28.1.04 | 12
| £4.50 | Not required |
Third Report: Conduct of Mr John Spellar
| 339 | 11.2.04 | 17
| £6.00 | Not required |
Fourth Report: Conduct of Mr Iain Duncan Smith
| 476-I | 29.3.04 | 121
| £15.50 | Not required |
Written submissions received by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards: Conduct of Mr Iain Duncan Smith
| 476-II | 29.3.04 | 182
| £18.50 | Not applicable
Oral evidence taken by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards: Conduct of Mr Iain Duncan Smith
| 476-III | 29.3.04 | 372
| £29.00 | Not applicable
Fifth Report: Privilege: Protection of a Witness
| 447 | 1.4.04 | 77
| £12.50 | Department for Constitutional Affairs Response, received 13.7.04: published as Sixth Report, Session 2003-04
Sixth Report: Privilege: Protection of a Witness (Government Response)
| 1055 | 16.9.04 | 7
| £4.50 | Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2002-03
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2002-03
were published on 27.4.04 as HC 1320, Session 2002-03. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2003-04 will be published
as HC 1319, Session 2003-04.
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 4 of the Committee's 20 meetings. On
all occasions evidence was taken wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Conduct of Mr Iain Duncan Smith | 1
Privilege: Protection of a Witness | 3
Total | 4 |
On one occasion the Committee's meeting comprised of two separate
oral evidence sessions. Back
On two occasions the Committee's meeting comprised of two separate
oral evidence sessions. Back
On one occasion the Committee's meeting comprised of two separate
oral evidence sessions. Back