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House of Commons
Session 2005 - 06
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Other Bills before Parliament



House of Commons


Tuesday 18th July 2006




on Consideration of Lords Amendments


Government of Wales Bill


On Consideration of Lords Amendments to the Government of Wales Bill




Lords Amendment No. 3


Mr Secretary Hain                                                                                            

Agreed to on division


To move, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment.


Lords Amendment accordingly disagreed to.



Lords Amendment No. 17


Mr Secretary Hain                                                                                            

Agreed to on division


To move, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment.


Lords Amendment accordingly disagreed to.



Lords Amendment No. 21


Mr Secretary Hain                                                                                            

Agreed to


To move, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment.


Proceedings on Consideration of Lords Amendments: 18th July 2006 



Government of Wales Bill, continued


Lords Amendment accordingly disagreed to.



Lords Amendment No. 22


Mr Secretary Hain                                                                                            

Agreed to


To move, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment.


Lords Amendment accordingly disagreed to.



Lords Amendment No. 18


Mr Secretary Hain                                                                                            

Agreed to on division


To move, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment.


Lords Amendment accordingly disagreed to.



Lords Amendment No. 4


Mr Secretary Hain                                                                                            

Agreed to


To move, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment.


Lords Amendment accordingly disagreed to.


Mr Secretary Hain


To move the following Amendment to the Bill in lieu of the Lords Amendment:—


Agreed to  (a)


Page  17,  line  14,  at end insert—



The provision included in the standing orders in compliance with subsection (3)


must (so far as it is reasonably practicable to do so) secure that not more than one


of the members of the Assembly Commission (other than the Presiding Officer)


belongs to any one political group.’.



Proceedings on Consideration of Lords Amendments: 18th July 2006 



Government of Wales Bill, continued


Lords Amendment No. 5


Mr Secretary Hain                                                                                            

Agreed to


To move, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment.


Lords Amendment accordingly disagreed to.


Mr Secretary Hain


To move the following Amendments to the Bill in lieu of the Lords Amendment:—


Agreed to  (a)


Page  18,  line  9,  leave out from beginning to first ‘the’ in line 12 and insert—



The provision must secure that the appointments to the places on each committee


are (if possible) determined by a resolution of the Assembly—



which secures that its membership reflects (so far as is reasonably


practicable) the balance of the political groups to which Assembly


members belong, and



which (if the motion for it is passed on a vote) has no effect unless at least


two-thirds of the Assembly members voting support it.



The provision must secure that, if the membership of a committee is not so





the person appointed to the first place on the committee is an Assembly


member belonging to the largest political group, and





Agreed to  (b)


Page  18,  line  38,  after ‘of’ insert ‘the provision made in compliance with’.


Agreed to  (c)


Page  19,  line  1,   leave out from ‘provision’ to ‘the’ in line 12 and insert ‘must modify


the operation of the provision made in compliance with subsections (1A) to (7) with a


view to securing that (so far as is reasonably practicable having regard to the total number


of places on committees)—



every Assembly member who does not belong to a political group is


entitled to be a member of at least one committee, and





Agreed to  (d)


Page  19,  line  16,  after ‘under’ insert ‘the’.



Lords Amendment No. 6


Mr Secretary Hain                                                                                            

Agreed to


To move, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment.


Lords Amendment accordingly disagreed to.


Proceedings on Consideration of Lords Amendments: 18th July 2006 



Government of Wales Bill, continued


Lords Amendment No. 7


Mr Secretary Hain                                                                                            

Agreed to


To move, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment.


Lords Amendment accordingly disagreed to.


Lords Amendment No. 8


Mr Secretary Hain                                                                                            

Agreed to


To move, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment.


Lords Amendment accordingly disagreed to.


Lords Amendment No. 9


Mr Secretary Hain                                                                                            

Agreed to


To move, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment.


Lords Amendment accordingly disagreed to.


Lords Amendment No. 19


Mr Secretary Hain                                                                                            

Agreed to


To move, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment.


Lords Amendment accordingly disagreed to.


Lords Amendment No. 20


Mr Secretary Hain                                                                                            

Agreed to


To move, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment.


Lords Amendment accordingly disagreed to.



Lords Amendments Nos. 6 to 9, 19 and 20


Mr Secretary Hain


To move the following Amendments to the Bill in lieu of the Lords Amendments Nos. 6 to 9,


19 and 20:—


Proceedings on Consideration of Lords Amendments: 18th July 2006 



Government of Wales Bill, continued


Agreed to  (a)


Page  19,  line  19,   at end insert ‘or by such other name as the Assembly may determine;


and, if the Assembly makes such a determination, references to the committee in—



any enactment (including any enactment comprised in or made under this


Act) or prerogative instrument, or



any other instrument or document,



have effect accordingly.’.


Lords Amendmens 16, 1, 2, 10 to 15 and 23 to 102 agreed to.



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Revised 19 July 2006