House of Commons portcullis
House of Commons
Session 2005 - 06
Publications on the internet


(These petitions are against the further Amendments to the Crossrail Bill deposited in the Private bill Office on Tuesday 9th May)

Name of Petition

By whom deposited



1. The Fairfield Conservation Area Residents AssociationPDF

Jacqueline Bradshaw- Price

2. Gallifordtry Partnerships LimitedPDF

D Nandra

3. East Homes Limited PDF

East Homes Limited

4. Paddington Residents' Active Concern on Transport  PDF

John W S Walton

5. Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London acting by the Common Council PDF

Paul R. E. Double

6. Barbara and Tony Wheeler PDF

Barbara and Tony Wheeler

7. Barbican Association PDF

Richard J D Morrison and David A Graves

8. Ian Mackenzie PDF

Ian Mackenzie

9. Paperback Ltd PDF

Alan Goschalk

10. Westbourne Park Villas Residents' Association  PDF

Margot Bright

11. Westminster City Council PDF

Sharpe Pritchard

12. Paddington Churches Housing Association Limited  PDF

Fosters Solicitors

13. Southern Housing Group Limited PDF

Bircham Dyson Bell

14. Hammerson UK Properties plc PDF

Bircham Dyson Bell

15. London International Exhibition Centre plc PDF

Bircham Dyson Bell

16. The Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets PDF

Bircham Dyson Bell

17. The Moor House Limited Partnership PDF

Bircham Dyson Bell

18. Orange Personal Communications Limited PDF

Bircham Dyson Bell

19. Salisbury House Offices Limited PDF

Bircham Dyson Bell

20. Tarmac Limited PDF

Bircham Dyson Bell




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(c) Parliamentary copyright 2006
Updated 17 February 2006