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House of Commons
Session 2005 - 06
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Summary Agendas and Orders of Business

Order of Business 12 July 2005

Here you can browse the House of Commons Order of Business for 12 June 2005.

* indicates a question for oral answer.
[R] indicates that the Member has declared a relevant interest.
Questions for oral answer not reached receive a written answer.
Supplementary questions will also be asked. Other Ministers may also answer.

+ indicates Government business.
Timings are indicative only.

2.30 p.m.      Prayers
Oral Questions to the Secretary of State for Health
*1 Andrew Selous (South West Bedfordshire):    What estimate she has made of the cost to the NHS of the failure to return equipment loaned to patients in the last year for which figures are available.
( 11240 )
*2 Mr Peter Lilley (Hitchin & Harpenden):    What measures are in place to ensure that the NHS abides by its code of practice on ethical recruitment.
( 11241 )
*3 Mr Kevan Jones (North Durham):    If she will make a statement on the use of the private sector in the provision of MRI scans in the NHS.
( 11242 )
*4 Sir George Young (North West Hampshire):    What the overall financial status of NHS hospital trusts in 2003-04 was; and if she will make a statement.
( 11243 )
*5 Mr Andrew Pelling (Croydon Central):    Whether all NHS patients will be able to opt out of having their data held electronically under Connecting for Health.
( 11244 )
*6 Mr Shahid Malik (Dewsbury):    What changes there have been since 2000 in the number of patients waiting more than six months for in-patient admission.
( 11245 )
*7 Mr David Burrowes (Enfield, Southgate):    What measures have been put in place to deal with health hazards posed by a possible summer heat wave.
( 11246 )
*8 Mr Christopher Fraser (South West Norfolk):    What assessment she has made of patient satisfaction following the implementation of the new general practitioner contract.
( 11247 )
*9 Miss Julie Kirkbride (Bromsgrove):    How many operations were cancelled in (a) Worcestershire NHS Acute Trust and (b) England in the last year for which figures are available.
( 11248 )
*10 Mr Pat McFadden (Wolverhampton South East):    If she will make a statement on policies to increase choice for NHS patients.
( 11249 )
*11 Sir Nicholas Winterton (Macclesfield):    What drugs are available on NHS prescription for Alzheimer's disease patients.
( 11250 )
*12 Simon Hughes (North Southwark & Bermondsey):    What the difference is between average waiting times of those referred for treatment (a) by their local general practitioner and (b) elsewhere within an NHS trust in (i) London and (ii) England; and if she will make a statement.
( 11251 )
*13 Michael Fabricant (Lichfield):    If she will visit Lichfield to meet stakeholders to discuss the future needs of patients using the hospital under construction in the city.
( 11252 )
*14 Mr Gordon Prentice (Pendle):    What grants are available to help NHS dentists set up surgeries in residential areas.
( 11253 )
*15 Dr Richard Taylor (Wyre Forest):    If she will make a statement on the effects of the European Working Time Directive on continuity of patient care and junior doctor training in the NHS.
( 11254 )
*16 Mrs Theresa Villiers (Chipping Barnet):    What the trends in NHS dentistry registration rates have been since 1997.
( 11255 )
*17 Mr Jim McGovern (Dundee West):    If she will make a statement on the treatment of myeloma.
( 11256 )
*18 Helen Jones (Warrington North):    What steps she is taking to ensure that women receive the results of cervical smear tests within a reasonable time.
( 11257 )
*19 Dr John Pugh (Southport):    What plans the Government has to change the role and structure of primary care trusts.
( 11258 )
*20 Joan Walley (Stoke-on-Trent North):    What her latest assessment is of the availability of NHS digital hearing aids.
( 11259 )
*21 Mike Penning (Hemel Hempstead):    How many (a) hospital trusts and (b) primary care trusts in Hertfordshire have financial deficits; and if she will make a statement.
( 11260 )
*22 Lynda Waltho (Stourbridge):    If she will make a statement on waiting times for coronary bypass grafts.
( 11261 )
*23 Mr Jim Cunningham (Coventry South):    If she will take steps to ensure that appropriate and affordable medicines are available to people with (a) Alzheimer's and (b) dementia.
( 11262 )
*24 Mr Fabian Hamilton (Leeds North East):    What estimate she has made of the number of prison inmates infected with hepatitis C; and how many inmates are infected in each prison in England.
( 11263 )
*25 Mr Philip Hollobone (Kettering):    How many general practitioner practices there are in Kettering constituency; and what the average number of patients registered with a practice in Kettering is.
( 11264 )

At 3.30 p.m.Urgent Questions (if any)
Ministerial Statements (if any)

Preliminary Business

Ten minute rule Motion



[Up to 20 minutes]

      Mr Tom Harris
        That leave be given to bring in a Bill to amend the Computer Misuse Act 1990; and for connected purposes.

