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House of Commons
Session 2005 - 06
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Other Bills before Parliament




House of Commons


Tuesday 21st March 2006


Standing Committee Proceedings


Standing Committee B


Children and Adoption Bill [Lords]


[fifth and sixth Sittings]


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Not selected  52


Page  11,  line  23,  leave out Clause 6.


Clause Agreed to.



Margaret Moran


Not selected  35


Clause  7,  page  12,  line  3,  at beginning insert—



After section 8 of the Children Act 1989 (c. 41) insert—



Pre-court checks



On receipt of any application under section 8 the court shall direct that the


relevant pre-court checks are undertaken to screen for indicators of risk to the


child’s safety and well-being.



The court may ask an officer of the Service or a Welsh family proceedings officer


to undertake any checks for the screening required by subsection (1).



It shall be the duty of the officer of the Service or a Welsh family proceedings


officer to comply with a request from the court under subsection (2).



A court shall not normally make an order under section 8 until it has considered


the results of the screening required by subsection (1) and is satisfied that the


arrangements will be safe for the child.



Pre-court checks to screen for indicators of risk required by subsection (1) and


any subsequent risk assessments under section 16A shall be undertaken in


accordance with the Code of Practice issued under section 8B.


S.C.B.  Standing Committee Proceedings: 21st March 2006            



Children and Adoption Bill[ [], continued



Risk: code of practice



The Secretary of State shall prepare, and from time to time revise, a Code of


Practice regarding screening for indicators of risk and regarding risk assessment


as required by section 16A.



Before preparing the Code of Practice or making any alteration in it the Secretary


of State shall consult such bodies as appear to him to be concerned.



The Secretary of State shall lay copies of the Code and of any alteration in the


Code before Parliament; and if either House of Parliament passes a resolution


requiring the Code or any alteration to be withdrawn the Secretary of State shall


withdraw the Code, and where he withdraws the Code, shall prepare a Code in


substitution for the one which was withdrawn.



No resolution shall be passed above in respect of a Code or any alteration after


the expiration of the period of 40 days beginning with the day on which a copy of


the Code or alteration was laid before that House; but for the purpose of this


subsection no account shall be taken of any time during which Parliament is


dissolved or prorogued or during which both Houses are adjourned for more than


four days.



The Secretary of State shall publish the Code as for the time being in force.”’.


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Withdrawn  45


Clause  7,  page  12,  line  14,  leave out ‘cause’ and insert ‘reasonable grounds’.


Margaret Moran


Vera Baird


Mr David Kidney


Not called  36


Clause  7,  page  12,  line  15,  after ‘harm’, insert ‘at any time during proceedings,’.


Annette Brooke


Not called  30


Clause  7,  page  12,  line  17,  at end insert—



Upon receiving a risk assessment the court shall consider the need for separate


representation of the child and his interests within proceedings.’.


Margaret Moran


Vera Baird


Mr David Kidney


Withdrawn  37


Clause  7,  page  12,  line  20,  after ‘child’, insert ‘and undertaken in accordance with


the Code of Practice issued under section 8B’.


Margaret Moran


Vera Baird


Mr David Kidney


Not called  38


Clause  7,  page  12,  line  20,  at end insert—



A court shall not make an order under section 8 until it has considered the results


of the risk assessment required by subsection (1) and is satisfied that the


arrangements will be safe for the child.’.


S.C.B.  Standing Committee Proceedings: 21st March 2006            



Children and Adoption Bill[ [], continued


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Not called  53


Clause  7,  page  12,  line  20,  at end add—



All risk assessments undertaken pursuant to subsection (2) shall proceed on the


presumption that the child’s interests are best served through reasonable contact


with both his parents unless a good reason to the contrary is shown.



When deciding whether there is reason to suspect that a child is at risk of harm,


an Officer of the Service or a Welsh proceedings officer may only make a risk


assessment where he has reasonable grounds to suspect that there is a significant


risk of significant harm.



An officer of the service or a Welsh proceedings office may only make a risk


assessment where he has reasonable grounds to suspect that the significant risk


involves a risk—



to the child’s physical safety, or



of sexual abuse.



In all other circumstances than those outlined in subsections (5) and (6), the


Officer of the Service or a Welsh proceedings officer shall not undertake a risk


assessment except where directed to do so by a court.



In any risk assessment based upon the likelihood of recurrence of previous events


or previous risks it shall be a requirement that no reliance is placed upon previous


events or previous risks in the absence of a finding of fact that those events or


risks actually occurred.’.


Clause Agreed to.


Clauses 8 and 15 Agreed to.


Schedules 2 and 3 Agreed to.


Clause 16 Agreed to.



Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Withdrawn  9


Clause  17,  page  17,  line  36,  leave out ‘Children and’ and insert ‘Child Contact and




Maria Eagle


Agreed to  28


Clause  17,  page  18,  line  22,  leave out subsection (9).


S.C.B.  Standing Committee Proceedings: 21st March 2006            



Children and Adoption Bill[ [], continued


Clause, as amended, Agreed to.



new clauses


Extended family: welfare checklist


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Withdrawn  nc1


To move the following Clause:—


‘After section 1(3)(g) of the Children Act 1989 (c. 41) insert—



the desirability of contact between the child and his extended


family in the absence of good reason to the contrary.”’.



