Amendments proposed to the Education and Inspections Bill, As Amended - continued House of Commons

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Duty of school governing body in relation to pupils who are young carers of a parent or guardian


Sarah Teather
Greg Mulholland
Annette Brooke


To move the following Clause:—

    'Governing bodies of schools maintained by local authorities, academies, city technology colleges and independent schools must—

      (a) endeavour to identify any pupil who is a young carer of one or both parents or guardians;

      (b) promote the educational welfare of a young carer; and

      (c) ensure that any pupil who is a young carer is supported by a designated teacher or member of staff who is responsible for promoting and co-ordinating such support.'.

Duty of school governing body in relation to pupils in public care


Sarah Teather
Greg Mulholland
Annette Brooke


To move the following Clause:—

    'In relation to any pupil who is in public care, governing bodies of schools maintained by local authorities, academies, city technology colleges and independent schools must—

      (a) ensure that the educational welfare of the pupil is safeguarded and promoted;

      (b) promote and improve the well-being of the looked-after pupil; and

      (c) ensure that any pupil who is looked after in public care is supported by a designated teacher or member of staff who is responsible for promoting and co-ordinating such support.'.

Well-being of homosexual pupils


Sarah Teather
Greg Mulholland
Annette Brooke


To move the following Clause:—

    'The governing body and headteacher of a maintained school shall have a duty to establish effective policies to ensure the safety and emotional well-being of all pupils self-identifying as homosexual or believed by others to be so, promoting the fulfilment by every pupil concerned of his educational potential.'.

Ballot of parents on change of category from community school to foundation school


Mr John Grogan
Jon Trickett
Mr David Chaytor
Helen Jones
Mr Joan Humble
John McDonnell

Mr Neil GerrardLynne JonesJeremy Corbyn
Kelvin HopkinsMs Katy Clark


To move the following Clause:—

    '(1)   A proposal for a prescribed alteration involving a change of category from community school to foundation school may be implemented only if the proposal has been approved by a ballot of parents of pupils attending the school to which the proposal relates.

    (2)   The Secretary of State may make regulations about ballots under subsection (1).'.

Ballot of parents before publication of proposals under section 7


Jon Trickett
Mr John Grogan
Mr David Chaytor
Helen Jones
Mrs Joan Humble
John McDonnell

Mr Neil GerrardLynne JonesJeremy Corbyn
Kelvin HopkinsMs Katy Clark


To move the following Clause:—

    '(1)   The local education authority may publish a proposal under section 7 only if the proposal has been approved by a ballot of parents of pupils attending schools which, in the opinion of the local education authority, may be affected by the proposal.

    (2)   The Secretary of State may make regulations about ballots under subsection (1).

    (3)   Subsection (1) does not apply to a proposal under section 7(5)(b)(ii) for the establishment of a community or community special school.'.

Duty to establish new school where current provision is inadequate


Mr David Willetts
Mr Nick Gibb
Mr John Hayes
Mr David Evennett


To move the following Clause:—


      (a) fewer than 15 per cent. of schools in the area of a local education authority are foundation, voluntary or foundation special schools, or an Academy, or

      (b) more than 15 per cent. of schools in the area of a local authority are in Ofsted category 4,

    the local authority must publish a notice under section 7 inviting proposals for a new foundation, voluntary or foundation special school.'.

Duty to establish new school when supported in adequate numbers


Mr David Willetts
Mr Nick Gibb
Mr John Hayes
Mr David Evennett


To move the following Clause:—

    '(1)   Where a local education authority in England receive representations from parents of 100 or more qualifying children demanding the establishment of a new foundation, voluntary or foundation special school, the authority must publish a notice under section 7.

    (2)   In this section "qualifying child", in relation to a local education authority, means any child in the authority's area who is of or under compulsory school age.'.