        The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to ten minutes (Standing Order No. 23).

Main Business


OPPOSITION DAY (5th allotted day)

[Until 10.00 p.m.]



      Mr Michael Howard
      Mr George Osborne
      Mr Philip Hammond
      Mr Mark Field
      Mr Mark Francois
      Mr Richard Spring
David Maclean
        That this House commends the Parliamentary Ombudsman and the Citizens Advice Bureau on their reports on Tax Credits; notes with concern their conclusions that many thousands of low income families are suffering financial hardship as a result of the serious problems with the administration of tax credits; further notes the huge cost to the taxpayer of these problems; calls on the Government to implement as soon as possible all the Ombudsman's recommendations to improve the tax credit administration; in particular calls on the Government to adopt the Ombudsman's recommendation to set up a statutory test for recovery of excess payments of tax credits consistent with the test that is currently applied to social security benefits, with the right of appeal to an independent tribunal and calls on HM Revenue and Customs to suspend all recovery of tax credit overpayments until this reform has been completed; and calls on the Chancellor of the Exchequer to explain the Government's failure to provide low income families with the service they deserve; and requests that he conduct a fundamental review of the structure and administration of tax credits, as recommended by the Ombudsman.

        As an Amendment to Mr Michael Howard's proposed Motion (Tax Credits System):

      The Prime Minister
      Mr Secretary Prescott
      Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer
      Mr Secretary Blunkett
      Mr Des Browne
      Dawn Primarolo
        Line      1,      leave out from `House' to end and add `supports the Government's strategy to make work pay and provide financial support to families through tax credits; welcomes the fact that over 6 million families and 10.5 million children are benefiting from tax credits, with first year take-up of around 80 per cent., compared to just 57 per cent. for the Family Credit system inherited by the Government; recognises that far more families than ever before are benefiting from help with childcare costs; notes that tax credits are central to the Government's goal of abolishing child poverty; further notes that tax credits have helped ensure there are 1.5 million fewer children in poverty and have helped 275,000 lone parents into work; recognises the need to balance the demands for a simple system with the need for a system that responds to people's changing circumstances, giving most help to families when they need it most; acknowledges the IT and administrative problems that accompanied the early stages of implementation; and welcomes the measures announced by the Government for improving the administration of the system'.



      Mr Michael Howard
      Mrs Theresa May
      Mr Malcolm Moss
      Hugh Robertson
      Mr Hugo Swire
      David Maclean
        That this House notes with concern that with only 25 days to go before the 6th August deadline set in the Licensing Act 2003, only 20 per cent. of licence applications have been received; further notes the chaos that this is creating both for the licensing trade and for local authorities; is concerned by the problems of extra cost that the legislation is creating for village halls, sports clubs and community centres; regrets the effect that this will have upon local communities; condemns the Government for its lack of action in dealing with the problem; and calls upon the Government to extend the deadlines for the receipt of applications and re-examine the impact upon village halls and sports clubs.

        As Amendments to Mr Michael Howard's proposed Motion (Implementation of the Licensing Act 2003):

      The Prime Minister
      Mr Secretary Prescott
      Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer
      Mr Secretary Clarke
      Ms Secretary Jowell
      Mr Richard Caborn
James Purnell
        Line      1,      leave out from `House' to end and add `commends the Government on its effective publicity campaign that has significantly increased the rate of applications to convert existing licences under the Licensing Act 2003 before 6th August; encourages remaining licensees to fulfill their responsibilities and get their applications in before that date; considers that failure to implement the Act without delay would deny local communities increased powers of intervention and improved democratic accountability with regard to licensing and deny the police the expanded powers that are vital to their efforts to tackle alcohol-related crime and anti-social behaviour; welcomes the powers in the Act to prevent crime and disorder and public nuisance, and protect children from harm; believes that the Act will benefit local communities, local economies and tourism and generate savings for business of almost £2 billion over 10 years; and furthermore, believes that the Act will be successfully implemented by 24th November 2005 and will be welcomed by industry and non-commercial organisations, including village halls and sports clubs, alike.'.

