Amendments proposed to the Armed Forces (re-committed) Bill - continued House of Commons

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British Armed Forces Federation


Nick Harvey
Bob Russell
Willie Rennie


To move the following Clause:—

    '(1)   There shall be a British Armed Forces Federation (in this section referred to as "the Federation").

    (2)   Membership of the Federation shall be open to all serving and retired members of Her Majesty's Armed Regular and Reserve Armed Forces.

    (3)   The Federation shall be independent of any body or person outside the Armed Forces, but may employ persons outside the Armed Forces in an administrative or advisory capacity.

    (4)   The primary purpose of the Federation shall be to—

      (a) represent the professional and welfare interests of all its members; and

      (b) provide advice and assistance to its members on their legal and professional entitlements.

    (5)   Every member of the Federation shall carry out all lawful orders and shall at all times punctually and promptly perform all appointed duties and attend to all matters within the scope of his office.

    (6)   A member of the Armed Forces shall not be a member of any trade union.

    (7)   All members of the Federation shall pay a prescribed subscription to fund its activities.'.

Prohibition from serving in the armed forces


Jim Dobbin
Mark Durkan


To move the following Clause:—

    '(1)   No person shall be permitted to serve in the armed forces who has been convicted of—

      (a) murder,

      (b) manslaughter,

      (c) rape, or

      (d) any act of torture within the meaning of the Human Rights Act 1998 (c. 42).

    (2)   Any person serving in the armed forces who has been convicted of any of the offences listed in subsection (1) shall be dismissed forthwith.'.

Act or omission in execution of law


Dr Liam Fox
Mr Gerald Howarth
Dr Julian Lewis
Mr Mark Harper


*To move the following Clause:—

    'A person is not liable to be convicted of a service offence by reason of an act or omission that—

      (a) was in execution of the law; or

      (b) was in obedience to—

      (i) a lawful order; or

      (ii) an unlawful order that the person did not know, and could not reasonably be expected to have known, was unlawful.'.

Inaccurate certification


Dr Liam Fox
Mr Gerald Howarth
Dr Julian Lewis
Mr Mark Harper


*To move the following Clause:—

    '(1)   A person subject to service law or a civilian subject to service discipline commits an offence if—

      (a) he gives a certificate, makes or signs a record or makes an entry in a record without having ensured its accuracy; and

      (b) that certificate, record or entry relates to—

      (i) any matter relating to the seaworthiness or fighting efficiency of any of Her Majesty's ships;

      (ii) any matter relating to the airworthiness or fighting efficiency of any of Her Majesty's aircraft;

      (iii) an matter relating to the safety or fighting efficiency of any service equipment.

    (2)   A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable to any punishment mentioned in the Table in section 163, but any sentence of imprisonment imposed in respect of the offence must not exceed two years.'.

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