Amendments proposed to the Animal Welfare Bill - continued House of Commons

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Bill Wiggin


Clause     6,     page     3,     line     40,     at end insert—

    '(2A)   A person can only be found guilty of an offence under subsections (1) or (2) if it is proven that the poisons were not administered by accident.'.


Anne Snelgrove


Clause     6,     page     3,     line     44,     at end add 'and references to a person "knowing" a drug or substance to be poisonous or injurious include a person who ought reasonably to know.'.


Bill Wiggin
Mr David Drew


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     3,     after 'arranges', insert 'or knowingly publicises'.


Bill Wiggin


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     3,     at end insert—

      '(aa) distributes promotional material for an animal fight;

      (ab) willingly accepts promotional material for an animal fight;'.


Bill Wiggin


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     4,     leave out from 'for' to end of line 5 and insert 'the fighting of animals'.


Bill Wiggin
Mr David Drew


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     5,     at end insert—

      '(ba) knowingly participates in the publicising of an animal fight;'.


Norman Baker
Greg Mulholland


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     9,     at end insert—

      '(e) receives money for admission to a place which is being used for an animal fight.'.


Norman Baker
Greg Mulholland


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     9,     at end insert—

      '(e) keeps or trains an animal for the purpose of an animal fight.'.


Norman Baker
Greg Mulholland


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     9,     at end insert—

      '(e) has in his possession anything capable of being used in connection with an animal fight with a view to its being so used.'.


Norman Baker
Greg Mulholland


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     10,     leave out 'he is present at an animal fight' and insert—

      (a) present at an animal fight, or at an activity where there is a reasonable likelihood of such a fight taking place;

      (b) makes a recording of an animal fight;

      (c) has in his possession or distributes—

      (i) a recording of an animal fight

      (ii) a copy of such a recording, or

      (iii) material from such a recording; or

      (d) publishes material from a recording of an animal fight.'.


Bill Wiggin
Mr David Drew


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     10,     leave out 'he is present at an animal fight' and insert—

      '(a) he is present at an animal fight;

      (b) he makes a recording of an animal fight;

      (c) he has in his possession or distributes—

      (i) a recording of an animal fight,

      (ii) a copy of such a recording, or

      (iii) material from such a recording; or

      (d) publishes material from a recording of an animal fight.'.


Bill Wiggin


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     11,     at end insert—

    '(2A)   A person commits an offence if, without lawful authority or excuse, he—

      (a) produces a visual record of an animal fight,

      (b) is in possession of a visual record of an animal fight, or

      (c) distributes a visual record of an animal fight.'.


Bill Wiggin


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     12,     leave out from 'which' to first 'with' in line 13 and insert 'the fighting of animals takes place.'.


Bill Wiggin


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     14,     at end add 'and "recording" means a record from which visual images or sounds may, by any means, be reproduced.'.


Norman Baker
Greg Mulholland


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     14,     at end add—

    '(4)   For the purposes of this section "recording" means a record from which visual images or sounds may, by any means, be reproduced.'.


Bill Wiggin


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     14,     at end add—

    '(4)   In subsection (3), "the fighting of animals" means the placing of a protected animal'.


Bill Wiggin


Clause     8,     page     4,     line     17,     leave out 'in all the circumstances'.


Bill Wiggin


Clause     8,     page     4,     line     19,     leave out 'the extent required by good practice' and insert 'an appropriate manner'.


Bill Wiggin


Clause     8,     page     4,     line     19,     leave out 'the extent required by good practice' and insert 'an appropriate extent'.


Bill Wiggin


Clause     8,     page     4,     line     21,     leave out 'a suitable environment' and insert 'an adequate and comfortable living space'.


Mr David Drew


Clause     8,     page     4,     line     26,     leave out subsection (3).


Bill Wiggin


Clause     8,     page     4,     line     28,     leave out paragraphs (a) and (b) and insert ', an animal's environment and circumstances.'.


Norman Baker
Greg Mulholland


Clause     8,     page     4,     line     29,     at end insert—

    '(3A)   If an animal has been abandoned, any person who immediately before that time was a keeper of the animal shall continue to be a keeper of the animal for the purpose of this section until another person becomes keeper of it.'.


Bill Wiggin
Mr David Drew


Clause     9,     page     4,     line     32,     leave out 'or prize'.


Norman Baker
Greg Mulholland


Clause     9,     page     4,     line     38,     leave out subsections (3) to (6) and insert—

    '(2A)   A person commits an offence if he offers or gives an animal to another person as a prize.

    (2B)   A person does not commit an offence under subsection (2A) where the prize is offered or given in a family context.'.


Bill Wiggin
Mr David Drew


Clause     9,     page     4,     line     38,     leave out subsection (3).


Bill Wiggin
Mr David Drew


Clause     9,     page     5,     line     1,     leave out subsection (4).


Norman Baker
Greg Mulholland


Clause     9,     page     5,     line     6,     at end insert 'and who has responsibility for that person.'.


Bill Wiggin
Mr David Drew


Clause     9,     page     5,     line     7,     leave out subsection (5).


Norman Baker
Greg Mulholland
Bill Wiggin
Mr David Drew


Clause     9,     page     5,     line     13,     leave out subsection (6).


Bill Wiggin


Clause     10,     page     5,     line     16,     leave out from 'The' to 'thinks' in line 17 and insert 'Secretary of State may by regulation make such provision as he'.


Bill Wiggin


Clause     10,     page     5,     line     18,     at end insert—

    '(1A)   Provisions promoting the welfare of animals under subsection (1) may only be made if the appropriate national authority is satisfied, on the basis of public scientific evidence, that those provisions are in fact necessary to promote such welfare.'.


Mr David Drew


Clause     10,     page     5,     line     22,     at end insert—

      '(aa) make provision for the specification of certain training methods and devices to be used in the training of animals,'.


Mr David Drew


Clause     10,     page     5,     line     22,     at end insert—

      '(aa) make provision for prohibiting the keeping of primates (including provision making exception from a prohibition);'.


Mr David Drew


Clause     10,     page     5,     line     22,     at end insert—

      '(aa) make provision imposing prohibitions (including provision making exception from a prohibition);'.


Anne Snelgrove


Clause     10,     page     5,     line     22,     at end insert—

      '(aa) make provision for licensing when or under what circumstances it is permissible to release game birds and wild fowl into the wild;'.


Bill Wiggin


Clause     10,     page     5,     line     23,     leave out paragraph (b).


Mr David Drew


Clause     10,     page     5,     line     26,     leave out 'establishment' and insert 'appointment'.


Bill Wiggin


Clause     10,     page     5,     line     26,     after 'more', insert 'independent, expert'.


Bill Wiggin


Clause     10,     page     5,     line     27,     after 'to', insert 'scientific'.


Bill Wiggin


Clause     10,     page     5,     line     27,     at end insert—

    '(2A)   Regulations made under subsection (2) may not be designed to empower non-governmental organisations to the extent whereby such organisations' powers extend into both animal welfare promotion and initiating animal welfare prosecutions.'.

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