UK Parliament Session 2004-05 | House of Commons publications on the internet House of Lords publications on the internet |
Public Bills before Parliament Listed below are the titles of public bills now before Parliament which are available in full text on this site. indicates bills in the House of Commons, those in the House of Lords. Bills which start in the House of Lords have [HL] in their title and indicates bills that have received Royal Assent. At the head of each bill is a note of the stage which the bill has reached in its passage through Parliament. Amendments currently proposed to bills in the House of Lords or the House of Commons can be found under each bill separately.A complete list of public bills introduced in Parliament in the current session, together with information about their progress through Parliament, can be found in the Weekly Information Bulletin. Bills which have been passed by both Houses and have received Royal Assent as Acts of Parliament are available in full text here.
Bills in Session 2003-04 |
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© Parliamentary copyright 2005 | Updated 8 April 2005 |