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House of Commons
Session 2005 - 06
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament

Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill

Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill
Part 4 — Supplementary and general






An order under section 1 which amends, repeals or replaces legislation

extending outside England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland may

have the same extent as that legislation.


Section 31 extends to England and Wales only.



The repeals in the Schedule have the same extent as the enactments to which

they relate.


Short title

This Act may be cited as the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act 2006.



Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill
Schedule — Repeals



Section 30




Short title and chapter

Extent of repeal


Regulatory Reform Act 2001

The whole Act except section 13(1)(b) and (2),


(c. 6)

the definition of “the 1994 Act” in section 14




and section 15(1) and (2).


Justice (Northern Ireland) Act

In Schedule 12, paragraph 81.


2002 (c. 26)


Education Act 2002 (c. 32)

Section 2(9).


Human Fertilisation and

Section 2(2) and (3).




Embryology (Deceased


Fathers) Act 2003 (c. 24)


Health and Social Care

Section 189(4).


(Community Health and


Standards) Act 2003 (c. 43)




Criminal Justice Act 2003 (c. 44)

In Schedule 27, paragraph 8.


Gender Recognition Act 2004

In section 24—


(c. 7)


in subsections (1) and (2), the words “,


the Chancellor of the Exchequer”;



in subsection (3), the words “or




paragraph 11 of Schedule 3”.


In Schedule 3, paragraph 11.


Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2004

Section 1(3).


(c. 14)


Asylum and Immigration

Section 20(6).




(Treatment of Claimants, etc.)


Act 2004 (c. 19)


Civil Partnership Act 2004

In section 35(1)(a), the words “(whether or not


(c. 33)

under an order under section 1 of the


Regulatory Reform Act 2001 (c. 6))”.




Railways Act 2005 (c. 14)

In Schedule 3, paragraph 14.



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Revised 10 March 2006