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S.C.B.  Standing Committee Proceedings: 21st March 2006            



Children and Adoption Bill[ [], continued



a person falling within subsection (6) has been deprived of


contact time by reason of the breach,



it may make an order granting additional contact time between the person


and the child concerned with a view to mitigating the effect of the breach.



The court may not make an order under subsection (2) if it is satisfied that


the individual in breach had a reasonable excuse for failing to comply


with the contact order.



The burden of proof as to the matter mentioned in subsection (3) lies on


the individual claiming to have had a reasonable excuse.



An order under subsection (2) may be made only on an application by the


person who claims to have been deprived of contact time.



A person falls within this subsection if he is—



the person who is, for the purposes of the contact order, the


person with whom the child concerned lives or is to live,



the person whose contact with the child concerned is provided


for in the contact order,



an individual subject to a condition under section 11(7)(b) or a


contact activity condition imposed by the contact order, or



the child concerned.



Where the person proposing to apply for an order under subsection (2) is


the child concerned, the child must obtain the leave of the court before


making such an application.



The court may grant leave to the child concerned only if it is satisfied that


he has sufficient understanding to make the proposed application.



Subsection (2) has effect subject to the restrictions in section 11S.



Proceedings in which any question of making an order under subsection


(2) arises are to be regarded for the purposes of section 11(1) and (2) as


proceedings in which a question arises with respect to a section 8 order.



In exercising its powers under this section, a court must treat as


paramount the interests of the child concerned.”’.



Orders under section 11(2): further provision


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Not called  NC7


To move the following Clause:—


‘After section 11R of the Children Act 1989 insert—


S.C.B.  Standing Committee Proceedings: 21st March 2006            



Children and Adoption Bill[ [], continued



Orders under section 11Q: further provision



A court may not make an order under section 11Q(2) granting additional


contact time between a person and the child concerned following the


failure by an individual to comply with a contact order unless it is


satisfied that before the failure occurred the individual had been given (in


accordance with rules of court) a copy of, or otherwise informed of the


terms of—



in the case of a failure to comply with a contact order that was


varied before the failure occurred, a notice under seciton 11I


relating to the order varying the contact order or, where more


than one such order has been made, the last order proceeding the


failure in question, and



in any other case, a notice under section 11I relating to the


contact order.



A court may make an order under section 11Q(2) in pursuance of a failure


by an individual to comply with a contact order where the failure


occurred before the individual attained the age of 18.



A court may not make an order under section 11Q(2) in respect of a


failure by an individual to comply with a contact order that is an excepted


order (within the meaning given in section 11B(4)).”’.



Presumption in favour of co-parenting


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Read a second time on division  NC8


To move the following Clause:—


‘After section 1(1) of the Children Act 1989 (c. 41) insert—



In respect of subsection (1)(a) the court shall, unless a contrary reason be


shown, act on the presumption that a child’s welfare is best served


through residence with his parents and, if his parents are not living


together, through residence with one of them and through both of them


being as fully and equally involved in his parenting as possible.”’.



S.C.B.  Standing Committee Proceedings: 21st March 2006            



Children and Adoption Bill[ [], continued


Frequent and continuing contact


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Not selected  NC9


To move the following Clause:—


‘After section 11(1)(9)(b) of the Children Act 1989 (c. 41) insert—



subject to good reason to the contrary, where the safety of the


child is not an issue, the non-resident parent will be allowed


frequent and continuing contact with the child.”’.



Reasonable contact


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Not called  NC11


To move the following Clause:—


‘In section 8(1) of the Children Act 1989 (c. 41), for the definition of “a contact


order”, substitute—


““a contact order” means an order requiring the person with whom a child


lives, or is to live, to have reasonable contact with the person named in


the order in the absence of good reason to the contrary and subject to


section 1(1A) of this Act.”’.



Reasonable contact: no order principle


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Not called  NC12


To move the following Clause:—


‘After section 1(5) of the Children Act 1989 (c. 41) insert—



The “no order” principle in section 1(5) shall be construed subject to


section 1(1A) of this Act whereby it shall be presumed that making


making an order for reasonable contact with the parents is, in the absence


S.C.B.  Standing Committee Proceedings: 21st March 2006            



Children and Adoption Bill[ [], continued


of good reason to the contrary, better for the child than making no order


at all.”’.



Pre-court dispute resolution and mediation when the safety of the child is not an issue


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Not called  nc13


To move the following Clause:—


‘Before section 8 of the Children Act 1989 (c. 41) insert—



Dispute resolution and mediation before making a child contact order



The President of the Family Division shall keep a register of mediators.



The President may make regulations about the qualifications and conduct


required for registration as a mediator under subsection (1).



A person may not act as a mediator for the purposes of this section unless


he is on the register.



