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House of Commons
Session 2005 - 06
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Summary Agendas and Orders of Business

Order of Business Thursday 11 May 2006

Here you can browse the House of Commons Order of Business for Thursday 11 May 2006.

+ indicates Government business.
Timings are indicative only.

House of Commons
Order of Business

At 10.30 a.m.
  indicates Government Business
[No debate]
Secretary John Reid
   That an Humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, That she will be graciously pleased to give directions that there be laid before this House a Return of the Report of the Official Account of the bombings in London on 7th July 2005.
No debate.

  indicates a question for oral answer.
[R] indicates that the Member has declared a relevant interest.
Questions for oral answer not reached receive a written answer
Supplementary questions will also be asked. Other Ministers may also answer.
Oral Questions to Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer
Keith Vaz (Leicester East): What recent progress has been made towards reaching the Lisbon Agenda benchmarks.
Philip Davies (Shipley): What representations he has received on the abolition of the Home Computing Initiative.
Mrs Sharon Hodgson (Gateshead East & Washington West): What recent representations he has received on the inflation target; and if he will make a statement.
Stephen Pound (Ealing North): If he will make a statement on the discussion on world growth at the G7 meeting in Washington.
Mrs Madeleine Moon (Bridgend): What assessment he has made of the effect of the planned closure of three research sites of the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology on the implementation of the recommendations of the Lyons Review on public sector location.
Mr David Evennett (Bexleyheath & Crayford): What measures he is taking to reduce overpayments of tax credits.
Ms Diana R. Johnson (Kingston upon Hull North): What assessment he has made of the impact of the national minimum wage on levels of employment since its introduction.
Mr Iain Wright (Hartlepool): If he will make a statement on his plans to promote bio-fuels.
Jeremy Wright (Rugby & Kenilworth): What steps he is taking to reduce overpayments of tax credits.
Chris McCafferty (Calder Valley): What assessment he has made of the contribution of the International Finance Facility to meeting the millennium development goals on sexual and reproductive health; and if he will make a statement.
Mr Neil Turner (Wigan): If he will make a statement on progress in implementing the planning gain supplement.
Angela Watkinson (Upminster): What efficiency savings have been made as a result of the implementation of the Gershon Review of public sector efficiency.
Mr Graham Stuart (Beverley & Holderness): What recent discussions he has had with the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions on the long-term financial sustainability of pension credit.
Mr David S. Borrow (South Ribble): If he will make a statement on economic growth in the first quarter of 2006.
John Smith (Vale of Glamorgan): What the level of inflation is in the UK, the EU and the USA; and if he will make a statement.
Ben Chapman (Wirral South): What recent discussions he has had with banks on fee-charging cash machines; and if he will make a statement.
Mr Bob Blizzard (Waveney): What criteria he will use to determine the level of public expenditure for combating drug abuse in the forthcoming spending review.
Mary Creagh (Wakefield): How many people claimed working tax credit in (a) Wakefield and (b) West Yorkshire in the latest year for which figures are available; and if he will make a statement.
Nia Griffith (Llanelli): If he will make a statement on the role of taxation policy in combating climate change.
Mr Jamie Reed (Copeland): If he will make a statement on public funding for the energy and environmental research institute which he announced in his Budget.
Rob Marris (Wolverhampton South West): What assessment he has made of the impact of tax relief on pension contributions on levels of savings in occupational pension schemes.
Ms Sally Keeble (Northampton North): What assessment he has made of the implications for economic growth of the Bank of England's latest inflation report; and if he will make a statement.
Andrew Gwynne (Denton & Reddish): What proportion of the UK's cash machines charge users for their withdrawals; and if he will make a statement.

At 11.30 a.m.
  Urgent Questions (if any)
  Ministerial Statements (if any)

Main Business
[Up to 45 minutes]
Secretary Ruth Kelly
   That the Order of 25th April 2006 (Housing Corporation (Delegation) etc. Bill (Programme)) be varied as follows:
Paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Order shall be omitted.
Proceedings on consideration shall (so far as not previously concluded) be brought to a conclusion two hours after the commencement of proceedings on the motion for this Order.
Proceedings on Third Reading shall (so far as not previously concluded) be brought to a conclusion three hours after the commencement of proceedings on the motion for this Order.
The Speaker will put the Question not later than 45 minutes after proceedings begin (Standing Order No. 83A(8)).
HOUSING CORPORATION (DELEGATION) ETC. BILL: Not amended in the Standing Committee, to be considered.
[Up to three hours]
Third Reading will also be taken.
Proceedings on Consideration shall, so far as not previously concluded, be brought to a conclusion two hours after commencement of proceedings on the Housing Corporation (Delegation) Etc. Bill (Programme) (No. 2) Motion and proceedings on Third Reading shall, so far as not previously concluded, be brought to a conclusion three hours after commencement of proceedings on the Housing Corporation (Delegation) Etc. Bill (Programme) (No. 2) Motion, if that Motion is agreed to.
[Until 6.00 p.m.]
The Prime Minister
   That this House do now adjourn.
   Proposed subject for debate: Creating confident consumers.
Debate may continue until 6.00 p.m.
At the end of the sitting:
   Proposed subject: Rod licences on the Border Esk (David Mundell).
   Debate may continue until 6.30 p.m. or for half an hour, whichever is later (Standing Order No. 9).

