Amendments proposed to the Animal Welfare Bill, As Amended - continued House of Commons

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Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     4,     line     4     [Clause     7],     leave out paragraph (b).


Bill Wiggin


Page     4,     line     5     [Clause     7],     at end insert—

      '( ) knowingly participates in the publicising of an animal fight;'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     4,     line     5     [Clause     7],     at end insert—

      '( ) knowingly receives money for admission to an animal fight;'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     4,     line     5     [Clause     7],     at end insert—

      '( ) knowingly publicises a proposed animal fight;'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     4,     line     5     [Clause     7],     at end insert—

      '( ) provides information about an animal fight to another with the intention of enabling or encouraging attendance at the fight;'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     4,     line     9     [Clause     7],     at end insert—

      '( ) has in his possession anything designed or adapted for use in connection with an animal fight with the intention of its being so used;'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     4,     line     9     [Clause     7],     at end insert—

      '( ) keeps or trains an animal for use for in connection with an animal fight;'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     4,     line     9     [Clause     7],     at end insert—

      '( ) keeps any premises for use for an animal fight.'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     4,     line     10     [Clause     7],     after 'or' insert 'reasonable'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     4,     line     11     [Clause     7],     at end insert—

    '(2A)   A person commits an offence if, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse, he—

      (a) knowingly supplies a video recording of an animal fight,

      (b) knowingly publishes a video recording of an animal fight,

      (c) knowingly shows a video recording of an animal fight to another, or

      (d) possesses a video recording of an animal fight, knowing it to be such a recording, with the intention of supplying it.

    (2B)   Subsection (2A) does not apply if the video recording is of an animal fight that took place—

      (a) outside Great Britain, or

      (b) before the commencement date.

    (2C)   Subsection (2A) does not apply—

      (a) in the case of paragraph (a), to the supply of a video recording for inclusion in a programme service;

      (b) in the case of paragraph (b) or (c), to the publication or showing of a video recording by means of its inclusion in a programme service;

      (c) in the case of paragraph (d), by virtue of intention to supply for inclusion in a programme service.

    (2D)   Provision extending the application of an offence under subsection (2A), so far as relating to the provision of information society services, may be made under section 2(2) of the European Communities Act 1972 (c.68) (powers to implement Community obligations by regulations) notwithstanding the limits imposed by paragraph 1(1)(d) of Schedule 2 to that Act on the penalties with which an offence may be punishable on summary conviction.'.


Bill Wiggin


Page     4,     line     11     [Clause     7],     at end insert—

    '(2A)   A person commits an offence if, without lawful authority or excuse, he—

      (a) produces a visual record of an animal fight,

      (b) is in possession of a visual record of an animal fight, or

      (c) distributes a visual record of an animal fight.'.


Bill Wiggin


Page     4,     line     11     [Clause     7],     at end insert ', or at an activity where there is a reasonable likelihood of such a fight taking place;

      (b) makes a recording of an animal fight;

      (c) has in his possession or distributes—

      (i) a recording of an animal fight,

      (ii) a copy of such a recording, or

      (iii) material from such a recording; or

      (d) publishes material from a recording of an animal fight.'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     4,     line     14     [Clause     7],     at end insert—

        '"commencement date" means the date on which subsection (2A) comes into force;

        "information society services" has the meaning given in Article 2(a) of Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2000 on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce in the Internal Market (Directive on electronic commerce);

        "programme service" has the same meaning as in the Communications Act 2003 (c.21);

        "video recording" means a recording, in any form, from which a moving image may by any means be reproduced and includes data stored on a computer disc or by other electronic means which is capable of conversion into a moving image.

    ( )   In this section—

      (a) references to supplying or publishing a video recording are to supplying or publishing a video recording in any manner, including, in relation to a video recording in the form of data stored electronically, by means of transmitting such data;

      (b) references to showing a video recording are to showing a moving image reproduced from a video recording by any means.'.


Bill Wiggin


Page     4,     line     14     [Clause     7],     at end insert 'and

        "recording" means a record from which visual images or sounds may, by any means, be reproduced.'.


Bill Wiggin


Page     4,     line     17     [Clause     8],     leave out 'in all the circumstances'.


Bill Wiggin


Page     4,     line     19     [Clause     8],     leave out 'to the extent required by good practice' and insert 'in an appropriate manner'.


Bill Wiggin


Page     4,     line     19     [Clause     8],     leave out 'the extent required by good practice' and insert 'an appropriate extent'.


Norman Baker


Page     5,     line     14     [Clause     9],     at end insert—

    '(7)   A person who takes part in an activity which could result in them receiving an animal as a prize shall have a duty to ensure that they make preparations to meet the need of the animal as set out in section 8(2) as soon as is practical after the receipt of the prize.'.


Bill Wiggin


Page     5,     line     18     [Clause     10],     at end insert—

    '(1A)   Provisions promoting the welfare of animals under subsection (1) may only be made if the appropriate national authority is satisfied, on the basis of publicly available scientific evidence, that those provisions are in fact necessary to promote such welfare.'.


Mr David Drew


Page     5,     line     27     [Clause     10],     at end insert—

      '( ) make provision imposing specific restrictions on the ownership of primates.'.


Norman Baker
Greg Mulholland


Page     5,     line     27     [Clause     10],     at end insert—

      '( ) make provision to prohibit the keeping of primates (including provision making exception from a prohibition).'.


Bill Wiggin


Page     6,     line     12     [Clause     11],     at end insert—

    '(2A)   It shall be a condition of a licence being granted that a person prove their competence in a manner to be laid down by the appropriate national authority in order to carry on an activity to which subsection (1) applies.'.


Norman Baker
Greg Mulholland


Page     6,     line     13     [Clause     11],     leave out subsections (3) and (4).


Norman Baker
Greg Mulholland


Page     6,     line     22     [Clause     11],     leave out 'or (3)'.


Norman Baker
Greg Mulholland


Page     6,     line     24     [Clause     11],     leave out 'or registration'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     8,     line     9     [Clause     14],     leave out from 'force' to end of line 10 and insert 'in accordance with its provisions.'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     8,     line     11     [Clause     14],     leave out 'An order under subsection (3)' and insert 'A code (or revised code)'.


Bill Wiggin


Page     9,     line     4     [Clause     16],     at end insert—

    '(7A)   An inspector or constable acting under subsection (6) must seek the advice and certificate of a veterinary surgeon as soon as is practicable so to do.'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     9,     line     17     [Clause     16],     at end insert—

    '( )   If a person exercises a power under this section otherwise than with the knowledge of a person who is responsible for the animal concerned, he must, as soon as reasonably practicable after exercising the power, take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to bring the exercise of the power to the notice of such a person.'.

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