Parenting time plans


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Not called  nc2


To move the following Clause:—



The Secretary of State must issue guidance for separating parents called parenting


time plans (“the guidance”).



The guidance must outline the kind of contact orders the court is likely to impose


in a range of circumstances should parents be unable to reach agreement


regarding contact with their child.



Before publishing guidance under subsection (1), the Secretary of State shall


consult and seek approval from—



child development experts,



the family courts of England and Wales, and



any other person who appears to him to have an interest in the issue.



The Secretary of State may not issue the guidance unless a draft of it has been laid


before, and approved by resolution of, each House of Parliament.



The Secretary of State may, from time to time, revise the guidance.



A revised version of the guidance shall not come into force until the Secretary of


State lays it before Parliament.



Where either House, before the end of the period of 40 days beginning with the


day on which a revised version of the guidance is laid before it, by resolution


disapproves that version—


S.C.B.  Standing Committee Proceedings: 21st March 2006            



Children and Adoption Bill[ [], continued



the Secretary of State must, under subsection (5), make such further


revisions to the guidance as appear to him to be required in the


circumstances, and



before the end of the period of 40 days beginning with the date on which


the resolution is made, lay a further revised version of the guidance


before Parliament.



In reckoning any period of 40 days for the purposes of subsection (7), no account


is to be taken of any time during which—



Parliament is dissolved or prorogued, or



both Houses are adjourned for more than four days.



The Secretary of State must arrange for any revised guidance under this section


to be published in such a manner as he considers appropriate.’.



Pilot scheme on early intervention


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Withdrawn  nc3


To move the following Clause:—



The Lord Chancellor shall run a pilot scheme better to protect the post-divorce


and post-separation family ties of children by providing for intervention before


the court makes a contact order with respect to the child.



The order shall designate courts to participate within the scheme.



When a designated court is approached to make a contact order, the court must


provide to the parties—



a set of guidelines, indicating in broad terms the levels of contact


appropriate in the main categories of cases, in the absence of good reason


to the contrary, accompanied by an enjoinder to maintain reasonable


contact wherever possible,



the date of the first hearing,



an instruction to attend a meeting with a court-appointed mediator to


develop a parenting plan which must include the amount of time each


party will spend with the child,



an explanation that parties who do not file the agreed parenting plan must





attend a parent education meeting, and



attend contact-focused dispute resolution and mediation



as decided by the court appointed mediator, before the parties may


continue with any application for a contact order, and



a statement that litigation should be a last resort.



Parties who do not wish to ask the court to make a contact order may also make


use of the mediation and education facilities of the pilot scheme.



The court shall take into account the willingness of each parent to participate in


the scheme.


S.C.B.  Standing Committee Proceedings: 21st March 2006            



Children and Adoption Bill[ [], continued



The pilot scheme must start no later than six months after this Act receives Royal


Assent and must run for no longer than two years.



The Lord Chancellor must direct the President of the Family Division to report to


him as to the operation of the pilot scheme.



The report under subsection (6) must include an assessment of the extent to which


the pilot scheme has achieved the objectives set out in this section.’.



Registration of private foster parents


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Not selected  nc4


To move the following Clause:—


‘For section 69 of the Children Act 1989 (c. 41) substitute—



Registration of private foster parents



Every local authority shall keep a register of persons who act as private


foster parents within their area.



A local authority shall not register any person as a private foster parent


unless it is satisfied that he is fit to act as a private foster parent.



The Secretary of State shall by regulations make provision as to the


considerations to which a local authority is to have regard in reaching a


decision as to whether to register a person as a private foster parent.



A local authority shall cancel the registration of any person under


subsection (1) if—



it appears to them that the circumstances of the case are such that


they would be justified in refusing to register that person as a


private foster parent,



the case provided by that person for any privately fostered child


is, in the opinion of the authority, inadequate, having regard to


the needs of that child, or



the premises in which any privately fostered child is or would be


accommodated are not suitable for that purpose.



No person shall act as a private foster parent unless he is registered under


subsection (1).



A person who contravenes subsection (5) shall be guilty of an offence.



A person guilty of an offence under subsection (6) shall be liable on


summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months,


or to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale, or to both.



A person aggrieved by the refusal of a local authority to register him as a


private foster parent may appeal to the court in accordance with


paragraph 8 of Schedule 8 to this Act.


S.C.B.  Standing Committee Proceedings: 21st March 2006            



Children and Adoption Bill[ [], continued



In dealing with private foster arrangements a local authority must have


regard to the arrangements for safeguarding children.”’.



Sanctions against false allegations of violence or significant harm


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Not called  NC5


To move the following Clause:—


‘After section 10 of the Children Act 1989 (c. 41) insert—



Sanctions against false allegations of violence or significant harm



The Secretary of State may make regulations to require the court to act in


accordance with subsection (2).



Where during the course of contact proceedings—



a person makes an allegation of violence or significant harm


against another person, and



the allegation is found by the court upon investigation to have


been fabricated,



the court must have regard to this finding when considering any


representations by either person about contact arrangements with a child


and may treat it as an aggravating factor when considering whether to


make an order under sections 11J to 11N.”’.



Compensatory contact


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Read a second time on division  NC6


To move the following Clause:—


‘After section 11P of the Children Act 1989 insert—



Compensatory contact



This section applies if a contact order with respect to a child has been





If the court is satisfied that—



an individual has failed to comply with the contact order, and

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