House of Commons portcullis
House of Commons
Session 2005 - 06
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament

Education and Inspections Bill

Education and Inspections Bill
Part 8 — Inspections
Chapter 3 — Inspection of Further Education and Training etc.



Annual reports etc.


Annual and other reports to Secretary of State


The Chief Inspector must make an annual report to the Secretary of State.


The Secretary of State must lay a copy of any such report before each House of




The Chief Inspector may make to the Secretary of State such other reports

relating to matters which fall within the scope of the Chief Inspector’s

functions as he considers appropriate.


The Chief Inspector may arrange for any report made by him under this section

to be published in such manner as he considers appropriate.


Chapter 2

General transfer of functions


General transfer of functions to the Chief Inspector


Subject to the following provisions of this Part, the functions of the existing

Chief Inspector under or by virtue of any enactment are transferred to the new


Chief Inspector.


In this section—

“the existing Chief Inspector” means Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of

Schools in England, and

“the new Chief Inspector” means the Chief Inspector appointed under


Chapter 1 of this Part.

Chapter 3

Inspection of Further Education and Training etc.

Education and training to which this Chapter applies


Education and training to which this Chapter applies



This Chapter applies to the following kinds of education and training—


secondary education provided in institutions which are in England and

are within the further education sector;


further education for persons aged 16 or over but under 19 which is

provided in such institutions and wholly or partly funded by the


Learning and Skills Council for England;


further education for persons aged 19 or over which is wholly or partly

funded by the Council;


further education for persons aged under 19 which is provided by local

education authorities in England;



further education for persons aged 19 or over which is funded by such



Education and Inspections Bill
Part 8 — Inspections
Chapter 3 — Inspection of Further Education and Training etc.




training for persons aged 16 or over which is funded by the Secretary

of State under section 2 of the Employment and Training Act 1973

(c. 50);


training for persons aged 16 or over if it is training the whole or part of

which takes place at the premises of an employer and which is wholly


or partly funded by the Council;


such other education or training as may be prescribed by regulations

made by the Secretary of State.


The training which may be prescribed by regulations under subsection (1)(h)

includes training of or for teachers, lecturers, trainers or other persons engaged


in the provision of education or training falling within subsection (1)(a) to (g).


If regulations made by the Secretary of State so provide—


the provision of information, advice or guidance falling within section

5(1)(i) of the Learning and Skills Act 2000 (c. 21) (Council to secure

provision of financial resources), or



the provision of any description of such information, advice or

guidance specified in the regulations,


is to be treated for the purposes of this Chapter as training to which it applies.


In this Chapter—


“further education” and “secondary education” have the same


meanings as in EA 1996, and


any reference to institutions which are within the further education

sector is to be read in accordance with section 91(3) of the Further and

Higher Education Act 1992 (c. 13).




Inspection of education and training to which this Chapter applies


The Chief Inspector must conduct—


inspections of such education or training to which this Chapter applies

as may be specified by the Secretary of State, and


inspections of such class of education or training to which this Chapter


applies as may be so specified.


The inspections are to be conducted at such intervals as may be specified by the

Secretary of State.


On completing an inspection under this section, the Chief Inspector must make

a written report on it.



The report—


must state whether the Chief Inspector considers the education or

training inspected to be of a quality adequate to meet the reasonable

needs of those receiving it, and


may deal with such other matters as he considers relevant.



The Chief Inspector must send copies of the report to—


the Secretary of State,


the Council,


Education and Inspections Bill
Part 8 — Inspections
Chapter 3 — Inspection of Further Education and Training etc.




any local education authority providing funds for the education or

training inspected, and


the provider of the education or training inspected.


Copies may also be sent to such other persons as the Chief Inspector considers




The Chief Inspector must arrange for the report to be published in such manner

as he considers appropriate.


Inspection of further education institutions


The Chief Inspector must inspect all institutions within the further education




The inspections are to be conducted at such intervals as may be specified by the

Secretary of State.