Exemptions related to school performance


Mr David Willetts
Mr Nick Gibb
Mr John Hayes
Mr David Evennett


To move the following Clause:—

    'The Secretary of State shall take any action needed to commence the provisions of Chapter 2 of Part 1 of EA 2002 within 12 months of the passage of this Act.'.

Establishment of community schools


Mr David Willetts
Mr Nick Gibb
Mr John Hayes
Mr David Evennett


To move the following Clause:—

    'Where the Secretary of State is asked to grant consent for the proposal of a new community school under section 7 or 9, he shall act with a view to encouraging all schools to become foundation, voluntary or foundation special schools, and to acquire a foundation.'.

Assistance for proposals for new schools


Mr David Willetts
Mr Nick Gibb
Mr John Hayes
Mr David Evennett


To move the following Clause:—

    '(1)   A local education authority in England shall provide advice and assistance to parents of children in the area of the authority in connection with developing a proposal for the establishment of a new school under sections 7 and 9.

    (2)   In particular, the authority shall provide support, which shall include dedicated consultancy support, to parents to ensure that any proposals brought forward are viable.

    (3)   In exercising its functions under this section, the authority shall act with a view to ensuring the development of viable proposals by parents.

    (4)   An authority may not refuse to assist a parent solely on the grounds that the original proposal is underdeveloped, unworkable or in practical respects substandard.'.

Parental ballot etc. on change of category from foundation school to community school


Jon Trickett
Mr John Grogan
Helen Jones
Mr David Chaytor
Jim Dobbin
Graham Stringer

Mrs Joan HumbleJohn McDonnellMr Neil Gerrard
Lynne JonesJeremy CorbynKelvin Hopkins
Ms Katy Clark


To move the following Clause:—

    '(1)   If it appears to the Secretary of State that at least one-fifth of the parents of pupils attending a foundation (or foundation special) school are in favour of a change of the category of that school to community (or community special) school, the Secretary of State must designate such person or body as he considers appropriate ("the designated body") to act for the purposes of this section.

    (2)   The Secretary of State may, if he sees fit, designate the governing body of the school or the local education authority as the designated body.

    (3)   The designated body must initiate a proposal for the change of category referred to in subsection (1).

    (4)   The Secretary of State may by regulations make such provision as he considers exepedient to amend, vary or supplement the provisions of this Part in relation to proposals under subsection (3).

    (5)   A proposal under subsection (3) may be implemented only if the proposal has been approved by a ballot of parents of pupils attending the school to which the proposal relates.

    (6)   The Secretary of State may make regulations about ballots under subsection (5).'.

Admissions administration


Sarah Teather
Greg Mulholland
Annette Brooke


To move the following Clause:—

    '(1)   Chapter 1 of Part 3 of SSFA 1998 (Schools admissions) is amended as follows.

    (2)   After section 89 insert the following section—

          "89A   Admisssions administration

          (1)   Admissions administration will receive all applications for places made on behalf of pupils seeking admission to maintained schools, academies, city technology colleges and city colleges for the technology of the arts within its area.

          (2)   Admissions administration will determine the awarding of places at maintained schools within its area having regard to the arrangements which are to apply for that year, established by any admissions authority within that area, including special arrangements provided for in section 91.

          (3)   The admissions administration shall then make the list of places awarded available to maintained schools, academies, city technology colleges and city colleges for the technology of the arts within its local area and notify parents of the results of their application.

          (4)   The admissions administration shall always act such that the identity of the individual applicants cannot be determined by the schools for which they have applied or expressed a preference during the admissions process, until the list of places awarded is made available to schools and parents by the admissions administration.

          (5)   If a school believes that the admissions administration has failed to adhere to its admissions criteria, as set by the admissions authority, it may appeal to the admissions forum, which may review, and report on their findings.

          (6)   The person responsible for admissions administration within a local education authority must be employed or commissioned by the local education authority.

          (7)   In this Chapter "admissions administration" means the person responsible for the administration of arrangements for the admission of pupils to any school within a local education authority's area.".'.

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