      Mr Charles Kennedy
      Sir Menzies Campbell
      Mr Don Foster
      Jo Swinson
      Sir Robert Smith
      Andrew Stunell
        Line      1,      leave out from `House' to end and add `calls for a delay in the implementation of the Licensing Act 2003 until the problems of binge drinking have been brought under control.'.

The selection of the matters to be debated this day has been made by the Leader of the Opposition (Standing Order No. 14(2)).
Debate may continue until 10.00 p.m.

+  3  


[No debate]

      Mr Secretary Clarke
      Mr Geoffrey Hoon
        That the Order of 28th June 2005 (Identity Cards Bill (Programme)) shall be amended, in paragraph 2, by substituting `Thursday 21st July' for `Tuesday 19th July.'

To be decided without debate (Standing Order No. 83A(6)).

+  4  


[No debate]

      Mr Secretary Hain
        That the draft Traffic Management (Northern Ireland) Order 2005, which was laid before this House on 16th June, be approved.

To be decided without debate (Standing Order No. 115(3).

+  5  


[No debate]

      Ms Secretary Hewitt
        That the draft Dentists Act 1984 (Amendment) Order 2005, which was laid before this House on 26th May, be approved.

To be decided without debate (Standing Order No. 118(6)).

+  6  


[No debate]

      Mr Secretary Straw
        That the draft Consular Fees Act 1980 (Fees) Order 2005, which was laid before this House on 16th June, be approved.

To be decided without debate (Standing Order No. 118(6)).

At the end of the sitting:



        Proposed subject: Proposed closure of the Meteorological Office in Aberdeen (Malcolm Bruce).

        Debate may continue until 10.30 p.m., or for half an hour, whichever is later (Standing Order No. 9).



1Standing Committee D10.30 a.m.
4.00 p.m.
Room 14 (public)
Further to consider the Identity Cards Bill.
2Fifth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation10.30 a.m.Room 9 (public)
To consider the draft Railways (Convention on International Carriage by Rail) Regulations 2005.
3Sixth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation10.30 a.m.Room 10 (public)
To consider the draft Local Elections (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) Order 2005.
4Seventh Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation10.30 a.m.Room 11 (public)
To consider the draft International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Immunitites and Privileges) Order 2005.
5Eighth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation4.30 p.m.Room 9 (public)
To consider the draft Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996 (Code of Practice) (Northern Ireland) Order 2005.
6Ninth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation4.30 p.m.Room 10 (public)
To consider the draft Community Legal Service (Scope) Regulations 2005, the draft Community Legal Service (Cost Protection) (Amendment) Regulations 2005, and the Revised Funding Code prepared by the Legal Services Commission.
7Tenth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation4.30 p.m.Room 11 (public)
To consider the draft National Minimum Wage Regulations 1999 (Amendment) Regulations 2005.
8Eleventh Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation4.30 p.m.Room 12 (public)
To consider the draft Financial Assistance Scheme Regulations 2005, and the draft Financial Assistance Scheme (Internal Review) Regulations 2005.


9Statutory InstrumentsAs soon as convenient after 4.15 p.m.Room 7 (private)


10Statutory Instruments4.15 p.m.Room 7 (private)

[The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded without notice.]

Written Ministerial Statements to be made today

1    Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer:      UK Presidency of the European Union: Agenda for the Economic and Financial Affairs Council, 12th July 2005.
2    Minister of State, Department for Constitutional Affairs:      Legal Services Ombudsman's and Legal Services Complaints Commissioner's Annual Reports 2004-05.
3    Secretary of State for Defence:      Government responses to reports of the Defence Select Committee.
4    Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs:      Indemnities for British Council Art Exhibitions Overseas-Update.
5    Secretary of State for Health:      Consultation on regulations to be made under the Human Tissue Act 2004.
6    Prime Minister:      Intelligence and Security Committee.
7    Secretary of State for Trade and Industry:      Performance targets for the Employment Tribunals Service 2004-05.

Standing Committee Notices

     European Standing Committee A will now meet on Thursday 14th July at 2.30 p.m. to consider European Document 6364/05 relating to the Working Conditions on Interoperable Cross-border Rail Services.


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Prepared 12 July 2005