On completing an inspection under this section, the Chief Inspector must make

a written report on it.


The report—



must state whether the Chief Inspector considers the education or

training inspected to be of a quality adequate to meet the reasonable

needs of those receiving it, and


may deal with such other matters as he considers relevant.


The Chief Inspector must send copies of the report to—



the Secretary of State,


the Council, and


the provider of the education or training inspected.


Copies may also be sent to such other persons as the Chief Inspector considers




The Chief Inspector must arrange for the report to be published in such manner

as he considers appropriate.


Other inspections


The Chief Inspector may inspect any education or training to which this

Chapter applies (in a case where he is not required to do so by virtue of any


provision of this Chapter).


The Chief Inspector may inspect any education or training to which this

Chapter does not apply if—


it is further education (whether for persons aged 16 or over but under

19, or for persons aged 19 or over) or training for persons aged 16 or


over, and


he is requested to conduct the inspection by the provider of the

education or training.


On completing an inspection under this section, the Chief Inspector may—


make a written report on it;



arrange for the report to be published in such manner as considers



Education and Inspections Bill
Part 8 — Inspections
Chapter 3 — Inspection of Further Education and Training etc.




If the Chief Inspector makes a report of an inspection conducted under

subsection (1), he must send copies of the report to—


the Secretary of State,


the Council,


any local education authority providing funds for the education or


training inspected, and


the provider of the education or training inspected.


Copies may also be sent to such other persons as the Chief Inspector considers



In the case of an inspection conducted under subsection (2) the Chief Inspector


may charge the provider of the education or training concerned for the cost of

the inspection.


For the purposes of that subsection it is immaterial whether the education or

training concerned is provided in the United Kingdom or elsewhere.


Action plans



This section applies where the Chief Inspector publishes a report of an

inspection conducted under section 115 or 116 or section 117(1).


The provider of the education or training which is the subject of the report

must prepare a written statement of—


the action which he proposes to take in the light of the report, and



the period within which he proposes to take that action.


That person must—


publish the statement within such period, and in such manner, as may

be prescribed by regulations made by the Secretary of State; and


send copies of it to such persons as may be so prescribed.



The requirements of subsection (2) may be waived by the Chief Inspector.


Area inspections


If requested to do so by the Secretary of State, the Chief Inspector must



the quality and availability of a specified description of education or


training, in a specified area in England, for persons who are aged 15 or

over but under 19;


the standards achieved by those receiving that education or training;



whether the financial resources made available to those providing that


education and training are managed efficiently and used in a way

which provides value for money.


The Chief Inspector may conduct such an inspection without being requested

to do so.


Subsection (4) applies if financial resources have been applied by—



the Council, or


a local education authority,


in respect of education or training which is being inspected under this section.


Education and Inspections Bill
Part 8 — Inspections
Chapter 3 — Inspection of Further Education and Training etc.




In such a case the inspection may extend to considering whether the

application of those resources in that way—


constituted an efficient and effective use of the resources for the

purpose of meeting the needs of persons within subsection (1)(a) as

regards education or training of the kind in question, and



was appropriate to secure value for money.


The education or training that may be made the subject of an inspection under

this section (“an area inspection”) is—


any education or training to which this Chapter applies, or


any other education or training within the scope of the Chief


Inspector’s functions.


A provider of education or training which is the subject of an area inspection

must provide the Chief Inspector with any information reasonably requested

by him in connection with the inspection.


Any local education authority whose area is wholly or partly within the area


which is the subject of an area inspection must provide the Chief Inspector

with any information reasonably requested by him in connection with the



In subsection (1)(a) the reference to persons who are aged 15 includes




for whom education is being provided at a school, and


who will attain that age in the current school year;


and for this purpose “school” and “school year” have the same meanings as in

EA 1996.


Reports of area inspections



On completing an area inspection conducted under section 119, the Chief

Inspector must make a written report on it.