Before the court makes an order under section 8 about contact in cases


where the safety of the child is not an issue, it must give a direction


requiring each party to attend a meeting with a mediator arranged in


accordance with the direction for the purpose of—



enabling the mediator to explain the facilities and options open


to the parties regarding parent education, parenting plans,


dispute resolution and mediation in relation to disputes over


child contact, and



enabling a timetable for dispute resolution and mediation


discussions with a mediator regarding reasonable child contact


for both parents.



The parties shall be required to attend the same meeting unless the court


considers separate meetings to be more appropriate.



The court may not issue a direction under subsection (4) unless it has


issued a parenting time plan to each party, as provided for in section


(Parenting time plans) of the Children and Adoption Act 2006.



After a meeting held pursuant to a direction under subsection (4), the


parties must attend such a course of dispute resolution and mediation as


the mediator considers appropriate.



A party’s failure to attend the mediation will stand on their court record


and may form part of the basis on which the court makes an order under


section 8.



The mediator must give a certificate when, in his opinion, the parties





reached a satisfactory solution, or


S.C.B.  Standing Committee Proceedings: 21st March 2006            



Children and Adoption Bill[ [], continued



failed to reach a satisfactory solution.



In either event, the parties may then continue with any application to the


court for an order under section 8.”’.



Welfare of the child: contact with parents


Annette Brooke


Sandra Gidley


Not called  nc14


To move the following Clause:—


‘After section 1(3)(g) of the Children Act 1989 (c. 41) insert—



the right of the child who is separated from one or both parents to


maintain personal relations and direct contact with both parents on a


regular basis, except if it is contrary to the child’s best interests.”’.



Default contact arrangements


Annette Brooke


Sandra Gidley


Not selected  nc15


To move the following Clause:—



In the case of any child, following the separation of those having parental


responsibility for that child, default contact arrangements appropriate for that


child shall be deemed to have been agreed between those having parental


responsibility for the child unless and until either—



those with parental responsibility for the child agree any other contact


arrangements for the child (with or without the assistance of a mediator


or other outside agency), or



the court otherwise determines having regard to section 1(1) of the


Children Act 1989 (c. 41).



Those having parental responsiblity, in making an agreement on contact


arrangements, and the court in making any order, shall have regard to the child’s


right for its views to be heard under article 12 of the United Nations Convention


on the Rights of the Child.



If a person having parental responsibility for a child applies for an order which


would have the effect of excluding contact between the child and any other such


person, the court shall deal with any such application as quickly as reasonably


practicable, (having regard to the requirements of section 7 of the Children Act





S.C.B.  Standing Committee Proceedings: 21st March 2006            



Children and Adoption Bill[ [], continued


UN Convention on the Rights of the Child


Annette Brooke


Sandra Gidley


Not called  nc16


To move the following Clause:—


‘After section 1(3)(g) of the Children Act 1989 (c. 41) insert—



Article 9 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.”’.



Allocation of cases


Mr David Kidney


Not called  nc17


To move the following Clause:—



In any family proceedings in which a court has power to make an order with


respect to a child, when allocating proceedings the court shall, upon receipt of an


application relating to a child, have regard to—



minimising delay to proceedings, and



minimising the cost of proceedings, as far as is reasonably practicable.



In deciding how to allocate proceedings in accordance with subsection (1), a court


shall have regard to the availability of—



mediation provided by an independent third party,



mediation and conciliation provided in court,



court time for the early determination of any disputed questions that arise


within the proceedings, and



the range of provisions available for providing the court with further


information before making any decision.



In deciding how to allocate proceedings in accordance with this section, a court


shall have regard to any risk assessment provided in acccordance with section


16A of the Children Act 1989 (c. 41) and shall, in the absence of such an


assessment, consider whether to request such an assessment before proceeding.



Rules of court may be made in order to set out the procedure for arranging


hearings and making decisions in accordance with this section, including—



the making of any application to a court,



the arrangements for any hearing,



the timing of hearings,



the notification of any decisions made to the parties involved and others,





any other matter ancillary thereto.



At any stage in any family proceedings to which this section relates the court may,


upon the application of any party or of its own motion, arrange a further hearing


to consider further the arrangements for the allocation of the case.’.



S.C.B.  Standing Committee Proceedings: 21st March 2006            



Children and Adoption Bill[ [], continued


Provision as to family assistance orders


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Not called  nc18


To move the following Clause:—


‘In the circumstances where a family assistance order is made, the officer


concerned will proceed on the presumption that the child’s interests are best


served through reasonable contact with both his parents unless good reason to the


contrary is shown.’.



Presumption of reasonable contact


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Not called  nc19


To move the following Clause:—


‘After section 1(1) of the Children Act 1989 (c. 41) insert—



In respect of subsection 1(1) above and subject to the welfare of the child,


the court shall act on the presumption that the child’s interest are best


served through reasonable contact with both his parents in the absence of


good reason to the contrary.”’.



Reasonable contact: welfare checklist


Tim Loughton


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr Stewart Jackson


Jeremy Wright


Mr David Evennett


Not called  nc20


To move the following Clause:—


‘After section 1(3)(g) of the Children Act 1989 (c. 41) insert—

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