Amendments proposed to the Identity Cards Bill - continued House of Commons

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Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     8,     page     7,     line     12,     after 'recording', insert 'prescribed'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     8,     page     7,     line     14,     after 'carrying', insert 'prescribed'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     8,     page     7,     line     21,     leave out from 'period' to end of line 22.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     8,     page     7,     line     28,     leave out subsection (5).


Mr Edward Garnier
Patrick Mercer
Mr Tobias Ellwood
Mr Adam Holloway
Mr Ben Wallace


Clause     8,     page     7,     line     32,     leave out subsection (6) and insert—

    '(6)   An ID card relating to an individual is not to be issued except where—

      (a) an application has been made by him to be entered in the Register; or

      (b) an application has been made by him which in the prescribed manner confirms (with or without changes) the contents of an entry already made in the Register for that individual.'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     8,     page     7,     line     38,     leave out subsection (7).


Mr Edward Garnier
Patrick Mercer
Mr Tobias Ellwood
Mr Adam Holloway
Mr Ben Wallace


Clause     9,     page     8,     line     32,     after 'allow', insert 'all of'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     9,     page     8,     line     40,     leave out '£1000' and insert '£50'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Page     8,     line     14,     leave out Clause 9.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     10,     page     9,     line     9,     leave out subsection (2).


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     11,     page     9,     line     26,     after 'it', insert 'reasonably'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     11,     page     9,     line     33,     leave out from 'Register' to end of line 34.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     11,     page     9,     line     37,     after 'it', insert 'reasonably'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     11,     page     10,     line     4,     at end insert 'where that requirement is, in all the circumstances, reasonable'.


Mr Edward Garnier
Patrick Mercer
Mr Tobias Ellwood
Mr Adam Holloway
Mr Ben Wallace
Mr Alistair Carmichael
Mr Michael Fallon


Clause     12,     page     10,     line     36,     at end insert—

    '(1A)   For the purposes of ensuring that an individual is able to comply with his duty under subsection (1), the Secretary of State must at least once every two years send in a prescribed manner to each individual to whom an ID card has been issued at his prescribed address a copy of the information recorded as at a prescribed date about that individual in the Register.'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     12,     page     11,     line     8,     leave out ', and other biometric information about himself,'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     12,     page     11,     line     8,     leave out paragraph (b).


Mr Edward Garnier
Patrick Mercer
Mr Tobias Ellwood
Mr Adam Holloway
Mr Ben Wallace


Clause     12,     page     11,     line     16,     after 'who', insert 'intentionally'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     12,     page     11,     line     17,     leave out '£1000' and insert '£50'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     12,     page     11,     line     17,     at end add—

    '(7)   The Secretary of State shall make provision for local facilities to satisfy the attendance requirements of subsection (4)(a).

    (8)   The Secretary of State shall make provision for home visits to people unfit to travel to satisfy the requirements of subsection (4)(a).'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     12,     page     11,     line     17,     at end add—

    '(7)   The Secretary of State shall make no charge for changes to the Register required by this section.'.


Mr Edward Garnier
Patrick Mercer
Mr Tobias Ellwood
Mr Adam Holloway
Mr Ben Wallace


Clause     13,     page     11,     line     20,     leave out from 'State' to 'if'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     13,     page     11,     line     37,     at end insert—

    '(2A)   The Secretary of State may, in an urgent case, cancel the card forthwith or otherwise give notice to the individual of an intention to do so.

    (2B)   The Secretary of State shall send notification of his cancellation or his intention to cancel in writing to the individual who shall have the right to make representations accordingly.

    (2C)   The Secretary of State shall review his cancellations or his intention in the light of such representations.

    (2D)   The individual may appeal a cancellation of his ID card to the Commissioner.'.


Mr Edward Garnier
Patrick Mercer
Mr Tobias Ellwood
Mr Adam Holloway
Mr Ben Wallace


Clause     13,     page     12,     line     12,     after 'who', insert 'unreasonably'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     13,     page     12,     line     13,     leave out paragraph (a).


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     14,     page     12,     line     31,     after 'a', insert 'prescribed'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     14,     page     12,     line     31,     after 'with', insert 'all of the'.


Mr Edward Garnier
Patrick Mercer
Mr Tobias Ellwood
Mr Adam Holloway
Mr Ben Wallace


Clause     14,     page     12,     line     34,     after 'the', insert 'written'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     14,     page     12,     line     34,     after 'the', insert 'informed'.


Mr Edward Garnier
Patrick Mercer
Mr Tobias Ellwood
Mr Adam Holloway
Mr Ben Wallace


Clause     14,     page     12,     line     35,     after 'otherwise', insert 'in writing'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     14,     page     12,     line     35,     after 'otherwise', insert 'explicitly'.


Mr Edward Garnier
Patrick Mercer
Mr Tobias Ellwood
Mr Adam Holloway
Mr Ben Wallace


Clause     14,     page     12,     line     36,     at end insert 'and

      (c) authority or consent may extend to part only of information.'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     14,     page     12,     line     37,     leave out subsection (2).


Mr Edward Garnier
Patrick Mercer
Mr Tobias Ellwood
Mr Adam Holloway
Mr Ben Wallace
Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     14,     page     13,     line     21,     leave out subsection (4).


Mr Edward Garnier
Patrick Mercer
Mr Tobias Ellwood
Mr Adam Holloway
Mr Ben Wallace


Clause     14,     page     14,     line     2,     at end add—

    '(9)   If an individual applies to the Secretary of State for the provision to himself of all or any information recorded in his entry in the Register, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to supply to the individual all such information requested.'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     14,     page     13,     line     15,     leave out paragraph (a).


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     14,     page     13,     line     16,     leave out paragraph (b).


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     14,     page     13,     line     26,     leave out 'may' and insert 'shall'.


Mr Alistair Carmichael
Tim Farron


Clause     14,     page     13,     line     31,     leave out 'may' and insert 'shall'.


Mr Edward Garnier
Patrick Mercer
Mr Tobias Ellwood
Mr Adam Holloway
Mr Ben Wallace


Clause     15,     page     14,     line     9,     leave out paragraphs (b) and (c).


Mr Edward Garnier
Patrick Mercer
Mr Tobias Ellwood
Mr Adam Holloway
Mr Ben Wallace


Clause     15,     page     14,     line     19,     leave out subsection (3) and insert—

    '(3)   Failure to produce without reasonable excuse an identity card to a police constable reasonably requiring production shall be a summary offence punishable with 6 months imprisonment or a fine or both.'.


Mr Edward Garnier
Patrick Mercer
Mr Tobias Ellwood
Mr Adam Holloway
Mr Ben Wallace
Mr Alistair Carmichael
Mr Michael Fallon


Clause     15,     page     14,     line     24,     at end add—

    '(4)   Nothing in this section authorises the making of regulations the effect of which would be to require a British citizen to carry or produce an ID card before such time as when all British citizens are required by virtue of section 6 to be entered in the Register.'.

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