The Chief Inspector must send copies of the report to—


the Secretary of State,


the Council, and



each local education authority whose area is wholly or partly within the

area subject to the inspection.


Copies may also be sent to such other persons as the Chief Inspector considers



The Chief Inspector must arrange for the report to be published in such manner


as he considers appropriate.


Action plans following area inspections


This section applies where the Chief Inspector publishes a report of an area

inspection conducted under section 119.


The Secretary of State may direct the Council to prepare a written statement




the action which it proposes to take in the light of the report, and


the period within which it proposes to take that action.


Education and Inspections Bill
Part 8 — Inspections
Chapter 3 — Inspection of Further Education and Training etc.




The Secretary of State may direct a local education authority whose area is

wholly or partly within the area covered by the report to prepare a written

statement of—


the action which they propose to take in the light of the report, and


the period within which they propose to take that action.



In preparing a statement under subsection (2) or (3) the Council or the

authority must consult such persons as the Secretary of State may direct.


The Council or the authority must—


publish the statement within such period, and in such manner, as may

be prescribed by regulations made by the Secretary of State; and



send copies of it to such persons as may be so prescribed.

Powers of entry etc.


Power of entry


This section applies to an inspection conducted by the Chief Inspector under

this Chapter, other than one conducted under section 117(2).



When conducting such an inspection, the Chief Inspector may, at any

reasonable time, enter—


any premises on which the education or training inspected is provided;


any premises of the provider of that education or training which are

used in connection with its provision.



In respect of education or training provided by an employer in the workplace,

the power of entry conferred by subsection (2) may be exercised only if the

employer has been given reasonable notice in writing.


Power to inspect documents, etc.


This section applies to any inspection conducted by the Chief Inspector under


this Chapter, other than one conducted under section 117(2).


If the Chief Inspector considers it necessary or expedient for the purposes of

the inspection, he may inspect, take copies of, or take away any documents

relating to the education or training inspected which are on any premises in

relation to which he exercises his power of entry under section 122.



The power in subsection (2) includes—


power to require any person holding or accountable for any documents

kept on the premises to produce them, and


in relation to any such documents kept by means of a computer, power

to require them to be produced in a form in which they are legible and


can be taken away.


In connection with inspecting any such documents the Chief Inspector—


may obtain access to, and inspect and check the operation of, any

computer and associated apparatus or material which he considers is or

has been in use in connection with the documents; and



may require a person within subsection (5) to afford him such

reasonable assistance as he may require for that purpose.


Education and Inspections Bill
Part 8 — Inspections
Chapter 3 — Inspection of Further Education and Training etc.




A person is within this subsection if he is—


the person by whom or on whose behalf the computer is or has been

used, or


a person having charge of, or otherwise concerned with the operation

of, the computer, apparatus or material.



The powers conferred by this section may be exercised by the Chief Inspector

at reasonable times only; and a person may not be required to do anything in

pursuance of any provision of this section otherwise than at a reasonable time.


Any person who without reasonable excuse—


obstructs the exercise of any power conferred by section 122 or this


section, or


fails to comply with any requirement imposed under this section,


is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding

level 4 on the standard scale.

Other provisions



Framework for inspections


The Chief Inspector must devise—


a common set of principles applicable to all inspections conducted

under this Chapter, or


two or more common sets of principles each of which is applicable to a


particular description of such inspections.


A set of principles devised under subsection (1)(a) or (b) is referred to in this

section as a “framework”.


If the Chief Inspector devises two or more frameworks under subsection (1)(b),

he must ensure that, taken together, they cover all inspections conducted


under this Chapter.


The Chief Inspector must publish a framework in such manner as he considers



The Chief Inspector may at any time revise a framework.


The Chief Inspector must publish a revised framework in such manner as he


considers appropriate.


Abolition of Adult Learning Inspectorate


The Adult Learning Inspectorate is abolished on the appointed day.


In this section “the appointed day” means the day appointed under section 171

for the coming into force of this section.



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