House of Commons portcullis
House of Commons
Session 2005 - 06
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament

Company Law Reform Bill [HL] (53-58)

Company Law Reform Bill [HL] (changed to Companies Bill [HL])
Part 8 — A company’s members
Chapter 2 — Register of members




The company must make any necessary alteration in the index within 14 days

after the date on which any alteration is made in the register of members.


The index must contain, in respect of each member, a sufficient indication to

enable the account of that member in the register to be readily found.


The index must be at all times kept available for inspection at the same place as


the register of members.


If default is made in complying with this section, an offence is committed by—


the company, and


every officer of the company who is in default.


A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on summary


conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale and in the case

of continued contravention to a daily default fine not exceeding one-tenth of

level 3 on the standard scale.


Rights to inspect and require copies


The register and the index of members’ names must be open to the




of any member of the company without charge, and


of any other person on payment of such fee as may be prescribed.


Any person may require a copy of a company’s register of members, or of any

part of it, on payment of such fee as may be prescribed.



A person seeking to exercise either of the rights conferred by this section must

make a request to the company to that effect.


The request must contain the following information—


in the case of an individual, his name and address;


in the case of an organisation, the name and address of an individual


responsible for making the request on behalf of the organisation;


the purpose for which the information is to be used; and


whether the information will be disclosed to any other person, and if



where that person is an individual, his name and address,



where that person is an organisation, the name and address of

an individual responsible for receiving the information on its

behalf, and


the purpose for which the information is to be used by that




Register of members: response to request for inspection or copy


Where a company receives a request under section 116 (register of members:

right to inspect and require copy), it must within five working days either—


comply with the request, or


apply to the court.



If it applies to the court it must notify the person making the request.


If on an application under this section the court is satisfied that the inspection

or copy is not sought for a proper purpose—


Company Law Reform Bill [HL] (changed to Companies Bill [HL])
Part 8 — A company’s members
Chapter 2 — Register of members




it shall direct the company not to comply with the request, and


it may further order that the company’s costs (in Scotland, expenses) on

the application be paid in whole or in part by the person who made the

request, even if he is not a party to the application.


If the court makes such a direction and it appears to the court that the company


is or may be subject to other requests made for a similar purpose (whether

made by the same person or different persons), it may direct that the company

is not to comply with any such request.


The order must contain such provision as appears to the court appropriate to

identify the requests to which it applies.



If on an application under this section the court does not direct the company

not to comply with the request, the company must comply with the request

immediately upon the court giving its decision or, as the case may be, the

proceedings being discontinued.


Register of members: refusal of inspection or default in providing copy



If an inspection required under section 116 (register of members: right to

inspect and require copy) is refused or default is made in providing a copy

required under that section, otherwise than in accordance with an order of the

court, an offence is committed by—


the company, and



every officer of the company who is in default.


A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on summary

conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale and, for

continued contravention, a daily default fine not exceeding one-tenth of level

3 on the standard scale.



In the case of any such refusal or default the court may by order compel an

immediate inspection or, as the case may be, direct that the copy required be

sent to the person requesting it.


Register of members: offences in connection with request for or disclosure of




It is an offence for a person knowingly or recklessly to make in a request under

section 116 (register of members: right to inspect or require copy) a statement

that is misleading, false or deceptive in a material particular.


It is an offence for a person in possession of information obtained by exercise

of either of the rights conferred by that section—



to do anything that results in the information being disclosed to

another person, or


to fail to do anything with the result that the information is disclosed to

another person,


knowing or having reason to suspect that person may use the information for


a purpose that is not a proper purpose.


A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable—


on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding

two years or a fine (or both);


on summary conviction—



Company Law Reform Bill [HL] (changed to Companies Bill [HL])
Part 8 — A company’s members
Chapter 2 — Register of members




in England and Wales, to imprisonment for a term not

exceeding twelve months or to a fine not exceeding the

statutory maximum (or both);


in Scotland or Northern Ireland, to imprisonment for a term not

exceeding six months, or to a fine not exceeding the statutory


maximum (or both).


Information as to state of register and index


When a person inspects the register, or the company provides him with a copy

of the register or any part of it, the company must inform him of the most

recent date (if any) on which alterations were made to the register and there


were no further alterations to be made.


When a person inspects the index of members’ names, the company must

inform him whether there is any alteration to the register that is not reflected

in the index.


If a company fails to provide the information required under subsection (1) or


(2), an offence is committed by—


the company, and


every officer of the company who is in default.


A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on summary

conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.



Removal of entries relating to former members


An entry relating to a former member of the company may be removed from

the register after the expiration of ten years from the date on which he ceased

to be a member.

Special cases



Share warrants


On the issue of a share warrant the company must—


enter in the register of members—


the fact of the issue of the warrant,


a statement of the shares included in the warrant,


distinguishing each share by its number so long as the share has

a number, and


the date of the issue of the warrant,




amend the register, if necessary, so that no person is named on the


register as the holder of the shares specified in the warrant.