Standing Committee A
9.05 a.m.
Room 14 (public)
1.45 p.m.
   Further to consider the Finance (No. 2) Bill (except Clauses Nos. 13 to 15, 26, 61, 91 and 106 and Schedule 14, and new Clauses relating to the effect of provisions of the Bill on section 18 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984).
Standing Committee E
9.00 a.m.
Room 9 (public)
1.00 p.m.
   Further to consider the Education and Inspections Bill.
Fifth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation
8.55 a.m.
Room 12 (public)
   To consider the Bee Diseases and Pest Control (England) Order 2006 (S.I., 2006, No. 342).
9.15 a.m.
The Wilson Room, Portcullis House (private)
10.00 a.m.
   Subject: Workforce planning.
   Witnesses: Andrew Foster, Director of Workforce, Debbie Mellor, Head of Workforce Capacity, Keith Derbyshire, Economic Adviser, Department of Health and Dr Judy Curson, Head of Workforce Review Team, NHS; Professor Sue Hill, Chief Scientific Officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, Chief Medical Officer, Dr David Colin-Thome, National Clinical Director, and Professor Bob Fryer, National Director for Widening Participation in Learning, Department of Health (at 11.15 a.m.).
9.30 a.m.
The Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House (private)
Crossrail Bill
10.00 a.m.
Room 5 (public)
Environmental Audit Sub-Committee on Trade, Development and Environment
10.00 a.m.
Room 8 (private)
10.10 a.m.
   Subject: The Role of DfID.
   Witnesses: DfID Officials.
Science and Technology
10.45 a.m.
D G Employment and Social, Rue Joseph II 27, Brussels (private)
   Subject: Scientific advice risk and evidence: how the Government handles them.
   Witnesses: Bernhard Jansen, Director of Directorate F, (Social Dialogue, Social Rights, Working Conditions, Adaptation to Change), and Jose Ramon Biosca de Sagustuy, Head of Unit D4 for Health, Safety and Hygiene at Work, European Commission.
11.35 a.m.
The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House (private)
11.45 a.m.
   Subject: Globalisation: The role of the IMF.
   Witness: Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Mr Jon Cunliffe, Second Permanent Secretary, Macroeconomic Policy and International Finance, HM Treasury, and Mr Tom Scholar, UK Executive Director, IMS and World Bank.
1.30 p.m.
The Met Office, Exeter (private)
2.00 p.m.
   Subject: The Work of the Met Office.
   Witnesses: Mr Mark Hutchinson, Chief Executive, Dr David Griggs, Director of Climate Change and Mr Steve Noyes, Director of Production, the Met Office.
Crossrail Bill
2.30 p.m.
Room 5 (public)
[The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded without notice.]

Written Ministerial Statements to be made today
Secretary of State for Health: Publication of the 2006 annual report for the Department of Health.
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland: Construction Industry Training Board.
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland: Standing Orders determined by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland under paragraph 4(1) of Schedule 1 to the Northern Ireland Act 2006.
Prime Minister: Intelligence and Security Committee Report.
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: Departmental report.

Standing Committee Notices
        Standing Committee A will meet on Tuesday 16th May at 10.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. and Thursday 18th May at 9.05 a.m. and 1.45 p.m. further to consider the Finance (No. 2) Bill (except Clauses Nos. 13 to 15, 23, 61, 91 and 106 and Schedule 14).
        A European Standing Committee will meet on Tuesday 16th May at 4.30 p.m. to consider European Union Document No. 6174/04, relating to services in the internal market.
        The First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Monday 15th May at 4.30 p.m. to consider the Social Security Benefits Up-rating Regulations 2006 (S.I., 2006, No. 712).
        The Second Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Tuesday 16th May at 4.30 p.m. to consider the Hill Farm Allowance Regulations 2006 (S.I., 2006, No. 225).
        The Third Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Wednesday 17th May at 2.30 p.m. to consider the draft Tax Information Exchange Agreement (Taxes on Income) (Gibraltar) Order 2006, the Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (Botswana) Order 2006 and the Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (Japan) Order 2006.
        The Fourth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Wednesday 17th May at 2.30 p.m. to consider the draft Wireless Telegraphy (Pre-Consolidation Amendment) Order 2006.
        The Fifth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Thursday 18th May at 8.55 a.m. to consider the draft International Development Association (Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative) Order 2006.
        The Sixth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Thursday 18th May at 8.55 a.m. to consider the draft National Health Service (Pre-consolidation Amendments) Order 2006.
        The Seventh Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Thursday 18th May at 2.30 p.m. to consider the draft Enterprise Act 2002 (Disqualification from Office: General) Order 2006.



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Prepared 11 May 2006