Until the warrant is surrendered, the particulars specified in subsection (1)(a)

are deemed to be those required by this Act to be entered in the register of



The bearer of a share warrant may, if the articles of the company so provide, be


deemed a member of the company within the meaning of this Act, either to the

full extent or for any purposes defined in the articles.


Company Law Reform Bill [HL] (changed to Companies Bill [HL])
Part 8 — A company’s members
Chapter 2 — Register of members




Subject to the company’s articles, the bearer of a share warrant is entitled, on

surrendering it for cancellation, to have his name entered as a member in the

register of members.


The company is responsible for any loss incurred by any person by reason of

the company entering in the register the name of a bearer of a share warrant in


respect of the shares specified in it without the warrant being surrendered and



On the surrender of a share warrant, the date of the surrender must be entered

in the register.


Single member companies



If a limited company is formed under this Act with only one member there

shall be entered in the company’s register of members, with the name and

address of the sole member, a statement that the company has only one



If the number of members of a limited company falls to one, or if an unlimited


company with only one member becomes a limited company on re-

registration, there shall upon the occurrence of that event be entered in the

company’s register of members, with the name and address of the sole



a statement that the company has only one member, and



the date on which the company became a company having only one



If the membership of a limited company increases from one to two or more

members there shall upon the occurrence of that event be entered in the

company’s register of members, with the name and address of the person who


was formerly the sole member—


a statement that the company has ceased to have only one member, and


the date on which that event occurred.


If a company makes default in complying with this section, an offence is

committed by—



the company, and


every officer of the company who is in default.


A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on summary

conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale and in the case

of continued contravention to a daily default fine not exceeding one-tenth of


level 3 on the standard scale.


Company holding its own shares as treasury shares


Where a company purchases its own shares in circumstances in which section

162A of the Companies Act 1985 (c. 6) (treasury shares) applies—


the requirements of section 113 above (register of members) need not be


complied with if the company cancels all of the shares forthwith after

the purchase, and


if the company does not cancel all of the shares forthwith after the

purchase, any share that is so cancelled shall be disregarded for the

purposes of that section.



Company Law Reform Bill [HL] (changed to Companies Bill [HL])
Part 8 — A company’s members
Chapter 2 — Register of members




Subject to subsection (1), where a company holds shares as treasury shares the

company must be entered in the register as the member holding those shares.



Power of court to rectify register





the name of any person is, without sufficient cause, entered in or

omitted from a company’s register of members, or


default is made or unnecessary delay takes place in entering on the

register the fact of any person having ceased to be a member,


the person aggrieved, or any member of the company, or the company, may


apply to the court for rectification of the register.


The court may either refuse the application or may order rectification of the

register and payment by the company of any damages sustained by any party



On such an application the court may decide any question relating to the title


of a person who is a party to the application to have his name entered in or

omitted from the register, whether the question arises between members or

alleged members, or between members or alleged members on the one hand

and the company on the other hand, and generally may decide any question

necessary or expedient to be decided for rectification of the register.



In the case of a company required by this Act to send a list of its members to

the registrar of companies, the court, when making an order for rectification of

the register, shall by its order direct notice of the rectification to be given to the



Trusts not to be entered on register



No notice of any trust, expressed, implied or constructive, shall be entered on

the register in England and Wales or Northern Ireland, or be receivable by the



Register to be evidence


The register of members is prima facie evidence of any matters which are by


this Act directed or authorised to be inserted in it.


Time limit for claims arising from entry in register


Liability incurred by a company—


from the making or deletion of an entry in the register of members, or


from a failure to make or delete any such entry,



is not enforceable more than ten years after the date on which the entry was

made or deleted or, as the case may be, the failure first occurred.


This is without prejudice to any lesser period of limitation (and, in Scotland, to

any rule that the obligation giving rise to the liability prescribes before the

expiry of that period).



Company Law Reform Bill [HL] (changed to Companies Bill [HL])
Part 8 — A company’s members
Chapter 3 — Overseas branch registers



Chapter 3

Overseas branch registers


Overseas branch registers


A company having a share capital may, if it transacts business in a country or

territory to which this Chapter applies, cause to be kept there a branch register


of members resident there (an “overseas branch register”).


This Chapter applies to—


any part of Her Majesty’s dominions outside the United Kingdom, the

Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, and


the countries or territories listed below.












The Gambia









Sierra Leone


The Hong Kong Special



Administrative Region of the


People’s Republic of China



South Africa





Sri Lanka






Trinidad and Tobago










The Secretary of State may make provision by regulations as to the

circumstances in which a company is to be regarded as keeping a register in a

particular country or territory.


Regulations under this section are subject to negative resolution procedure.





in any Act or instrument (including, in particular, a company’s articles)

to a dominion register, or


in articles registered before 1st November 1929 to a colonial register,


are to be read (unless the context otherwise requires) as a reference to an

overseas branch register kept under this section.



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